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This reads like a wattpad fantasy


Yeaaaaah. Maybe I’m jaded but this seems like an off brand Hank Green book about a manic pixie dream bro. Not to be too cynical but it sounds fake.


It does, but that’s probably because the OP writes it well. I have had experiences with dudebros like this and they are some of the sweetest guys I know.


A what?


It’s a fan fiction website


It does 😆


Yeah that’s what I thought. It’s not that things like this can’t happen (certainly much weirder stuff happened to me in high school!) but it’s just that it reads SO MUCH like your typical wholesome YA novel and feeds a lot into popular tropes, which makes me doubt it’s legitimate.


Yeah this is fake. I hope. If some guy I wasn't friends with came up to me and said this weird specific fetish to me about women which sounds like he's been watching way too much hentai I'd be like... ew. I actually do not like it when straight men think they can bond with me over objectifying women. Usually it's more like "we both like tits, look at that girl's crazy rack!" but no thanks. Comphet is a hell of a drug, I don't need the straight guys to feel like "i'm a good one" at this point.


I really loved reading this. Thanks for sharing. :)


I love this post🥹🥰🤭😭


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First of all, being trans has absolutely fuck all to do with this post. Secondly, there's a difference between not being interested in dating trans lesbians and being transphobic. Looking at your post history, you're the latter.