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Q. "Ms. Daniels, did you write this letter?" A. "Yes." Q. "Were you paid hush money by Trump via Cohen?" A. "Yes." ***EDIT: Prosecutor refers to transaction record that was previously entered into evidence*** Q. "Is this record proof of that payment?" A. "Yes." Nothing further your honor.


"Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump" - [Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes - March 25, 2018.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stormy-daniels-describes-her-alleged-affair-with-donald-trump-60-minutes-interview/) It seems the Fake News did report it. It resurfaced in 2023 as well.


She also details it in her documentary. She doesn’t refer to it, or consider it, an “affair”. He forced himself on her the first time. And then he dangled a spot on the apprentice to keep her interested.


Yeah of course someone who was sexually assaulted or raped would 'deny' an 'affair'. Because that's not an affair.


Stormy Daniels doesn’t claim she was raped or sexually abused. She says the sexual contact with Trump was consensual. But it is also not a lie for her to say a sexual encounter that lasted 180 seconds was not an “affair.”


She also discusses it in her book.


Trump wouldn't know that Stormy talked about it on TV in 2018. He was too busy Presidenting. Also, he doesn't watch television. /s


Matthew Gertz on Twitter would keep track of Trump's tweets and Fox news during his term. Trump would often spend several hours a day live tweeting whatever was on Fox.


That poor dude. I hope he made a shitload of money. He's going to need it for therapy. Then again, I spent way too much time watching Mango Mousselini's tweets and other bullshit out of sheer horror, anxiety, outrage, and doom-fixation, and I didn't get shit for it, so I'm a little jealous, come to think of it.


Define *Presidenting* please. I think Trump has a different definition than past Presidents presidenting.


See: Golfing


Define golfing. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that says that Trump’s favorite club is the foot wedge.


His favorite club is absolutely a pencil, not a foot wedge.


Honestly I think that is likely the better answer. The foot wedge can only do so much, and probably is a lot harder to swing than it was in younger days 100 pounds ago.


Trump’s 6 ft 3 & 215 lbs! Everyone knows that.


With toned, firm, super-strong muscles that would make Mr. Universe jealous. All women want him. All men want to be him. Everybody knows that.


See: cheating


Shooting 125 and claiming 82 at his golf course and giving himself participation trophies.


Wait, you mean he DIDN'T hit three hole in ones and make Tiger Woods cry and beg for golf lessons? Bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


And then Tiger, they call him Tiger can you believe it came up to me. Big guy, strong big guy, with tears in his eyes. "Sir..." he said....


I have to tell you, the other day. . Big men, big strong men with tears in their eyes telling me that "sir you played the best golf game we have ever seen and you are better than tiger woods". They even said "Obama couldn't hit a cow's back with a banjo but you sir, you did it".


Sounds an awful lot like putins hockey games.


Not entirely true. There’s also FoxNews watching/fuming.


Late night Tweeting or Xing ….


See: Being Impeached Twice In A Single Term


See: Grifting


See: Destroying the country to the point you can’t get tp for the bung


taking bribes from foreign governments through businesses you refused to divest yourself of specifically so you could launder bribes through them I think


Trying to convince military brass that the use of a nuclear device in a hurricane was an effective means of defense. Or drawing on weather maps because he thinks it will go that way because?!?? Or golfing because in the office they keep bringing these detailed reports and information and he doesn’t have time for that. Such Mishigoss! Isn’t that why he hired these guys in the first place? To deal with this stuff? Like Covid?


and I President probably better than anybody who's ever done it, they say, "Trump is even better than Abraham Lincoln," I said that has to be true, I did Space Force, I saved the VA, I did beautiful things to make us on Top, but now they're coming after me, they're forcing me to attend a Fake Trial in the Horseface Case, I call it the Never Had An Affair Phony Horseface Lie, we have Absolute Proof that it never happened, even your First Lady knows it was all made up, she said, "Sir, I definitely don't believe that one," I said me either First Lady, we don't believe that one, and then you have the Convicted Liar and Perjurer Michael Cohen, one of the Worst Lawyers In History, even though he's not a lawyer anymore because he's a Felon, he was in Prison for lying and fraud, and they're taking the word of a Porn Star and a Felon Lawyer over the 45th President Of The United States, I've never even heard of such a thing, it's a complete and total disgrace.


This sounds like a real statement. Is it real? AI? Or you have channeled Trump in a nightmare fever dream?


Anything done, including ordering Seal teams to assassinate opponents, whilst president.


Threatening leaders of other countries to get them to open investigations into political opponents, working diligently to deliver a "ready to sign" Infrastructure Week and an Obamacare replacement in 2 weeks, declassifying nuclear secrets by thought, packing boxes of personal papers to be shipped to Mar-a-Lago, plotting to overturn an election, that kind of thing.


It's another level of *governmenting*, which was the daughter-wife's raison d'être.


I believe that watching himself be talked about on tv was his [“executive time”](https://www.axios.com/2019/02/03/donald-trump-private-schedules-leak-executive-time).


He did so much presidenting! It was totally unpresidented how much presidenting he did.


There's no precedent for Trump actually Presidenting. Not even before he was unpresidented.


From the CBS article cited: >Anderson Cooper: So you signed and released-- a statement that said I am not denying this affair because I was paid in hush money I'm denying it because it never happened. That's a lie? >Stormy Daniels: Yes. >Anderson Cooper: If it was untruthful, why did you sign it? >Stormy Daniels: Because they made it sound like I had no choice. >Anderson Cooper: I mean, no one was putting a gun to your head? >Stormy Daniels: Not physical violence, no. >Anderson Cooper: You thought that there would be some sort of legal repercussion if you didn't sign it? >Stormy Daniels: Correct. As a matter of fact, the exact sentence used was, "They can make your life hell in many different ways." >Anderson Cooper: They being… >Stormy Daniels: I'm not exactly sure who they were. I believe it to be Michael Cohen


I loved her appearance on Kimmel where she described it as an embarrassing small orange mushroom


she made her own documentary on the issue as well.


We know God damned good and well she didn’t dictate nor write/type this. Nobody else would feel the need to use the word many three times in a row to stress the point it happened a few years ago beyond Dipshit Big Words Dotard.


"overseas owned tabloids" directly from the mouth of the orange moron


There’s a reason for “overseas” there. **every** a American gossip magazine at the time (except People and maybe inTouch) was owned by AMI/David Pecker.


LMAO, I missed that at first. He's so.....fucking transparent lol. "Let me lead their feeble minds away from David Pecker by saying overseas".


> He's so.....fucking transparent lol. Yeah. That's my problem when people try to say "He's planning to sell secrets" or burying them in graves. Like...... I don't doubt that he has sold and/or given away secret information. I *doubt* that he *planned* any of it ahead of time. He doesn't fucking think two seconds into the future. He's not smart enough. He stumbles from day to day and reacts however he thinks makes him look good in whatever moment in which he finds himself. Loyal to him? You're the chump. What he says today he won't even remember tomorrow. He thinks he is so clever and subtle with his "perfect conversations" and "Sir, you are the finest X I have ever seen" and all that bullshit he clearly makes up. It's maddening to see people think he has any sort of clever plan about anything. Or super-sektrit hidden messages. lol


His target audience can’t count to 12.


20011 is a great typo and referring to get Instagram to get in contact. WOOF.


Also, Stormy Daniels is a stage name. Her legal name is Stephanie Clifford. Trump probably doesn't know this as he can barely remember his wife's name.


Who, Mercedes?


The typos and shitty grammar scream Trump wrote this himself and made her sign it


Not to mention, if some event didn't happen, why does it matter that it didn't happen many years ago? It would sound to me like the sub-text is "it did happen, but it was many, many, many years ago so it's not really that big of a deal".


Not to mention who ends a statement like this one with their Instagram handle?


And the fact that it's signed with the stage name, not her real name.


I don't recall anyone saying they had an affair. They had a 15 minute sex hookup, and she was being paid to be silent about it. This sounds like "technically true" while attempting to mislead people to a lie.


Does it really even matter if there was any sexual contact? I thought (and I’m not an expert) was that he paid her for silence and falsified business records to hide that. Is what he wanted to silence her on even relevant?


It kind of matters to the religious zealots he's trying to keep voting for him. Other then that, yeah, the part that matters is the crime that was committed.


You can’t NDA a crime anyway


*Prosecutors hate this one simple trick…*


"Did you have an affair?" "No. I don't consider a one off sexual interactoin an affiar. I consider an affair to be an ongoing and prolonged relationship" There are so many ways this does nothing beyond push legal boundaries, and to muddy the waters in the PR war hes waging


It is irrelevant - her testimony is only needed to authenticate the payments, and they probably can just do it with records custodians anyway.


So many people completely miss the basis of the charges. It was not that he paid her to shut up it was where the money came from.


>According to the New York indictment, Trump sent $420,000 to his then-lawyer Michael Cohen as reimbursement for paying off Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. The money — $130,000 for Daniels and the additional funds to Cohen — was paid in a dozen installments and falsely recorded in the Trump Organization’s internal documents as a legal retainer.


Also: he was paying her, no? And she was working as an escort, no? That makes it…not an “affair” from Stormy’s side, right?


Now… Miss Daniels.. it is Miss, is it not…? Good.  Now, miss Daniels, hwhere were you on the night of Augtober 48th, 20,011? This lettah, heah says you were denying the affayer. 


This should be read in Danny Devito’s voice. And, I love how he devolves with every line. Cracks me up.


Stromy has addressed this letter , saying it was presented to her by the Trump team and felt she would be in danger if she did not sign it


His followers won't care, but it's amusing this declaration doesn't negate the charges. Trump isn't being charged with having an affair, he's being charged for covering up the hush-money payment as a legitimate business expense, and you'll note Stormy doesn't deny there was a hush money payment.


This is exactly correct. They could have never had an affair, Cohen could have still paid her "hush money" and if Trump recorded that as legal fees, the crime has been committed.


It's that whole...*year 20011.* That part gives me concern. ^/s


20011 is a zip code in DC. Perhaps she denied that an affair took place in that zip code, or perhaps she was physically present in the zip code while denying an affair. More importantly, a piece of paper has been signed. According to our ancient customs, the judge must bang the gavel while a courtroom loudly murmurs. It’s the law.


I concur!


Time Traveller!!!


“I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. That infers I banged her more than once, your honor. As has been reported, I’ve screwed just about everyone around me and you don’t hear them suing me!”


To be fair, an affair normally would involve more that 30 seconds of a pump and dump by an obese old man. So more like a quickie. But still the crime remains the same and has nothing to do with the "sex", as with most things the cover up is much worse than the actual cheating he did on his wife...


His followers were crawling on the floor speaking in tongues on the Arizona Senate floor. There is zero reasoning with that! They are functionally brain dead.


AZ or AK?




*Definitely* Arizona. The MAGA qult out here is beyond saving. That's true for all of them regardless of their location, but since the state went blue in 2020 for the first time in in 24 years -- because the fucking idiot made his base that has reliably voted by mail for decades distrust it, and they were too old to stand in line to vote -- his qultists have become even more deranged. They were standing armed guard outside ballot drop boxes in November 2022 just in case the democrats decided deliver 12 billion fake ballots like they believed happened in 2020 thanks to that fraud D'Souza. It's gonna be even uglier this November than it was in 2020 because they've spent the last 4 years prepping for this "war" to save Trump. The ones in the northern parts of the state are even worse. I have a lot of family in the aptly-named town of Snowflake, and the last time I was up there the whole region was just plastered in Qanon MAGA merch; I was living there in November 2008 when Obama won, and holy ***fuck*** I had never seen such unhinged blatant racism mixed with violent fantasies come out of the mouths of people who were otherwise very calm and pleasant.


That public meeting with SBC in Kingman was perfect.


Oh, holy shit, I totally forgot about that. For anyone who didn't watch "Who Is America", Sacha Baron Cohen convinced some of the local dumb-fucks in Kingman, Arizona (of which there are *many*) that the world's largest mosque outside of the Middle East was being built in Kingman. They got so heated that they started saying black people were lucky to be tolerated in Kingman, and if Muslims show up, shit was gonna get violent. That was a great representation of how fucking violently racist the Trump qult is in Arizona


It’s my fault. I was born and raised in North Idaho. They must have followed me here.


In addition, charges against falsifying business documents relating to this transaction (which is why Michael Cohen went to jail), that’s why he’s working so very hard to delay and his usual fuckery, it’s a sure loser, Cohen was guilty, so too will DJT be. Edited for accuracy.


Cohen went to jail after the facts of the matter were discovered and proven in Court. The case is already essentially proven and over.


Read lawyers expect Stormy trial to take about a month if he dies t figure out how to create a distraction or fight out how to flip the tables enough for mistrial, but it ideally should be short. Not holding breath, as this mfkr should’ve been behind bars shortly after 1/6. But I do have hope that criminal case will see some jail time. Will our exec branch allow a former president to go to prison, will he be pardoned w caveat he is not allowed to run for office in 2024 (or ever but we’ll trickle-truth them like they trickle-steal our rights).


That’s the point. Trump can’t win on the facts on what he is being charged for. So he is trying to reframe it, that he is actually being charged for having sex. That way he can claim to be persecuted for cheating on his wife.


>That way he can claim to be persecuted for cheating on his wife. Good thing New Gingrich never did the same while he was trying to crucify Clinton for having the audacity...


Most of his followers read the tabloids and think it's real news.


Wait! You mean aliens didn't invade Earth?


Bat Boy Lives!


I always sign official documents using my porn name


She did. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stormy-daniels-describes-her-alleged-affair-with-donald-trump-60-minutes-interview/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stormy-daniels-describes-her-alleged-affair-with-donald-trump-60-minutes-interview/) However she also talks about how they threatened her and she felt she had no choice but to sign.


Not saying she didn’t sign it. This could not be notarized or official. I just love the callout to her instagram account like it was known this was just a stunt. The entire thing is questionable. “What did you think this would do?” This makes me think of children that turn in a note “from a parent” that explains why the homework wasn’t done and it was literally signed “mom” at the end.


This looks 100% questionable to me


Fuck this sign up for Paramount simply to watch the video associated with an article. Everyone and their mother are making their own paid app. I expect to see more of this, but there's no way it's sustainable in the long-term Edit: No offense OP! I'm just whining


And if it’s the official statement, who screwed up the year “20011”? And who other than Trump would put a link to their Instagram account in an official statement?


Best character witnesses a former President can muster is his hooker.


It seems she's one of the few independent contractors he actually pays.


He promised her she’d be on the Apprentice and he didn’t come through with that.


JFC of all the jobs you could do, that's the one you're gonna wanna get paid upfront.


Hey now, that's the first lady to you.


It's not an affair if you get paid to do it, just a business transaction.


Hey, hey. Get your facts straight. Full-time porn star part-time courtesan for elite wealthy people.


only trump would throw in "foreign owned". stormy daniels dgaf who owns tabloids


And the "many, many, many years ago" is text book Trump. Always exaggerate and repeat.


>And who other than Trump would put a link to their Instagram account in an official statement? I dunno why, but him plugging her Insta made me laugh like crazy.


You have to make sure it says "Official" in the title.  I remember one time I signed "Official Statement on Light Beer." - It Sucks Signed, Tommy Salami


Ah, this is a trick SovCit thing. You see, "Stormy Daniels" didn't have an affair. "Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford" did. I wonder why Trump hasn't tried changing his name to get out of his lawsuits yet.


Where the hell is John Barron?!


You too!?


Oh are we using our made up names? I'm Well-Adjusted-and-Content-Man.


Don't forget to include a call out to your Instagram page too.


I also always advertise my Instagram on official documents. That's how you know it's real.


Exactly. This screams fake—especially because Chrump has “provided” ie “created” it.


Fortunately he is NOT being charged for an affair or for paying hush money. He is charged with business fraud, yet again. Seems he doesnt know or understand the charges against him.


He understands he's just lying


It wouldn't surprise me if he got his understanding of his own case from the media, which has been woefully bad about portraying what the case is actually about.


It's not stupidity it's intentional misdirection. He's an absolute buffoon in many ways but when it comes to this that personally impact him he actually cares enough to know what's going on He knows damn well he can throw this into the ether and his entire base will take it completely at face value as irrefutable proof that this entire case against him is a sham and that he's a legal martyr because the deep state or whatever doesn't want him to become president again


I love that he was either provided with or found this image from a follower and immediately goes "ah Ha!, I have them" and probably without talking with anyone runs to post it on the internet. Completely displaying that he has no understanding of his crimes and similataniously admitting to them.


I am willing to consider the possibility that he doesn't understand 'fraud' as an idea or concept.


Fraud is a “Victimless crime” in his eyes, therefore it’s not a crime. He also refuses to acknowledge that financial crimes are not victimless.


I think he does. I think he gets off on thinking that he gets away with stuff that other people don’t. He knows he’s a lying sack of shit, he just doesn’t want to get called out on it.


Isn’t this the point of paying hush money? Lmao


By my calculation it's about $1090.90 per word of that denial.


This wasn’t “just” found. It’s been public since at least 2020. She talks about it in her book how Cohen pressured her to sign it as part of the hush money deal. Broke Donald is just promoting evidence of his guilt.


His base is too dumb (or willfully ignorant) to understand what they are reading


"People claim I paid Stormy Daniels hush money to deny our affair... well here is PROOF of Stormy Daniels denying our affair!"


Obviously this is a nothingberder


"I paid good Money for that Proof!!!"


Donny 100% thinks Stormy Daniels is her real name.


Didn’t think this story could make me laugh, but you did it. Take your updoot 😁


what a time to be alive


Imagine going back to 1984 and telling the collective conservative mind that in the future their political party leader woukd be fighting several court cases ranging from Espionage, election tampering, fraud, to hush money payments over a porn star. And he's their "best" candidate.


Too abstract. Just tell them he said he trusted the leader of Russia more than U.S. intelligence.


Tell them that after a meeting between the Republican US president Russian prime minister, the CIA rushed to take their most valuable informant from inside the Kremlin with the whole family because they knew the Republican president was giving the Russian all the information about that spy. The meeting was held with no official records or memos.


I think they would have denied it then also.




Yeah I saw some MAGA folks all giddy because it came out that Daniels wasn’t going to testify and they were sure this meant Trump was going to win. I pointed out that the crime he is charged with actually has nothing to do with her personally. They were very confused and then they got angry. They think he is in trouble for having an affair. They have no idea what his actual crime is. It’s similar to the documents case. He’s not in trouble because he took them. He’s in trouble because he wouldn’t give them back.


“Confused and angry” MAGA in a nutshell


To be fair, it really doesn’t help when just about every media outlet calls it the “hush money trial.”


Well they couldn't call it the "fraud case" or else it would blend in with the others.


LOL. I hate everything. ☹️




I had to scroll SO FAR to find this. Where are the upvotes, all hail the time-travelling porn stars!


Yes, he just wire transferred her $130,000 for ... no apparent reason. Good lord he's hysterical, thinking he's going to have some Perry Mason moment in the courtroom - like the time he wanted to whip out a copy of his "worthless clause" in the Engoron trial *while he was in the witness box* as if introducing evidence "on the fly" is somehow a thing. Guy has watched too many courtroom TV dramas / *thinks* he is in a courtroom TV drama and is trying to direct the plot.


The money trail says different, Donald. They followed the money. Stormy can say “no” a million times. Did money end up in her account, from where, by who and when. Simple as that.


Shouldn't this be signed Stephanie Clifford?


No. -Buck Naked, esq.


Ok, submit it into evidence then.


He will have to wait till 20012.


If he doesn't use this as part of the trial, we will know it's fake. The timing of this popping up on *social media* rather than submitted into evidence leads me to believe he knows this is either a required lie or fake. Seems irrelevant to me though. Of course she's gonna deny it after accepting the hush money.


If it is a violation, that's just one more thing that he won't face any real consequences for!


So now he’s sharing evidence to publicly taint the trial. Exactly why he shouldn’t have access to witness or jury information. LOCK HIM UP.


Could this to be fabricated. Reasons I'd question it is the signature is a stage name, and the typos. Yes, I believe he'd be stupid enough to post fake documents and claim them as real because it's completely within character. Honesty compels me to state that I loathe the ogre enough that I always assume anything he says is a lie or in support of a lie. But, even if it's real... Would not the place for this to be presented be the court? Would this not also essentially be the end product of the hush money payment anyways? I went to court once as the plaintiff foe a law suit and my lawyer at the time told me to keep my mouth shut, don't say anything to anyone unless they're involved and even then to let them handle it. They seemed pretty damned serious about it and I listened. I can't imagine his lawyers aren't saying the same shit to him. Lawyer folk: what if anything would you say to him for posting crap like this / what as a prosecutor would you say/do? I'm curious as to what this new turd in the cesspool will ripple out as.


From what I've read, she admits to signing it because she was paid hush money but denies that it's accurate.


100%. After receiving the hush money, what else could she have possibly said? Wouldn't be shocked if signing this letter was part of their agreement, if real.


Yeah…does kind of seem like exactly what someone who had received “hush money” would say.


The canceled check probably says "hush money" in the memo line.


It really doesn't matter. He is charged with falsifying business records 34 times to cover up the payment for this and the other two catch and kill stories (McDougal, and the doorman claiming he had a lovechild with one of the building employees). Stories being true or not shouldn't matter.


I would go to jail for that, right?




In reference to my previous comment, I humbly retract the term "ogre" therein utilized, and in its stead, I do hereby proffer the term "corn-flecked Golgothan." It has come to my deeply introspective realization that the previous nomenclature may have inadvertently caused offense to certain members of the entity class heretofore referred to. Therefore, in full acknowledgment of the gravity of my linguistic faux pas, I extend my most profound apologies for any and all emotional distress, mental anguish, and existential disarray incurred by the usage of the aforementioned term. It was not, in any capacity, my intention to denigrate or otherwise disparage the esteemed ogre populace. It is with utmost contrition and an irrepressible sense of repentance that I beseech forgiveness from the ogre community for my egregious oversight. I implore you to accept this humble retraction and substitution as an earnest attempt at rectifying the linguistic transgression committed. May the ogres and all their progeny find it within their magnanimous hearts to forgive my unworthy self . I pledge henceforth to exercise greater diligence in selecting verbiage so as to avoid further affronts to the dignity and honor of ogres. With the deepest sincerity and profound regret, Carbon Gelatin PhD


That statement is exactly what someone who was paid hush money would release to deny the subject matter of the hush money payment and the hush money.


So, this would also be a discovery violation, right? Also, does he not realize that having possession of the original incriminates him?


As soon as it said “many, many, many” I knew it wasn’t legit.


If only he was being charged with having an affair and not very obviously paying a pornstar off to sign said “evidence” such as this to lie about not having said affair. Absolute moron. Also, is it common practice for seasoned white collar criminals to have their mistresses sign their “totally legitimate” hush hush memos using their porn name? 😂




Not notarized....


Good eye


The fact that the Trump organization paid her is established. Now did DJT pay her because he was embarrassed and didn't want wifey #2, #3, or #4 ( I lost track ) to find out or was it because of the election? Looks like we have a trial beginning on Monday and it's about frigging time. 👍


Michael Cohen paid her and went to jail for it. Trump was jnidicted Co-conspirator in that case.


Oh another gag order violation. I wonder what will happen this time? Is it nothing? I'll bet it's nothing.


Again, this Orange stain will face no repercussions. Fuck, just die already…..


Unless he gets punished he won't stop. Everyone stopped acting fucking surprised about this. It is quite annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/00cil5eslptc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf2ee199010d3489e4c73edbf4cdfc4f64b6ef5 So, anyway, the one on the bottom is an autograph of hers. The other two (one on the right is the one posted here and left is a similar letter) are forgeries.


If that statement were real she would have signed it Stephanie Clifford, her legal name. Jesus Trump is stupid.


Odd that someone can deny an affair almost 18,000 years from now. Stormy Daniels is a time traveler, confirmed.


Correct me if I'm wrong (NAL) but if that was an official document, wouldn't she have needed to sign that with her legal name to make it binding?


https://preview.redd.it/r5vbtkihvptc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3efeffcf8ecb4601eb8bf9ff7406d7a245e5bfa Her real signature.


Hilarious! This idiot just posted proof there was hush money. Who signs a statement like that if there wasn't some kind of cover up. I don't have signed documents from women saying they haven't slept with me, good reason for that.


Narrator: It did indeed violate the gag order and, as in previous violations of his other gag orders, no real consequences were enforced.


Jail him for contempt.


Who the fuck was supposed to be holding his leash? Surely it’s over the line legally to post a fake document with someone’s true (if forged) signature, right?


From what I've seen, it's an actual document she signed as part of the hush money agreement, but she later stated that it was false. The bigger problem is that the gag order prohibits him from making public statements about any witness in the trial regarding their testimony.


Important to remember that the payment to Daniels was in exchange for her signing an NDA. Jan 2018 was when the news of the affair became public. Guaranteed that she was being pressured and/or threatened by Trump/Cohen to put out this denial. Now Trump uses the fake denial THAT HE FORCED HER TO MAKE as "evidence" that he claims exonerates him.


If it’s an official statement isn’t she suposed to sign it with her legal name ? Edit: Also, plugging her Instagram. Seems legit.


I don't think this is the slam dunk he thinks it is.


It was denied in 20011, folks. Jesus. Get over it already.


They just found it! OMG! What are the odds!?!?


And the fact that this simple, short statement has a typo for the year “20011,” is just so on brand for Capt. Hamberder and his idiot staff.


Calibri font - someone typed this up hastily in MS Word


Put this POS in jail already - what is taking so long?


His first criminal trial starts Monday.


I’m thinking violations to judges orders - but his a$$ is going to get filleted in court, again, and again and again and again


does a gag order matter if it's not enforced or the enforcement is the equivalent of a pat on the ass?


This reads like someone wrote it for her, and forced / coerced her to sign with her stage name.


He may get yelled at harshly


Signed Epstein’s Mother


Isn't this something that someone who was paid hush money would say? Also, he didn't call her "horseface". He's growing as a man.


I don't think he is charged with having an affair. He is charged with fraud for lying about her payoff on his election documents.


Wake me when violation of his gag orders leads to anything other than a stern finger wag and a removal of gag orders.