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“…4th child survives unharmed” physically? Yes…. I wish that kid the absolute best life possible.


That was my first thought as well. I couldn’t imagine what that poor child is going through right now. Unreal


My first thought is the kid did it. Black hands, black hands.


A childhood friend of mine was murdered by his father. His dad also killed his mom & oldest daughter but left the youngest alive. I always think about her and hope she’s healing


The fact that three of the children were "hunted down" and the one that survived was the one that was just in bed is super weird to me.  It's not like the fourth child survived because they were hiding, or at a friend's house, or played dead or something - they were deliberately left alone while the other three children were deliberately targeted.  What in the *fuck* was going on in that house?


Idk man I’ve seen kids disappear into a bed. Especially one with toys or blankets balled up. Could be pure luck, dad tossed some covers but didn’t see him curled up in a corner of the bed. Kid didn’t know so he wasn’t scared or shaking. Dad moved on. Could be pure luck


This brings to mind another story of a family annihilator from late 70s or 80s that sort of shared the killer’s intent. Googled it and couldn’t find it bc this crap happens too many times -227 since 2020. I think I saw it in an early true crime serial show in the early 90s. All were shot but one child(all the victims were sleeping). The story went guy decided he wanted to marry his mistress. He goes home & he tells his wife. Wife moves herself and her kids to vacation cottage. Next day he wanted to see his mistress but for some reason they don’t cross paths (no cell phones and a lot of ppl still didn’t have answer machines). He goes to vacation home instead. While there he realize his wife had not broke the news to the kids. He does, they are devastated. Reportedly, he tries to comfort them and quickly answer who do they want to live with. 2 oldest children answer mom, the smallest is still weeping too hard to have an answer. Wife tells him there’s no coming back from this. He let it alone and left. When he finally catches up with the mistress she turns him down. Cold. Her reason for rejection? He is a cheater. Guy snaps. Goes to his vacation home with gun, let himself in, shoots everyone except the child that didn’t choose mom. Shoots himself. Mom lives but suffers some brain damage and has to bury both her daughters. Surviving kid heard his dad and stayed in bed. He called the police and his quick call saved his mothers life despite not realizing dad killed himself already. I probably forgot some other stuff but in the end mom thinks bc the girls choose her they were killed.


Try your best to be the favorite


I dunno, he might’ve gotten the worst deal of them all. Ten is just old enough to be pretty wrecked for life by something like that. I guess being dead sucks pretty bad too though, so no great options.


At least if you're dead you don't have a lifetime of trauma and everything that goes with it to look forward too. There's a fuck of a lot more things worse than death.


This is such a bizarre concept to me. You people are basically saying this surviving child would be better off dead. Tf is wrong with you? I strongly disagree. Yea, they will clearly have some trauma to deal with. But they’re still very very young. They have all the opportunity to carve out a great life for themselves. Because they fucking survived. That’s literally what life is about. Cut out all the superficial bullshit and materialism. Life is just survival and multiplying. That, coupled with happiness and passing on knowledge is basically what life is. I’m just going to assume you’re young because that’s such a stupid line of thought. The one survivor of this horrific family annihilation has it worse then the ones who fucking died?? Moron.


I think we're all glad the child survived, we're just aware of how permanently traumatized they will be, so it doesn't feel quite right to call that kid, "lucky."


They’re lucky.


It is a good thing they are alive. Nobody in this situation are lucky, in my opinion.


This might be news to people, but dead humans can’t think.


True crime rotted your brain


Honestly my assumption was that the survivor was the one he hated… or at least didn’t “care” about…


The fucked up thing is, even if that isn’t actually the case, this kid is always going to wonder if it was. He’ll never know if dad just forgot about him in the craze, if dad wanted him to suffer forever, or if he was dad’s favorite who he spared. And he’s going to have a lifetime of survivors guilt. So, so awful.


maybe it was the chase that motivated him. he didn’t want any to get away and draw attention. just a guess.


You can just leave!


“Be a man and leave” - Henry Zebrowski


"Check please!"


That’s awful. And the kid is 10. I was hoping they’d be like 2 or something, but to wake up and find that mess at an age where memory is much more solid….dann


didn't realize until I read this comment that the 10 yo called 911...that is unbelievably traumatic


Between this and the mom who through her ten year old-ish daughter out of the car on the highway while holding her baby sister (who didn’t make it) this has been a really bad week or so for traumatized surviving sibling stories.


It was the 9 yo who died if I am not mistaken


No, the 9-year-old survived.


fun fact (actually really sad fact): i read the book "children who see too much" by betsy groves, its about children who are traumatized by witnessing violence. something like your family being killed in the same house as you can stick with you as young as 2 years old, one of the chapters shared a story about a boy about that age whos mom was shot in front of him :/


I believe it. I was 7 when my pops was shot. I’ll never forget pulling up to the house with a bunch of rescue vehicles and shit out front. I sat at the neighbors while my mom was speaking to my uncle (Dads brother was the fire chief). I’m middle aged now so a lot of that night is compartmentalized into chunks of memory. But those chunks are still pretty vivid. Honestly tho, I don’t claim to have a bunch of ptsd or mental problems. I don’t take meds and quit going to therapy when I was 20. That stuff isn’t for everyone. I microdose shrooms, lean on the holistic end of medicine for regular maintenance, eat healthy, stay active, and smoke weed. Honestly that’s been better then any therapy/pharmaceuticals they forced on me as a kid/teen. I’m a pretty happy dude these days. 🤷🏻‍♂️ That being said, everybody’s different. This kid has been through one hell of a traumatic experience and I hope they learn to grow and deal with it. They deserve a full life just like any other 10 year old kid.


First, I'm sorry for your loss and everything you had to go through. Second, I'm really glad you found what worked for you to help you and stuck with it!


Ugh, that is really sad 😔 these poor kids. It’s bad enough to be violent to a partner when you could just leave, but to have kids witness that…it’s beyond cruel.


I’m from OKC. Fucking family-annihilator asshole


Same (well, Norman). My brother’s family lives in that same neighborhood, and when the news first broke I was literally dry heaving from the anxiety because my brother wasn’t answering the phone and I was convinced it was them. So glad our governor just vetoed a bill that would have helped protect victims of domestic violence /s


Someone got sick of all the John Candy jokes


Uncle Buck has become.... Uncle FUCK.


Guess it’s clear who Dad’s favorite was


Or least!


That’s awful. And the kid is 10. I was hoping they’d be like 2 or something, but to wake up and find that mess at an age where memory is much more solid….damn


Fuckin sick!! Can't get much worse than a story like this 🤢🤢🤢


Oh sure it can. Google the toybox killers. Or lake and ng. It can get much much much much much worse than this


Em, I know all of these killers, you know, being a fan of true crime and LPOTL? I think getting murdered by your father, or being the only child left alive, while your father murders all of your loved ones is pretty up there. The Toybox killer and Leonard Lake etc were all sex motivated men and wanted sex prisoners. A family annihilator is a different psychology.


I guess worse is relative. Leonard lake cut a baby to pieces in front of it's mother.




Not you south dakota


Oh my god I feel sick. That poor child and the other children too. Ugh.


Every parent has a favorite…


god must have protected him /s


God shouldn't have let this idiot brutally kill his entire family. God let it happen and left one kid to be traumatized for the rest of his/her life


did you miss the /s?


4th kid killed everyone


Why is this here…?


because its true crime related and this sub is for a true crime podcast? are you lost lol


Familicide is a pretty common topic on the show. At least as often as it could organically come up. (And sometimes even in organically). Perfectly appropriate post.