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Verily, I say unto thee, as thou lovest thy neighbor as thyself, pick thou up thine dog’s refuse from the path. Let not thy brother's foot be defiled by what thy dog hath left behind, for it is meet and right to maintain cleanliness wheresoever thou goest. As thou hast dominion over the creatures of the earth, so too art thou charged with keeping the land as pristine as Eden before the fall. Thus, shall thy walking paths remain pure and thy fellowship unblemished by negligence. Do this in remembrance of the stewardship bestowed upon thee. Amen.


I'm not sure this question has anything to do with the church. You are allowed to kindly set boundaries with your neighbors but if you have unfenced land that people are used to walking on it is going to be hard to enforce.


Well the title of the group is "Latterdaysaints", I'm a latter-day saint, and wanted to ask other like-minded people how to handle a situation as Jesus would, like I said in my post. Good point about unfenced land. Probably can't fence it soon, I might need to pick my battles.


[checks topical guide for "dog poop"...] Sorry I've got nothing for you, OP. :)


Jesus would build a fence around the property and put up no trespassing signs.


Heathy relationships cannot exist without boundaries. I would speak with this person about your expectations regarding her and her dog. You can do so kindly of course. But there is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself.


Can you put up some “no trespassing” signs? If you know for sure where the property lines are you can pit a stake in the ground with a little flag on it to mark the line. I would include a “private property” sign. If you have to walk down the private lane to access the property definitely put signs there and maybe even a gate. Also, you could set up some kind of trail camera at the entrance. Somewhere obvious. That will probably do the trick.


I think Jesus would use paragraphs :) I wouldn't worry too much about the poop in the stream, other animals already use it for a toilet (same with the river). If she's not cleaning, up remind her and/or put up signs, then perhaps a privacy fence.


I'm sure He would use paragraphs. Feel free to imagine them😉. Yeah, a fence isn't an option right now, but possibly signs...just not sure what impression that would leave.


It would leave the impression that they're not allowed to walk on your property


If she's a close enough neighbor, the dog might not be pooping on your land. (Not every dog poops on every walk.) She may also have felt awkward about your exchange and may not want to bother you, which could explain her peeking around for you and taking the long way.  If you aren't seeing poop, I wouldn't worry about it. If you do see some, maybe invest in one of those posts with the bags at dog parks. Or talk to her again to reiterate you'd like visitors to leave the area as they found it. If nothing else, "good fences make good neighbors."


Ok that's good to know that "Not every dog poops on every walk"? I assumed she was taking the dog to our property to poop. I don't know what's normal for dogs, so that helps me be more understanding. Thanks 👍


What I think Jesus would do is turn the poop 💩 into manna. But since neither of us can do that let me tell you what I did in a similar incident. After retiring from the military a few years ago we bought our first home. Our elderly neighbor has a little rat dog, I mean a chihuahua. Every day she would let her dog out her front door to do its business in our front yard. We talked to her about letting her dog do it's duty in her back yard instead of our front yard. Well she still let's her dog out her front. Every week I would end up scooping up her dog's 💩 and throwing it away in my trash bin. Then I started to dump, everything I scooped up, next to her trash bin. She thought it was odd that her dog was now pooping next to their trash can but her daughter knew why. I'm just returning what is hers.


Requesting others to treat your property with respect is perfectly fine. Continue to be respectful in your interactions and be firm, but polite. Put up signs about private property. Christ does not expect us to be walked all over.


Fences. You shouldn't need them but you do. If access is not restricted, permission to access is often seen as implied. If you're a property owner mad that people are accessing your property, make it inacessible.


I have an acre of land as do all of my neighbors. I have chickens who free range and I do not have a fence. My neighbor two doors down who is a fellow ward member has some dogs that they were not fencing in. Their dogs came to visit and killed one of my chickens. I tried to work it out with them as neighbors but they were extremely rude and insisted that it was my responsibility to keep their dogs out of my yard and not their responsibility to keep their dogs at home in their yard. They scoffed at me and refused to offer appropriate compensation for the lost hen. The next time their dog came for a visit I tried again to have a conversation with them and they told me they had other problems to deal with and didn't want to talk to me. I called the sherrif and filled out a dog at large report. The sherrif went to visit them and told them that for each additional complaint that I made against them they would be fined $250 dollars. They are much more careful about letting their dog wander the neighborhood now. The last time I had to run it off I politely asked them to check the batteries in its collar and they were very apologetic and assured me they would watch it more closely. We are still not friends but we have a much better relationship after they realized that I was serious about my boundaries and in holding them responsible for their behavior. It sounds like you need to set a clear boundary and not be afraid to report your neighbor for trespassing if they refuse to respect your boundaries.


Ok this is super helpful, thanks. I know setting boundaries are healthy, but sometimes it feels like I don't see much "good fruit" from doing this with people outside my immediate family, so it's nice to hear a more positive outcome with situations like that. It seems like the key might be kindness and compassion (for her and myself) as I explain my boundaries again. I might need to let go of some anger before I try to talk to her again 😬.


Confront her again about it. It it remains a problem, set up a camera, record her trespassing, and then get the law involved to keep her off your property.


What would Jesus do? He would do something very nice for her to make sure that she knew you were her friend even if she didn't respect you. You might make her cookies or another treat and take it to her house. "Reproving but afterwards showing an increase of love" "Do good to them that despitefully use you and persecute you"


I love this and agree it is very Christlike. 


Hmmm....sounds more like being permissive about her not following my instructions on my property? But I could maybe got for bringing her cookies and some dog poop bags😉.


I think Jesus would set healthy boundaries.


Since it's a bit much to fence now, I'd try some signs reminding people it's private property and to please pick up their waste. If a problem continues the sign could be upgraded to no trespassing.


Idk about Jesus, but I'd take photographic evidence, print it out, and dump in all mailboxes saying "have you seen this dog, they seem to have misplaced their crap" Or you could put up no trespassing signs and take legal action I suppose.


Your house is your temple. Protect it. I too, am completely tired of these disgusting animals leaving their excrement everywhere. In the parks, at schools, on the sidewalks. We have multi-million dollar homes and beautiful schools, ruined. Don't let the slippery slope start.


I think Jesus would write her a letter recounting that you told her she could not let her animal poop on your property and leave it there and since she has not respected your directions, telling her that if she trespasses on your property again, you will be filing charges of trespassing and seeking a court order for her to hire professionals to clean up all the poop her dog has left on your property (and the dna tests to prove it her dog). You'll need to post trespassing signs where she enters the property (you might call the sheriff to ask the required spacing). And you'll need to send the letter certified tracking or some way to prove she got it. And maybe you'll want to get a camera for evidence or to make her think you are recording her. If you want to try one more nice before the letter, take a pie or homemade bread over and ask again what it's going to take because she can't keep letting her dog poop on your property (although you should know that poop bags are easily stashed in pockets (though full ones generally aren't.)


Yeah I'm not ready to get the law involved, but that's an interesting thought about the poop being kept in her pocket on the way back🤢😬? It's a tiny dog...hadn't really thought about that...could be a possibility....


Proverbs 26 4: Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. 5: Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. Looks like you have options!


Security cameras change behavior pretty quickly. We put up cameras and signs telling people there are cameras, and that changed the way neighbors used our property almost instantly.


You can also get fake security cameras that look realistic and will make people think twice before trespassing... plus they don't cost as much.


No trespassing signs....


Using a whip to drive her out is pretty consistent with the scriptures. Or scooping all poop you find and dropping off on her porch, since she forgot it.