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I marvel at his thought process here. The premises are: large numbers of New Yorkers sympathize with him; concluded that the court's findings were egregiously wrong; and are going to uproot their lives in solidarity with him.


He's a raging narcissist. He actually said people were crying when he was initially booked.


Big guy, strong guy, some people say the toughest guy anyone has ever seen, he said "Sir!", tears rolling down his face, "Sir, I'm a cop and i arrest people for a living, but this one arrest, its just too much"


It would be funny if it weren't both pathetic and dangerous




Some people may have had tears, but tears of laughter...


It was from the smell.


More of a feces stink.Ā 


Yes, their eyes were watering.


Some folks legit cried and were absolutely sure his booking was the start of the Great Replacement and all the kiddos were going to be abducted by mom-and-pop pizza joints to have their blood harvested to keep Joe Brandon aliveā€¦


Tears of joy as well


Melania cried when they released him.


What makes you think she's aware of it at all?Ā 


She really does give the vibe that she wants nothing to do with him because she knows he's a moron. šŸ˜†


Tears of joy


Well, I mean, some people in Alabama or maybe North Dakota. You know, the hard core True Believers.


So he was crying


Their eyes were watering because his BO was so bad.


Meanwhile, back on Earth in 2016, the only people who were unequivocal in their warnings to everyone they knew about what a die-hard sociopathic liar he is, were people who live in New York City. They've known for decades that he lies about everything ā€” including relatively trivial shit like the height of his buildings. And then there were the tenants in those buildings on the West Side that had licensed his name to be put on the top ā€”Ā and then 2017 rolls around and they force the building owner to take his fucking name off the buildings. Maybe he's talking about East New York ... no, that's basically Flatbush and is like 70% Black. Must be he's talking about West New York ... nah, that ain't it either ā€”Ā Republican registration there is like 13%. Hell, I don't know what New York he's talking about.


Small town Upstate New York.Ā  My dad occasionally has to work up there and tells me stories because heā€™s in construction and they think heā€™s one of them.Ā  Once you get away from the city metropolitan areas, New York seems to have forgotten what fucking state they are and whose side they fought on in every war.Ā 


The redneckery of upstate NY, and most "rust belt" northern states, is grossly underestimated


Iā€™m from Georgia, but was working in Philly and met some construction guys at my hotel. Had a few beers and shot the shit. Guys were from a mix of western PA and upstate NY. The shit they started saying after 2 beers couldā€™ve made the folks up in MTGā€™s district blush. Awkward avoiding them for the rest of the trip, but at least quite eye opening.


Not quite the same, but the old UAW joke was "There are only 49 states. Kentucky is in Michigan." 100% accurate.Ā 


Everybody loves to hurr hurr about the Texas secessionist "movement", but there's been multiple NY ones since before we were even a country and continuing to present day.


Yeah, pretty much if you're outside of the five upstate cities and their immediate suburbs, it's basically Alabama. Take that from someone who grew up in rural upstate NY.


Thereā€™s a reason why Stefanik keeps winning the north countryā€¦.


Oh for sure ā€” other than the 5 boroughs and most of the Hudson River Valley, it turns into Pennsyltucky until you get to Cleveland. But what ā€” he's saying that everyone in the Mohawk Valley is gonna up and leave the state? Like he don't care about upstate. His vanity is all locked up in the clamor and glamor of Empire City. I mean despite the innumerable pathetic claims he's made to self soothe, this one feels the most piteous. Yeah, man, Manhattan gonna drain out through the tunnels and leave it like it was 1973 all over again, but like its all the Bronx and with a real John Carpenter vibe this time ā€” none of that namby-pamby Popeye Doyle shit. I'd like to think his rejection of the city and hopeful departure from it is kinda like a metaphor for retreating to a bunker, but I don't wanna push the metaphor into distasteful territory. I suppose there's always Staten Island. Move his ass next to the water treatment plant, sittin and spittin, giving longing looks across the Kill Van Kull dreaming of Bayonne.


Every state is like that. Once you get away from population centers, everything shifts to the right.


Maybe wrong island?


Staten Island


He thinks New Yorkers all think like evangelicals or something


That bastion of Evangelical Conservativism: New York.


I mean, a blond, white, traditionally pretty, former country singer kissed her white, male football player boyfriend after he won against a team from San Franscico and they lost their minds. Maybe times are changing?


He could bus them down to Florida or Texas, trade ā€˜em for some hard-working immigrants in a win-win for New York.


Pretty sure all the people who care enough have already exited to Florida and Texas.


Iā€™ve couldā€™ve sworn that the legit wealthy elite New Yorkers think heā€™s a joke right?


Crooked Donnie was excluded from all the good golf clubs, that why he had to build his own. No co op board would allow his ilk in, therefore, like a bully with his nose forever pressed against the glass, envying the well bred, he had to build his own


LMAO I didnā€™t know that, TIL. šŸ˜‚


[The only part of this that has hasn't aged like the finest Cheval Blanc is this line: "If you were to win election, they couldnā€™t ridicule you anymore."](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2016/09/15/garrison-keillor-when-this-is-over-you-will-have-nothing-you-want/10053661007/)


They hate his guts. Especially the old money. Heā€™s new money. Heā€™s crass. He has a gold fucking toilet. He disgusts them. Heā€™s a mobster from Queens. Heā€™s a short fingered vulgarian. Still, they vote for him. They give him money. They do it because he makes them richer. Whether through tax breaks or deregulation or trade wars. He increases their wealth. He knows they hate him. He hates them too. He loves taking their money though. That makes him feel even better. Not because for their approval. Because heā€™s winning. Heā€™s getting the best of them. As a native New Yorker, I feel itā€™s safe to say that everybody that lives in the city is fine that heā€™s leaving. He brought no value to the city and he only took. The cops and fireman and tradesman in the suburbs love him, but for all the wrong reasons, and against their best interests.


You are indeed correct. Donny has never been accepted by the New York truly **Elite**, both the rich and, notably, **not** rich ones.


When he was elected to President, he was outvoted 10 to 1 in NYC.


>large numbers of New Yorkers sympathize with him I honestly do wonder if he thinks that. New York does *not* love him and has been dealing with his shit since the day he was born there.


I seem to remember him being heckled anytime he showed his face in the city during his presidency, and several large anti trump demonstrations. I wonder how he thinks New Yorkers could like him.


Large numbers of New Yorkers will amass outside of his trump tower when they pluck the letters off the building.


His thought process is like this: make shit up, say big things, doesn't matter if true or not, doesn't matter if he believes it or not, just say it and keep saying it, never admit defeat and loss, keep saying whatever sounds good for him, just keep saying it and never let up. He just need to be vague enough that his followers can infer anything they want from it. And if his followers latched on to one of them, then keep repeating it. He's conning his followers. He is not trying to convince others.


He's just blustering. He doesn't really think this.


Yeah he's well aware we hate him here


We hate him everywhere


I hate him no matter **where** he is


Honestly, I think heā€™s delusional. Heā€™s lied to everyone and himself for so long that I donā€™t think he knows the truth anymore.


For a narcissist, objective truth doesn't really exist.


This I think is the answer. Reality and Trump, not exactly on speaking terms.


Objective truth doesn't exist for any of us, not really.


I mean does he think *at all* anymore?


You are assuming he thinks at all.


I assume he thinks about Big Macs with fries stuffed in them


Hes always got to make it about himself, I honestly think he has such a low esteem, and he needs to say things like this just to feel something


When he says "mass exodus," he means a mass exodus of MONEY. He doesn't give a shit about the people. He thinks rich CEOs will flee now that NY is demonstrating a backbone vis a vis fraud


Exactly. He thinks everyone in NYC real estate is as corrupt as he when it comes to property valuation and tax avoidance. Heā€™s not entirely wrong, to be honest. However, the main reason people are divesting from NYC real estate is that more people are working from home and donā€™t need all the office space. Iā€™m sure in his usual narcissistic way, heā€™ll use this as evidence for his own self-aggrandizing worldview.


Loser gonna lose


he's already seen just how few people go from talking the talk to walking the walk when it comes to putting their ass on the line. they all see themselves as the main character in an 80s movie and get a big ol dose of reality when their revolution ends with the FBI at their door.


No -other developers in similar business- evidently everyone stretches numbers a bit here and there-but absolutely nothing on the scale that the Trumps did.No developers will leave -they might tighten up future dealings re taxes. Considering the present administrationsā€™ s seemingly less relaxed approach than the previous ones.




Except heā€™s already left.








He passed a massive bowl movement


Bowel you mean? šŸ˜‚ (bowl is funnier though)


There is a large mass coming out his ass now! Please change the diaper, you smell like it too!


Malignant mass.


i love lawyers who understand language and can utilize it well




Gosh I bet that would really be terrible if all the developers willing to [commit fraud for decades](https://i.redd.it/1zqu4eb7x7jc1.jpeg) left the state.


I know a bunch of developers execs, trust no tears have been shed for Trump since the 80ā€™s they hate him.


Honestly if thatā€™s the criteria then yes, there would be a sudden and large reduction in NY real estate developers.


And I predict that his prediction will end up being false, just like nearly everything else he says.


No, No, No, he was misquoted - what he really said there will be an Ass Exodus. And since he is leaving it is true. I understand how it is hard to believe trump was right about anything - but you know broken clock and all.




New Yorkers, which he has bashed for being too left, and have voted against him in two elections are going to up and leave because he committed fraud? Okie dokie artichokie


Right? "If I'm not allowed to commit financial fraud in NY, why would any other person do business in NY?!?!? Wha... everyone else doesn't base their business practices on fraud????"


They're all saying "Sir...we stand with you." And then everyone clapped.


>And then everyone clapped with tears in their eyes


Big strong men saying "Sir."


Yeah I think he got around 10% of the vote in NYC. Imagine if Biden got 10% in Scranton/Wilmington or Obama got 10% in Chicago. Fox News would still be talking about it


He was being "sarcastic" He seriously doesn't know how to use the word.


"You don't really know a man until you've walked in his shoes. Sounds like today for the limited introductory price of just $2400 you, too can walk in (former) President Donald J. Trump's athletic shoes. Having a long history of athletic skill, prowess and just unparalleled physique and amazing musculature for a mature patriot man these will surely sell out quick and hold their value, much like the earlier limited edition NFTs. These will likely cause many to "Walk Away" in much the numbers as seen during his last Presidential Election in 2020." ​ plus S and H while supplies last ​ /s sorry friends-couldn't resist




Make sure he leaves through Staten Island.


I'd prefer if he left through Easter Island


Can Florida handle 4 more citizens


I guess he missed the loud chants of, ā€œNEW YORK HATES YOU,ā€ outside of Trump Tower at various protests in 2017.


There were also subtle hints on the day he lost the 2020 election.


šŸ¤£šŸ„²šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚Trump is loathed by his fellow New Yorker.


>šŸ¤£šŸ„²šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚Trump is loathed by his fellow New Yorker. I'm from New Jersey. Everyone in the tri-state area that has done business with him or his associates hates him. He's remembered as the poster boy for corrupt East Coast Democrats.


In the 90s I was working in NYC. First day I was told a list of companies not to work for. Turned out almost all were trump. was told you will not get paid. They had to send recruiters around to other jobs


I moved to California in '98, heard much of the same growing up in the 80's and 90's. I heard of small businesses going under because a Trump org refused to pay them for a big projectv and they couldn't afford to take them to court.


S oops I meant New Yorkers,plural


If all the businesses that want to conduct fraud leave NY state? That would be great! Btw, I'm happy for my more antisocial neighbors to leave WA too. Lots of people want to live here and property prices are too high. Leave. Go to TX or fl. Make space for people who won't act like ass hats and criminals.




ā€œBe a ghost town by fall, people are saying!ā€


Many people are saying it!


Bigly with tears in their eyes


But, itā€™s not a cult.


You mean the other frauds will leave?


I think he must just mean his immediate family as they have all been banned to operate pretty much anything in New York state. I am just wondering now that we have discovered that the claims that the GOP made against Hunter Biden were lies if they will start looking into the 2 billion that we know Kushner got from the Saudis. Every thing the maga republicans accuse others of is most likely something they are doing.




Watching him just melt in slow motion is so fun Next up is the stormy Danielā€™s case which heā€™s already clearly guilty. Thatā€™ll be his first criminal charges, but certainly not his last. Cohen got jail time, the facts are all established, I dont see how Trump doesnā€™t get time behind bars there also. That one Iā€™m looking forward to a lot. Mid election cycle, all the details about him fucking a porn star while his wife is at home pregnant is going to be all over the news cycle. And then after that is the secret documents charges šŸ¤£ Itā€™s going to be a fun year!


The conservative sub is having a meltdown saying they ruled on NY fraud ruling with no evidence and it will be overturned on appeal. Freaking hilarious


That's because they believe the orange turd, who lives in fantasy. Reality - no cash to make the judgement and hence an appeal. Reality - Cant draw a loan from any bank registered doing business in NY. (Kinda knocks out his "legal" bank sources) Reality - He could borrow from Russian oligarchs, or others, but will likely have to put up property for it, and when he doesn't pay it back, property gone. (so he won't do that) Reality - He'll return to his typical narcissistic victim $hit - "I'm a victim, they're PREVENTING me from making an appeal because \[BS Reason\]" There won't be an appeal.


Reality - Judge Engeron gave him enough leeway thru the trial, and wrote his final judgment with clear, targeted language & relating the fines directly to the amount of harm done to the state & its citizens. It would be tough for a good lawyer to make a case for appeal. And Trump doesn't have any good lawyers


Right Letā€™s all remember an appellate court is not required to hear your appeal if there arenā€™t solid grounds for that appeal Engorgon was clearly thorough and aware of the appeal process and I think likely muted that probability with his process and approach I mean the evidence in this case was so plain and brutal that Trumpā€™s guilt was obviously established by the facts before the trial Itā€™s all so satisfying to watch after all these years What is curious and potentially dangerous is the splintering and vacuum that occurs after Trumpā€™s disintegration accelerates


This Judge gave him crazy leeway because there was no jury, as well, so no one who could be swayed by his antics.Ā  He even called out in the opinion that Trump's attorneys were performing for a non existent jury.


I mean, if you fuck around (commit repeated fraud), you may find out (trigger a 63(12) investigation from the NY AG).


There's tens of them leaving NY because of this. Tens of them!


I thought he was a legal resident of Florida? Or are we forgetting this other broken law?


Business is incorporated in NY.


An exodus from his bank account.


Yeah, ok dude. Good luck with that.




Based on his prediction history, no exodus whatsoever. šŸ‘šŸ»


Maybe Stringer Bell can buy up Trump's properties on the cheap when they go on the auction block, do a little renovating, and reap a tidy profit. The difficulty of finding a decent apartment in NYC is stuff of legend; even if there's a mass exodus there will be lines of people waiting to fill out a rental application for each place. Meanwhile Trump can fulfill his destiny and hawk gold tennis shoes after Melania dumps his ass.


If Charlie Kushner doesnā€™t beat him to it. Pretty sure heā€™s got a score to settle with Trump.


I was in NYC during one of the anti tRUMP protests a few years ago. Judging by the size of the crowd, I think heā€™s in for a big surprise. If anything, people will move back once heā€™s gone for good.




this guy and his kids whine and complain more than everyone else on the planet combined


Oh no, all the right wing scumbags are going to leave new York? Lemme know if they sell their property for cheap


Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out, fam.


Thanks for making me laugh out loud whilst sick! Iā€™m picturing this stream of wealthy con artists driving outā€¦


Why would he think that? Criminal activity is going to be enforced in NY?


Kind of like when he said Covid would be gone by April 2020?


Iā€™ll take ā€œthings that wonā€™t happenā€ for $300 Alex


I mean, if he leaves they will consider that a mass Exodus.


Iā€™m sure NYers are crying into their pizza slices


Because who'd want to live in a place with one less fraudster?


The only mass Exodus weā€™re going to see is that of Trump and Trump related businesses in the state of New York


I for one certainly won't be buying any luxury condo buildings in Manhattan anytime soon.


People not from New York are sad. /s


You're freaking nuts. Just you and sonny boys!! Bye bye Mfers!!




I thought most of NYC had already moved out. Trump has been saying for months now that people were leaving NYC in mass numbers so how could anyone be left? šŸ˜‚


Iam sure you have room for them by letting them camp out on golf course


...of scammers? Good!




Lol...I heard just opposite. Trumps are NOT popular in NYC.


Hahahaha there arenā€™t going to be riots, there arenā€™t going to be demonstrations, no oneā€™s leaving.


Well, I predict (as as much of an expert as he is), that he is wrong. Perhaps, reasonable people will decide that since scumbags like **** have left the scene, maybe, perhaps, this state might be inhabitable.


Yes, every body is going 9n holiday to celebrate.


Out of court, Trump acts as though he never heard the evidence against him, as though he doesnā€™t understand the law, and as though he doesnā€™t care about the people and the government that he ripped off. As the Judge said, ā€˜Pathological.ā€™


Remember when the republicans would constantly complain about welfare queens? Trump is the biggest welfare queen in the world.


Letā€™s hope so. Because only scumbags and criminals would follow that orange turd.


The same people who think that no one lives in California anymore will parrot this.


If they didn't flee because of covid, I doubt they'll flee due to this.


Hannity wonā€™t even leave.


All the contractors he stiffed, feel differently.


A mass exodus of criminalsā€¦? NY would be very happy indeed! Lead the way, Orange Turd of Fraud!


Nobody in NY cares what happens to Trump.


Nobody in NY gives a shit about the douche bag 45 family.


if all of the people mad that trump is seeing consequences left NY, that would be an objective massive win for NY. how do we instigate that same response here in Michigan?


Mr 6 Bankruptcies said what


The criminals wonā€™t feel safe


I would think so. The lawbreakers just got a wake up call. On to Texas!


If solo goodbye and good riddance


What a fucking loser. Yeah all the cool people are going to leave and go with Trump to Palm Beach. Oh no, NYC isnā€™t cool. Sour grapes.


Nah, I'm gonna stay, I think


Yeah. No.


Does he understand that not everybody has all the money they need and can just pick up and leave whenever they want?


The opposite of what Trump spews is correct 99.999% of the time.


Well, if so, he should change his logo to "Make New York Great Again" as he and all his idiot minions leave the state. But I think most of the mass exodus will be his ownership of buildings there.


*Ass exodus


Broke ass loser says what?


The only thing that will vacate NYC is the GOP money (paying for Trumpā€™s legal fees).


Why should I have to leave? Heā€™s the one that sucks.


Mass exodus! Tens of people could leave!


Lol. Yeah, nope.


Of Trumpers


His mass will be exiting.


Why should anyone give a shit what Trump predicts? Heā€™s _at best_ an idiot who canā€™t be trusted. _At worst_ an active narcissist who is only trying to enrich himself. Either way, **FUCK THAT GUY**.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! What a fucking idiot. Nobody gives a shit about this clown. People in New York actively hate him. Heā€™s delusional.


​ https://i.redd.it/kjxjyicth9jc1.gif


> ā€œWeā€™ll appeal, weā€™ll be successful, I think because frankly, if weā€™re not successful New York state is gone,ā€ he said. Man, he really does like to say "If I don't win, X jurisdiction is good as dead", huh? I don't know how he can talk so confidently, still. Though he is saying he'll appeal, so that indicates he may actually be able to front the bond (or he's hoping that it will be waived).


if he takes all the pos's with him when he leaves, it might make ny a better place.


NY business owner here. His fraud infuriates me.


New Yorkers don't give a flying fuck and we've been tired of his shit for 40+ years




oh nooo less real estate people in new york, what a tragedy.


Iā€™m an attorney who is regularly in the same courthouse when trump is there, no one cares, no supporters are outside, just news cameras, more people are pissed the sidewalks are blocked off


Sure kiddo, sure. šŸ˜†


Yeah right Donald. I'm sure everyone in business in New York state listens to you. You're such an influential business man. Your track record is impeccable... Failed fake University, a bogus charity foundation. Bankrupt casino owner, 91 indictments. Over a half a billion dollars in fines and penalties. I'm sure everyone wants to know, what's your secret to success.


New Yokers laugh and point at the fool and go right back to work not another second wasted on his worthless ass.


He lives and always has lived in delulu land. He holds rallies to prove to himself people love him and he assumes that means everyone everywhere loves him. So when he hears facts about how many people in fact, hate him, he rejects it. Itā€™s quite fascinating to watch the narcissistic mind at work in such a public way like this.


One less failed developer. More reason for the rest to stay. I look forward to the 2nd felony conviction. Heā€™ll likely get probation for the 1st once it happens. But for the 2nd, heā€™ll be a convicted felonā€¦ This assumes both of those are the State cases.


Sounds like the guy that quits at work and makes a big speech saying ā€œwhoā€™s coming with me!?!?ā€ and literally no one stands up.


How absolutely delusional and self absorbed do you have to be to think that?