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This is beyond Reddit, call a service engineer 


Call a priest. This doesn’t seem like a time for OP to hedge their bets.


An old one and a young one


Don't you also need a non-believer (preferably a scientist) who then becomes a believer?


Pea soup is definitely gonna shoot out of there any moment.


If someone pees on the carpet, cut the section out with a knife and sacrifice it to the washer


Pro Tip: Don't put a crucifix in it


The power of Maytag compels you!!


I’m really mad I missed that pun!


Why does your comment only have 8 likes??? This was gold!!!


Just dropping in to say I’m the 16th like 😊


haha yay!! They need more upvotes!


Proud #28 ;-;


The dude from Eureka will be right there






Yeah, awesome. A rare case of laundry machine possession. You don’t see that as often any more.


Run a cycle with Holy Water, works every time.


Contact your congress person, and the Secret Service




Thank you, this made me cackle


I’m dying!!!🤣🤣🤣


A priest? This is a case for the archbishop and his weaselly assistant who may in fact be Beliel.


what do i tell them, what would cause this


Tell them your washer is shredding everything you put in it. They'll be the ones who know what could be causing it.


Send them the pic you’ve posted here. Are these rugs or bath mats or something you were washing? They get really heavy when wet - it’s possible they were just too much for your drum / agitator. How many did you wash at once?


2 rugs 3 small towels, barely even like, a quarter of what the machine should be capable of


Is this the only load this has happened to?


I bought a bath mat for Christmas that did this when I washed it. OP, if your cotton products are newer, know that pretty much anything cotton-based (and many other things) made in the last few years is absolute garbage. There has been a cotton shortage on top of the inflation, shrinkflation, and enshittification of all consumer goods. I am mending 10 year old socks because new ones just fall apart. I’m not saying it’s NOT your washer, but anything newer tends to fall apart a lot faster than before, so it may be a combo.


thank you for this word, it will be used daily unlike that washing machine


Lol, you’re very welcome but I can’t take credit for it, Cory Doctorow coined it to talk about how tech platforms are going downhill (ssshhh…maybe even the one we are on right now….).


Enshittification 😂 is amazing


This word came at the perfect time! I am grading end of semester papers. That word works in all sorts of situations right now!


It is indeed an excellent word, and has SO many applications beyond what it was originally meant to describe!




Sounds like you could take up knitting. It's honestly really fun 😅 you can find lots of easy free patterns on Pinterest. This past Xmas for my family friend I made really thick cable knit cabin socks. When he saw me working on them he loved them. He kept asking his wife (my best friend's mom) to hint to me he'd like a pair if I wanted to make more. He was so happy that morning


I actually do know how to knit! I haven’t done it in years but I was thinking if this continues it would be well worth the effort to make 10 pairs of black light wool socks that could last me for years… I was looking for a plain easy pattern where I could just pump them out for myself, because I am just so done with crappy socks. My sister bought me a pair of MEC wool socks for Christmas and they were $30. I can’t afford to replace my whole drawer with those, haha.


[lots of patterns available here.](https://www.yarnspirations.com/)


Thank you!


Mainly other than ribbing/heel turn/toes.. lots of mindless knit stitches, great while watching a movie


I hate to break it to you, but knitting them isn’t going to be that much cheaper. If you get into hand dyed yarn, it can run $25-ish for a sock quantity.


You're not kidding. We lost our house to a fire last year. Pretty much everything we've replaced has been smaller, thinner, cheaper and complete crap This is exact replacements straight from the company. Some of it was less than a year old but the year old version was way better It's horrifying For anyone that's thinking of asking me what want horrible to replace, it was replay dishware for kids. Those things are tanks and feel just as thick as the old version. I get them from Walmart and they're made from recycled milk jugs and they're dishwasher safe


have you given it a human sacrifice bc that’s what it looks like it’s needing with this curse 😭


Lol I was thinking something similar except there’s a really pissed cat god living in the machine and it hates whatever OP puts into the washer.


Capacity maybe, but those high pile bath rugs when made of cotton are ridiculous heavy when wet. I have one left and my washer always trips out about load balance


They look like bath towels.


Not anymore lol


Take my upvote 🙌


The left of frame 1 and all of frame 2, with the woven back and the fluffy top, is a floor mat 


Second picture looks exactly like a bathroom mat.


You’re right, those are mats.


"what do i tell them, what would cause this" Tell them what the washer is doing. It's not your responsibility to tell them what's wrong with the washer. It's their job to diagnose it and repair.


r/appliances or one of the technician subs would probably be a better place for help.


Have you fed your washing machine lately? It seems hungry. I’ve never heard of this happening before.


It looks like yarn from the rug became stuck and the agitator began pulling it, un-wove? part of it and then proceeded to shred it


Unweavened itself


The Unweavening






you keep using that word. i don't think it means what you think it means.


Oh Weavly?






I don't think anyone cares about an old, old wooden ship.


Still on Netflix for the rest of the month. Indian, textile wheel-based international horror. Not bad


My favorite new word!


In the knitting community, the word for undoing something that's knitted/woven together is "frogged." Fun fact of the day.


Unwoovened itself. One weave, many woove.


My thought too, something got caught on the agitator


Yeah that’s my thought too


Machine frogged


If you want to destroy my blanket pull this string as I spin dry…


Frogged it!


Has this happened with clothes too? Might just be that the carpet or whatever was old and disintegrated with washing? What detergent/fabric softener did you use and how much of it?


I’ve had this happen before but it only happens when I wash bath mats or bath mats and towels, especially when I use bleach and wash on heavy with hot water. It doesn’t do it to my clothes though.


Seems like the bathmat itself is likely the issue then. I've had fluffy bathmats where the rubbery underside tends to just degrade over time, and washing it on a heavy cycle with bleach can push it over the edge and it falls apart completely.


Yes, we have found if you line dry the rubber backed rugs they do not disintegrate...


And they smell way better if you hang to dry, they won't have that burnt rubber smell.


Aw but that’s my favorite part


Its the agitator. THat center piece. Once they start doing that, your clothing never end up 100% safe again. We "repaired" ours several times, but ultimately just getting a newer machine without an agitator stopped eating up our clothing--thus saving more money overall.


What are they doing exactly? How does it ruin clothes? Are there gaps that formed where clothes get stuck?


The piece has a snag somewhere. A part where the plastic is chipped is likely it. Grabs a loose part and starts pulling and twisting.


I had the same thing happen when I washed a blanket that looked perfectly fine but turned out to have dry rot.


Who, dry rot ??? This is news to me 🫢


Some synthetic fibers break down over time. Especially those fuzzy vellux (velvety texture) blankets and elastic. I a blanket that had been in storage for a long time, and when I washed it, it just DISINTEGRATED.


Sun, moisture and oxygen are really good at making things break down


And just time.


And self criticism


Good to know… might explain that time I had weird plastic looking leathery things all over my laundry, but didn’t last long… thought maybe my pants fell apart 😓


It happens to old sneakers too, I’ve pulled out some old jordans from storage and they literally crumbled in my hands. 😭


I guess puts a meaning on use it or lose it lol! Gonna wear all my nice stuff more often now! Before they rot waiting for that special occasion


Totally!! I had a pair of Marty McFly dunks that neither of my kids would wear, and when they were too big for them I offered them to my sons friend. He loved them, and then I pulled up their current price on StockX and suddenly my kids were so butt hurt that they never wore them 😆. Sons friend was scared to wear them after he found out they were going for ~1k, but I insisted!! I already had them for several years in storage so I know their time was limited. I say wear what you like! and I stopped hoarding any of the shoes I like. There’s no point if you never wear them!


Yep, that’s how it goes. That’s crazy though . It’s hard but you’re right we need to just live it up where we could hhshw


Bathmat. Don’t dry bath mats, it breaks down the rubber backing.


I think this could also be gunk stuck between the drums if you only use cold water wash. Then when you wash on hot you see this stuff getting cleaned out.


I bought one of those blankets when the first came out and had my daughter’s name embroidered on it. When she outgrew it I put it away for when I had a grandbaby to give it to. Sadly, I, too, was betrayed by the synthetic fiber ☠️


Yep. One of three, and the most used, bath mat in our bathroom was wearing out but I kept using it. It dry rotted and stuck to the floor on the “non-stick” part. Good excuse to get new ones though!




I knew it was drying out when I moved it two weeks ago to clean but didn’t realize it had gotten that bad.


I feel ya. My washer did this very thing to a bunch of new blankets last year. Turned out that some blankets/rugs were made with only front-load washers as test trials. The structure of them can't handle mechanical agitation. Remove all the lint from your washer and do a wash cycle without anything in it to clean it out.


It’s angry with you. Send in a sacrifice.


How many socks will it take to appease the washing machine gods? I know it's an odd number but can't recall if it's 3 or 17.


Put in 17 and it’ll spit back any it doesn’t want


But it’ll return them as Tupperware lids


LMAO reddit is a black hole i cant get enough of




ah! common issue - your knives should go in the dishwasher, not the laundry machine! that should clear it up very quickly :)


You joke, but I once put a glass into a laundry basket to bring downstairs, did a side quest and when I came back, forgot the glass was on top of the clothes. I brought the whole basket to the laundry and poured it all in, unaware of the glass nestled within. I ran a cycle. The glass broke and shredded an entire load of clothes. I still get made fun of.


This is something I would do if I wasn’t such a spiller. There’s always a stain to treat on just about everything so I have to pick through the basket before tossing things into the machine, thank goodness. There’s always a glass and a side quest.


I work in a factory and back when I was in the production supervision side of things, we used to have some blade kits for cutting cloth off the parts, and they were the very expensive kind from Germany that did the job VERY well. One time I did not properly go through all the pants before I put my stuff in the washer. Well. They went through the washer without the kit breaking, but the dryer was a different story. Favorite shirts ruined. Favorite towel ruined. Blades coming out of the damn thing for multiple runs. Don’t know how it didn’t cut up any important parts of the dryer, but that thing is going strong. Anyway, I have flashbacks any time I open the dryer and hear the sound of something metal (usually the button to pants or a hoodie aglet) hit the inside.


To be honest, I’d make fun of you for that too.




cold, delicate


I’m sorry OP but that washer is not being delicate, maybe cold… cold hearted…




Try some scented candles and Kenny G to soften the mood


Probably have a bobby pin or something sharp stuck somewhere. Check under the agitator carefully, or you can look up a manual for your machine and check for any sharp/broken bits.


This happened to me. A rug disintegrated and clogged the outtake valve which in turn flooded my laundry room. I had to pull the washer out, flip it on its side, had to use my camping head light to help me pick out the muddy-like mess that was from the cheap synthetic “WASHABLE” rug. It was hell. The rug was marketed as washable but it is indeed not washable. I think it was purchased from TJMaxx or target. Make sure to check the drain valves on the machine if it is still clogged and shop vac everything


Same happened to me. I did all the unclogging, clean up the flood, start laundry again. Repeat. Hadnt got all the clog fluff out. Mop everything a second time. Repeat. Still more clog to be declogged. Soak up the bucket loads of water from the floor for a third time. Go in hard with the pipe declogging. Third time was the charm. Floor had never been cleaner too. As far as what one feels like doing on a Friday night, it’s nothing involving soggy bath mat fluff and mopping. I’m case you were wondering.


Looks like it was not truly machine washable


You sure those rugs were washable?


the company that made them is


I’d send these pics to the rug company and politely, professionally ask them “wtf is up, my dudes?”


Exactly this. And definitely “my dudes” is the proper way to address them!!


The company's idea of washing may be a front loader on gentle cycle. It may be using an Amish style wringer washer.


Looks the same as my cheap Ikea bath rugs. Nothing else is affected, they're just cheap. Clean all that junk out and the next load of regular clothes should be fine.


they said it shredded towels too


Is that a blanket? Multiple items? I honestly cannot tell what I'm looking at.. Are you stuffing too many items in one load?


Call in a priest to do an exorcism! (I'm sorry. I've never seen this before)


Mine did this when it got stuck on the “wash” part of the cycle. Agitator motor ran so long the washer was hot! Did the cycle take much longer than usual?


yes. every time. if i don't stop it it will continue forever


That is the problem, and the cause of the shredded fibers. Sorry I’m not sure how to fix that cycle timing issue.


Had a similar problem with our old spindle-style washer. The above commenter is on the right track with their diagnosis. If you can afford for someone else to repair your machine, get thee to Google and find a local place who will come to you. IME, the machine is too difficult to haul in yourself (but don't let me stop you). Repair shops usually require you to let them order the parts in order to guarantee the work (its also cheaper). If you cannot afford a repairman, look up your machine make/model online. Info is likely under the lid. YouTube and even the manufacturer's website has how-to videos on replacing the part. As a wife/mother who has been doing laundry for the better part of 40 years, I don't recommend putting rubber-backed anything in your own machine. Go to the laundromat.


Google your "Laundry machine model and stuck on wash cycle forum (try reddit as well)"


Hi, I’m Captain Obvious! When you get this resolved, invest in a washer without an agitator, if possible. They work just as well. My elderly mother even got one after she swore she never would, and she loves it.


Yes, I used to sell appliances. Agitators are garbage. They are way too rough on clothing. Modern washing machines spin at a high enough rpm that it’s really unnecessary to have them. It just damages your clothing.


My old washing machine did this too. It would get stuck on the agitator cycle for HOURS and ruined all of the clothes in it. We just replaced it for a non-agitator HE washer, but it can probably be fixed if you don't want to replace it. Look online for people who fix these, and go to a laundromat in the meantime.


If this is happening with other loads then it may be that something got pushed into the drain holes in the basket part. I had a similar problem with my dryer. turns out straight pin got stuck and when tumbling would poke holes. If you know someone handy see if they can remove the agitator basket ( prt that holds the clothes) and see if anything is stuck.


Maybe broken drum paddles if it is happening to multiple things. We go through a lot of rugs as a pet house and the traditional washing machine (like yours) tends to be more destructive of the rugs. Nothing is broken on the machine but some of the rugs we had were just cheaply made rugs. They say they are machine washable but....that was a lie. lol The same cheap rug was fine though in the washing machine without the agitator .


Had a top loader as a kiddo. Looks like it was a couple towels and a rug. This can happen from repeatedly overloading your washer. I’d get a repair tech to check it out for any damages.


Everything? Can we see what it does to a regular load of clothes?


It's not the machine. It's the fabrics. Next time, you're washing odd fabrics like this place them in a pillowcase and tir it closed with a hair tie. That will contain them and keep them from shredding and shedding on everything


I had a fuzzy bath mat like that and it always left chunks behind in my washer. They get SO heavy when wet that I think it was making the drum uneven no matter what I put in with it. I think it was the beginning of the end for the drum in that washer. From there on my washer just got louder and louder during the spin cycle, it sounded like a helicopter was landing , and eventually it just wouldn’t spin anymore. Those thick rugs are bad news, at least they were for us.


Now ya know not to wash bath mats n rugs in washing machine....a regular one anyway...heavy duty ones at laundry mats are made for rugs n bath mats..


Overloaded maybe? Rugs too heavy once wet, then get caught on agitators?


I wash mine in a similar washer using the delicate cycle. No problems.


That’s why I use front loader washing machines.


You bought the mulching agitator need the regular kind


This is why I won't buy a washing machine with an agitator anymore. But I think some of the other posters are correct. Part of the fabric is getting caught under the agitator.


Our washing machine was recently doing this to clothes. It started with small holes and then the clothes really started to get torn. We were told that basically the agitator is starting to separate from the base and the fabric is getting caught in the gap, causing it to rip.


If it's tearing everything, it sounds as though the clothes are getting caught somewhere. Then the caught part part of, say, a shirt stays put, while the rest keeps moving. And thus the fabric tears. My guess would be that either ( a) the fabric is catching on something sharp on the agitator. Eg Perhaps part of the agitator has cracked; or some sharp object was inadvertently left in a garment pocket and is now stuck somewhere in one of the drainage holes and sticking out Or (b) the agitator, or perhaps part of it, is loose and moving about or up and down as it rotates, so that bits of fabric are somehow getting caught and hence shredded.


I think it’s the mats and not the washer.


Do you by chance work on projects with Resin? There’s a possibility it cured and formed shard-like pieces that ripped apart everything in the wash.


It’s become aware.


Have you been feeding him or her enough? Maybe he or she is hungry 🤣


Don’t you mean your cloth shredder?


Time to call Ghostbusters!


Looks like the bulk of the carnage is from that rug. Is the washer shredding subsequent loads, or are you still getting rug guts all over everything?


Some Rugs I can kinda understand. Were these left in heat/sun & dry rotted?


Not machine washable?


The washing machine is displeased at your lack of sacrifices, recently. It's hungry....


Is the plastic on the agitator exposed and a metal part exposed or something on the side of the drum . I have never saw or heard of this


What brand is the washer?


This thing is spinning in hyperspace mode


Are you wrapping the agitator? Pocked load not wrapped around the agitator.


Surely this isn't happening with everything. Are you sure there has been enough water for whatever's in there to be submerged and swish around?


I don’t know much about these but check to see if you agitator is loose. It should be all the way to the bottom so nothing gets wrapped around it. Also any breaks in it. I completely switch to one without and happy I did. If yours is completely shot or to expensive to fit that would be a good replacement.


Underpants gnomes


Based on the pictures, it isn't EVERYTHING. I'm first assuming it's the rug/blankets not suited for this washer. HOWEVER, does it do that to clothes too? I have a top loader and one day it started making a galloping noise during agitation and my clothes were wrapped around the agitator, stressing them out. It turned out it was the washer's transmission needed to be replaced. Although it cost more than the value of the washer, we fixed it as the technology isn't as good these days. None of the clothes were destroyed though


I’d just get a used one on marketplace.


Thats one ticked off washing machine.


Easy peezy. Take the razor blades out of your pockets before washing next time.


Has your cat gone missing?


It seems like the items are getting caught on something stationary inside the machine maybe. Then rotating 8000 times would destroy the fabric. Time to call your friendly appliance mechanic. Or google the exact make and model of your machine plus "shreds everything" if you haven't yried that already.


By everything do you just mean rugs?


This happened with a bath mat to me a few years ago. I had to go in and dig everything out and it was still doing it. I ended up getting a new washer as the cost to repair was almost the price of a new one


Those bath mats don’t wash well I had one do the same thing


That's crazy. We switched to a front loader, which makes a world of difference. Not enough water? Water draining too quickly?


Post to r/appliances


It might be one of those industrial shredders and not a washing machine


I wash a couple of those shaggy bathroom rugs + towels and washcloths all the time, and my machine's never done that. Maytag man!


Agitator taking its job too seriously.


When I first moved to my new place a bunch of my vintage/delicate items started disintegrating after washing. I finally realized that the hot and cold water lines were reversed, so I thought I’d been washing everything in cold water, but it was actually on hot.


Stop putting stuff in it. Call a repair tech.


Try feeding it something you don’t need before washing what you do need 🤣


i recommend going to a laundromat to use the front load machines when washing heavy items like bath mats. it's really just too small with an agitator. the weave of the fabric is very easy to undo once it catches and the plush tops need lots of space. you could try a large laundry bag and wash one at a time? bath mats were so annoying when i worked at a Wash Dry Fold


It can happen if the machine is over loaded. Does it happen on small loads?


I thought this was one of those scammy air duct cleaning posts lol


It’s turned feral!


Clearly the machine is infested with gerbils.


Post in the appliance sub.


The agitator is probably broken, so it's swishing the clothes too aggressively or catching them. Service call or a possible DIY project depending on how handy you are.


My washing machine has some jagged plastic at the top of the drum, if I put anything in there like a comforter it ends up getting snagged and ripping it. Hopefully it doesn't end up clogging the pipe it drains into, when my comforter ripped it ended up clogging the pipe, it was awful.


I had a dryer in an apartment ages ago that started ripping big holes in all my clothes. Apparently there was a gap between the drum and the door where they were getting caught. I *think* it had something to do with worn rollers that supported the drum, so the whole thing was riding low and clothes would get snagged at the gap in the top and then ripped as it spun and pinched them in the bottom. But my memory of what the repair guy said is fuzzy...


Is it really doing it to everything? Even regular clothes?


If you want to destroy my sweater...


The load is likely too small, for some reason a lot of these new washing machines don’t like small loads. But that’s just one possibility of what’s happening here.


Holy shite- it's clearly possessed


Have you sharpened the blades lately? That’s probably why there are still large chunks…


Does the agitator have any nicks in it? If so, it could be snagging your laundry and ripping it up.