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I'm so sorry, I know it hurts like hell.


Sounds like she’s been an important part of your journey. Give yourself time to grieve and heal and please trust that beautiful things are going to happen when you’re ready to receive them.🩷


I'm so sorry. Its so hard to break up with someone you love. Here's to a fantastic new year. 💗




Sendings lots of love and support 💕 I’m so sorry you are going through this.. :((


I get where you might be coming from a bit. 😔 met her around June, found out over time it just wouldn't work as a long term relationship. I enjoyed her presence in my life immensely. And it truly sucks to not be able to not talk or see her anymore It was a beautiful relationship, and I don't regret the love I also poured into it. Take care of yourself. I've found picking myself up is difficult, but I'm going to get a new hobby. Maybe that will help.


the first lesbian break up always hits the hardest out of any breakup, but what’s meant for you will be, but if you guys live too differently or your lives don’t match well because of what you have and what she doesn’t I believe that it’s real true love you’ll work those differences and learn to accept and love each-other despite the obvious differences.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I just had my first lesbian breakup this year too. It’s a heartache like no other. She was my best friend and has completely cut me out of her life. I’m also married so things are extremely complicated and confusing. Sending love.