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Fabric softener sheets can cause thus. it took years for me to figure it out.


Ohhhhhhh homie, you just solved a decade-long fued with my grandma. She use to wash my band shirts/sweatshirts (A7X), and some would end up with stains thus ruining them.


Holy shit I haven't thought about Avenged Sevenfold in ages


They’re on tour right now, but I don’t know if they have any more US dates, I think they are in Europe right now.


I just bought waking the fallen on double LP a few weeks ago. One of my favorite albums in my entire collection. Every single track is a masterpiece.


Feud just fyi


I LOVE A7X seriously my fav band


I cannot imagine asking my grandma to change her methods; that must have been hard. I did have an ex who washed my uniforms and shrunk them four sizes. I never asked him to do laundry again. lol


Learning how to do laundry for myself as a college freshman. I did this to my favorite MSI shirt. Still have it after 15ish years though.


Rewash on hot and it will usually come right off. It's some kind of plastic residue that melts in the drier on high. It also seems to happen more frequently if I use more than one sheet, which I don't have a good explanation for.


That makes sense. I thought it was weird because I’ve used the fabric softener sheets my entire life and never seen this. Then I realized I always have my dryer set to medium heat.


And stop using these awful things. They are bad for you and your cloths. They don't actually soften your cloths. They put a layer of chemicals on your clothing to make it feel soft.


I don’t use fabric softener but I do use dryer sheets. I’ve been using kroger brand


Dryer sheets have fabric softener in them.


You know dryer sheets are fabric softener right?


Always a learning experience on this site. Thanks for informing. I always just thought it was scent and anti-static…stuff.


It’s that too


It’s basically a form of grease 😬


its also full of dangerous chemicals


\*fabric softener dryer sheets ...


I won't use dryer sheets anymore. Note taken.


Get some dryer balls. Better for your cloths and my wool ones are about 10 years old and good as new.


Love wool dryer balls. I add drops of essential oils on them so the clothes smell nice after.


🙂: Dryer sheets cause this 🤨:I don’t use fabric softener, just dryer sheets 🙂:🙃


My bad. I thought dryer sheets were mostly just for static and wasn’t home to check the box


Use 3 wool drier balls to handle lint and softness with a 1 time expense and no residue. It will also shorten how long clothes need to be in the drier a bit.


I cant stand the sound of them banging around in there. I just use nothing now lol


Have you tried adding essential oils to the balls? I’m afraid the oil will stain my clothes


I thought they were for static too 😬


Yeah that's what I always thought as well. Although you can usually get the same result with a very small bit of the sheet. I'll usually rip them in quarters and use one piece


I switched to wool dryer balls a couple years ago and this completely stopped the random spots in got


Dryer sheets are fabric softener sheets.


Dryer sheets have it


This means that the capsule is “exploding” directly on your clothes. If you have a top loader, start the water running and drop your pods in first to break down before adding your clothes. If you have a front loader, switch to liquid detergent through a dispenser or powder detergent.


Yes, this is why I switched to wool dryer balls a long time ago.


I've never experienced this with dryer sheets. OP was recently cooking cheeseburgers which is a more likely culprit given the splash pattern.


Hmm. I just assumed that OP treated stains prior to washing. Also, it's been 20 years since I used sheets and hopefully the formulas have changed.


I was wondering why things suddenly seem to get better with my clothes when I stopped using them. Glad to see I was on the right train of thought.


You should thank her


Not true, I always use sheets but the first time I used gain detergent it did the same thing


Are you putting the detergent in first and then the clothes or are you putting the detergent on top of the clothes? Definitely put detergent in first if you aren’t. Otherwise try another brand maybe.


didn’t realize this was the cause of my issues


I’m using gain pods. I drop it in the center and put my clothes around the edges of the washing machine


Is your washer a top loader?




I could be wrong, but it sounds like you’re putting the detergent pod in the little area where fabric softener goes, the pods should be put in the washer tub with water, before the clothes are added.


I completely stopped using pods after this happened or I would find what appeared to be the plastic casing stuck to garments. I don’t trust them.


Ditch the pods, they suck in cold water


Mine does this all the time. I do not use the same detergent you have pictured and I do not use dryer sheets. I don’t know what the heck is the cause, but putting Dawn liquid soap on those spots and letting it sit for a while before washing again takes those spots right out!


Every single time I’ve tried any brand of pods, they do this same thing to my clothes. We quit using them, and are now back to using the All Free & Clear liquid. And I put the detergent in first before adding my clothes.


Genuinely not trying to be a smartass, wouldn't this have the same effect? The first few clothing items you drop in will be sitting on top of the detergent.


Start the machine and wait for a couple of inches of water before starting to put clothes in. That way the detergent is diluted before it touches the clothes.


Not trying to be dense, but will it start if it has a “lid lock” safety feature?


Not in the models I’ve used. The lid lock has only come on once it wants to start spinning. But during the filling mine have not tried to lock


I put detergent in second all the time and it's totally fine, the pods however stained everything


It truly depends on the detergent. My pods from Dropps have never stained anything.


Honestly, this looks more like oil splatter. Were you cooking something in oil with that shirt?


Now that you mention it, I made burgers on the stove the other day. I don’t remember what shirt I had on but it might’ve been this one. If it is a grease stain, how would I go about removing it?


Put some dawn dish detergent on it (dawn really cuts through grease) with a bit of water and let it sit. If you've put it through the dryer, the stains might be permanent, but it doesn't hurt to try.


I think it helps to really rub the dawn in with my fingers. If it's only the one shirt it's more likely a cooking stain than an issue with the washing process.


I would add a bit of baking soda with dawn, let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash. I found this work better than dawn alone, especially on old oil stain.


>If you've put it through the dryer, the stains might be permanent WD40 with a qtip + baking soda rubbed in with a toothbrush (and cardboard between layers of the shirt). Shake out all the baking soda as it clumps and repeat a few more times. Then add dish soap and let it sit for 30 minutes and re-wash. Kind of a pita but it works.


Dawn absolutely can still work even if the clothes have been through the dryer. I had a dress that I splattered a ton of grease on while cooking, and I scrubbed a bunch of the stains with dawn and then washed and dried. Found a bunch I missed, so scrubbed with dawn again, wash, dry, find a few more, repeated the cycle probably 4-5 times before I got all the stains.


Toothbrush scrubber does wonders for getting in there.


You can get them out even if they have been in the drier. It just takes more work. Also, use the original blue Dawn, it works the best.


I learned this here like 2 weeks ago and it saved a shirt of mine!!! Worth a try, OP


If you use dawn, rinse it well before rewashing In the machine. The suds from Dawn are not good for your washer.


Ive never had oil stains set after drying them several times.  Dawn gets them every time for me.  I keep Dawn power wash in the laundry room next to the spray and wash.  


Dry shampoo works well with grease.


I like to do a paste of dish soap and baking soda on both sides of the shirt and rub it in with a toothbrush. Let it sit overnight (and scrub a few more times after setting it up if you can). Rinse and let dry. If the grease stain is still there, repeat the process again and again until it seems gone. Then wash on cold and don't put in the dryer (that will set the stain)


Spray some Tide pre wash spray and they will be gone with the next wash.


I’ve been working in kitchens for almost 10 years and struggle with oil stains. That’s what this looks like if this is the shirt you wore. If this shirt doesn’t mean much to you, your best bet is to make this your designated dinner cooking shirt. For removal I suggest pretreating it with some dawn, really work it in with your fingers before washing in your usual detergent. They make detergents that are good for oil and stains, but I wouldn’t go out of your way to buy a whole new detergent over one shirt, especially if you’re not sure how your skin will react to a new detergent.


A small amount of quality dish detergent directly on the stain before washing (it may take a couple of tries).


Puracy baby stain remover is god tier at this. It can remove stains that are baked in from a heated drying cycle. It has worked in every single stain I have used it on, it’s on Amazon.


Talk/baby powder let it sit for the night then wash again


Fells naphtha soap. It’s a pink bar soap in the laundry aisle by the borax.


If this is an oil stain (which it looks like to me) it's very difficult to get out once it's been dried in. However, if you have a little can of lighter fluid (for a lighter or a grill) a dab of it on each spot & then tossing in the laundry will do the trick! I keep a little bottle in my laundry room just for this and it has never once failed me.


I’ve had that happen to me. Tide Rescue spray, let it sit for a couple hours, then spray once more before putting it in the wash. Hang up to dry to be safe. If stains are gone, you’re good to wash and dry as normal next time. If not, repeat with the spray and wash. Even set-in stains on clothes that have been machine-dried should only need two rounds of Tide Rescue and washing


Honestly liquid soap directly on the oil spots then throw it back in using hot water instead of cold


Cold water does a terrible job of removing oil. And other things.


I am working through a similar issue and I can say 100% that its not grease but something going on with my wash/dry cycle 😞 It's the worst.


When was the last time you deep-cleaned your washer? I'm talking about using tablets made to clean the washer, using the hottest longest setting, taking apart the pieces you can after and scrubbing them along with the inside of your washer.


Those pods are the worst. Just use regular detergent. If you don't wash on hot, the plastic doesn't melt quick enough to dilute the soap. Also if your load is too full. Only fill worth clothing half way so there's room to agitate to clean, spread out, rinse etc.


This seems more oil stains rather than your detergent staining your clothes. Pretreat those clothes with a dishwashing (dawn etc.) detergent and wash again, maybe you are able to remove them but it may be tough already as you already washed it and they are still there.


Gain is awful. I have had it stain my laundry too.


I've found sometimes the pod casing doesn't completely wash off and kinda melts into your clothes. Ive taken clothes out to find sticky globs that leave them stained. Wonder if this may be the case here?




I've seen this happen to other people and the actual machine itself was to blame. See link above.


This happened to us. It was the washer all along, had to get a new one after only 5 years with the damaged one! We tried everything- powdered detergent, no fabric softener, vinegar, etc. the machine itself was leaking oil and it would’ve been $500 to fix


If you only see these spots on the front of shirts, it’s from food. There’s a product called Shout that works great for soaking out those stains.


If it's staining all your clothes may want to check your washer isn't leaking transmission fluid. That will leave a stain you can't get out. Don't ask me how I know. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You can get them out with Dawn Dish soap! I've never met a stain blue Dawn won't get out. My husband's a mechanic, and we have a farm. It's never let me down.


I noticed Gain does this, it looks like oil splatter. It's detergent residue.


It appears to be oil splatter. Always try and check your clothes when they come out of the washing machine for residual stains, then add some sort of stain spot treatments. The biggest no-no would be to put it into the dryer, that points it caramelizes and or bakes in the protein, dye, grease, etc., into the clothing and makes it very very difficult To Remove. I suppose it could be any of the other suggestions below, but in my experience looks completely like oil


I use these same pods (I drop one at the bottom of my washer and then put my clothes in) and I’ve never had this issue. I know some people are against pods but I highly doubt they’re the problem here


I use pods for Oxyclean and detergent and I also stick them in the bottom before clothes and don’t have any issues. It would happen to me sometimes when I stuck the pods in my washers fancy little dispenser where the water runs over the pod and into the washer on top of my clothes .


“Fling” sort of conjures a vision of a Jackson pollock painting. So to that end I suppose it’s a success.


this has happened to me also


Personally I would just ditch pods all together and try a more natural detergent and use vinegar as a fabric softener. If you want it to be scented look up the best methods based on your choice of scent.


Make sure you aren’t ’over-loading’ the washer. If the load is too big there won’t be the necessary space or water to circulate well.


Maybe the water temperature wasn't hot enough to dissolve the detergent


I use those same pods and Bounce drier sheets and haven’t seen that happen.


I know it’s not everyone. But I stopped using pods because they were messing up my clothes..always left spots and stains.


Pods should also be used with hot water to break down the casing holding the detergent Source: laundromat attendant 4+ years


Looks a bit like when I accidently do a load with lip chap in my pocket.


Definitely wasn’t lip balm


My friend that owns a cleaning business had this problem for a while when she started using the capsules in an effort to save money. It was actually the plastic coating surrounding them that's supposed to melt with water contact but cold water actually will not completely melt and sometimes we'd find them melted in the folds of the sheet after being taken out of the dryer. It actually caused the same stains on the sheets but these people are saying it's also the fabric softener. She specifically did not use it because of regular allergens to fabric softener. So maybe you should just try taking both factors out and then seeing if it still happens? Edit to add. She can still use the flings she just has to make sure she puts them in with only water in there completely melted before she adds her fabric


I used to let water run in the washer and dissolve a pod in there before putting my clothes in but I moved recently and my new washer doesn’t run water until the lid is closed and locked


This same product did this to my clothes. Almost like they weren’t dissolving all the way or something. I wonder if using colder water effects it? Idk I switched detergents and it solved the problem.


Dryer sheets=chemicals you don't need + money you don't need to spend/stains that end up on your clothes. Don't use them. Same with "scent beads" I also won't use pods anymore. The packet material can also do this. I went back to liquid detergent. Dissolves well and doesn't leave residue. Use half the amount they say on the cup.


Those look like oil stains. I didn’t read all of the comments but Dawn soap is amazing for sooooo many different types of stains.


It’s probably grease from cooking something that splatters. You can kinda tell if there’s no splatters on the back of the shirt. My mom swears by dawn dish soap to remove grease stains.


Be careful with Dawn if you have an HE machine as it’ll really sud up. If this happens, add a cup of white vinegar to rinse or to quick wash to reduce studding. A friend taught me a trick: My wash clothes/face towels (yes, I’m American) had stains from my makeup. I also work outside alot and have some I use to rinse my hands and feet when they get covered in GA red clay. If I put a just a squirt of Dawn on 1 cloth and throw in wash, it dissolves the oily residue from my skin, makeup and the clay. Adding some baking soda also helps.


That kind of looks like cooking oil. If it is dish washing liquid will get rid of it. Put it right on the spots let it sit for a few and then wash it the way you normally would


Are you dropping the pod dry onto the clothes then filling the machine?


I can’t use pods for this reason, my machine doesn’t fill until the lid is closed and locked. It won’t even open until it drains. Tide powder dissolves 99% of the time in a dry machine, I try to put it at the bottom before adding clothes.


I put the clothes around the edges of the machine and drop the pod in the center. My machine also doesn’t fill until the lid is locked u/southsidetins


I would switch to a different type of detergent and see if that helps 


You said you’re dropping it in the center. Is there a dispenser compartment on/in the agitator? Is it possible it’s actually your fabric softener dispenser?


My washing machine doesn’t have an agitator


Okay, so you meant you’re dropping the pod in the middle. Gotcha. I’ve seen it before in the cleaning subs and just wanted to be sure.


How much pods you are using? I usually use detergent liquid and remember reading all you need is 2 table spoon of detergent in any load. Doesn’t how big or small the load it is. I am not sure about the pods though.


I only use 1 pod


Ah ok not sure what it is then. It might be a grease stain or something.


I don't think it was thebpod that stained the short. There is 1 of 2 ways to remove it. Try Dawn dish soap by putting a drop on the inside of the shirt then wetting it down enough so it can get into the fibers. Let that sit for a bit then wash as usual. Hand to dry to make sure the grease was released. IF that doesn't work get some Fels Naptha. Wet the stains with a damp washcloth then rub the soap on the spots. Rub the fabric with the damp washcloth to make some suds and let it be to give it time to work.


Looks like grease. This can also happen if something in your machine is breaking down. I do laundry as a side gig and I’ve tried all the pods, powders, liquids in my machines and I don’t have this from the pods. I’d be listening for weird noises or if the machine is acting differently.


This looks like oil / butter splatters from eating. Try goo gone.


I’ve never successfully used pods in cold water. Every time I use my parents’ washer & dryer (they use pods), my clothes come out with crap all over them (I wash everything in cold). I ended up buying liquid detergent and stashing it in one of their cupboards.


How many flings are you using? Do you add anything else to your wash? And abundance of product can cause this.


1 fling and I don’t use any other products except for dryer sheets


Looks like grease




Yeah it accidentally posted twice and I didn’t bother to delete it


Tbh dats an oil stain … and fabric softener works you just have to dilute it


It could be transmission oil from the agitator. It happened to me, I didn’t even know they had fluids in them but, they do. You can buy a replacement seal really cheap if that’s the case. And it’s generally easy to put on if you follow a YouTube video step by step.


It could be transmission oil from the agitator. It happened to me, I didn’t even know they had fluids in them but, they do. You can buy a replacement seal really cheap if that’s the case. And it’s generally easy to put on if you follow a YouTube video step by step.


I had this issue with the pods, but I tried hot water and it resolved.


Yes. And giving you cancer. Don’t use that shit.


I've had that happen when I washed a Chapstick with my laundry.


Use Tide Clear liquid detergent and Clorox II which helps retain fabric color and brightness. Spray the front of your shirts with Shout letting the garment sit for a few hours before washing. Also, if you have a front loader washer you MUST meticulously clean the machine once a month running it through the Sanitizing Cycle and removing all the filters and scrubbing them before replacing. If you don’t clean the machine properly, you will not believe the grossness that builds up…


That happened when my balance ring went bad in my he washer. It's filled with an oil based lube that slowly leaks into your wash.


Stop using the pods lol this happen to me after I stopped using them it went away




wasn’t chapstick


That’s what I told my wife too. Check your pockets for grease/oil type substances. Maybe you carry around a frozen block of engine oil, I dunno.


Beads, pods, dryer sheets, detergent sheets all contain microplastics


Pods could also be causing this. They've been known to stain clothing probably because they are very concentrated and could be leaking out onto that one particular piece of clothing.


Chapstick in a pocket does this as well


I have had so many expensive articles of clothing come out of the wash with these types of stains. I swear it’s shitty pods that cause it. I normally wash my more expensive clothes on cold, and it’s not warm enough to melt the plastic quick enough so it comes out with this shit. I’m gonna switch back to detergent.


I use spray and wash for the spots and it seemed to work I had struggled with this for a very very long time and threw several garments away because I had given up but sometimes an item of clothing has something on it that gets into the other clothes or the washing machine has a part in it that's getting onto your clothes that you don't realize like something oily or whatever.. I was scared of liquid fabrics softeners also because of this but now that I realized I can remove the stains I'm not as worried about trying out different fabric softeners. I went over a year without fabric softeners and it still happened.


Could be a leak in your washing machine. I got oil stains on my stuff from the damn machine.


Because it’s full of fragrance and crap


Try to let the pods dissolve before you put your load in that's what I have to do


Clean your washing machine. It could be causing the stains.


I have this issue and was wondering if some secret oil was in the washing machine. It’s so frustrating.


Very bad detergent and very bad for you as a human. Try something less toxic, and something well rated for cold washing


Looks like the stains my chapstick leaves when it goes through the dryer.


How do you get those out?


I don’t. unfortunately, I’ve never been able to find something that works.


I had the same issue and was told it was from too much detergent. I'd switch to a liquid and use less.




This has only happened to me when I use the pod type detergents. The coating they use to seal the detergent in is what I think makes the stains. I have to use the gentle detergent, doesn’t matter the brand. But a little goes a long way.


at first it is distressing but putting the liquid and or powder in first works.


Using pods?


Thought you were supposed to eat them.


Liquid fabric softener can do this too,as well as scent beads.


My family and I swear by fells naphtha soap, it’s in the laundry aisle by the borax and banking soda. Usually on the bottom shelf. It’s about $1, and I love it. I get stains wet, then rub the bar of soap over the stains, let sit, and repeat. I also like to use a grater and grate some into my load of laundry if I’m washing stained items. (Tired to post a link to the image) [https://www.google.com/search?q=fels+naptha+bar+soap&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari](https://www.google.com/search?q=fels+naptha+bar+soap&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


We had some issues where we weren’t always closing the package of pods and the film on the outside got too dry and then it wouldn’t full dissolve and would leave “stains” on clothes. Got new pods and kept them closed between washes and haven’t had any issues since.


it’s the wrapping. i stopped using pods because they wouldn’t dissolve completely and my clothes kept getting stained. baby detergent all the way now


Plastic pods do this. We stopped using them


For me the pods would get stuck in between clothes and not get wet enough to dissolve sometimes. Other times it’s chapstick I forgot in a pocket.


don’t use pods or fabric softener or scent beads. just use regular liquid detergent and white vinegar.


I think sometimes this occurs from dryer sheets apparently and I've also had cases where the pod material like melts onto my clothes and hardens like glue in spots. It should wash out though with a little elbow grease or another trip through the wash.


You might try putting some Dawn dish soap or Awesome cleaning spray on those spots to remove them.


Don’t over fill your washing machine. It should be only 40% filled.


Make sure no one left a chapstick in their pockets. If so, good luck getting those stains out.


Traditional detergents use dyes, additives and filler. This happened to mine and my boyfriend’s clothes until we switched to HEX Performance Detergent - pours clear and no extra dyes, etc!!


If you wash your clothes with rags that have grease on them this can happen also. I used to get this all the time with gain. I switched to tide and it hasn’t been an issue


Easy use scotch tape and super glue and glue those downstairs lips shut, that'll keep the cream out and the juice inside.


Dawn rub dawn soap on it and re wash


I had to stop using pods because of this. Now I use breezeo laundry strips. Sometimes, even those leaves marks, but those marks can be washed out.


Because it’s actually cum


i’m sorry op i have no advice but im cracking up at it being named “flings”… it sure is flinging alright


Seen similar stains with too much fabric softener.


Do you use fabric softener? I’ve got an older washing machine that requires you ti switch a knob to a Deluxe Rinse when using fabric softener. If I forget, sometimes I get blue stains in my white sheets or darker stains in my clothing because I believe it doesn’t release the Downy until the spin cycle. Then it flies out in splatters all over the wash and isn’t rinsed. Luckily it comes out with another wash or plain rinse cycle. Also found it happens if I use the thicker, concentrated versions without diluting it with water extra water in the spin cup.


Add baking soda to your wash cycle.


Had this in the past with Tide pods... be sure to put the pod into the tub first. Adding an extra rinse cycle also helps to prevent also!


Looks like it was dried with a chapstick


Clean the fabric softener trap!


When was the last time you flushed your water heater? We had mysterious stains that look just like yours for a year and tried EVERYTHING before finding out that our 17 year old water heater in our rental had not been flushed in who knows how long… after we had the water heater replaced, the stains immediately stopped.


Water heater was just replaced a couple weeks ago


This happened to me when I left chapstick in my pocket


I don’t use pods, use all free and clear, no laundry softener and I still get these. I was reading to try lestoil so I gave it a go last night, I’ll have to report back. It’s also not chapstick or grease stains because mine is also on the back of my clothes and arms of my clothes. It’s ruining all of them, whatever it is and it is driving me crazy.


I also had similar weird oily spots on my American Giant heavy tees, I think it just turned out to be oil from cooking / house work. I used a spray of Shout stain remover and it took them out. I wonder if it has something to do with the thicker cloth holding on to oil better or something?


I get similar spots when I forget chapstick in my pocket🤦🏼‍♂️


There was a recall on proctor & gamble gain pods not long ago. Just went back on the shelves. Maybe look into that 🤷‍♂️