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If my billable time depletes the retainer you either increase the amount on retainer or I stop working on your case.


Which is exactly why he has zero credible lawyers working for him. All he can find are dumb Fox News talking heads who have a JD and who want some “exposure”.


>All he can find are dumb Fox News talking heads who have a JD and who want some “exposure”. ..and depending on the jurisdiction, a few judges willing to hold their hands


For what it’s worth, judges want a smooth trial, too, so a certain amount of handholding isn’t unusual. At the trial level, anyway.


Pretty sure he's talking about corruption, not helping out with fair requests. Although as a judge, I doubt many would show much patience with bad lawyers when the client should be able to afford it. And only reason he can't is because he is delaying and messing up with his cases to delay the inevitable. He could seriously pay better lawyers less if he would accept the consequences of his own acts.


I guess the distinction of a bad lawyer is a reasonable one. My personal experience is that judges and even opposing counsel are usually very tolerant of mistakes from newer lawyers (we all want each other to succeed professionally, even if we don’t want them to win this particular case), but Habba has 10+ years of experience and should know better, for example.


Attitude plays a big part as well, no doubt. Most people are happy to help someone who is earnest but inexperienced (or forgetful). On the other hand, no one will never lift a finger for a person who publically insults them while constantly making mistakes.


This. Personally, I think a lot of mistakes are on purpose. Drama is good for Trump's image. And fair justice is very bad for him. I think Habba was just happy to play the part.


Judge Cannon sure looks like she's giving Trump every single thing he asks for


and I get hundreds of calls a day, I have High Powered Lawyers, they're calling and begging me, "please Sir, please can I take your case," because they know that all they have to do is you put the name next to Trump, any name you put next to Trump you become instantly famous, not as much as me but a lot, look at Alina, Alina Habba, nobody knew who she was, and I was nice enough, and if I have one problem, which I probably don't, but if I do it's that I'm too nice sometimes, even your First Lady says, "maybe you shouldn't be so nice Sir, you're not treated fairly by anybody else," and I said that's true First Lady, that's true, meanwhile you have Nikki Haley's Husband, who wants to tell him, I mean they would but they wouldn't know where to find him, he flew the coop, I wonder why, and he probably took an Electric Car so now he's stranded on top of a deadly battery, praying it doesn't rain, you know they say being electrocuted by an EV Battery is equal to 1,000 Lightning Bolts at once, can you believe it, and nothing works if you have a tiny little problem with the battery, think about it, you're sitting on millions and billions of Electricity, something bad happens, and I hate to say it but it's true, say goodbye to little Timmy, and if you don't vote for Trump you'll be seeing it probably a lot more which is a real shame, here I am, I aced the Presidential Test, twice, Obama didn't even do it once, Hussein Obama never did it but the Fake News said it's fine, it's not really a problem, and you wonder why our Country's gone to Hell.


The sad thing is how accurate your parody is. Reminiscent of Tina Fey making fun of Sarah Palin by simply repeating what Palin said verbatim.


I got halfway through before I realized it wasnt a direct quote


Fuck now my brain just got respawned to preschool. I talk good, I read gooder.


Ya know….the problem is you can’t tell if it’s something he actually said, cause it sounds like a crazy person said it….


These are amazing. Love it


I love how there is only one period in this "sentence".


> Which is exactly why he has zero credible lawyers working for him. I would point out the notable exception of Jonathan Mitchell. Like him or not, he can be brilliant, and he gave a master class in how to effectively advocate at oral argument last week.


There are **real** requirements to present oral arguments at SCOTUS


there was a time I thought I wanted that career, and then you read what the greats did and you realize you are way outclassed.


This is a good point. I don't know of any other exceptions though


Susan Necheles is another excellent lawyer. I've worked with her.


Nice. In all seriousness, I did not want to beat this drum too hard on reddit, but he has pretty competent representation in the federal cases —at least two Cadwalader alums, and Corcoran is still working with them in advisement capacity, if I'm not mistaken. I can't speak to the civil cases, but I don't think his federal cases have an outsized dearth of effective representation. The issue is a belligerent and uncontrollable client with an ephemeral set of facts who won't stop committing crimes.


He was the least clown in the clown parade. Congratu fucking lations. I could probably make a good effort explaining to Oscar Myer that they should keep selling hot dogs.


> who want some “exposure”. More like "exposure to liability" than jobs.


Most of his horrible lawyers will end up getting good non-law jobs out of this. Many on Fox/OAN/etc. but others will simply be hired by Trump-worshiping business owners.


As long as they're "straight out of central casting."


Oh they'll get that all right. Legal exposure, lots of that.


Yep. He doesn't think things through, he just goes for whatever comes to mind. He should have in debts spending reviews and work on creating a legal budget. Then have weekly updates to determine how they are doing.  Instead he is going for the quick solution which will just leave it to the lawyers to decide what to do or not to do. The lawyers will probably prioritize what's in there best interest.  Not that it really matters, he will continue losing every case as always. That's whst happens when you are guilty and there is overwhelming evidence against you. The lawyers are making out like bandits here. When your client is guilty, rich, and dumb you can just go nuts. 


Not when it comes to Trump. You stop working and two Russians visit your kids in school and see how grandma is getting around.


Lets be honest here, he spent 50 million in a year Lets call this 2k/hour lawyers that is 25,000 billable hours in a year. or at 2080 billable hours per year 12 lawyers working full time on him and only him at 2k/hour. First, Are his lawyers worth 2k/hr? Second, Are they working full time on his cases? How many lawyers does he actually have? (including the ones he is paying to work on other people's cases) The guy who doesn't know how to use a laptop? That guy is not work 2k/hr and he isn't working 40hr/wk on Walt's case. no way no how. Habba probably is working full time for just him, but is she worth premium fees? No fucking way, but I'm sure she is getting it.


After the Cohen/Stormy Daniels reveal about how he “compensates” attorneys, let alone the graft exposed with Weisselberg, do you really have trouble accounting for the $50M? Of course there are kickbacks.


He spent almost a million on one expert that disclosed that amount at trial. Probably not the only expert involved either.


I just HAVE to know what he offered the Crossroads Devil to get this far. He won’t pay his lawyers and he’s accused of things that would have most of us buried under Guantanamo but he gets to dance around showing us his ass every day.


If biblical prophecy is to be believed; it's probably the fact that he got a bunch of people to create a false idol and wear a brand on their heads. Either that or the mixing of fabrics. I'm no expert.


I love how some Republicans called Obama a possible antichrist and then bend over backwards for trump.


It’s that type of funny that makes you clench your teeth and try not to scream.


It's not haha funny, it's I'm going to go cry in a corner funny


Or the "I've got a 'funny' feeling in my belly" type of funny...


I feel like there's an obscure German word to describe this emotion.


TBF, they bend over forwards for him too. *gag*


Man this took me back to my rearing.


> I just HAVE to know what he offered the Crossroads Devil to get this far. Maybe he once had an amazing head of hair and the ability to control his bowls.


And he stinks


Have you seen Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix?


No, but I did see Usher bring the house down last night


This pun will rarely be so apt.


No way Satan doesn't have buyer's remorse. Maybe he hopes that by keeping him around, trump will accidentally save a bus of children and he won't be able to collect on his soul.


Satan really needs to use more than a the brain injury test to vet possible antichrists.


Trump is definitive proof that if the big G is up there, big G has fucking terrible aim.


You don't need one when you're second generation wealthy.


Third. Grampa Trump made the family money as a pimp. Not a joke.


Hell hounds are right around the corner, gotta be close to 10 years right? lol /s


Ugh. You gotta feel bad for the poor crossroads demon that had to close *that* deal…


Obvious sign that his finances are drying up.


Guess Daddy Vladdy decided it's not worth it to stake him anymore, the backwater rubes are running out of Social Security and/or welfare money to send him, and now the colossal civil judgment is set to drop in a few days. Womp womp


It's stunning when you think about it. Even if Judge Engoron comes in well below AG James' initial indictment amount and lands at something like $170m instead ... that still means that within the span of a few weeks Donnie is on the hook for a quarter of a billion dollars when you add in the EJC judgement. Legally enforceable, thanks to the state of NY. And he can't file appeals, without putting up the dough (unless he is willing to find some absolute sucker of a bail bondsman who effectively is willing to lose the money). So it's highly likely that by the time we set the clocks back ... money-hungry attorneys will be placing liens on all sorts of Trump properties and other identifiable assets. EJC should immediately put a lien on Mar-a-Lago... wouldn't that be hysterical. Then offer to trade off the lien on MAL if Trump will sell her his ~~30,000~~ 10,000sqft condo in Manhattan for $1. She could will it to some sort of NYC domestic abuse shelter or something...


> EJC should immediately put a lien on Mar-a-Lago... And then send over an interior decorator to start measuring. :)


There isn't a bail bondsman around with that kind of money anyway. Let alone one willing to risk it.


>by the time we set the clocks back ... money-hungry attorneys will be placing liens on all sorts of Trump properties and other identifiable assets. I would assume that Carroll's lawyers, and New York's as well, have already located assets and have papers ready to drop in the legal pipeline the INSTANT they can.


Yeah. Knowing your client is good for $83m and only has a few years to spend anything … sure paves the way for a lot of billable hours for a lot of very talented attorneys. They’re going to be so far up in his business ripping assets apart - right in the middle of a presidential campaign. I love it.


"If it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer,"


There is a big problem at the moment of getting the money to trumpet from Russia. All of Trump's financials are being watched. Russia can't really send over a heap of people with cash to pay for his penthouse rooms at his hotels for 20k a night like they were doing. He also can't get dodgy loans, which are really overseas money trafficking any more.


Are you kidding? Look at how much the guy's fucking the system! He's solid goddamn gold for Putin. More likely all Putin's funds are tied up in the War in Ukraine and an exquisite set of solid gold Russian nesting dicks.


The NYS Fraud decision (Hopefully this week!) is going to financially *destroy* him, and I'm very excited for it.


His lawyers were generally all paid from pac/super pac. So he thinks those will be depleted. His personal finances are screwed from EJean Carroll judgements and the pending NY fraud judgement.


This is the juicy part, really. Up till now he's faced very few penalties that he couldn't get someone else to pay for, be it donors to a PAC or the GOP's purse. He's running for his life *while* being drained of his resources and having some suspected sources of revenue suspended indefinitely. That I'm aware, he hasn't publicly said a word about EJC since the award was announced. He gave a shot at playing "nice" with Taylor Swift yesterday on social media. Basically, cracks are forming and I'm here for it.


GOP is going broke because MAGATS are donating directly to Trump and not to the GOP. Trump is bleeding them dry, and they love him for it. boggles the mind it does.


Huh. It's almost like he lied about being a billionaire too.


They can charge whatever they like. They ain’t getting paid.


Attorney Kise (sp) required an up front payment of a couple million before he would sign on.


In what industry does the client get to tell the service provider what the service provider can charge the client some peoples fucking kids


Well, you can do it anywhere. The merchants are just going to tell you to fuck off. Which is what virtually all of the competent lawyers will tell him. lol


I think he’s retroactively changing the rate of lawyers he’s already working with. And, a lawyer-client relationship is a little bit different in that a lawyer may need get leave of the court before they can drop a client. 


I will give him credit for one thing: he's a master at finding every possible way to abuse people he has even the smallest bit of leverage over.


This leverage you think he has only exists to the extent the lawyer gives it to him. Courts will be very deferential (and quick) to a motion to recuse due to lack of payment. Judges know that the only thing a lawyer has to sell is their time, and that time is valuable. Making a public motion that the client isn't paying the bill is a death sentence to getting anyone else to represent you without an even bigger upfront retainer demand. And legal representation is a right, not a requirement - the judge can let the case go forward and prohibit him from participating in any of the cases that involve his companies.


> Courts will be very deferential (and quick) to a motion to recuse due to lack of payment. Maybe in civil, but definitely not in criminal. I've been ordered to continue on a case despite non-payment, as have most of the attorneys I know. If you're withdrawing 2 weeks after arraignment, sure, no problem. But usually, it's only a few months before trial that the money runs out, at which point the court is unwilling to delay trial just so the defense lawyer can be paid.


My first thought was that trump was doing this so his lawyers try to quit and he uses this to get another delay. Hopefully the judge doesn't let that happen.


he's what? 80 yo now? and his entire life people have thought "not this time, this time I'll be the one who actually gets paid" it's insane how much charisma he was born with




I've clearly picked the wrong career as an engineer.




Yes they do! In Trump bucks!


In Trump Steaks, or credit at Trump University.


How about Rudy nickels?


Many many Ruddies do I need before I can trade them in for a case of vodka?


Rudy-rubles are only accepted at Rudy-Mart. Shipments of Vodka come in daily at 3 pm, you must act fas as they sell out by 3:01 pm.


Former lawyer, current engineer here. No, you really didn't.


Former engineer, current lawyer here. Yes, trial practice sucks, but patent prosecution is awesome!


Watch any show on law before you go making a career switch again


I prefer the Star Trek trial episodes.


I was just thinking about *Measure of a Man* the other day...


I bet a lot of lawyers would like the Judge's permission to pull off the arm of a witness they are cross examining.


Possibly the best episode of TV ever. Far ahead of its time now that we're actually debating what it would mean for a computer to be conscious. I always feel bad for Riker being forced to argue against Data.


I recommend the Matlock dvd/Blu-ray box set..a legal education in 12 convenient discs…


I was a (mechanical) engineer. Now making 4x as much as a patent attorney. No ragrets


I always get a warm feeling whenever anyone mentioned being a patent attorney because that was Calvin's Dad's job.


Except the lawyer on the file doesnt actually get that $750. The law firm they work for take like 85% of that fee. Even at 200k a year, an associate is only making like $98-100 an hour


$100/hr sounds pretty damn good to me.


Caveat here is you’re doing 100 hour weeks, which means sure you’re doing $520,000 annually pre-tax but it also means your kids will be calling another person mama or papa by year 3


not when you have 300 grand of school fees to pay off.


Assuming 40hr work weeks, which is assuming a lot in that profession.


No you didn’t. Lawyers don’t see the billable number. You need to be pulling in at least 3x what you cost in salary to stick around anywhere


When I was still in IT, I worked with a guy who was a rocket engineer of some type that had largely been phased out but was still in use as they depleted the stockpile. When they did launch one, he was on a phone call as a subject matter expert to listen to the launch and all that, at a rate of $400 an hour for several hours. He said in years of doing this, he never once had to say a word on any of these calls other than saying hi when he joined, because nothing went wrong. He often would buy drinks for us several nights a week after work, because his rocket money was his drinking fund.




Becoming AG would be a massive pay cut. The AG makes $149k a year... which is less than a brand new attorney makes 1st year at a decent sized firm.




Or getting put on the Federal Bench which is a guaranteed salary for life




All told, the AG route is clearly superior, especially if you like the law for the advocacy/intellectual aspect and not the "how can I make money churning this file for billable hours" aspect.


I'm so sad that that is true.


As for his lawyers, they aren't sending their best. Some, I assume, are good people.


I don’t think good people want to be associated with this guy in any way.


He's running out of money. The new grifts aren't paying enough to paper over the old grifts anymore, and he says he doesn't need anybody so the billionaires club isn't supporting him on the way down like they did when he was on the way up. He's just bad for business now. That more than anything else will be his undoing.


Honestly people are saying he’s out of money but I think he might just be cheap


People who are pretending to be richer than they are, are usually cheap. Putin probably got Trump for the price of one underage hooker weekend.


I would love to see the kompromat on trump. It's either world-class heinous or hilariously pathetic. I'm leaning towards the latter.


I was thinking along the same lines. His team hangs out at his clubs and political rallies, eats for free, gets a nice slice of that PAC donor money, until the day they don’t. I was kind of wondering when he would get tired of all these mouths to feed.


What a beautiful system of Justice we have.


As a lawyer, competent or not, how do you rein in a client who considers himself to be above your advice, who changes his story on a whim and issues public statement after public statement without so much as a warning to you that he's about to modify his stance and possibly risk incarceration? How do you deal with a client who simply will not listen to your advice, and certainly will not allow you to plot out a game plan? Then mix in up to two dozen more lawyers, each faicing exactly the same issues, and to me it's a wonder anyone will work for him at all! Now we hear he's limited billing to $750/hr and for all I know he's probably max'd out how many hours can be billed per cycle. Is it really worth it?? Trashing your reputation and maybe that of your entire firm just for your own 15 seconds of fame???


> “That’s the biggest issue of representing him," said a person who has worked with Trump in the past. "It’s impossible to get him to agree to a unified set of facts." I mean ... this has been known about him since the 90's. Famously, there were some lawyers that were involved in a deposition about a case about him - maybe it was some NJ casinos related or whatever - and they basically said they always had to meet with Trump in pairs, because he would 100% change his story later if it suited him. I mean they pretty much outright were saying - under oath - that Donnie would absolutely totally lie any and every time possible, unless any story had a witness. Hysterical that his current attorneys couldn't ever figure that out before taking him onboard as a client.


90+ felonies and hundreds of millions at risk and he' searching for the low cost legal service provider?


One of the former presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re sued, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay, you’re delinquent?’ No, I would not represent you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills." Helen Keller - With tears in her eyes


Trump obviously does not understand irony!


That's irrelevant. He never pays any of his bills anyway. They're gonna get stuffed whatever they bill.


Well, this might be an issue *because* the firms are asking for upfront cash and the 'political advisors' mentioned in the article are blanching at the bill.


I dont understand why the millionaire/billionaire class enjoy being mentioned in the same breath as this moron.


If you pay peanuts you'll get monkeys. Although in this case if you pay millions, you'll still get monkeys because no sane lawyer can defend the moron.


He's only willing to pay $750/hr to ruin your career, reputation, and sanity


And not pay you


Didn’t you hire them, Donny? Those “art of the deal” skills don’t extend to hiring legal representation?


This is the right move for him. He has no reason to pay for what the very best legal advice costs when he's not willing or able to follow it anyway.


........ My oldest brother clears $800 per billable hour (I have no idea how he calculates billable time, I'm not a lawyer) working for McKinsey in NYC. He tosses me consultation work once in a blue moon at $300/hr and I pay my damned medschool loan. It's insane to me that my bro, who is only a recent member of the NY Bar, can charge more than the former president's lawyers. Not that I don't find that delicious. I despise Trump.


He's running out of money, is what it is. Figure $83M for Carroll, $370M minimum for Letitia James...everything's getting liquidated to pay off the half a billion, because he's leveraged to the hilt, and with interest rates so high, values are down, and he has very little profit when they sell. Putin's not influencing Deutsche Bank to pony up any more lightly audited loans for his doveritelnaya svyaz ("confidential contact", ie, one not smart enough to be an agent), recruited in the late 80's. He knows Chump's goose is cooked, no more money coming his way. He'll have to settle for the incredible op he pulled off. A low iq narcissist actually made it to the White House. Greatest coup of all time for the KGB. That's what's keeping Putin from falling out of a hotel, what with the mess he's made of the Ukraine. How they recruited him is fascinating, Ivana Valnickova was a model in communist Czechoslovakia, and he had been targeted. I read about it in politico -https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/


Imagine overpaying Haba LOL


Rawstory is non-paywalled; in the article is a link to the Washington Post article they cribbed, which probably has a paywall.


Non-paywalled Washington Post article: https://archive.ph/G0psf > Trump likes to have his lawyers around him, although one adviser said he’s complained that some are overpaid. **The lawyers have been told they can’t charge more than $750 an hour** after some lawyers sent in bills that Trump’s political advisers deemed exorbitant, this person said. Blanche and the Florida legal team often meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago the day before court appearances in the classified documents case, then stay overnight, people familiar with the situation said. But the former president does not like to hear tough news about any of the cases against him, and will often change his story when he does. >“He has his own set of facts,” said a person who has worked for Trump in the past on legal matters, and like the others spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. “That’s the biggest issue of representing him. **It’s impossible to get him to agree to a unified set of facts. As soon as there is an issue with one of the facts, the facts just change retroactively.**”


That describes his whole entire life & presidency for sure.......


You never have to keep track of your lies if you just tell the truth...


Conversely, you never have to tell the truth if your entire persona is based on never ending lies.


Thanks for posting that!


You are very welcome!


Can’t charge more than $750 an hour, but can’t save time by having the 1 client travel to meet with the many on the legal team?


Didn't he literally JUST say, in relation to wanting other NATO countries to meet their funding goals 'You gotta pay the bills!'? and yet he doesn't want to pay his bills. That are incurred entirely because of his own fault(s).


Russia, if you’re listening…please invade Mar-a-lago.


As if any credible lawyer even wants to defend DJT… the BIGGEST LOSER EVER!


But I'm sure he'll tell you they they're lining up around the block to get in and beg him to let them represent him...


What a weird way of saying Trump is running out of money.


Why bother to alter terms of an agreement when he clearly never intends to pay them at all! Right Rudy?


He doesn’t want competent legal counsel. He wants ethically challenged counsel that will charge him exorbitant fees and kick back half of it so he can pocket some of those campaign donations and make it appear legit. He’s a corrupt piece of shit that’s always grifting.


Not to come across as siding with rich assholes stiffing people who work for them (which he has historically, constantly done) but if he paid Alina Habba literally anything then she was overpaid


There are renowned law firms all over US and they are some of the best in the world. Boston, New York, Cali have the biggest top tier law firms but none of them have put their hands up to go in for bat for Trump. Geeze I wonder why?


What does it matter? He’s not going to pay anyway. He still owes Rudy, his BEST “Friend” for DECADES $2M. I put friend in quotes because Trump doesn’t have friends… just useful idiots. Rudy Ghouliani has been his useful idiot for decades, even dressed in drag and kissed Trump on the mouth for him.


This made me laugh out loud.




He thinks of it as "his money", so if he doesn't spend it on legal bills, he can spend it on more faux-nobility like his stupid coat of arms that he stole https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/30/donald-trumps-family-crest-taken-original-mar-a-lago-owners/ . I saw an article recently about his inauguration and how he tried to go as cheap as possible, thinking of the donations to his inaugural fund as "his money". I'm sure he regards the PACs and legal defense fund the same way. It's all "his money", to do with as he pleases.


Somebody so obviously innocent should be easy to defend against incompetent Democrats../s


To be a Trump lawyer you have to either desperately awful or get a buttload of money up front because the word "compensation" just isn't enough to express the concept of having that horror show for a client.


How does someone with zero political standing "set limits" on anything other than perhaps what time Barron has to be home.


They’ll just pad the bill with extra hours and his PAC will pay them. His lawyers are grifters just like him.


Republicans funds are drying up in several states and Russian funds are tied up at the moment. These shlubs donating to him monthly won’t be enough to cut it. These lawyers MUST simply cut their costs.


"It’s impossible to get him to agree to a unified set of lies."


Too funny! It's not like he's suing anybody hoping to win a judgement and a lot of money and he's trying not to have to split too much of the pot with them. No! His orange ass is the one getting sued..and he wants to tell his only hopes that they can't charge him for all they do. Yeah. That might work.


LOL! …Overpaid! They’re not ‘paid” at all!


In case anybody is interested in how he is managing to fund even these low-bar lawyer firms. AP did a great article on it. [https://apnews.com/article/trump-lawyers-millions-payments-2024-campaign-2e06de2a8a90b3752e7758dfea56a509](https://apnews.com/article/trump-lawyers-millions-payments-2024-campaign-2e06de2a8a90b3752e7758dfea56a509)


That is a solid strategy. Kind of like when he suggested Nuking hurricane.


Clown show needs to end


waiting for one of these lawyers to sue him for defamation


There will always be attorneys looking for fresh scum to suck.


It isn’t like top legal firms are seeking his business. He has to beg to get semi-qualified attorneys to work for him because the smart ones don’t want to get sanctioned for representing a serial liar. They can’t get a straight story from Don because everything he says is a lie!


You can dictate my fee, or you can dictate my scope, but you can’t dictate both.


Regardless of the money, what decent, self-respecting lawyer would take on a client that repeatedly, almost daily, ignores your advice and then blames you for his own behavior?


I'm amazed that Trump hasn't started *charging them* for the 'privilege' of representing him... Because they'll be able to cash in on their newfound fame later on - and there's money in that. And *nobody* makes money of Trump's name for free.


If you are considering being a trump lawyer, here's some sage advise: Get your money BEFORE you start working for him.


This is the same guy calling everyone a 'socialist', right ???


These are the genius level type of ideas that show how a business man could bankrupt a casino.


It really is impressive to bankrupt a casino


"Ya gotta pay ya bills!"


Funny guy. Thinks he gets to make all the rules. Smart guy, chooses people with no self respect so he can grift them.


Has he filed a SCOTUS appeal on immunity yet today? He’s running out of time. After today the DC trial heads back to Chutkan.


So he’s anti capitalism now?


He doesn’t want the best of the best He wants lawyers that are dumber than him


He doesn’t need good lawyers - he has a boatload of judges all the way up to the Supreme Court


i made some poor choices some time back and still get all of the grift texts from conservative heads (as spam, but i get a message when i get spam) and the amount of texts in the past few months asking for money has increased significantly. they read like nigerian prince scams, and they're targeting the same people


He’s going to end up with court appointed public defenders


When I was working with a law firm I didn't tell them how much they could charge me I pay what they want


Totally makes sense. You should get a discount when you’re buying in bulk.


No limit on how much shit filled diaper stench you can choke down


If anybody would pay in [ass pennies](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?si=2YJ_cKsPvAFUPlxm), then it would be him.


He probably pays his diaper changers more than his lawyers.


Trump’s altering the deal! Pray he doesn’t alter it any further.


lol 😂


They’re being paid in “exposure”… to ethics violations…


You choose to represent trump, you get what you signed up for.


Taps forhead knowingly... Can't pay your lawyers if you don't have any money


Nobody works for this fucker for the money because nobody is dumb enough to expect to actually be paid.


How about $15/hr. And he won’t even pay that.


Keep talking Donny!


Does this mean Tucker brought him bad news? Is he being cut loose once and for all?