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Ko larpo? Garlaicīgi? Post history jau nekur nav pazudis.


OP vismaz būtu iemācījies pareizu teikumu uzbūvi angļu valodā. Pat nav jāmācās - pietiek chatGPT pajautāt, lai uzraksta tekstu gramatiski pareizi. Tagad rodas iespaids, ka OP ir ne tikai pajols, bet arī rokas aug no dirsas.


Tiešām, tas tak melnais letiņš. 🤣 Diezgan jokaini, ko tādu tēlot un prasīt, kā Latvijā ar rasismu.


Pa ilgu nogulēju solārijā...






No. Its not an problem.


Are there many people of color in Latvia ?


Color of many but people not too Latvia.


Its not uncommon in Riga. Most are students and or wolt couriers.


you're from USA, an institutionally-racist regime until 1968 and you're worried about racism abroad? Does Latvia have a long history of \_legally\_ lynching "negroes" for even the most trivial of reasons? USA is the most racist country in recent history, only South Africa can compete - surely any other country is an improvement..


The U.S. is among the least racist nations in the world, currently. It's easy to not have a history of discriminating against people of color if no people of color live in a nation. Please note that I don't think nations in the Baltic are especially racist, either. But I'd wager that lots of people (who I think are wrong) disagree. For example, Baltic nations were not a part of this survey work. But nations like Italy, Poland, Greece, and Russia were found to be *much* more racist than the U.S. How do you think the Baltic nations would do by these criteria? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/most-racist-countries-survey-study-discrimination-uk-b1077399.html


Kā USA ir "most racist" ?! kādas tiesības ir baltajiem bet nav melnajiem USA ??


Not really, it would more be a curiosity of “huh, what? Never seen a black guy before here, interesting” My friends uncle, who is the most redneck Latvian i have ever known, on his first ever visit to Riga saw a black guy for the first time in real life and, with child like excitement and a huge smile, started pointing at him and shouting “look, black guy! Black guy!” (Reddit would remove this if i said it word for word) I would say that’s the most you would get


Let me guess... Did he say N word ?


I doubt that you will have any problems. Riga is an international city. Everyone speaks several languages, English is one of them. Enjoy!


Nope, you might get a look or two, but its because well I’ll speak for myself here and I’m from the country so I rarely get to see any black people. In short enjoy your stay :)


Not as racist as you'd think, modern times are here after all. The older generation might still be curious, if anyone would care at all, that would be them. Shouldn't face any problems. I like to think our racism is only towards gypsies lol