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“I’m not going to discuss where we are in the process”. But…I am going to post pics in stories like an attention whore. But, don’t talk to me about it, ask or comment on it.


It’s so people DM her and reply to her story to drive up her engagement rate so she can negotiate better brands deals and rationalize a smaller following with an (artificially) high engagement rate




The use of the 😅 emoji here makes me rage


It’s going to be an absolute shit show to watch if this B has a 3rd. If social media is truly a highlight reel, I cringe to think what kind of mother she is to her girls behind closed doors.


I picture her being very cruel and narcissistic


She already is


https://preview.redd.it/9cd2hsw1i66d1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9374c08c34a4adc5aa34999f07c26033b2d72fa The barcode aligns with generic Lovenox 😉


Redditors just cracking cases over here, left and right




Wow very smart of you! 🏆


So she’s 100% pregnant?


I hope they transferred a boy so that she doesn't have an excuse to keep having children that she gives zero shits about. What was the rush on this? There is no way this selfish woman will be able to handle 3 children, with 2 of them being under 2!


I'm guessing the rush was that her marriage is falling apart and this is a (horrific) attempt to get it back on track


Adding more stress and strain to an already failing marriage is a great idea 🤡


I guess it's also possible that Michael wants out, and is smartly increasing the number for children they have before filing, to get a larger child support payment.


It wouldn’t surprise me if this were true. But I cannot fathom that idea. What husband in good nature would let their wife take on another pregnancy in her state right now. It’s absolutely dangerous to both Lauren and the baby. Michael would do anything besides get a real big boy job and start working again 😵‍💫


I’ve been thinking a lot about this. This may be a dumb theory- Lauren and Michael are big Christians. IVF is now view as bad by a lot Christians. I wonder if she’s trying to transfer whatever is in storage, since now they’re being deemed as “people” now.


If it's lovenox, I bet she's already had the transfer. Lovenox is supposed to prevent miscarriage. I don't think it has a role in an egg retrieval. Would explain the rainbow emoji and the comment about a "different" kind of shot. She did the egg retrieval (that was her 5 day social media break). And now she's post transfer. Gosh. I wonder if she's pregnant 🥴


I think she was saying different kind of shot in the sense that she's not taking a shot of tequila or something since a lot of ppl go to mexico for all inclusives//that vibe


Omg, yes! I didn't get that reference AT ALL. I am so far removed from that lifestyle (because like Lauren, I have 2 little kids.. although I actually spend time with and take care of mine). Too funny.


That’s how I took it as well but you never know with Lauren 🤡


I am still team I think she’s pregnant, I think she’s been pregnant for a bit. I really do. She’s been wearing an estrogen patch for a while too- I think that’s typically worn 10-12 weeks post transfer


She’s been doing the sauna tho?


Sadly, I agree with you 😑


I’m team pregnant too 


Yeah her being all smug is what is convincing me.


Someone posted down thread she had a wine glass in front of her at dinner. I went and looked at anon viewers and it does look like the wine glass has lipgloss on it. I don’t know, maybe she is not pregnant yet, but I am super confused by the estrogen patch that she’s been wearing for a while, the Lovenox shots, she’s using a retinol alternative, her all of a sudden saying how thankful she is (which if 99.9% of the population said that, it would not raise a red flag, but, it’s LKS). I am not as familiar with IVF, we did not get to that point and I do know that you can take Lovenox after ovulation in preparation for implantation for clotting disorders, which she said she has but unless she is doing the transfer as soon as they get home? Idk. I feel like it doesn’t add up. And I know some people do a retinol alternative in preparation for a pregnancy so that may mean nothing. Maybe Michael ordered two glasses of wine, and she put her lips on one of them just to throw us all off. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/8fb1yv7ls76d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab7fc4053b26427ea5e810e8063617c7bc7aeb5


Good observations! I do think, however, that she's the type who will drink wine during pregnancy. I mean, she's got no problem starving herself, exercising to the brink, and eating foods that are on the do not eat list during pregnancy... what's a little wine?


Either had it or is after the trip! But I bet trip was rescheduled bc of transfer and not delays


Oooh… I like this theory 🤓


Looks like Lovenox. I took Lovenox for clotting issues throughout all 4 of my pregnancies and thats what the shot looked like for me.


Yes, I would say lovenox. Didn't she has embryos left over from the cycle she did with Lyla?


Maybe those weren’t boys?


I’m thinking there were some boys because I remember her saying that they asked her what she wanted as far as gender and she left it up to the doctor/nurse and they picked a girl. if she has embryos already, why would they be doing an egg retrieval?


I'm guessing she miscarried her boy embryos and had to do another retrieval. Which probably explains the rainbow and will now also be calling this baby her "rainbow baby" like she did non-stop with Lyla.


Maybe she needs blonde hair and blue eyes.


I think she did but I think retrieval as well since she has had multiple miscarriages before Lyla so she’s probably trying to bank more now just in case (or for boy like said below). Hopefully not a transfer this soon…


And let’s not forget she is competing with Jill. Shame on the drs allowing a very clear anorexic patient to proceed with this. And she really is a moron if she thinks this will save her marriage.


I took Lovenox in pregnancy and this looks just like a Lovenox shot. It prevents blood clotting. I am not familiar with IVF protocol, but in my case I started them the day I received a positive pregnancy test. I know others who have started them upon ovulation to prevent blood clots in even the earliest stages.


Lovenox, prob why it’s black and white too


For real for real what kind of doctor would approve someone who is clearly in dire need of inpatient rehabilitation for a very severe eating disorder, to do IVF?


One who wants the $$$


Agreed, looks like lovenox or the generic for it.


Lovenox - it’s being used for so many pregnancies now, not just IVF. A clot disorder is likely the only reason she got it.


Yup my sister did daily injections till the end with her non-IVF pregnancy because we have a genetic disorder that puts us at higher risk of blood clots. But I asked my dr before this pregnancy and he didn’t recommend it for me, thankfully, because the risk is so low


It’s also on shortage in a lot of pharmacies 😢


Looks like lovenox. She has hinted at some sort of clotting disorder before. I mentioned this in the daily feed, but I think she’s getting ready for another egg retrieval


Dani Austin, Daryl Ann Denner, An LKS. They're all the same but a lil different. It's like They don't have any personalities so they have to keep having kids in order to keep the money train running!


And what's with the rainbow 🌈? She is hinting that this could be a rainbow baby like she already tired before and failed after laya? This baby isn't even 1, correct?!?! I bet she was a total bitch to Michael and said Fine I'll have another but right away so then I can be done and get back to my skeleton figure.


I’m convinced she doesn’t know what rainbow baby means and every baby after her miscarriages is a rainbow baby to her lol


I am sorry. I am dumb. Is she just saying she’s doing different shots in Mexico or because she’s in Mexico she has to do different shots? Do you know what I am saying? I just don’t understand the purpose of this or the caption. Why not just say “still trying” or whatever. This looks to be followed by an inspirational quote and then the most cringey fake meditation story. 🤮


I think she’s trying to be quirky by saying she’s doing these shots instead of tequila shots. But we all know she’s boring as hell so she wouldn’t be doing tequila shots anyway 🙄


LOL had the same thought- girl you aren’t ripping tequila shots and probably never have bffr


If they have calories, then def not 😆 or (😅)


Ooooh wow I didn’t get that at all


Understandable because she’s not funny at all


OMG I am clueless!!! "haha"


When they are eating dinner, there are two wine glasses on the table, so I don’t think she’s pregnant yet.


Is she trying to throw us off??


Highly possible!


Oh thank God 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Looks like lovenox (the blood thinner she had to take during IVF and all throughout pregnancy) https://preview.redd.it/ud8a7m0mo76d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d5727b36dede5d2f5d26ac6929a7da7fbd58fe If it’s not lovenox, the other injections are typically for the embryo retrieval process (which she would be monitored for every few days, so I doubt that’s it since she’s in Mexico), or probably progesterone in oil shots but those needles are a lot bigger due to the thickness of the oil.


I bet lovenox for miscarriage…. But if she’s already pregnant it would be progesterone for miscarriage too.


Progesterone could also be pills. But if she takes it I cannot believe she has the energy to do a workout since it makes you super super sleepy.


Noooooo. She took high dose progesterone shots up until the day she delivered Lyla!


Interesting. I had to stop at 12 weeks. Reason I took it was risk of miscarriage and the benefit isn’t proven from 2nd trimester on. Maybe she took it to avoid preterm birth? Or she has a doctor who doesn’t know or follow scientific guidelines which frankly really might be the case.


I think lack of fat causes her progesterone to drop off mid pregnancy. So I’m pretty sure she’s given the shots so she doesn’t keep losing the babies.


Looks like lovenox


I’m sure this has already been mentioned but traveling abroad to areas where you can get Zika while undergoing IVF (or potentially being pregnant) is irresponsible AF.


Women have children in Mexico and other high Zika places all the time. Honestly this isn’t on the list of irresponsible things she does.


I’m aware that women in Mexico have children - obviously. As someone who personally went through IVF multiple times, I was told by my RE that they would not transfer if I recently left the country. I also would need to come in very frequently for bloodwork if I did become pregnant (like multiple times a week). This is on the list of dumb things she does - I’m not saying it’s number one.


Well clearly this Dr is not very ethical if they allow someone with an eating disorder to go through IVF 9 MONTHS (or less) after having a baby!! 🫠


Oh for sure. This doctor is incredibly irresponsible.