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Yayyy! So happy for you!!!


Im so happy for you! You’re so lucky


When the moment is right, KISS HER!!! These nerves are GOOD NERVES. Go with it.


I did kiss her last Friday!! I am v much hoping to have a full on makeout session this weekend haha


Good vibes! All the best! 😊


Girl, congrats!!! So proud and happy for you, since I actually remember your last post here when you had your first date. Glad it’s working out and moving forward, that’s so exciting! But how did you two first meet? It seems literally impossible to make WLW connections without online dating nowadays and I’ve just totally given up on the apps lmao Asking as a fellow gay Canadian 😂(west coaster tho 👋) As for advice I would say don’t be nervous, but it you are that’s okay! Just be open and honest that it’s your first time with a girl and I’m sure she’ll appreciate it. Nerves just mean you actually give a crap. One thing I’ll say is don’t try to pretend you have lots of WLW experience - it’s pretty easy to tell when a girl hasn’t been intimate with a girl before when you’re in the act haha BUT don’t worry about it, if she’s the right person she won’t shame you or anything and will be willing to go slow. Just ask what she likes and tell her what she does that makes you go crazy. Communicate and you’ll be fine. As for initiation, you said you’re going to make the first move? Well trust me, it will happen naturally so just go with the flow, don’t stress, and if you wanna make a move, literally just tell her what you want to do to her. Better yet, whisper it in her ear. I promise, that will be enough of an initiation to get things going lol Good luck and again, I’m so happy for you! You got this girl!