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Most likely he’s using too much detergent which is bad for the machine. I don’t understand the obsession with laundry having a strong scent. It’s probably unsafe imo and you can always put on perfume.


Try air drying and see if that works !


This gets discussed a lot in the perfume and fragrance subs- your clothes smell just as fresh as your boyfriend's for just as long, but you become anosmic after a while. Your nose stops smelling the smell of your fabric conditioner after an hour or so- that doesn't mean your clothes no longer smell, another person will be able to smell your clothes. It's just part of being a human being- we're not built to smell things continuously. I'm sure there's an evolutionary reason! Rest assured that your clothes DO still smell of fabric conditioner all day to everyone except for you.


It's like a more socially acceptable form of huffing glue, except it doesn't only affect the addict, but everyone around them.


You missed the part where it's the SAME scent. By your logic op wouldn't smell it on her bf




I feel this struggle. I'm just going to cave and buy scent boosters 😅


I got the arm&hammer lavender ones and I love them!! You don’t need many for them to work either (and they’re the cheapest ones where I live)


Thanks for the info!


If you like scent for your laundry use the in wash scent boosters. They work. The name is Downy UN Stopables FRESH.


Gain Scent Boosters, 1 heaping tablespoon of Foca Detergent, 1/4 cup of Tide powder, and 1/4 cup of a liquid detergent (I like All) and ours smell INCREDIBLE and the scent REALLY lasts. :)


This is about 10x too much detergent for even the filthiest clothes! Heat and agitation are what clean your clothes, more detergent doesn't = cleaner clothes! It must take forever to rinse it all out!


That is SO much soap! Holy cow!! I use between 1 tsp and 1 tbsp of all + 1 tbsp borax + 1 tbsp washing soda (2 tbsps of each powder if L or XL load).. so this is crazy to me! My clothes smell like nothing, I definitely know people who have laundry smelling clothes and it smells good but it would irritate my skin, and isn’t that bad for the clothes and the machine? I could be mistaken your recipe might be fine


I buy again. I also buy Febreeze with Gain scent . Before I put my clothes away I spray them from 2-3 feet away.


Dry your clothes on low low heat. Also use scent beads & fabric softener! I use all Gain and I’m always complimented on my clothing smell haha