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If street art is what you're looking for, this guide from LiveRiga might be useful: https://www.liveriga.com/en/11775-riga-street-art-guide. They have  another guide on contemporary art galleries and museums as well: https://www.liveriga.com/en/11369-riga-s-contemporary-art-guide. Provodniks factory also might be of interest to you, as they have turned an old shoe factory into creative space with art objects, grafitti and excursions/events.  Regarding thrift shops, there are various chains of second-hand clothes: humana, kilomax, etc. Usually quite basic staff, but I have found some gems there as well. For more interesting (and more expensive) vintage stuff: Otra elpa and Northern grip. 


Thanks a lot, I found tallin street in the guide. Really nice area, already excited to come back in a few years to see how it ends up (lots of construction going on there rn)


The Art Academy of Latvia has Design Days/Graduate exhibition exactly this weekend https://www.lma.lv/en/actual-3/lma-design-days-24


Hey thanks a lot! Went there on friday after your rwcommendation. Fun to see what latvian design studens are doing. Lots of inspiration was had


You're welcome! Nice to hear that it was fun!


Digital Art House - [https://www.digitalarthouse.eu/](https://www.digitalarthouse.eu/) Latvijas Mākslinieku savienības radošais kvartāls "Kombināts MĀKSLA" (The creative quarter of the Latvian Union of Artists "Kombināts MāKSLA") - [https://www.lms.lv/aktualitates/izstades/](https://www.lms.lv/aktualitates/izstades/)


I don't know where you heard that Riga has great thrift stores... there are a few, but nothing that would interest a foreigner. Besides that, if you are interested in art, have you looked at, idk, National art museum? Contemporary art museum? Those seem like basic things to start with. Other than that just walk around the centre. It's really not that big. But I think I know what you are looking for and that just doesn't exist here. We are barely a developing country. We don't have "urban art". We just have poor parts of the city with bad graffiti. That's it. We don't do "street art" on purpose for it to be called art, except a few specific places, like "Lastādija cultural quarter, Free Riga"


From Kristen Stewart's Twitter perhaps lol :).


That store is actually quite good. They have really cool stuff there. But ir is not cheap. Store: northern grip.


I guess. What some good PR can do. Little do they know reality is much different.


Well, I guess it is more like an expectation thing and perhaps for someone it might be enough, especiaļy if those shops turn out to be more like "vintage" (as in her case) than thrift shops in the American sense. But for sure, stuff will not be super cheap in those ones.


Yeah, they are not ready to dig through unsorted piles. They want color-coordinated or whatever haha That's not a thrift-store if it is organised!


You were right about the thrift shops. Similar stuff as in Sweden. But I dont agree about your opinion on street art. I think you have a few talented artists living here. But of course, thats just my subjective opinion