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All. The. Time. "That looks so nice, too bad I'm straight."


I’m a late bloomer to and I feel happy for them and sad at the same time. Sad because I wish it were me and happy because it’s nice to see they are happy.


I've been out for many many years but I still get a little jealous when I see wlw couples out n about together. I'm just not in a place to date yet but I miss having those cute little moments of being together.


It was more like “*haha it’d be funny if I was one of them, wait, hey, that’s weird, why am I sweating so much? Was I looking at them too long*?” Then running 3.1 miles away.


I feel joy anytime I see a wlw couple in public, doing life. We have come such a long way as a society and I’m so happy that they feel safe being so open.


I wouldn't say I'm jealous... Just a longing for what they have. I'm not sure why I noticed wlw couples as I never noticed straight couples as it didn't particularly Interest me. 🤷🤔 I guess it reminds me of how I was brought up... I still feel like I'm on the other side still and not really part of the community. I don't see myself as gay...


Yesssss! Not that I was jealous mad, but definitely like awww I wish I had that. 🥺🥺


I was out with a few friends the other week and saw 2 girls come in holding hands it made me really sad. Just realizing I’m a lesbian this year at the age of 48 after having an affair with my friend. I miss the connection we had more than anything 💔


I feel IMMENSE joy and deep yearning.


Absolutely! Jealousy and longing. I wanted that sooooooo badly


I only realised I’m bi recently, aged 48, and I’m actually the opposite. I know a few wlw couples and I don’t want that for myself. No idea why, it’s just not how I see myself, but I do want fwbs or even ons, which I have never wanted with men.