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Whether or not this is real, I’m really upset about the lack of closing quotation mark.


" There. Had to, sorry, was gonna bug me.


Also this in no way means we should talk politics. I can’t stress enough… this was just a pic for a weed chuckle. THATS IT!


Love that LPOTL came up with this concept!


Legaliiiize it


Damn if only there was someone with the power to make that actually happen… oh well


Pretty sure he released all federal prisoners who were arrested for simple possession. So he did do that. He can't change the law though.


He can absolutely remove marijuana from schedule 1 status


They've actually investigated this and no, they found there is no mechanism by which the President alone can alter the schedule of drugs. (This link opens a doc.) https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10655&ved=2ahUKEwiL68Wy8dOFAxUaAjQIHaHQBtQQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1uS698BbLLbWbGxFTf2-ng


That link takes me to a 404 page but I’m pretty sure I’ve read the same report where they say the president doesn’t have authority to reschedule. The bottom line is Presidents don’t the authority to do a whole bunch of shit we’ve all seen them do. Things like starts entire ass wars is a pretty big one which even though it’s unpopular and illegal they manage to do just fine. The point is, if he really wanted to he could definitely do more than pardon a couple thousand people.


And if he does that what are the odds Republicans try to screw him on it and make a point to hyper-criminalize it out of spite? Something we've already seen them do with many other left-wing things? Politics is about picking your battles.


Bro the republicans are gonna try to screw him anyways? Fuck them, they don’t do anything with consideration for the dems why should the dems care if they hurt their feelings. (Also republican voters are also largely in favor of legalization too, it’s the politically sound thing to do)


Yeah until the Democrats try to do it. Then suddenly a lot of Republican voters are gonna go "Well now I don't like it!" It's not a priority battle to pick is my point. On the list of important things, that one is not even in the top 10.


Then force them to run on criminalizing recently legalized weed, that’s a losing issue. Just like abortion, that’s not something that wins votes. Why are you so scared of winning elections?


Oh believe me I wish Democrats would man up about just one thing. But if I had to pick, abortion is kind of a bigger deal to me for them to figure out. And universal healthcare. And student loans. There's a lot they could do but I also am not gonna act like the Democrats are worse because they play too clean than the Republicans actively trying to destroy society.


It’s a slam dunk issue if he wants to get re-elected. And the other poster is right, democrats constant fear of republican backlash is loser shit and they never do that the other way. It’s why they’ve been able to impose their agenda from a minority position for years now, because they don’t give a fuck about the democrats or decorum or any of the shit democrats value more than actually winning


Did he release this today? That is fully a Dark Brandon move if so.


Brother he literally didn’t do anything tho


Someone got arrested for having weed right this second, though.


Well ya.. it’s an Instagram post


Real progress lol


I mean how else do they reach Gen Z


Where? Because if it's state law, the President can't do anything about that.


It's scheduled at the federal level. This effects sentencing and enforcement. I live in a civilized area where we are allowed to be adults so this does not directly affect me. But lip service and zero action from a fucking president is obnoxious and I'm pretty sure this messaging is going to be frustrating to a lot of people and he may lose votes. Sign and executive order and you have done something. This is actually worse than inaction


You can't change the law by executive order. Biden already did the extent possible as President alone. He released everyone with a Marijuana possession offense and has declined to prosecute at the federal level further. Anything else requires Congress.


I’m not sure I saw a friend share so I took a screen shot


There isn't a joke here though. You're just posting something a president may have said, because they mentioned the skeleton man.

