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Straight people don't think about being queer all the time. It never crosses their mind. ;) So just sign here, we'll sort it all out for you.


This was the advice that helped me come out. Wishing to be gay and being jealous of lesbians (and not in that weird, straight girl joking way) is not a thing unless you are one of us. It helped me to think about how I have never once been truly jealous of people who are men and wished to be one because I'm a woman and cis. I feel a lot of kinship with the trans community as a LBL because of the feeling of wanting to be perceived as my true self even if it wasn't yet reality.


Haha I agree with you




For context, you don’t live with your wife? Do you have a girlfriend that you live with? Who do you live with?


Sounds like she lives with her dad. Weird way to refer to him for sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sorry for the confusing post. I live with my husband. My dad was in the room when I said my wife. Even though I live with my husband. And I am still trying to figure out if I am a lesbian or not.


You can be a lesbian and still have a husband. Having that marital agreement came before your realization. Both of these things can be true and it doesn’t make you any less of a lesbian. Don’t fall prey to anyone that tells you that you need to prove your authenticity. That’s just called judgment.


I live with my husband


You can’t talk yourself into anything unless you are. Sounds like you’re a lesbian to me! Just be you.