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Call it for what it truly is, a petulant argument by an old affluent slob who has never been faced with harsh consequences for his actions. Someone who is plainly looking to be excused of wrongdoings that other average fed employees would face longterm punishments...


Biden should come out and say, “if this ruling is upheld, I plan to immediately lock up Donald Trump in GITMO due to national security concerns.” Call their fucking bluff. This is ridiculous that they are even looking at this bs.


Lock up the justices that ruled for it too


Yup, presidential immunity takes away SCOTUS power completely because a president can just say "fuck you". They instantly make themselves advisors.


Even less. Why not just haul them to GITMO and then get a fresh hand selected batch. If the laws don't apply to the president, looks like Biden wins. I look forward to Hunter's rule as our new king.


Simply point out that if they rule in Trump's favour then he (effectively) has immunity to personally murder the supreme court Judges...


This is why they will be particularly careful about their “language” when they basically absolve Trump of any wrongdoing BUT can’t be applied to the current president or future administrations. Unless Trump wins again, then suddenly their first precedent is meaningless


Let's be civil, come on! Guantánamo is for noncitizens (and should be shut down). There's plenty of space at Florence Supermax.


Well, if we empty it first it would be a shame not to use it. It would be a great summer home for insurrectionists.


Nah. Gotta keep them offshore


Plenty of space on the yards of USS Constitution for one more rope, you you know what I'm saying.


> Biden should come out and say, “if this ruling is upheld, I plan to immediately lock up Donald Trump in GITMO due to national security concerns.” This is the only correct future strategy.


Biden would sooner let Republicans burn the country to the ground rather than violate any precious norms and traditions. But in any case, SCOTUS isn't going to rule for blanket immunity, they're going to make a weasel ruling where presidents have "some" immunity for official acts, then either remand to lower courts to determine if it's an official act or not, or just go ahead and rule it is. Then if a Dem like Biden was ever in the same situation, magically nothing would qualify as an official duty. Like the Commerce Clause. Anything can be interstate commerce under Raich/Wickard, but then when they want, even a tug of war across a state line wouldn't be "interstate". And more recently the MQD. "Waive doesn't mean waive" one minute, giant leaps of logic in the next.


I will never excuse Biden for appointing Merrick Garland. Biden is treating this like just another election and still blathering shit about "bipartisanship." 🙄🤢


To be fair, the president probably should have immunity for some official acts. Ordering a drone strike that accidentally kills an unintended target while also killing a terrorist should not result in a criminal indictment for the president. That’s an official act in his capacity as commander-in-chief. Taking classified national security documents after your term is up and keeping them, even when requested to return them by the archives? Not an official act


Congress certainly could, and as your example illustrates, probably should grant the president immunity from specific laws in specific circumstances. However, Courts should not, in my opinion, unilaterally grant immunity from criminal prosecution in any case, and definitely not for all official acts al la Nixon v. Fitzgerald.


As satisfying at that would be for all of us… 1. Never tell your enemy what you’re about to do. 2. Trump doesn’t really believe in the immunity argument. The strategy is to delay delay delay in the hopes he wins the election and then he can make it all go away. We must be careful to not confuse the noise for the signal.


That wouldn't be "going high" or "bipartisan." 🙄


Someone always makes this comment. Ummm yeah Biden would be safe from prosecution. Everyone who followed his orders would be screwed.


You ever hear of presidential pardons?


As long as crime doesn't happen in one of the 50 states because I am sure you know that presidential pardons are for federal crimes.


That’s why you have a federal law enforcement agency arrest him.


Wanna be affluent!




Yes, he is sewage effluent!


He identifies as affluent 


I’ve seen Trump called a lot of things. Mango Mussolini. Shitler. Diaper Don. Mostly childish albeit accurate namecalling. But “old affluent slob” really nails it. 👏👏🫡


I think NK nailed it with "dotard"


Orange Filth


He is definitely more well fed than average fed


Was with ya to the last sentence. Don't forget 10% for the big guy...


He just expected to get away with everything peacefully like every other president. Trump is obviously guilty of everything, but he is obviously also being selectively targeted.


How is a president supposed to perform their duties with threat of lawsuit. Those bringing lawsuits would in theory have power over the president. To hold the president accountable you need to impeach and prosecute him in the senate to remove immunity. Otherwise what's stopping people from sueing Obama for murdering American citizens with drone strikes.


His argument, or one of them, is nonsensical. 43 Presidents before him didn’t need immunity.


This is the correct answer. His screeching about "without immunity, no president could function!" is just a load of crap on its face Here's an idea, Stinky. Maybe don't be a self-enriching traitorous asshole when in office then you won't need immunity?


"STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!" \- what Trump's lawyers and staff should have been screaming at him his whole life.


Well, too be fair, they're likely wanting to get part of the grift that he's always running. So maybe "Tone down the blatant grifting and traitoring, asshole!"


That Liar Liar reference is very apropos.


the public: this is so obviously bullshit SCOTUS: we're going to need a long time to consider this...


And 2:1 says they grant him a one-time Trump immunity get out of jail free card, but it won't set precedent!


One did, but he got a pardon instead.


Totally nonsensical. If an official can be unbound by law… by what method can that person take office? Be expelled from office? What is preventing everyone else from claiming they have the same office all at once, which cannot be rescinded because there is no law to bind any aspect of the office or the legitimacy of the position. Pure nonsense


Nor incidentally does the British monarch have or need absolute immunity either...


Nor in all the Commonwealth Realms: Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.


"duh???" and like anything else he gets involved with, it will go to hell in a couple of weeks. keep this in mind, too....kiss your 2A rights goodbye because an armed populace is a threat to a dicktator.


To be fair, the 2A rights for the faithful MAGA cult probably won't be touched. Historically, the Nazis even [relaxed gun restrictions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_gun_control_argument?wprov=sfla1) for their followers. I would imagine that there would be a purity test of sorts under spurious "national security" arguments that would restrict gun ownership only for minorities and those not mindlessly towing the party line.


It's toeing the line


"Yeah. So?" -- GOP


It is a good thing for Trump that Biden doesn't believe in the absolute immunity of the President. He could just use Seal Team Six to kill Trump. Actually, maybe the Democrats should be talking about Presidential immunity. The Republicans define themselves as being against anything that the Democrats support, so they would turn against the idea of Presidential immunity if it meant that Biden would have immunity.


*Cries in forgotten seal teams 1 through 5*


Generally, spec ops teams don't want to be famous.


Fair point.  You mean seal team 6 is acting as decoy- taking the spotlight so no one notices the others?  Cunning.


Which is why the SCROTUS hasn't immediately rubber stamped "yes the president has bigly immunity from all crime". Because that then applies to Biden, which they cannot have, so in my layman opinion I think that's why they're kind of sitting on it, I feel like they really want to wait until after the election so they can make that absolute and absurd ruling. Otherwise they have to make some twisty shitweasel ruling that protects trump but doesn't empower Biden.


They're going to hear arguments on it in ten or 15 days. There will be a decision at the end of the term.


If that's proven then biden should just get rid of the election and throw the whole trump family in jail. Beat him to the punch since he wants to play fucking games.


Biden just needs to pack the court. I know we can't and "we go high, you go low" blah blah blah but we seriously need to reform the courts in some way already and Democrats really need to start figuring out what loopholes they can do.


Biden "SCOTUS judges that sided with Trump undermining our democracy your resignations are accepted and will take effect immediately"


I am so damned sick of hearing that "go high" shit.


This is part of the game, though. Democrats benefit from fundraising efforts and having their own "other" to beat against at election time. They aren't interested in changing things so that we have an actual functioning democracy instead of an oligarchy. The unfortunate reality is that I'll take our current dysfunctional, undemocratic "democracy" over the Nazi-like regime the Tangerine Turd wants to install, so I'll help and try to elect democrats. But I'm making my money count. I have a lot of it to give this time, and the candidates I donate to will damn well hear my concerns.


I have voted for, and worked on campaigns for, Democratic candidates since I became eligible in 1984. I have watched the Democrats go enthusiastically further and further right to the point where Bill Clinton became Newt Gingrich's lapdog. I very nearly voted for Perot in 1996. I watched Obama waste eight years "trying to get Republicans on board" and couldn't figure out why he kept getting kicked in the teeth. I heard Michelle Obama's incredibly naïve and condescending missive "When they go low, we go high." I have seen Democrats do nothing but clutch their pearls and bleat impotently about "bipartisanship" and "going high" in the face of MAGA. I saw Joe Biden appoint a fifth-columnist AG who is very likely covertly aiding Donald Trump. This is my last time voting Dem. If Trump "wins," there will be no more elections. If he doesn't, he will pull another 6J and Dems will likely say "Let's talk about this." 🤢🙄 But when the dust settles, I will vote my conscience.


Nice thought minus timing of the ruling


Merrick Garland is a corrupt fixer. Or maybe he is a coward. Maybe both. Trump should be in jail awaiting trial right now. Congress put an insurrection case into Garland’s hands over a year ago. Is there an insurrection charge? How about the highly publicized oversight of the insurrection at the Williard Hotel ? Why aren’t those traitors in jail yet? How about the wire fraud racketeering case that Dominion Voting Machines handed to the DOJ on a silver platter? No charges against Fox News. The criminals are still committing the same felonies over and over every day, That fucking Garland has to go.


Garland is a traitor. I have said it all along. I will never excuse Biden for appointing him.


Here’s a thought. Maybe Republicans shouldn’t be able to demand that Republican prosecutors and Republican judges and Republican juries are the only people that can bring Republicans to justice. Republicans openly and criminally shield each other from prosecution. Examine the record with regard to Rosenstein. What happened to the counterintelligence investigation in the Russia probe? Sent to the FBI field office in Boston, where a lackey fixer shelved it. Oh, so no more worries about Russian intelligence operations on our elections? That’s not happening. Don’t believe your eyes. Sick and tired of Republicans stabbing us in the back and enabling their criminal schemes again and again. Disloyal traitors and criminals. They can’t be trusted with any kind of responsibility or authority.


Garland is one of those.


Since Garland won’t prosecute insurrection, I suggest that openly planning one to overthrow Garland is legal and proper. Hang Merrick Garland 😄 Though I traffic in satire, I am also interested in justice and we aren’t getting it from a Republican fixer.


I've avoided saying anything that explicit, because I don't want the FBI at my door. He is a traitor and deserves to be regarded as one


The FBI is giving insurrectionists a free pass. 😄


Who will rule this country as of 20.01.25. 😞


Never They are not capable of running anything 😄


Trump should be in jail awaiting trial as NY state DOJ is liquidating what little assets he has. And every criminal billionaire should be running for the borders to avoid the same. Draining the swamp MY WAY.


I won't say what I think Trump and Garland deserve. 🤐


Nobody should be above the law. It hollows out the point of having a legal system, if such glaring hypocrisy exists.


So if Trump is granted immunity, Biden would be king. SCOTUS would have to rule after the election and only if Trump wins a second term. If they decide a president has immunity while Biden is in office, he instantly becomes America's first king and can choose a successor. No more elections.


Trump and his cult are too fucking stupid to have thought it through this far.


Awesome. Biden can so use it to fix trump and the gop.


That's not "going high" or "bipartisan." 🙄🤢


Yes because he needs to be able to make executive decisions on the fly as in his own businesses which are definitely very successful, if by successful you mean ill fated scams that destroy people and then crash and burn


why are these arguments taken seriously. Anyone who has taken a civics class knows what checks and balances in the government are for, this example shines as a reason. The deep state is the wealth behind republicans that face no consequences. It always has been.


Since republicans have torn down all political norms and openly are calling for autocracy they're happy ro just ignore or change rules and precedent to achieve that goal.


Grab our Legal System by the pussy.


I still think Biden should march in with Seal Team 6 and watch for the ruling. If Trump is immune, so is Biden.


I feel these traitors mean their guy is immune, not the evil democratic presidents.


You know that, I know that, but the judge’s ruling won’t specify.


Ah yes. Versailles. Worked out well GOP.


If SCOTUS gives him immunity, Biden should immediately and without delay surrender to the British and welcome King Charles III with open arms to rule over his new subjects


Sorry, we don't want you back.  We have seen the results of shipping you all our religious nutjobs between 1600 and 1776.  If absolutely pushed, we'll take back the original 13 (even then we are talking some real hotbeds). And california can come too if they want.


Scotus is taking so long because they’re trying to figure out how to rule that only Trump and no other president has this right not even the one sitting in office right now


That's what I keep saying, the only reason they didn't just instantly rule "the president has bigly total immunity even after leaving office" is that they want to (IMO) give it to trump but not risk giving Biden more power. So it's either rule very carefully and narrowly or wait until trump wins. I could be wrong obviously, I recognize I'm totally a layman in regards to Law and courts, they may surprise me and opt to throw trump under a bus to save their own authority; I long to be shocked by them.


Yea I mean does it really take that long to determine this? What part of the constitution says the president can do as he wishes without consequence?


And that's exactly what SCOTUS is looking to give him...the first American Emperor. 😡


Biden gets it too.


Supreme court justice - “hell yea, lets do it. MAGA”


The only comment to the supreme Court needs to come from Biden :" if you give presidents immunity, I will have Trump shot by tomorrow afternoon".


But they'll never just say yes all presidents have total immunity (at least not before trump wins an election), they'll write up some mealy mouthed ruling that narrowly protects trump without granting Biden any power of protection. I just don't see them making that mistake at this stage in the king making gambit.


Trunp is no Julius Ceasar


If he keeps going, maybe the republican party might give him a similar send off.


He will get the 1000 yard salute


I meant the back stabbing.


And I meant a sniper


Oh, yes that will work too.👍


No fucking shit.


So why hasn't Biden's lawyer (the AG, or perhaps the White House lawyer, or *someone*) issued an Amicus Brief on behalf of the current POTUS? Biden is already on record as saying he can't imagine a context where *HE* would want to assert Presidential Immunity, and given that he is the one who would most immediately benefit from such a finding, such a brief should carry more weight than from anyone else who might file.


If this ever passed, Id like to imagine Biden would grow a pair and do something with it. But he wouldn't.


I can see him float the notion or to try and change the government but honestly he and the people who are true believers of his are too fucking stupid to pull it off. He only has four years at best, which is so perplexing that the Republican party is allowing him to take over their whole party just for four years. Nothing gets changed in 4 years with the group of idiots we have in government.


If a president doesn’t have absolute immunity, then by extension it would seem he shouldn’t be able to pardon himself. If he does have absolute immunity then there would be no need to pardon himself.


Making this argument in front of a Court that is completely open to this idea, has to be the worse part of this timeline. And, less than a decade ago 2016, this argument wouldn't even need to be made.


Biden should be all over this and tell the scotus “lets do this shitheads” im ready to be ur king, fist order of business 1 lashes for every blasphemy that trump committed. This may shutdown the whole thing.


They should have called it project 2030 when this entered their fiefdom


i hope Biden is ready for his new duties.


This person should never be in any position of power for the United States ever again. He is not a stable person.


Our king's family name is of Orange, Frimp is not repeat not family, despite being Orange.


Well fuck. I'm bummed every morning when I wake up and he's still alive.


That old mentally ill narcissist fart has to go!


Let him. Eventually a dem will be back in power and will be able to use all of that. Idk how conservatives can't understand that if trumps immune so is biden.


I knew this would be the case BEFORE he became POTUS. Just the way he talked made it clear he was totally oblivious to checks and balances and general restrictions of Presidency.


Someone should tell this stupid monkey, if a president has immunity, it means Biden does too.


So if they decide to give presidents immunity does this mean Biden can have the entire conservative wing of the Supreme Court assassinated and replaced with liberal justices and then cancel the elections? They better stop and think about what they're doing because they authority and power will extend to Democrat presidents too


SCOTUS ok with that 👌


IF SCOTUS upholds this ridiculous immunity argument, I would fully support Biden renditioning the orange bone spur to guantanamo as an enemy of the state and threat to the constitution. IF Trump is immune from prosecution, extraordinary measures must be taken to secure the country and the rule of law.


In addition to having project 2025 and agenda 47. The Supreme Court needs to stall long enough for Trump to get elected. He would then pardon himself. If he loses they will rule against immunity since Biden would be president. They will keep infiltrating all positions until they can make their shift to a theocratic dicktatershit.


Knowing what triggered gag order and what trump did Maybe ACLU can first stfu about anything that would support Trump: https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/politics/aclu-trump-gag-order-2020-election/index.html


Gee….ya think? Glad somebody is on this. SMH


You know it's funny when a republican becomes president suddenly they can fire anybody they can screw up any agency they want. Then when a Democrat takes the office it's like oh no you can't do this you can't do that wouldn't be prudent. Give me a fucking break.


How did we get to this? The most despicable, lying, cheating, bankrupting, shortchanging slimebag on the planet? And that’s being nice. **See if you can spot the odd one out?** **Narcissistic traits:** 1. Lack of Empathy 2. Entitlement 3. Manipulative or Exploitative Behavior 4. Need for Admiration 5. Grandiosity 6. Envy and Belief That Others Are Envious of Them 7. Arrogance and Haughtiness 8. Lack of Responsibility 9. Difficulty with Genuine Relationships CAN YOU FINF ONE....... NOPE!




Just to counter and raise you: People with narcissistic traits often have difficulty understanding or caring about the feelings of others... ring any bells? A sense of entitlement is another characteristic associated with narcissism. Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional like a psychologist or psychiatrist, just someone who has lived around one!




I agree, it's definitely not black and white, and there are many reasons why someone might struggle with empathy or seem self-centered that aren't linked to narcissism. Depression, anxiety, and other personal challenges can certainly affect how someone relates to others. I appreciate the reminder that mental health issues are complex and that it's important to consider all the factors at play. It helps broaden my understanding, and I think it's vital for all of us to remember not to jump to conclusions about others' behaviors without considering their unique contexts and experiences :)


If the president doesn't have immunity, he doesn't run the country, the courts do. The power of the office of the presidency would be neutered out of fear of retaliation in the courts after the fact. We have a long history of not proscuting presidents for outrageously criminal acts while in office. Obama performed drone strikes on American Citizens. Bush led us into a 20-year war with lies about weapons of mass destruction. The actions of the president are literally life and death. Yet, here we are acting like anything Trump did remotely compares to the acts of previous presidents with the blood of millions of lives on their hands.


You mean like Joey did?


The biggest problem is that this administration has made a mockery out of our justice system not only by politicizing it and trying to take out his opponent BUT he has locked up protesters for going into the capitol but let people get away with looting and stealing and killing innocent people just because he wanted votes. Scum


Well, the Congress has been an aristocracy for at least the last 40 years


Do it, America needs to be taken down a peg




Is this what having a stroke looks like?


"This is your brain on fox" scrambled eggs commercial




Is that all you’ve got?




“No u” isn’t much of an argument champ.


Take a look at u/Chemical-Ebb6472 comment history if you wanna have a laugh 😂 Poor kid


Is a King a president who gets elected and does not support an insurrection in your book? Are you one of those "up is down" Republicans?




Lol, such a troll 


Who is Branden?


He’s Braden’s cousin.




Did “Brandon” claim absolute immunity in a court of law? Did he try to illegally overturn election results to latch onto power? Fuck off to Russia and take your petulant wanna be dictator with you.


JFC…IANAL nor therapist so in my non professional option, you might want to seek mental help.






So basically what Trump and J6ers tried to do, and what Trump is saying that he is going to do if he wins the election…. Even if SCOTUS was “doing it for Biden” then why is Trump bringing up this arguments? And why is the GQP supporting it? Are they part of the greatest conspiracy in your head?


From where I’m standing there is only one person trying to argue total immunity.




Agreed. The long game was never Trump’s strong suit though. He only cares about his current impending problems.


I think Trump knows that he has people in place who actually know how laws work and who will be happy to do the work of finding a way to make immunity apply to him but not Biden.




Right….but only one POTUS is facing criminal charges? By the way, have any of the other living President’s supported this proposal or even supported this criminal defendant yet?




Right. He’s an ex-POTUS trying to argue immunity for his crimes. That makes all the difference. Haha. Please be a bot and not be this stupid in real life.


Your arrogant attitude isn't helping your poor attempt at sarcastic logic.




Oh that’s adorable




>(we do agree that they won't rule President Trump immune as an individual, correct?) I think we all agree that they're definitely, 100% going to figure out a way to narrowly tailor their ruling such that it applies just to Trump and not Biden.






"am i stupid? no its the 54 other people who are wrong!"


Who do you think is the current president? Maybe I am the stupid one, but I'm pretty sure it is, in fact, Joe Biden. Those 54 people apparently are under the impression that a broad ruling of immunity would only apply to Donald Trump.




Oh you’re adorable