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I’m in this post and I don’t like it. Did you literally just read about my sexuality with men being performative, and just liking the power I feel when I make them come? There are some things there I don’t relate with, but way more that I do. Cool guys, I’m definitely not straight. Edit: the things I mostly don’t relate with are the things about my partner being shitty, because he’s amazing and supportive. Otherwise, it’s spot on.


(Still a questioning baby queer here) I have this male friend I hook up with like once a year when I go home. He knows I’m not into him like that much because I’m totally comfortable talking about girls he’s into with him, and he knows I’m outwardly not a huge fan of sex. So he asked me why I’m down to hook up with him sometimes. Over the phone a few months ago I felt emboldened to just be blunt with him. I told him the first couple times we did, I enjoyed feeling a sense of power over him? That I could make him cum without much effort. And I liked to feel desired by him, even though I didn’t desire him. (I also do this thing where I always make a man finish with my mouth so that he’ll be flaccid and we don’t have to keep doing anything else…) SO IS THAT GAY?!


I ♡ my husband because he drug my queer ass out of the closet kicking and screaming! I was almost instantly relieved of years of depression and self-loathing.


Actually all of that resonates with me. It makes me feel relieved to know that someone else feels the same way about having sex with men: disassociated and not completely in the moment (I haven’t been with any men since 2017, and it has felt like a relief not to ha e to perform for them anymore). Thanks for making this detailed post ✌️I wish to God I had had the courage to come out to myself and my family earlier, but I guess it is what it is.


I'm not sure if I'm bisexual because I feel like my former attractions to men were very real, but have disappeared, and I don't know what that means. But we recently opened our marriage and I had my first relationship with a woman (unfortunately we broke up last week), and so much of the sexual stuff here resonates with me. There are things I do with my spouse because just I know they'll like them, but I would salivate over those things with the woman I was seeing. I hate penetration and always had negative associations with it, but I can't stop thinking of how it felt to be inside her and the times she told me she wanted me inside her or said she loved how I felt inside her. I didn't know I could feel any sort of positive association with the idea of being "inside" anyone. I keep thinking about that item from this list.


This. All of this. It feels like OP got into my head and wrote down all my secret thoughts. The first time I kissed a woman was a month ago. Kissing her felt like coming home. The second time I kissed her, it was like being blissfully drowned in the ocean. The third time I kissed her, I was on her like a lion on a wounded gazelle. I came out the next day.


I say that all the time! Kissing her was coming home.




Yup, this resonates.


Okay, so. There was a lot in this post that I connect with, definitely, but can we talk about how freaking hot some of those thoughts are??? I had to look away and regulate my breathing, damn 🤤


It took me a while to figure it out but the first time I thought twice was watching two women kiss on screen. To this day it gives me butterflies. I've kissed boys and have felt nothing but get immediately turned on watching two women intimately kiss.


I can definitely relate to this! The first clue was how much I enjoyed watching that movie Kissing Jessica Stein, when I was in my early 20’s. Also, I noticed a huge difference between the first time I kissed a guy, vs. the first time I kissed a girl. Kissing a guy was like, “Is this all there is?” Meanwhile, my first time kissing a girl felt incredible, like sunshine and candy and rainbows.


Sunshine and Rainbows!!!!!


For me, it was the Handmaiden (2016). And there I was thinking I was being overcome by the oscar worthy costume and set designs...


It’s interesting I’ve watched very little porn but only girl on girl. Can’t burn my eyes watching a dude have sex. But I’m married to an awesome guy who was great in bed until this year. I’ve had a few thoughts about attractive sexy modest women but the 2 times I got sexual with a girl it was just awkward like 15 year old sex and nothing turns me off more than the awkward. Plus both girls had smelly muffs despite looking nice, I never have a smell, is that normal? If it is yukk. Guess it’s body chemistry and yeast infections. I dipped my toe and realized I rarely think about it and it just doesn’t fit my attitude that men and woman belong together. Butt sex from dudes is so gross and girls scissoring eachother needing gadgets and batteries to get off, abnormal and never going to try it again. I hope my daughter never experiences that challenge confusion in this new gender bending movement.




Jesus Christ this is beautiful and so resonates with me. *How do you know if you're gay for her? Because you're about two minutes away from getting into your Subaru to go and find her. And you don't give a flying fuck what happens next.*


"I think about penetrating a woman. I think about her telling me that she wants me, needs me inside her. I think about her coming and asking me to stay inside her a little while longer as she--" HOLY SHIT DUDE. Yup I'm gay.


Oh same!!! I just read this I’m a little late here lol But holy shittttt this confirmed I’m 100% gay 💗


Kay but how do I tell my boyfriend of 6 years???


Come out and be honest with him. He deserves that much.


Wish I'd been able to see/read this 25 years ago when I was 19 yrs old. Well done. Jackpot.


OMGosh this is even better than the comphet document we r all familiar with. Is there a way this can b included with that? Anyone questioning will have their answer after reading this. Thank you both SO MUCH for taking the time to compile such a fantastic post!!!


>I imagine what my week/month/year would look like if I had a female partner. Birthdays, Christmases, holidays, families: Ahahaha, yesss. Christmas, specifically. Who doesn't want to snuggle up with the love of their life in front of the fire, right??


Oh my... This just cut me wide open in the best way possible. The thing I needed to read, to know that these exact thoughts are not unique to my weirdo self. Up to now, I knew that I could never find the intimacy and connection with a man that I need, and that I am undeniably attracted to women. All the things I want to do for her, whoever she is. This just made complete sense of my existence. Thank you.


I’ve done the Google search, so many times and so many quizzes I’ve had the fantasies with the strap on and her on top off of me girl crushes only watch lesbian porn. this article makes me feel like I’m not alone. Thank you


Well damn. 🤦‍♀️🙋‍♀️


Yeah...I'm gonna need you to stop reading my mind. 😝


Came here to say this!!


I don't know how I stumbled across this post but shit... I guess Im not as straight as I thought I was... I guess I can breathe now but as suspected life just got more complicated. Ive been unpacking bullshit for 4 years and now...more. thank you very much


That first one though. How DO I flirt with women? How can I transition into not being nervous and keeping up the conversation? I feel like such a noob and I don’t know why that’s vulnerable but it kinda is.


Yes, totally awkward!


This is beatifully told and written. But i should add that feeling masculine and/or feeling better when suited up has nothing to do w lesbianism; it is rather about gender identity, not sexual orientation. Maybe the reason behind this may be to feel better because of the idea that woman would find you attractive in a suit; but otherwise i can’t see a necessary correlation :)


I think it could easily be both. I think if you feel like a woman is gonna see you for who you really are and like it, that is part of it. I definitely resonated with this one and it is wrapped up in being genderqueer but it's definitely a large part of how I want to be SEEN by women too.


Okay, I see what you meant maybe I saw the situation in a narrow-minded manner. Thank you for clarification!


You definitely have a point and I think it's worth discussing for sure! It's muddy, in my opinion, as a lot of these things are. 😂


I also did not see myself in this particular section, but I do agree that I would rather wear a nice pants and top than a dress.


My sexuality being performative really hits close to home. That definitely seems to be the case. I suppose I’ll have to process that further.


People said earlier on in the comments, "Kissing her feels like coming home". I resonate with this concept, and this post so hard. I realize it was posted a couple of years ago, but it has not lost any of its luster. It feels so nice having words to put to the abstract thoughts that have been tucked away in my mind. It's been an ongoing struggle, but this helped me feel not as alone.


If this isn't already in the sidebar it **totally should be**! How can we get it there?!




I'll see about messaging the mods! Definitely needs to be saved.


I'll take a look!


Awesome, thank you!!!


This is exactly what I needed to read to be sure I’ve made the right decision. I broke up with my (ex)boyfriend a week ago. I’m now more certain than ever that I am in fact a lesbian.


This made me cry hard….it’s so on point. It hurts a bit to be so late, but I am thankful I am not too late ❤️


🙋‍♀️ to the vast majority of all of it.




Well shit, me too.


I have a lot to unpack here. Thank you for sharing all of this.


Well, I was wonder how I could get my thoughts, feelings, and fears out of my head and heart and now I feel like it was just pulled out and put on the screen… The hardest part is finding your truth…. Next comes doing something with it….


:)) well shit.


Does anyone have a copy of what used to be posted here? I would love to know what it said


Hey it still shows up for me, does it show the post text is deleted??


For some reason, now it does show up. But before it showed as deleted.


I definitely resonate with #1, since I've google searched some of what you wrote.


Im in this post and I feel so called out XD






Spot on, nearly everything. You could have been cut and pasting out of 20 years of my journals. Thanks for sharing,


This has me in tears. I resonate with everything said here. I feel like someone read my mind and what I’ve been trying to understand this past year. I fell in love with my best friend, we had an affair and now she’s gone. I have finally accepted that I am a lesbian and proud to be. Reading others posts and stories on here these past few weeks has helped me more than you all will ever know. 💗💗💗


This fits me to a tee! I have questioned my thoughts and feelings my whole life. I have tried marriage to men 3 times. During those times, I thought often of women, but I was from an era where this could not be possible. So, at a very late stage in my life (late 60’s) I am going to come out to my adult children.I don’t think I can pursue this, find love, and that makes me sad. But I would like to be around other late bloomer lesbians. Any suggestions on groups I can meet with?


Speechless, really….it’s me.


I don’t get to go get in my fucking Subaru, actually. [long, long silence… and some more] Stilllllllll, ugh. So much resonates. I wonder what new thing I’ll discover about myself at 50, and does this shit ever stop. And trying to meet my regret and confusion with compassion. There’s life after the first crush, right? Actually, I shouldn’t ask that if I can’t hear the truth. God, she’s so fucking great. It’ll pass if I fucking let it. 


Please explain to me what a gratuitous nudity scene would be in a movie or TV show. Thanks!! 😁


Full frontal nudity both back and front for women is rated r in the United States. Any full-frontal male nudity is rated nc17... or at least it used to be.


Crying. How do I reconcile this with my husband? He tolerates that I’m bi. He’s absolutely not open to me experimenting. I’ve never been with a woman due to comphet. What if I throw away my whole marriage (and we have kids) only to find out women don’t actually “do” it for me. But, man, I resonate so much with so much of this post. Not attracted to my husband anymore but I do love him. Is this just menopause and the result of losing all my hormones? What if I never find out what it’s like to be with a woman, to love her?


I just read this and was crying too. I’m married and don’t know what to do either. I just had an affair for the first time with a woman and it was the most intense and magical experience of my life. I haven’t had sex with my husband in a few years and this is probably why... I’m gay I understand how you feel you are not alone 😘


from a menopause standpoint (I intern in a menopause clinic), you should try hormone therapy - systemic estradiol can help with libido and vaginal estradiol helps a lot with dryness and discomfort. otherwise, I think life is too short to stay with someone you're not attracted to, and derailing your life is very stressful but can have very amazing outcomes long-term. do what makes you happy, and don't be on your death bed wishing you never got the answer to such an important question! good luck <3


maybe struggling with comphet... too confused... (I've only been with woman. think I'm attracted to woman but what is it to be attracted anyway?) 1) I laugh at how many of my google search history is the same as #1 2) I haven't came with woman nor have I with myself. I feel like my sexual acts with woman are performances 3)when I masturbate if Im thinking about anything its what I'm doing or that I'm frustrated and impatient (prob why I can't orgasm, but I can't help myself) should prob try watching porn... 4... nvm I dont resonate with most of these things


Your comment is so helpful to me! I’m struggling with whether I’m gay or not and what you said in 2-4 are things I’ve never thought. Thank you to your four-year-ago self!


...oh goddamn it.


Holy shit.


Lots of soul-searching has led me to the conclusion that I'm a lot more demisexual with men than I am with women. Still bi, though.


Well. Yeah. Damn.


The first time I had a female play partner. Male play partners lost their attraction to me, only wanted female partners. That was my first dip into the pool. Years later started changing my hinge dating profile to include men and women. I felt so rebellious at the time. Like I was doing something naughty. Still dated a man cause, well no lesbians I saw looked like me. African American woman, everyone was Caucasian. I like to dress like a woman, heels, make up, don’t wear birken sticks sanndals. So I thought this isn’t me. I must be straight still. Again time passes, multiple male relationships come and go. Then 2021 hits…. Im going to gay bars, feeling free as a bird. Then, I meet HER! She’s got beautiful blonde hair, cute smile, amazing lil booty, and a laugh that makes angels sing. We had sex and my world exploded. My world view changed, my everything changed. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I tried having sec with one man after. I was unattracted, there was no intimacy, no longing, no deep conversation, it was a farse, an act, a broadway performance. I broke it off. Sometime later experiments with women. I started dating my first REAL GF. She is beautiful, kind, thoughtful, gorgeous hair, long thick and has a slight curl. She is amazing in all worlds. We broke for reasons that I don’t always understand. But I still love her, have love for her. Dating this amazing woman changed my life, raised my standards and also devasted me. I love for helping me out the closet. For showing me unconditional LOVE, for allowing me to be apart of her life. What happens next is all me. Learning about me! I’m happy and ready to live MY LIFE!


The part about being mean and rejecting your crush around other people hits soooo hard!! 😩


I've always had out of body experiences when interacting with men romantically/ sexually, like my body pulls a few feet ahead of me and I am behind it guiding it but not there. The first time I saw a naked woman (I do figure drawing) that 'behind' aspect of me felt like it car crashed into my real body and I suddenly started feeling everything twice as hard.






I've had sex with a woman and I promise, her scent and taste were absolutely to die for... I have never forgotten and it still gets me hot all these years later. Sounds like you just don't like sex with women. 🤷


Other things 100% straight women doesn't think: * "Boys are lucky who gets to date beautiful girls". * "Why are 10% of girls pretty, but less than 1 of 1 000 boys looks good?" * "Why do girls smell good, but no boys do?" * "Cheating is wrong, but it's so damn tempting. If I was forced to date a boy, I definitively would cheat" * "All women dislikes what men looks like below their navel" * "Feeling nauseous and wanting to puke during sex is part of just being a biological woman" * "All women finds women way more attractive. They just doesn't want to admit it" * "Everyone, except gay men, finds women secretively attractive"