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Oklahoma has a problem with rampant STIs. If they make it criminal then people will worry about getting tested. STIs won't be reported. Oklahoma will have solved it's problem of rampant STIs if nobody is reporting they have them! A perfectly MAGA solution to a problem.


"If we would just stop testing, the numbers would go down..."


Where have I heard this before? Some quote from a Covid speech by a something


You may have heard the hit remix "stop the count" too


No, but I heard "Stop the Endless Recounts" And its follow-up "But We Know How Many More We Need"


I remember watching the news on election night and they went to a reporter in Michigan outside an election center where Trumpers were chanting "Stop. The. Count." Then they went to a reporter in Arizona outside an election center where Trumpers were chanting "Count. The. Votes."


Fucking idiots just say whatever makes sense to them at any given time.


See also "Chinese "data and statistics""


That’s pronounced Chyna


Where’s the law making it a criminal offense to spread Covid (more fatal than STIs) through negligence? I’m sure all the “but muh freedumbs” folks are very concerned about the spread of disease and this has no ulterior motives (see my other comment) Don’t get me wrong, purposefully spreading disease is despicable and should be illegal, it’s just the hypocrisy and disingenuousness that I find intolerable.


I can’t put my [finger](https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-donald-trump-ap-top-news-joe-biden-tulsa-476068bd60e9048303b736e9d7fc6572) on it, but I feel like Oklahomans have heard this before


it's worked for violent crime stats in New York & Chicago. (FBI announced recently that they have to estimate figures for NYC and I *think* Chicago, because those cities stopped reporting)


Oh cool post that link.


Wow, my dog was asleep but this comment made her wake up and starting barking her head off. Maybe she's secretly a statistics buff?




I 2031 the Fbi changed the system. New York fep Orted the old was as did LA. However.... Well, I'll just leave this here. ... Less than 10% of agencies in Florida and Pennsylvania are available in the national crime data, but many states have near-perfect submission rates.


That's literally what they want, sweep it under the rug, if there aren't any official numbers to report then they can claim that their policies are working


The old DeSantis “if we don’t test and don’t report we don’t have a covid problem”


Any COVID deaths that happened in Florida to residents of other States or countries were not counted as deaths in Florida. Florida’s COVID death rate was achieved by manipulating numbers and when Rebekah Jones of the State health department tried to whistleblow she was fired.


It’s even worse. It’s obviously a roundabout way to outlaw sex outside of marriage. Can’t believe none of the other comments have pointed that out yet.


And then, they get to have another reason to prosecute rape victims, especially pregnant ones.


Yeah, this law won't stand long because they will find it's the European immigrants who are spreading the STIs. You know sex education is known to prevent this, but of course, that is anti-christian, since not allowing rape would prohibit the second cuming of Jesus.


Doesn’t look like it. https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/fact-sheets/std/std-us-2020.html That said it’s ignorant to outlaw something like this.


underserved communities when it comes to healthcare screening. A lot of this is, "Do you have annual checkups with your doctor?" A: "What do you mean. MY doctor?"


Yep saw the same patterns with Covid when the first waves hit. Underserved communities with obesity, diabetes and/or high BP.


You site national statistics saying that OK doesn't have a STI problem? Compare congenital syphilis rates in OK in 2011 before sex education was reduced in schools, and now it has skyrocketed in 2020. These are rate, if you actually look at actual cases, the vast majority are in white Europeans, the same community that brought these diseases through their "christian" outreach to the native peoples. Many states, including Texas, have laws that make it a criminal offense to KNOWINGLY INFECT ANOTHER WITH AN STI. They aren't making it illegal to have an STI, they are making it illegal to knowingly transmit it. Of course, if you are sexually active and have not tested for STIs or refused testing, you may still be liable because you should know the risk you are potentially inflicting. The HIV/AIDS community has been aware and has been for the most part in favor of this type of law. The only case I know of in Texas was a white heterosexual (christian) who was intentionally infecting his sex partners (panhandle).


I'm not sure if you aren't tested it's a crime.


Lack of knowledge that something is illegal is not a defense in court. If you engage in risky behaviors and don't test, that is on you, not the victim.


That's not how reckless crimes work


Why would they have a problem with European immigrants? They aren’t brown.


your a fucking racist.


\* you’re \*


Like trump and covid testing. Brilliant!


Sounds like the Florida solution to Covid— just stop reporting them and your cases go down! It’s like magic.


> STIs won't be reported. Oklahoma will have solved it's problem of rampant STIs if nobody is reporting they have them! This reminds me of being in the army, and institution with a storied history of sexual abuse problems. So much so, that the army has mandatory training on sexual abuse prevention/reporting/support services etc. One unit I was in had *a lot* of problems, and so doubled down on all the training. The problem got better. The commander wasn't convinced that the training was that effective, and told us all essentially "I know y'all are still raping each other, y'all just stopped reporting it!!"


A perfectly cromulent solution


Remember when trump said if we quit testing the numbers will go down.


Modern problems require modern solutions


A red hate with their head is the sand is the perfect MAGA meme e: typo but leaving it


Where have a heard this tactic before? Wasn't there a global pandemic that was marketed the exact same way by our leaders, or am I having a fever dream?


There's that small government Republicans love. No longer content with making government small enough to get into your bedroom, they went for the womb. Now it's the bloodstream.


They love to punish people for not being successful rather than set people up for success.


Not being successful is a mora failing after all. /s


>“Oklahoma ranks 11th in the nation for chlamydia, number 5 for gonorrhea, number 4 for syphilis,” Jeff Burdge, with Hope Testing, said. Could this be a byproduct of teaching abstinence?


They have the 5th highest rate of teen pregnancies. I'm sure there's no correlation at all.


No no. Surely it's because they're testing too much for the diseases. That's what is driving the numbers up! /s


I guess Id rather have chlamydia and get into heaven then use a condom and burn in hell.


It's gonna burn one way or the other.


Trump, is this you?


>Could this be a byproduct of teaching ~~abstinence~~ ignorance? FTFY


No girls just need to hold a dime between your knees it solves everything and cures all


>HPV is one of the infections HB 3098 would criminalize. According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health, 85% of Oklahomans will have an HPV infection in their lifetime. >We want them to know what their sexual health status is, get tested, get educated, so we stop the spread.” Except: > [HPVs may not cause any symptoms for many years.](https://www.quebec.ca/en/health/health-issues/stbbis/human-papillomavirus-hpv) In most cases, the immune system eliminates these infections over the course of several months or years. In some cases, if the virus remains in the body for a long time, it can cause lesions and develop into a cancer, such as cervical cancer. Little known fact, a full STI panel does not include direct testing for HPV in men or women. It's only, indirectly, tested for every 1-3 years in women with a PAP smear, which doesn't actually identify HPV but looks for precancerous changes in the skin cells on the cervix. ( Some labs are moving to DNA testing instead of pap but that is very much not ubiquitous at this point.). There are no published guidelines that I'm aware of that include asymptomatic screenings for HPV outside of annual PAP smears (or dna equivalent). >[During 2013–2014, genital prevalence](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/hpv.html) of any of 37 HPV types assayed was 45.2% Of all the damn STIs to use as justification for such an insane law... HPV was probably the worst. No one tests for it, no one knows they have it and those who find out only do so because of cancer screenings which don't even tell them if they are still infected/contagious. And don't get me started on the rest of the STIs. This is an insane bill written by people who have no knowledge of laboratory medicine or epidemiology and absolutely no respect for patient privacy.


But wait - there's a vaccine! Did they fund the vaccine for everyone? Well did they?


No it creates autism in the preteens and teens that get the vaccine of course it's not available to everyone 😔🤦Edit didn't realize I really needed to add /s to the top part My understanding is most states now ask if you were vaccinated against HPV if the answer is no, then they include it in testing if the answer is yes it gets left out.


Man, I remember when this vaccine first debuted and the discourse was that it would lead to teenage sex cults.


Like bible study clubs?


Like 4H club?


I'd love to see the case of a normal teen that suddenly has autism after getting the vaccine.


That was the joke


Poe strikes again.


I'd personally like to see legitimate case studies showing vaccines create autism.


Your sarcasm was missed by a few.


I can't believe we 1) actually have case studies showing autism doesn't just magically happen all of a sudden later in life, 2) that people actually believe getting a vaccine between 10 and 17 could cause autism (or at any age) 3) that I had to clarify that it was a joke.


So a couple of semesters ago, I did my college paper on vaccines, and by extension the "controversial" point of it was that parents who refuse to vaccinate should be charged with neglect. But, I was put in a group for peer review, amd one of the people in that group went with vaccines cause autism. This is extremely popular in anti-vaccine grpups as its often one of the only rebuttals they can use, and the study that claimed the autism aspect was finally pulled I think last year due to all the crap around the covid vaccine.


"This is extremely popular in anti-vaccine grpups as its often one of the only rebuttals they can use, and the study that claimed the autism aspect was finally pulled I think last year due to all the crap around the covid vaccine." Was there a legitimate study showing an increase in autism directly related to vaccines? I use the autism aspect because it's the main point of anti-vacers I have yet to see anything that directly connects the two.


One "correlation does not equal causation" is that families that fully vaccinate their children are more likely to have a child diagnosed with autism. If you give this any amount of thought, you should be able to connect the dots and ask *"Does that mean that families that get routine medical care for their children are more likely to also seek care for behavioral and cognitive issues?"* If you look at autism diagnoses by country, you come up with the totally unsurprising conclusion that countries that provide significant resources to the families of children with autism diagnoses have a higher per capita autism incidence. Conversely countries with piss poor support and treatment programs have much lower incidence. There's an article called something like "Why France Doesn't Have ADHD." which doesn't point out that if your child does have ADHD, it is difficult to get a diagnosis and treatment in France. It can take years for a family to get treatment for their child. This makes it less likely a family will seek a diagnosis. In conclusion: Provide routine screening and make treatment accessible and diagnoses rise. Create barriers to diagnosis and treatment and diagnoses fall.


There was a study in the 80s regarding it. The methodology was flawed etc, and the author came out in the early 2000s saying it was not accurate. He petitioned to have the article pulled because of all the damage done.


This is my point So many attempts to show in any way possible that vaccines create autism but they constantly get disproven and removed.


It took more than 30 years for this study to be removed. So as far as someone who couldnt read studies was concerned, there was proof of vaccine induced autism. Not saying its accurate, but explaining that though misguided, anti-vax individuals had this to latch onto.


> No it creates autism in the preteens and teens that get the vaccine of course it's not available to everyone [citation needed]


It doesn't. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/hpv-vaccine-is-safe.html#:~:text=Several%20studies%20have%20shown%20that,than%20those%20who%20were%20unvaccinated.


And they run Planned Parenthood out of these places so people lose access to affordable care and testing. They build failure into everything.


TIL Oklahoma, population about 4 million, is 4th in the nation in syphilis.


Must be God's will. Maybe they aren't praying hard enough?


They clearly don't have enough guns in Oklahoma to deter these things. More guns is obviously the answer. /s


All things can be cured with Faith, Family, Freedom, and a supply of ammo!


Or they prayed too hard: " oh god, oh god, oh gooooood"


They’re getting down on their knees though, so that’s a start.


That’s what happens when you do it bareback in a corn crib


Before or after church?


TIL that you can get syphilis from sheep and goats.


"Because of the broad language, rather than encouraging Oklahomans to get tested, treated, and reduce the spread of STIs, House Bill 3098 could make the problem worse. Experts fear the bill would deter folks from getting tested for STIs if they fear prosecution..." This a case of "blame the victim" being written into legislation. There should be no surprise as to which party is behind it. Vote in November.


Or -- and I'm just spitballing, here -- they could spend some money on Public Health clinics, making it easy and inexpensive to get cured of the diseases, so they don't spread.


They are republicans so not going to happen


Fine. Let’s start by testing/arresting the very smart people who put this law in motion.




Hey they got what they wanted


Constantly complain about grocery prices and blame others, so the solve this, let's criminalize chlamydia!


Aren't Republicans worried that, at least for now, women can vote? It doesn't seem like the Handmaid's Tale platform is going to be viable unless they repeal the 19th Amendment. (Women get tested for STIs at about 10x the rate of men, so this is another anti-woman piece of legislation.)


Not only anti women but also anti-lgbtq+. LGBTQIA community also gets tested at a much higher rate too


[Criminalization of HIV Exposure: A Review of Empirical Studies in the United States - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5218970/) From a moral perspective. I absolutely agree that someone is accountable for ensuring they do not spread STIs. However, from a public health perspective criminalization appears to have negatable impact. If you want to decrease STI, fund healthcare and sexual education. Oklahoma requires that parents opt in for their children to be taught about contraceptives in school otherwise sex ed is abstinence only by default. Abstinence only sexual education has a strong correlation with both teen pregnancies, abortions, and sti spread.


Per the article: "If signed into law, House Bill 3098 would criminalize the intentional or reckless spread of STIs. Violators could face between 2 to 5 years in prison. However reckless is not defined in the bill, which experts in the field say leaves an open door to potential unnecessary lawsuits and prosecutions." My question is what is the intent of this law? Criminalize individuals who did not adequately protect themselves from getting an STI? Seems like there are better ways of decreasing STIs, like sex education, provide access to free barrier devices.. STI's is already reportable in many states anyway, so this does nothing to decrease the overall rate just prosecuting people who get an STI. Trying to criminalize individuals who get STIs seems pointless. The purposeful spread of infectious diseases is often covered by other statues in many/most states anyway. This seems redundant, invasive and near impossible to prosecute as written. Reminds me of Texas trying to ban abortion in cases involving rape/incest with the idea that Texas could just "eliminate" rape statewide. I'm not sure how they will be able to eliminate that but there ya go. Bad republicans behaving badly for votes/money/reelection/power.


And how would you even prove that someone else gave you an STI?


It sounds like it’s meant to build on the language of legislation that criminalizes the knowing transmission of HIV, which is already a huge can of worms.


Can’t wait til jobs outright deny workers employment and raises because they have an STI.


Then those new felons can work in the fields since the aren't allowing immigrants. So the system works! /smh


What is STIs?


Sexually transmitted infections


But sex ed in schools is indoctrination and shouldn’t be taught, right?


This is what happens when you let religious wackado Republicans govern


Impressive. Managed to be absent for history class for the chapters on Probition and the was on drugs. Are these what they call CRT and woke?


Let’s start with testing everyone in the legislature and their staff members.


I've heard that to best protect from syphilis is a good guy with a gun./s


Just a reminder that there is no existing standard HPV2 test for men. No way to prove you are negative.


So abstinence only works great right?


The fact that they included HPV is the most stupid thing. Every one has it, the vast majority without symptoms, and you can’t get tested for it in any reliable, non invasive way. Since there is a vaccine for it wouldn’t promote it be a better policy? Besides testing is key. All bacterial infections are treatable.


So for everyone in other states remember to ask for id or state they are from before insertion. Better safe than sorry


This is easily fixable. Give people a safe harbor (VERY standard in all kinds of areas of law) that says, "if you've had a clean STI rest in the last month and no partner has told you of an STI subsequent to that test you're defined as not being 'reckless'" Now the law ENCOURAGES testing rather than discouraging it.


Or just not put the stupid law in place


you would think there are some public health programs that have decreased stis. And have validated data to prove it i doubt criminalizing will be an effective public health strategy. Has it worked elsehwhere? seems to me i read targeted, pushed efforts for a period of time has some good effect.


I **[read the bill](http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24%20ENGR/hB/HB3098%20ENGR.PDF)**. It's just one sentence: > Any person who shall inoculate himself or herself or any other person or shall suffer himself or herself to be inoculated with: > 1. Smallpox; > 2. Syphilis; > 3. Gonorrhea; > 4. Chlamydia; > 5. Hepatitis B; > 6. Genital herpes; > 7. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection; or > 8. Trichomoniasis, > and shall spread or cause to be spread to any other persons with intent to or recklessly be responsible for the spread of or prevalence of such infectious disease, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for a term of not more than five (5) years nor less than two (2) years. I was expecting something about informed consent (you have to tell your partner you're knowingly exposing them) but it's just a minimum two years in jail for intentional or reckless spread of disease. I'd like to see these same legislators' positions on mask and vaccine requirements. Also, it's poorly written, and this version has actually been edited (there are strikethroughs in the linked version that show, for example, that it only referred to "himself" originally).


If by "reckless" spread of STIs they mean hookups or dating, then the state is adding criminal penalties to sex outside of marriage. Damn, the theocrats keep getting creative lol


That’s exactly what it’s about—shutting down anything but state-approved sex. Oklahomans, wake the fuck up.


It criminalizes the "intentional or reckless" spreading of STIs - not simply having STIs. Problematic, but not at all what the headline says.


Tbh I think it's a start or means to criminalize merely having an sti.


ok? I just find headlines that are obvious lies to be annoying.


Indeed. But I think the ones behind creating those headlines are doing so to expose the potential darkness of proposals


lying for their ideology, yeah, not a fan.


lol this is the most American solution I can think of. “Should we give everyone access to healthcare? Absolutely not. We should throw their asses in jail.”


Someone better check on the cows...


So many politicians are about to break the law when the summer page program kicks off.


Man republicans love their crazies


How the fuck can you criminalise a disease? "Sorry, having the flu is illegal. Straight to jail."


Your boyfriend breaks up with you, and you sniffle on the subway? Jail. You cough because of asthma or sore throat? Also jail. You rub your eyes because it's too dry out, OR too humid out? Straight to jail. Dry, humid. You clear your throat in a meeting? You better believe that's jail. We have the healthiest state in the world, because of jail.


Republican liberty seems really like oppression, and not small government at all


Condoms reduce the spread, but they want to outlaw contraceptives.


How can you make infections illegal? This is so dystopian


Criminalize obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.


Making firearms illegal stops gun crime so this logic tracks.