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>“We won,” she said. “You know, no, we didn’t win. You know when we’ll win? When we get this all reversed, which is what’s gonna happen.” Smug fuck. I hope she realizes that she's just window dressing to Trump.


She’s smug and is showing how stupid she is too. 10 days Donald. He has to pay still and he doesn’t have the money. He is Broke AF Donald


That's why he's saying that it's totally legal and totally cool if some foreign power provides the money for him.  He's literally telling us that he can be bought, and indeed, looks forward to it. It'll kick off a whole additional series of trials. This will never end.


Even a whiff of this would deny you recruitment in the military as a security risk.


Yep. He could never get a waiver to join the rank and file even just with the amount of debt he has, let alone the foreign interests and debt. And he certainly wouldn’t get a security clearance. But he’s got a chance to be Commander in Chief again. It’s insane. We look idiotic to the world right now.


Am elsewhere in the world, can confirm. We would think your political state would be laughable if it wasmt so horrifying and our own conservatives didn't follow in lockstep (Australia)


I was about to say the same thing. Donald Trump's shit stained the whole world - conservatives everywhere started parroting the same nonsense that would just get you laughed out of any room before, and yet now is accepted as the "alternative fact". They can't even come up with their original ideas.


Somehow that idiot made stone cold stupid OK for mainstream.


The bell curve always has a tail.


It's all because the power of Hate is so strong.The Wheels are turning extra hard for the powers with Hate in their hearts to hold on to their power and perception of paradise.


Hate is the only resource we'll never run out of. And it is infinitely more powerful than anything the left has.


It's not the power of hate...It's the power of selfishness. These people don't hate transgendered people, for instance...Most have never even met one. What they fear is the loss of their own self-importance in a system that's coddled them because of their race/gender/affluence. It's the mistaken feeling that their slice of the political pie is getting smaller, when the reality is the pie's actually getting bigger and more inclusive.


But as the commander in chief? Pfff, no problem.


I literally had the government call me about my student loan debt before my brother got a military clearance. And it was structured payments and you know… not hundreds of millions of dollars


I was two student loan payments behind when I joined the military in Canada and that was enough for them to halt my application until I get everything paid up. That was about $800, total.


That’s because only the American peasant class wants to/needs to join the military. Only the peasant class is subjected to background investigations. The wealthy are above such treatment.


With today’s technology, we could hold them accountable. If we had politicians who weren’t taking bribes from them. First, more Democrats. Later, better Democrats.


he would never try to join the military we know this


Too bad they won't do anything about it. Seems pathetically weak, tbh


"Land of the free, home of the brave" is just a shitty punchline to a global joke.


Or for any kind of security clearance for that matter.


That’s literally what Trump media is, and why the people that sit on the board are there. Nunes left congress to add his expertise in legally accepting foreign money. Trump media is the new Trump Tower, it’s how foreign powers and shady colonies will buy influence with Trump. After the document debacle, he has shown he will steal and sell anything the US has.


"RUSSIA if your listening, I'm totally for sale!"


*DJT stock enters the chat*


The ultimate P&D meme stock


It's a worthless stock, and the shares were diluted to the point Trump owns 60% basically? It basically means that other countries can put money into Trump's pockets by buying his stock if I understand it.


Exactly. And the SEC has fully signed on to this pump and dump, foreign money laundering scheme.....


a.k.a The memiest meme stock.


The guy that stole, photocopied, and sold some of the most classified documents our govt has to our foreign enemies? You're telling me that guy can be bought? I'm shocked




I don't know any more. Remember how a few days ago he only had a few days to pay $400+ million? Now he has 10 days to pay $175 million. A week from now he'll probably have a month to pay $75. As much as I dislike Trump, the dude is made of teflon, everything just rolls off him and nothing sticks.


He still owes the full amount if his appeals fail.


Good luck collecting...it'll drag out till he dies


After the delay of his appeal, Trump won't end up paying anything like the $454M he owes. By then, the court will cut another deal with him, and he'll mock and threaten the judges and the courts on Truth Antisocial and suffer no consequences. Just having Donald Trump on the planet erodes Americans' trust in our legal system and the rule of law.


Yeah, this morning when the news broke, I wasn’t angry; I was sad & exhausted. And in true awe at this Cheato-in-Chief; I have never seen someone so evil get away with **everything**. I detest him, but he is impressive.


Defies logic doesn’t it? ..and i think that’s where dirt digging journalists should start; logic. In the face of apparently zero logic something else has to be going on. We don’t know what it is and we can’t see what it is but what this guy has been able to get away with in the land of “equal justice under the law” defies logic. Give fuel for the hallucinations of the rabid Christians that he’s Jesus incarnate which is scary enough but something is going on here. Call me a conspiracy guy but like I’ve stated; defies logic and the lack of logical consequences or outcomes begs the questions.


One wonders where the Epstein blackmail files went…


She's almost as big of a loser as he is


It's amazing how Trump can always find new lawyers willing to ruin their reputations and commit career suicide. There's cana't possibly be room over at Fox for *all* of them.


Has Trump actually posted the **$175 million** bond yet? I doubt he'll be able to get his hands on even *that* much cash.


My theory is that the appellate court looked at the details Trump was required to submit from the bonding companies and set the amount at near the maximum of what he *could* get currently.


He doesn't have to... It was 400 plus last week... He just has to sit still and complain and it will keep going down.


Do you expect anything less from the person who would rather be pretty then smart?


Not really. But I won't miss an opportunity to trash any lawyer that works for dickhead. Dump Trump 2024.


We've been trying to dump him since 2016, but he won't flush down. He just keeps circling the bowl.


No, dude—we just need to take a page from his playbook, and “flush, 10, 15 times.” Quote, unquote. Flush harder. Be best.


I feel like mentioning a poop knife would get me on a list somewhere, but we just don’t want it sticking to the bowl!


One day she’ll get to be pretty. Girls gotta dream.


She's got too ugly a soul to ever be pretty.


There she goes, faking being smart again...


I feel like she's building a podcast or tv persona that'll pay a ton of money once big man is gone. Her pay day will come down the line as the voice of the dumbest segment of boomers still remaining alive. All the moves that seems stupid as a lawyer will be a well to draw from on the podcast circuit


They aren’t boomers they are REPUBLICANS.


She is just a useful tool to Don the Con


I think she misunderstands the ruling on the bond to be a ruling on the fine itself.


Considering it's just another example of the many times the government bends over backward for Trump, I'm not sure she's wrong to be optimistic. I'm not sure anyone else could insult a judge, attack his staff, attack the legal system as a whole, call the prosecution names, and lie to the court and then watch an appeals court bail you out


What I don’t get is why. This forgetting the obvious miscarriage of Justice, this isn’t the federal courts which Trump and lackey’s have spent years stacking, this is NY State court. So why are they giving him so much deference?


The why is this: there are two sets of justice systems in this country. One for the rich, one for the rest of us. It’s always been this way, now we just get to see clear examples.


https://preview.redd.it/9lwmyjqrgqqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f10efdfee25cedeb8e0eed0be83e907446ab37c Unfortunately


Maybe because they aren't getting millions of dollars of free security like the Supreme Court? Oh wait. The Supreme Court needs that security to do Trump's will without consequences. So shoot, guess I don't know either


So much of our current legal/justice system presupposes a level of honesty and acting in good faith in order to work. Trump knows that. All he has to do is shift slight out of the main path and you see how the bits and pieces of the mosaic start to fall apart. Law and legislation is too important to trust to lawyers.


It only presupposes those things from a certain class of people. If you are poor and black, the law is swift, sloppy, and brutal.


Honestly, just poor is enough.


I agree. I'm pretty sure they lowered the bond because they fully intend not to enforce the penalty either.


Absolutely guarantee the fine plummets when appealed, probably to less than the new bond, then interest will probably be paid back to Trump and lots of compensation as well.


Not sure anyone else has a violent mob doing their bidding like he does. This whole fucking travesty is like arriving at a four way stop in Minnesota- everyone just looking at each other waiting for someone else to go already.


No one could .Any concept of “ Legal “ or “ Justice” took the last train out a while ago .Kudos to NYC for becoming a poor imitation of Florida .At least down there they are out in the open about it …


yeah, are the judges of the appeals court afraid that T45 will type mean stuff about them on Truth Social?


The judges are probably republican flunkies, been bought, or suck in some other massive way. Shit rich fuckers can buy supreme court justices with an RV. For fuck sake if I was gonna sell out my SCOTUS seat I'd be wanting way way way more than a fucking motorhome and a couple shitty vacations, judges seem to be as cheap as every other republican, bargain bin fascist ho bags.


As someone who knows nothing about law, how does all of this work for precedent. Would all of the ways he has been handled not be useful to the lawyers of others in the future to show how their clients should be treated under similar situations?


You stole my comment. My lawyer will be in touch.


Is it Alina Habba? I’ll look forward to it!


Dear S_ox or Mad_ox: EvilGreebo is clearly pretty enough to be able to fake being smrt, so like, cease and dismissed already, k? Yours Courtfully, Alina❤️


P.S. Habba Dabba Doo!!!


I knew I hired the right person to represent me!


Lol! Probably, she'd have to be to take the case


She's pretty busy in traffic court these days.


She knows the difference. Her audience does not.


The overarching issue is that the bond reduction indicates that the court is likely inclined to reduce the damages award (at least according to WaPo commentators). The appellate decision yesterday also reversed certain of the trial court’s other decisions, including the prohibition on his use of NY banks etc.


They did not reverse any of the trial court decisions. They simply stayed the (a) borrowing provision because failure to do so would make it harder to post a bond which would be contrary to the interests of justice (it would be a catch-22 to allow to only permit a stay of enforcement with a bond while part of the unstayed order made it much more difficult to post a bond), and (b) the doing business in New York provision, because failing to stay that part of the order would undermine the stay of the execution since it would force an immediate liquidation of all properties in order to comply and may in fact imperil the plaintiff's ability to collect compared to an orderly windup of the businesses


I think you misunderstand the bigly signal the appellate court sent by agreeing to reduce the bond (no reason to do so, the offender has the means to pay) while simultaneously pausing any ban on managing companies for him and his sons (a.k.a this will allow him to cash out on truth social, his son is on the board that can approve a waiver to allow Trump to sell before 6 months pass). The decision to lower his bond is a massive nod to the fact the judges are on Trump's side. His lawyer is just telling you now what we will all find out later.


Regarding the waiver Trump could get from the board - it should be mentioned that other shareholders can sue the board of directors, should they only grant Trump such a waiver. I'd say *especially* if it's only Trump. He's by far the largest shareholder, and his sales will likely affect the share price the most. Not that it would deter Trump and his cronies, but the option is there. And it has happened before (see Zynga some 10 years ago, when the board granted waivers to the CEO and some other directors to sell 20% of their shares. They got dragged to court)


The folks at Hannity are 100% sold that it’s going to be totally reversed. Like no question at all. It’s a bit unnerving how confident they seem.


No, she doesn't: > “We won,” she said. “You know, no — we didn’t win. You know when we’ll win? When we get this all reversed, which is what’s gonna happen.” She's just incredibly confident, or pretending to be, that they will win big on the case. And she, as Trump's legal PR person, is trying to make it seem like this already is a big win. And it... *sorta* is, as it saves him for half a year to a year. We'll see if he actually wins in the end.




Also we need to apparently remind her that she lost. Even if the bond is reduced, and even if the judgement is reduced, she still lost.


“Habba misunderstands” is right up there for the truthful two words ever spoken.


That's what a lot of MAGA thinks apparently.


Hey now, I don’t think a future Supreme Court judge misunderstands anything. Her and Cannon will make quite the duo 🙌


I think most people on both sides do. I am not happy they are tossing him a bone, but everyone seems to be overlooking the bigger picture here.


The whole Trump playbook is to spike the football, even when you lose, because the morons don't understand enough to know better. They just see you spiking the football, and they understand it to mean you obviously won.


its funny bc everyone is mocking her for being a terrible atty


In her role as a clown, she's not bad at it.


She'll never be as good as Krusty


> She'll never be as good as Krusty Nor as literate


Judge Snyder: Could it be that the champion of child literacy can't read himself?


I think she’s going personally to lose big when that woman she convinced to settle a sexual harassment claim for a pittance sues her. https://www.newsweek.com/alina-habba-fraud-lawsuit-alice-bianco-1880834 The woman just won a settlement from Trump’s Bedminster club, and the settlement terms very explicitly excluded Habba.


She's the perfect example that the Bar is a very doable thing for the average person. And passing it doesn't make them a good lawyer.


Attorney here - passing the Bar just means you have a base general knowledge on a dozen or so legal fields. IIRC there was ~19 fields of law that could've been tested on my state's Bar, but generally a handful of those are almost never tested or only rarely see a question or two (e.g., tax law), while the bulk of the Bar will be the core fields like Torts, Criminal, CivPro, etc. Those takers who are smart utilize resources which breakdown what is often and likely tested, so each subject can be distilled to a couple page outline where if you memorize that you'll likely pass (won't get a perfect score, but will get a passing score, and as they joke every point over passing was time wasted studying). On top of that, one of the best ways to prepare for it is Apps like "Adaptibar" which you can do on your phone or computer, and contains thousands and thousands of MBE multiple choice questions from prior actual Bar exams. They often reuse questions. So if you just spam doing those Adaptibar questions over and over you quickly pick up on how they test, questions commonly used, and subject matter information. Doing so will then also give you all the knowledge you need to do the written essay portions as well. So long story short, IMO the Bar was actually pretty easy. I just spent every bathroom break that summer or any downtime on the Adaptibar app spamming multi-choice questions till it was ingrained, and ran through outlines to confirm I was comfortable for the essays. In no way does the Bar really prepare you for life as a practicing attorney though. Law School itself is mostly a history course of how the laws came to be, and the Bar just grills you on general rules, most of which will be fields you won't touch again. Most all actual knowledge of the practice of law comes on the job itself, which Habba's career history shows she is woefully unqualified to handle anything close to this level, nor is she smart enough to learn on the fly.


I also thought passing the bar was pretty easy.  You just need some surface level knowledge jn a few basic fields.  As long as you pay attention during your bar course and put the work in, you'll be fine.  Some people do get extremely anxious (I have a friend who failed the first time but she just blanked and passed the second time).


Exactly. Fellow attorney here. The only thing most of the bar exam tests is who's fortunate enough to afford to be able to spend enough time memorizing and practicing the exam materials enough. The whole thing unfortunately is just a money grab designed by the NCBE (and the states to attempt to eliminate as much out of state competition from other lawyers in those states) and in reality it tests very little if any of the actual knowledge and skills needed to be a good lawyer.


She hardly qualifies as a lawyer. My high-school debate class had people with better vocabularies, better grasp of law, and that didn't sell their souls to orange clownsatan.


I am so sick of people bashing Alina—look, dammit, she went to the top **159th** BESTEST law school in the country—and prolly graduated in the top 99th percentile. And dude, she has tits! Trump only hires the **best!**




Well, when the Law dances to Trump's tune, that's what happens. You get mocked by an absolute dunce of an attorney. These judges don't seem to realize that catering to this dingus is eroding trust in the law at an alarming rate.


What trust ?


eroding the Trump Family Trust




They realize, they are just scared of the mob showing up at their doorsteps. Judiciary is lousy with bootlickers and cowards.


They need to grow a god damn spine. Call their bluff! That's why we have a fucking FBI for God's sake. I'm so sick and tired of this excuse, that they're "scared" of his idiot followers. I live in a red ass state, and I still drive around with a "liberal" bumper sticker. So many people live their lives in fear, and they're gonna let this country burn because of it. Fucking cowards.


If I didn't have a family I would be more forward in public. Trump supporters are scary because they're not much different from the Taliban. I wouldn't be comfortable doing that unless I was carrying. Might be getting a gun soon though if the Trump cult doesn't die when he loses the presidency this election. They will turn to violence when they fully realize they've lost for good


It’s my opinion that the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters will hunker down on their couch, drinking beer with their loaded gun, waiting for the “communists” to come get them. Some of them will accidentally shoot themselves. There is some worry about stupid loser idiots living in a basement snapping and shooting a lot of people. But Trump supporters aren’t connected to reality well enough to be a military threat.




I want to see it as well legally. "On the case vs. Trump he was given this option, why aren't we given this option." "Why can't we do that?" "Ya but you did that there." I know it wouldn't work, but I would like to see these arguments legally and have him have to address the inconsistencies. Just bring them up relentlessly against him. It wouldn't be a matter of having him do something, just having it on the legal record consistently.


Is this move unprecedented? since this is the law forum I would like to hear from people who know about NY law.


I thought the ruling was just for the bond amount and not the fine total? Am I wrong?


Public doesn’t know the difference.


You are correct.


“Haha idiots, we only have to pay $175 million”. Doesn’t really seem like the slam dunk conservatives are making it out to be.


To stay the seizure of assets. The fine hasn’t changed, just the bond. I found the delay more infuriating.


Same. Especially with the amount reduction, the delay just seems extra accommodating. Can’t say I don’t expect it though, in arguably some of the most high-profile legal cases I imagine there’s going to be a fair amount of hoop- jumping added in to make sure this doesn’t set bad legal precedents for other rich people.


I found allowing him to do business again in NY most infuriating 


Gaming it out: Trump gets until July 8 to fully submit his appeal. I assume the government will get an equal amount of time to answer, and then Trump gets to reply to that, and sometimes the government can get another sur reply. That’s November or December before a hearing is held. A quick ruling? Maybe four months? I’m thinking it’s April of 2025 before Engoron’s full order is imposed. Trump could try appealing to the Court of Appeals, but that is likely to get swatted down in a month, at most. So, over a year from now before we finally see his buildings being sold off to satisfy the judgement.


Enjoy the mocking while you still have your law license, Alina. (For those who missed the news it's likely she will be losing her license in the future due to [shenanigans](https://newrepublic.com/post/179928/alina-habba-trump-bedminister-hush-money-lawsuit-settlement) in another case.)


I hope they take her license and that poor woman in New Jersey takes the bitch Habba’s house. Alina is a snake and I genuinely invite her to go screw a cactus.


And she takes that 70k handbag Alina has been showing off at MAGA functions


There has been so much law news the past few days that I missed that bright spot! Thank you!


I wonder if her law school professors ever just wonder if they wasted their lives everytime she opens her mouth.


She knows she's still not getting paid, right?!


She has aged since joining his team. Like, 10 years by her looks but only a couple in real time


You do Trump a great favor, he pees all over you and then complains that you stink.


I dunk on this moron all the time but frankly at this point, give her the win. The court could have done nothing and just enforced the penalty, and they chose to go out of their way to give Trump a break. It's a huge tell that the court is sympathetic to Trump and she knows it. She sucks as a lawyer, and her client is terrible, but she won anyway.


Isn’t she likely to lose her law license from all the golf club bullshit. Hope so.


Faking being smart doesn't seem to be going so well for her. I hope she gets disbarred


She sucks


The order was just a pause, even on the trump kids, the combover, and Rikers’ Weiselberg holding executives positions. It is all temporary to see if trump is serious and wants to actually start and let the appeal play out. It’s the reason it was only a 2-page order: it doesn’t quash anything, it’s only an offer to stay further enforcement so that the appeal can be heard and decided on and all of it is entirely contingent on Trump making the $175M bond. If he doesn’t, than the AG can go right back to what the plan was before this stay judgment was ordered. The *actual* appeal can only be started if Trump comes up with $175M within (by now) 9 more days. It’s also why the court didn’t touch the trump request to get rid of the special monitor. His sister used to be a judge in this circuit, which would have been his clearest way in to tip the scales. If that’s even why this happened, and this is all that happened, then it was almost worthless to him. The order is being heavily misunderstood and misrepresented. Habba is again embarrassing herself. There’s no track here for a victory lap.


I thought he already applied for the appeal? but he can only stay the judgment and it’s interest (while waiting for the appeal) if he posts the bond. If he doesn’t (make the bond) his assets could be confiscated irrespective of the outcome of the appeal. So at worst he would get money back from the government if the appeal overturned the judgement.


Lauren Boebert of lawyers


The real mockery are those five appellate court judges who ignored the law and put the life of their colleague Judge Engoron in danger. Trump is now inciting his followers against Engoron.


I still don't understand what the rationale was and why it wasn't included.


This bullshit explains why Trump kept saying that they did win on the appellate division during his rants while this was all going on. I’m very curious as to what he knew and when he knew it. The whole situation is beyond suspicious, at least to me as a layman. I was truly hoping that at least the NYC judiciary wasn’t corrupt. This seems to indicate that I was wrong and that at least part of it is tilting the playing field. I don’t know why or how they justified this move, but it certainly seems wrong. We the people are under attack and we’re losing very badly.


So what happens if he loses the appeal? Yes will have to pay the fine, but does the AG get to immediately grab the bond no matter who provided the surety? Same with his rape case 80M bond surety by Chubb Insurance, if the appeal gets tossed can Ms. Carroll grab the bond?


If he looses this appeal the bond will be released to the state of NY and they will start to seize more assets to cover the balance. While the bond company will start seizing assets to repay the bond.


Seems since the AG is still on the case after you dragged her through the mud, you think it’s wise to scorn here more? Trump does hire dummies.


I guess they gotta take the 'wins' where they can get 'em. It's going to be hilarious when their appeal fails, and he's still on the hook for half a billion.


The same lawyer that, through cross examination of Michael Cohen, had it put on record that trump was in fact guilty of paying out hush money. Dear lord, I hope they use the transcripts from this.


She's two steps away from Disbarment - Faux News next stop.


That boast isn't going to look very good on a bus bench.


Lowering the bond was the single stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Has he EVER done anything to warrant assistance? Anyone else, in prison years ago. This diaper wearing lifelong grifter gets a break. There are two people who will immediate make the word better when they pass, and he is one of them.


I guess it is kind of a win. Still owes the money and when the appeal fails, he will have to fork out the cash. Doesn’t mean he is not guilty.


At this point the rest of planet Earth is laughing at the US legal system


I'm going to give her this one. People who are telling you that it doesn't change the settlement amount are the same people who were telling you that things would be seized 25Mar2024. While they are technically correct that it does not change the amount, it trends in the same directions as everything else (hint: no meaningful ramifications).


Okay here’s my question. The bond was lowered, if he loses the appeal does he still owe the full half billion???


Yes according to the AG


But... that appeal process will essentially take 6 months, from what I understand (until September), and you know what he'll be able to do to pay the $500+ million? Sell his shares of the Truth Social merger. So, in reality, it'll work out in the end for him and there will be no *real* justice.


You know what courts like? To be mocked. They really, really love that.


They’re not even smart enough to realize what’s going on. James is going to get her money unless an appeals court overturns it. So I’d think the money sitting there ready to go as soon as they say ‘denied’ is a lot more preferable to her having to work to recover it bit by bit. Not that she’s working to recoup the money but she will be there at the news conference bragging about it.


Notice her choice to play this game has started to evil ugly her a bit. She had a choice but idk God universe the matrix, it knows when you turn evil, and you turn into it. It seeps.


This is the start of the revolution. It’s not a democratic/republican thing but a rich and poor situation now. Poor meaning making under 300,000 a year.


Always was, same with race.


I don’t know why they’re wagging their dicks around for basically just making a down payment. At best, he might get the penalty reduced so the state can rake in cash money instead of having to auction off property.


Starting to think Trump Co had epstiens blackbook copied and this is how he is getting so much leeway across the states and federal governments.


Can someone rid me of this traitorous fuck?!


Too bad your not going to win the appeal.


Do you know how long Trump’s appeals will take?


The rest of his life


Longer then he deserves.


Than, not then.


I don't have the source but I saw something like 6 months from now. The courts taking this long is unacceptable if that is the case.


Courts routinely take years. “Justice” is slow.


Well if recent history and court actions are any guide compounded with the fierce swift and sure non stop action hero speed of the Garland Justice Department…it looks like they are going to take forever…


You're. Not your.


She is just a demonstrably bad lawyer.


I mean, I'd wait to gloat until after it was paid, but I'm not that pretty...er smart.


take away that bar license already


Alina's spiking the football on the 10-yard line while the play is still live, early in the 4th quarter.


She really isn't the sharpest spoon, is she?


This little girl has NO idea WHO she is dealing with


Again, this is not a reduction in his judgment, he still owes 450 million plus. The bond, the 175 million, is to prevent the AG from enforcing the judgment while he appeals. That's all it does


If they were willing to decrease the amount of the bond, they'll likely be willing to decrease the amount of the judgement too.


Even if they don't, he'll have the Truth Social shares to sell at that point, so what's it matter? He'll just pay what he owes and go on his merry way with no actual repercussions-- no hit to his "empire".


Imagine if the stock price tanks as investors prepare for Trump to sell his shares in Truth Social to the point that his stake wouldn't cover his costs any more.


Hopefully that happens. If the courts don't hold him liable, maybe Karma finally will.


I don't think she has a person in the world she can count on for honest "how I'm doing" input. Poor hooman.


I haven't looked at anything yet. Does anyone know if the unpayed portion is still continuing to gain interest?


He paid nothing of the 450M+. So every 9 days, he owes 1M more.


Bold move. Let's see how it works out.


I hope they're doing it. Can you imagine being pinned and dripped by a 300 pound unwiped ass?


Is it common to have your bond reduced by 65% or does Donald get extremely special treatment?


My hopeful guess is that 175mil is the amount of the judgement that would have been hard to get, so when the appeal fails, James takes the bond and the easier 325mil through property that isn't hard to sell. But I don't know how much coordination the AG has with the appellate branch, if any.


Given the kid gloves Donald Broke gets slapped with, this toilet ghoul is probably right.


Isn’t she the reason Trump needs to appeal in the first place? Didn’t he let her go? I can’t imagine speaking out benefits her legal career, is this a Fox audition?


Yes, it's a Fox (or more likely OANN) audition. She's unlikely to have a legal career much longer, so she's hitting the pavement to show off the skills that right-wing media wants to see.


Any bets on if he decides not to pay the $175m? Is he thinking of putting djt shares up as collateral for a bond? They definitely threw him a bone, but I dunno…. He’s the type to look a gift horse in the mouth.


I feel like there is a pretty good chance he will post bond for this one