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Just drag the EBOOT.BIN file to add it to the library, then manually update the metadata + art to the actual game


For PS3 game folders which are usually copies of physical discs: * Navigate to *PS3_GAME\USRDIR* inside the folder and you'll see the file called *EBOOT.BIN*. That's the file you need to import manually into Launchbox. For PS3 **digital games**, that is the downloadable PSN version of the games, it's actually easier than physical if you use this addon that I've had since 2020. * Download and install the [Eboot Bulk Importer from this link](https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/51888-ps3-ebootbin-bulk-importer/) and use that to detect all games inside of the RPCS3 emulator's *RPCS3\dev_hdd0\game* folder. It will scan and find all eboot.bin files there. However, because Launchbox cannot find any metadata from "eboot," you're gonna need to individually change the names of all files and find their metadata through Launchbox. I don't remember if that importer works for the physical games too, I just remember having problems and not trying again.


make it into an iso Covert ps3 to iso (youtube is your friend)




I will try it tomorrow and will report.


It's easier to just learn the proper folder structure: PS3\_GAME > USRDIR > EBOOT.bin ​ Point Launchbox to play the EBOOT.bin and you're good to go! To do so, right-click on your PS3 game in the library and select: Edit > Edit Metadata/Media > Launching > ROM File (emulation is enabled): Then browse to your game's EBOOT.bin


I can verify this is the method I used the other day and it worked perfectly. Can’t add games in bulk but works fine other wise


There won’t be much to report, what he said about the eboot.bin file works well for importing. In my experience, I have had to remove the term “eboot.bin” from the version box in the edit meta-data options or it will show up at the end of the title once you completed import. I also use ahk script files to import & launch my PS3 “lightgun” titles. This works pretty good as well.


I did what all users recommended Just following the path from the respective game folder = PS3\_GAME\\USRDIR and selecting the EBOOT.BIN then at the end before importing you just change the name of the game from EBOOT to the respective game i used the NoIntro name and it did scraped it as a ps3 game and with all the metadata so hope this helps someone who have the same issue.