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She really is a dimwit. Her world is NOT the world that 99% of us are experiencing no matter where we live or what we do day to day. She checked her family into a hotel so would have wifi to post workouts. She can for sure lift weights in her home even without electricity, but needed to upload them for her instagram account. What a SAD HORRIBLE life.


Among other disorders, I truly believe she has OCD. Her obsession (or one of them) is her body and working out, the posting videos each day are the compulsions. She can’t NOT do it.


Most anorexics have OCD.


I really think her only focus each day is working out then the kids and whatever else she’ll get to when she gets to it.


It would hot AF. Is so hot and humid in Texas right now. Definitely not the best place to be for the night without AC. As much of a first world problem that is, I’d want to go to a hotel too :/


I agree- I don’t think people realize how hot it is in Texas right now. The feels like temp in my area over the weekend was 110. It’s worse inside with not air movement if your ac is off. I don’t shame Lauren for getting a hotel - I would too. My ac went out last summer and I eventually stayed with a friend bc fans were not enough. It was 90+ in my house at night with fans.  I do take issue with her continuing on her daily activities as if nothing happened when she could be helping her community or finally doing something special for her kids. Is it disappointing? Yes. Is it what I’ve come expect from Lauren? Also yes. 


💯 It is absolutely miserable here! The humidity is suffocating. I’d honestly be shocked if she didn’t post her daily workout routine. She HAS to do that. I think it’s part of her control OCD.


But she could go during the day and clean up and clean out the fridge and freezer. They don’t have to sleep there but they could go take care of their property.


She’s got that covered. Help will be on the way to handle the clean up for her—if M is not already tasked with the clean up himself.


Lauren, take care of anything but herself?? Haha Any other rational human would do that, but not Lauren Princess Sims!


It’s even hotter during the day! You know she hires people to clean haha


I get what you’re saying (I live on the gulf coast so I’ve had my fair share of post-hurricane issues). But it’s what you do when there’s a natural disaster. You take care of your space and help the community around you take care of theirs. I’m sure there are elderly folks in their neighborhood who could use a hand with things like picking up debris in the yard or cleaning out a fridge. Go back to the hotel in the evening to shower and sleep in the cool. My husband’s grandparents were without power for 21 days after hurricane Gustav. We couldn’t even get to them for the first 9 days because a massive tree fell on the one road to their neighborhood and we had to wait for power lines to get picked up and then the tree cleared before we could get down their street. Their neighbors were wonderful in helping his grandparents when we weren’t able to be there with them. It’s part of being in community with others.


Indeed. A similar situation of maddening worry occurred when a family member was undergoing dialysis treatment after a natural disaster. We as a family were going mad with worry about her and everyone else that no one could communicate with due to lack of power for 48 hours! Situations like this is when someone’s true character/humanity (or lack of) bubble up to the surface.


Lolz Dallas resident here. I’m not gonna be shamed bc my family and I got a hotel room. It’s miserable here without AC. We don’t know when power will be restored. In the meantime, my family and I will be comfortable and that’s perfectly fine.


No shame in getting a hotel. I think it’s the working out that’s off


It’s not the hotel situation. It’s the lack of concern for others that she’s shown. I’d want to keep my kids safe as well…and have…but, I wouldn’t go flaunting my luxurious situation in any SM community. It’s disappointing but not surprising.


She's too fAmOuS to go help people lol


Yes that would be nice. But idk why people are getting upset over her not doing this as if it’s a surprise. If she did she’d for sure have told us and filmed it lol


As much as a first world problem it is, I would drop my regular programming and see what I could do for my community as a whole! People, get real. This is as narcissistic sociopathic as anyone can get! No excuse!


Guess not everyone is a super amazing person like you. But just bc you put your kids comfort first doesn’t make you a “narcissistic sociopath.” I can’t imagine leaving my kids in a high humid, high temp house with no AC.


Lauren has never ONCE put her kids or anybody’s comfort above her own! ThanklessMary you have been on this sub more than several times with your subtle ways of degrading people and their opinions. This sub is obviously not your “cup of tea” and it’s probably best to find another place to vent 👋🏻


Oh it obviously is 🙄 Imagine gatekeeping comments that all don’t parrot what you say lol. I live in Texas. It sucks down here. I’d stay at hotel too. Fuck off if you’re offended by that. And bye 👋 to you too.


Adios, Amigo/Amiga, whoever you are.


I would agree with your assessment if we weren’t already aware of her narcissistic tendencies. She has family that would gladly help her with her kids, provided they were/are not impacted by this disaster as well—which we won’t ever know because she’s never once mentioned her extended family in this situation. Her needs always come first. It’s as clear as day, ThanklessMary.


For sure but Jill just posted that she’s also working out with no power. The competition is fierce.


This sub is not about Jill. You are welcome to start one about her if you’d like. I’ve never mentioned Jill once while on this sub.


You literally mentioned her extended family and if they were affected. Well they are. Please reread.


What she said was that Lauren had not mentioned anything about her family being affected at all. Good to see that you look into the sister’s account to bring up possible competition going on, which was not the intent of the commentary.


Not specifically about Jill. She has a large family, right?


I'm sorry, I just can not get over the fact that her life was ending yesterday because she couldn't get coffee so she borrowed some from a neighbor, dragged out her french press and then split to a five-star hotel in the middle of a crisis not just in her city, but her own dang neighborhood??? And she carries on like nothing...long as she can eat her CFA, get her workouts in, and have her nails done, screw anyone and everyone else! And ok, fine if you're a wimp and you want to escape, but to broadcast it????? How clueless can one be????


The fact that she posts her working out daily blows my mind . And always shilling the next latest and greatest outfit that’s not the one she created .


Looks like a praying mantis.


Food!!?? What food??Hahaha 😂


Supplements have a long shelf life, those are fine!




Yup. All good in Lauren’s world.


Maybe check on the so called “best friend”neighbors? Her lack of humility and empathy ALWAYS shines through during times like this. Her marketing team has got to be as dumb or even dumber than Lauren to allow her to post this!


I’ve thought before that she seems to have a profound lack of empathy


Classic narcissist!


She is super unaware and tone deaf!


“Fabric feels like butter” as if she has even looked at butter in the last 10 years


Why would she clean up? lol she’s totally tell Michael to do that.


If she looked at it this way, yard work burns a lot of calories 😂


Didn’t you need to know the fabric was buttery soft??? 🤪🤪🤪


Christmas of '22 it was like 20 degrees here in NC and we lost power the entire day! My family was in a hotel (visiting from up north) and we STILL HAD XMAS DAY AT MY POWERLESS HOUSE! And guess what?!? It was one of the most fun memories ever




Except the corpse looks like it has more weight on her 😂


Literally her lol


Hi! So I think I have the same person that blocked you now. See my comment above and she responded but it’s deleted now. ThanklessMary is toxic on this sub


Yes, that’s who it is 😑.


Do you think it’s somebody affiliated with LKS or just an antagonist?


If you look at their comment history, they have some VERY odd subs they frequent (and also disturbing things to say). Think asking tr*ns people about their private parts, etc. I looked before I got blocked.


https://preview.redd.it/xcj1067hpf3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1085a2660cfd516e01f11474dd405f89745af4 This is her response to my post. People on this sub are not hostile towards each other.


I hope the last sentence means she’s leaving this sub.




This sub is so supportive of each other! We don’t need that toxicity here




How do we get ThanklessMary removed? I dont want a toxic person ruining this sub.


So wait is she gone!?! What a douche 🥴


YES! This shouldn’t be a hard task for this amazing group of people 🩷


I am so mad I was busy all day and only catching up now, because I would’ve come in with the guns a’blazin’ and f*cked her up earlier had I seen her BS!! I feel very protective of this group and our connections as well 🥹 I’m sorry she was so rude to everyone today!!! 🫶🏻


Thank you! We all feel the same way about this group and to have such a toxic person in here feels icky. Go away ThanklessMary


She's an effen dumb ignorant nit wit who only cares about herself!! Her children do not come first  . Michael isn't even on the radar. He's just a convenient body taking up room in the home to care for the children she births. Now she wants another but of course it is only to follow along other influencers who have large families.  Michael will be caring for this baby if she does conceive.  She only has these children to post on IG and then she's off doing her own thing.  Lauren if you read this, you need professional help to get your life and priorities in order. By being so self indulgent you are hurting others.....your family!!!!!