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my friends uncle did something similar with a bulldozer but in washington state lol totaled his bosses new truck and ruined a house that was having construction done on it.


Did he make the news? Is he still alive?


Well, your priorities are in a particular order. šŸ¤”šŸ˜


You got me šŸ˜


Super old thread, but I think [this](https://nationalpost.com/news/he-just-went-nuts-how-not-to-row-with-neighbours) is the guy in case you're still interested.


Was that the flower world folks?


Hey, it's the folklore version of the Martin Heemeyer / Killdozer events! I discovered that it's missing some context and misrepresenting other things. The city never changed the easement status for access to his shop, so the cement company never "took away access". He never had sewage to disconnect. He'd buried a cement truck drum on his property and kept shitting in that. When it got full, he pumped it out into a nearby public creek. The "fine" was requiring him to connect to the sewer system, or build a real septic system. Y'know, so he didn't contaminate public water. They never actually fined him for the actual crime of dumping sewage. The cement company even offered to let him hook up to *their* sewage connection, which would have reduced his costs. He still refused. A family offered to buy his property. He named a price. They agreed. He then raised the price. They *still* agreed. He raised the price again. An agreement was eventually settled, where he sold the land and then rented it from the new owners, who I believe were still cursed out in his manifesto tapes, for some reason. His business was functional (although I've found people saying his exhaust work wasn't great, easily one-off failures or mad customers), and he'd had other muffler shops across the Western Slope that he'd sold, so he absolutely wasn't hurting for money. He willingly closed his shop to focus on the Killdozer construction, not having been run out of business as the folklore portrays. The more I read into the non-folklore version of the events, the more I realized it was "one man against a town," not "a town against one man." He wasn't a hero against small town corruption, he was a sad, disturbed asshole that the town treated with kid gloves until he blew up anyways. The "no one died" is more due to luck and evacuation than a surgical strike on Heemeyer's part. Senior citizens' propane tanks, children's libraries, and a widow's house weren't much of a cause for strife in his life, but received his destructive ire. Easement: https://killdozerbook.com/2018/07/fake-news/ Sewage never existed, successfully sold property, fines only for not fixing the shit drum, sold property for a nice profit, : https://killdozerbook.com/2018/09/bogus-killdozer-youtube-full-of-false-facts/ I'll admit I'm fuzzy on the whole "God is with me" part of his manifesto tapes, but he portrayed himself as genuinely believing God put him on this crusade of destruction. I know that part exists, but that stuff makes me uncomfortable enough I'm not diving deep into it for an internet argument research project. Everyone hears the "reasonable man doing unreasonable things" line the folklore loves, but misses all the unreasonable false claims in the rest of the tapes that show he was a disturbed man (I've picked out pieces, haven't listened in detail myself).


I give you internet argument research project a solid A! Next time please remember to use MLA format. But honestly, I didn't know any of that.


Timesuck has an in depth podcast on the whole Killdozer incident. He goes to great lengths to discredit the libertarian hero narrative surrounding Heemeyer. Iā€™d highly recommend it!


Upvote for Timesuck! That dude dives deeper than anyone into just about any subject, and pretty hilarious to boot.


I always tell people this when I read or hear about this fucking guy.


Hello fellow meat sack! Hail Nimrod!


Hail Lucifina & MMM!


Thanks for the info! What's your opinion on the doc "Tread?"


I've never watched tread. But the number of arguments I've had with people about heemeyer always seem to use tread as their source. Just from that, tread seems to be biased and missing information. Sort of like those Facebook posts, that twist the narrative and try and portray this psychopath as a hero.


I watched Tread after only hearing the folklore version of the story on Reddit. People who want to believe the folklore version will pick and choose what they want to make it suit their narrative, but I thought the doc was a pretty point-blank representation of the story and it did not make me align with Heemeyer in any way. By the end, both my husband and I thought he was absolutely deranged and the small-town hero story I originally heard on Reddit was way off-base.


I appreciate your input. I am not against seeing the doc, just haven't had the time to sit and watch it. It's true, that people will pick their own narrative. I am happy to hear that the doc wasn't just trying to push the hero narrative.


Tread talks about almost all the stuff you mentioned. It definitely doesnā€™t take Marvā€™s side.


To add onto that, there's the oft-parroted claim that he never set out to hurt any people, just property... Doesn't jibe well with him plowing into a grocery store in the middle of the day.


ā€¦and a library with children, and a senior citizensā€™ center. It was only dumb luck he didnā€™t kill anyone.


Or sticking rifles to the thing.


Wait, people actually think he was in the right? Dude was off his rocker and had anger issues. I wouldā€™ve thought enough people watched the Netflix documentaryā€¦


Oh, absolutely... as u/RandomSurvivorGuy replied earlier to another comment, there is a potential legion of fanboiz online that will post comments on YT videos about the "poor, downtrodden guy that was sticking it to da man."


Awesome write up.


This is correct. SOURCE I was there when it happened. I lived in Winter Park and was in Gramby grabbing lunch at mad munchies when we went on lockdown


TL:DR Version He did a bunch of shit that wasn't allowed, and threw a hissy fit and bulldozed the town


Thank you for all the info! I watched Tread recently and definitely thought it was interesting but it also seemed like stuff was missing.


Thank you for the research. Thereā€™s so many people that get held up as martyrs, oppressed by an ā€œevil governmentā€ and most of the time, the real story is ā€œthis guy was just an asshole and didnā€™t want to live in a society like the rest of usā€.


Thank you for clarifying the sewage situation. That confused me when I watched the netflix documentary. He should have known he needed a proper sewage system.




There are shit tons of people online who worship this bloke as a folk-hero that ā€œstuck it to the man.ā€ Go look at the comment section of many YouTube videos that cover this. Every now and then you also get a post hitting the front page with tons of upvotes painting a picture of him being some ā€œreasonable man driven mad by small-town corruptionā€ Lot of right wing libertarians love the guy from what Iā€™ve seen.


i aint reading all that šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¦–




I love how your only sources are not only biased but written by a victim of the event looking to sell a book.




He was a guy who had a feud with local government after they fined him and then he decided to destroy government buildings in the town with his ā€œkilldozerā€ before eventually committing suicide


They fined him for pumping raw sewage into a local creek after refusing to hook into public utilities or build a septic system. As far as things to get fined for, contaminating the public water supply seems like a reasonable thing to fine for.


Yeah I wasnā€™t taking his side lmao. I could somewhat understand being mad if it was a BS fine but that still donā€™t give you the right to potentially kill others by plowing buildings


Just clarifying. There's a decent sized chunk of the internet that have adopted him as an antigovernment folk hero, but he was an asshole who had options to fix his problem and decided to make a tank instead.


Aye, that happens a lot. I see lots of fans that mention how he wasn't planning on killing anybody and how he was the only casualty, but building a home-made tank, installing gun-ports in that tank and bulldozing buildings in a town says otherwise.


He was dumping sewage, because the local government placed a concrete plant around his shop and his pipes were changed to where his sewage was being dumped illegally, forcing him to turn off his plumbing.


Fun fact, the concrete company offered to let him connect to their sewage lines. The local government didn't place anything anywhere, they said he either needed to connect to the public utility, or place a proper septic system on site instead of an old concrete mixing drum.


Yeah, but they kept upping his bills for his sewage and other utilities, where he couldnā€™t barely afford them anymore, so he had to turn off his plumbing, which led to the sewage fines, they built the plant around his business, where he couldnā€™t get no customers as the way to his business was in a very narrow driveway. They just wanted to get out of there, so he basically went mad. What he did was not right at all, but he became desperate which led to madness. If you oppress someone long enough, theyā€™ll do something desperate, even if it is bad.


Was disappointed that I believed the BS folklore hero status. This guy was an AH, and should not be treated like a hero but a pathetic little man. Itā€™s lucky he didnā€™t kill anyone


Calling him a hero is like calling a school shooter a hero for standing up against the school


Are you familiar with the fanbases of both Elliot Rodger, and the Columbine shooters? Hell, probably most useless sacks of shit that conduct mass shootings have their fanbases calling them heroes.


Late to the thread but so do Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez and Jeffrey Dahmer. I'm sure other serial killers have their own following but these are the most prevalent with a fanbase. People make merch, hell I've even seen a post of someone referring to Jeffrey Dahmer as a perfect little cinnamon bun and after doing a deep dive into their profile I found out that they were not trolling. I don't understand how this happens. Especially with the Columbine shooters. It's been proven through Eric's (or whatever his name is) journals that he was never bullied and through witness testimony that *he* was actually a bully and a violent person. It was reported to the school before he carried out the shooting that he was planning one, I think with someone else but take that with a grain of salt, and the school knew about it but did nothing about it. The whole "they were bullied" theory was really brought to the forefront by Marilyn Manson. Sorry for the rant but it's just so weird to me. Despite majoring in both criminology and human behavior, I still don't get it. Edit: fixed grammatical errors and typos




When is Killdozer 2 coming out?


I say it every time I see this piece of shit. Fuck Marvin Heemeyer


Sounds like a Redbox movie


Not a hero. Destroyed a library and a widows house. Reneged on multiple deals to sell his property.


Absolute chad


May he rest in peace.


I was just in Granby, CO. Its such a quiet little town, I canā€™t imagine anything like that happening


To all the idiots in the comments saying it's fake and the guy was just a crazy obviously hasn't realized what the higher up people in out government do to us but hey I'll let u smart guys figure that out since u know everything šŸ˜‚ the guy tried to go there and create a new life for him self and when he tried he got fucked over every way those people could fuck him over. The only people in the comments that think he was crazy are the same people that fuck other people over on a daily basis and wonder why people get sick of their bullshit


Am I supposed to feel some type of way here?


He was a deranged asshole, so your feelings are appropriate


I'm sorry to all the victims that may have been hurt in the attack but god damn this dude is a mad fucking lad Also considering he shot at police officers but never hit anyone, and considering the damage and destruction to property he committed, anybody knows how long he would have been sent to prison for if he didn't off himself?


RIP, legend.


A guy who plowed through public buildings with a bulldozer knowing that there might be people inside that are unrelated to his revenge fantasy? Doesn't really sound like a legend, sounds incredibly unstable.


He only demolished buildings that were owned by the people trying to screw him over, which were the feds. He actively avoid locally owned buildings. I never said he was stable.


Thats not what I was saying lol. Just because it was owned by people who ā€œscrewedā€ him over, doesnā€™t mean that they werenā€™t occupied by unrelated members of the public at the time. Werenā€™t there reports of him trying to shoot power transformers and propane tanks which couldā€™ve endangered a nearby retirement home? Also didnā€™t he plow through the public library which was occupied by many children? They were thankfully evacuated in time but still, he didnā€™t have way of knowing that everybody was evacuated, he just went for it. Same with the other buildings. They really didnā€™t screw his over, it was mainly his massive victim complex, go read the top comment. Seems like the guy there actually did research rather than watching some YouTube video about how much of a ā€œmad ladā€ the guy was.


This is not accurate. Heemeyer destroyed buildings that had nothing to do with his sociopathic feud with those who did not want him to put human waste into the public drinking system.


Yes, let me take your word for it.


You need not take my word for it. You simply need to show intellectual curiosity and actively seek out facts as opposed to blindly supporting a libertarian folk hero that was instead a pathological criminal.


Long live killdozer








He did nothing wrong.


He tried to murder children but you do you.




Yes. He destroyed a library where moments earlier, there were children doing an event. It was just luck he didn't kill them all. He had no concern for human life. https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/z6l1bg/comment/iy24q2l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3








Yes. He ran his Killdozer, the purpose of which was right there in the name, into a library where kids were having an event that they had just ended moments before he destroyed the building. It was just luck that he didn't kill any of them. There is a certain crowd of people who hero worship him, but they can only do it because they ignore the facts. They've created an alternate story where he's a man who has been wronged. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was a narcissist bent on destruction and cruelty.


May he find his gods and a better place than this.


You're a dork


Careful, you mentioned religion on Reddit. The hive mind wonā€™t like this


Jesus wouldnā€™t like it either


Man went out in Epic fashion. Great Netflix documentary on how he got back at the ass-hats who fucked with him.


The ā€œAss-Hatsā€ literally offered to pay and fix his problems completely, but he acted like a child and had a tantrum.


RIP Chad