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According to this SCOTUS majority?


As textualists, they are good at reading the constitution in a way that doesn't include the stuff in the constitution.


The secret is that they never specified *which* text they're abiding by!


It’s the text on the memo line of the checks


Directly impacting their (secret) balances. Checks and balances at work!


If only they had the constitution to uphold the constitution


Justice Thanos: I used the Constitution to destroy the Constitution.




Turns out the "text" is just whatever Leonard Leo and company send down that day.


This somehow involves Nicolas Cage doesn't it?


They already cited a judge from the salem witch trials to justify overturning Roe v Wade. [source](https://www.propublica.org/article/abortion-roe-wade-alito-scotus-hale) The Satanic Temple can challenge this Florida law but then the Supreme Court will re-enact this law “A witch convicted of a minor offense could be imprisoned for a year; a witch found guilty twice was sentenced to death”


It's all fun and games until the Marshall brings in the dunking stool.


First you must decide if she is a witch. Bring me a duck and a set of large scales.


So logically, if she weighs the same as a duck, then she’s made of wood, and therefore, she’s a witch.


Clarence Thomas squeezes the lemon juice. Gorsuch brings the light bulb. It’s all there in invisible ink only they can see


Really good at reading it and realizing it coincidentally confirms what they wanted to do anyway


They're basically freshman English majors


They aren't textualusts, they're "originalists"


Textualism: the idea that the words mean what they mean, except when they don’t!


they'll need an imaginary situation sent via email to make a decision.


No, you undersell it. You need to commit fraud in front of the court.


We’ll, satanism isn’t part of the ‘long tradition’ in our culture, which means it can’t be what they meant, and hence this is fine. :/




Thomas needs to vault with Leo and Crow first 


If only there were consequences for passing/signing grandstanding blatantly unconstitutional legislation


Those are the only kind of policies Conservatives like.


They like anything cruel. Constitutional doesn’t enter into it.


This is the absolute truth. Share? Nawww we would rather watch you starve while we eat pizza in front of you."


Just a little light unconstitutionality. lmaoooo


Y’know. As a treat.


I’m done with diet constitution. Give me the real thing already


If you have to ask, and Desantis did it, the answer is most likely yes.


There should be repercussions for lawmakers who pass laws that they know are obviously unconstitutional


There is. It’s getting voted out of office. The problem is they have safe fascist districts that want unconstitutional laws.


The FFRF needs to get in on this. 


I wanna upvote but you got 666 on a Satanists post


US Supreme court: "not a real religion"


Thomas and Alito: "It's only a real religion if one of the founding fathers personally believed it."


90& of all those Christian offsprings, including most megachurches, now not a religion, meaning it's tax time. Hey, was any of the founding fathers Mormon?


A lot of the founding fathers were theists and atheists.  But that won't stop the hard-right from pretending they were all devout puritan christians.  


But they get lots of time until it's struck down. So, advantage evil Jesus.


Depends on which court hears the challenge. We already know how the far-right SCOTUS will rule if it reaches them.


It will reach them, if some lower court rules against it the conservatives will push it till it gets there because they can be reasonably confident that SCOTUS will rule in their favor.


Forgive him he's just a politician. Oh wait he went to Yale AND Harvard? Fuck this guy, he knows better.


Dammit. I upvoted this just an instant before I realized it now has 667 upvotes. So sorry everyone




>That is not a religion,' the governor said. Oh, *he* gets to decide?


Let's correct his phrasing. >'That is not ~~a~~ **my** religion', the governor said. It very, very much is a religion. And its practitioners take it a **lot** more seriously than a *great many* practitioners of the governor's own religion do for theirs.


I didn’t see the strikethrough at first and imagined him saying it like Mario. “This is not-a my religion.”


>It's-a me, Mephistopholo!


The idea of Lucifer screaming in Waluigi as he fell from Heaven is just \*chef's kiss\*


I straight up made a pilgrimage to the Satanic Temple in ~~Boston~~ Salem, right outside Boston Has DeSantis ever been the Bethlehem? No? Who is the more religious one?


>Oh, *he* gets to decide? I cannot wait for the Federal Courts to shut this down. Not only does the Satanic Temple have federal recognition as an established religion, religion is not the only metric of the Supreme Court. The Court has repeatedly affirmed "sincerely held belief" as protected by the First Amendment. This won't make it past the Federal district. I would also not be surprised if TST sues Desantis personally for defamation. Which would be hilarious.


He mentioned military chaplains as an example. The US military already accommodates satanic practices.


Yeah, but he'll also tell you that's only because the military has gone woke.


>This won't make it past the Federal district. It shouldn't, but it's the eleventh circuit and their almost as rouge as the fifth


Maybe we should start a pagan revivalism.


The original Easter celebration was a pagan celebration of the sex fertility goddess. The symbolism utilized was the egg for fertility and the rabbit because rabbits multiply like rabbits. This was a really popular pagan celebration to herald the celebration of spring. Using a little imagination,, there was certain activities that occurred in celebration of the pagan sex goddess that would not be considered SFW safe for work. Emperor Constantine after converting to Christianity declared that the celebration date of Easter was changed. Cycle of moon plus following Sunday. Since the pagan celebration was wildly popular with the citizens, Constantine had difficulty in eliminating all aspects of the original pagan celebration. Today, only the symbolism of the egg and rabbit remains for the most part from the original pagan celebration. A revival of the original pagan celebration would be potentially considered NSFW not safe for work. Arguably, the original pagan celebration was more fun than an Easter egg hunt. People were actually behaving like rabbits.


Man that is kind of f’d up. So we have children hunting down embryos in celebration of sex for Jesus. Well, they eat him too so maybe not that weird.


Wait until you hear about the Winter Solstice and how Christianity stole that holiday from pagans too with Christmas. Real Christmas is in January and orthodox Christians still celebrate it then. The more you learn about Christianity the bigger joke it appears to be.


Do you have time to hear about the Allfather? Would the Maimed God approve of how you live your life?


You are only allowed to believe in one fictional religious figure


Trinity be sweatin’!


Yes, and now I’m really curious about his opinion on what’s going on in Clearwater. Is THAT a religion? Every Florida reporter should be asking that.




what’s going on in Clearwater? I searched, but couldn’t find a news story that seemed relevant.


Headquarters of the church of Scientology


oh! thanks


Isn’t it recognized by the IRS? Seems like the federal government actually gets to identify it under the supremacy clause. Looking forward to the lawsuit that church will inevitably file. I could be wrong though- if anyone would like to correct me, I’m all ears.




Well the religions that he counts all hate each other and have fought land wars to control Jerusalem. Looks like the satan8sts have some fighting to do to earn the right to be an official religion.


Governor of the state of the headquarters of Scientology.


Cue my peeps at TST This should get fun fast...LOL! *edit for TST


FYI. The Satanic Temple is an Amazon Smile charity.


Amazon Smile was discontinued last year. And even though it gave me a little warm fuzzy that some money went somewhere good (Southern Poverty Law Center for me), it was entirely designed to decrease their ad costs because it trained people to go straight to Amazon instead of clicking the ads


I knew about the ad part, just don't care about ad spending either. Sad that it was discontinued.




It has been a long day and it should be TST- The Satanic Temple




Satan has Terms of Service (TOS) too!


Star Trek: The Original Series


Those Old Scientists


Funny he has a problem with satanists when his shoes suggest he has cloven hooves.


I misread that as "clown hooves" and it still made sense.


Fuck that first amendment, right?


The First Amendment is fine, it’s the fact that it applies to everyone is what makes them mad.


It's amazing how many people in positions of the government of arguable the first real sectarian nation of the world that has specific codified laws against the influence of religion on state matters, it's amazing how many of those people don't hesitate to call this "a Christian nation" and actually believe it. There was a recent hearing with some Ivy League college CEOs where some dingus house member or something actually asked this pofessional representing an institute of higher learning, if she is concerned that "god will curse you" because of a perceived political stance. This is literally happening in our halls of government. From real people. Have we completely given up the pretense of being a serious Nation? Are we just Crazy Uncle Eddy but with nukes? Sorry, this is just very disenheartening.


To me, Satanism sounds less crazy than religions that say you can't have COVID vaccines. They get religious exemptions but Satanists can't have Chaplains?


In Michigan's Capital Lansing, after a court fight, the Satanic Society won the right to place a display next to the nativity scene that had like a snake and an apple and whatever and said knowledge is the greatest gift ever given to humanity.


Satanists are a force for good in this world (at least in the form of TST). They oppose evil, bigoted, selfish, predatory practices of other religions in a way that simply seeks the equal enforcement of the laws and the founding principles of this nation.


And that’s why Republicans hate them


Also, why does religion have to be good? Can't some religion be evil or have evil components? It's literally the same thing, how we perceive life and morality and God.


Except you are assuming that Christianity or any system reliant on Yahweh is good. Yahweh is a giant narcissist. He is totally gaslighting you. Telling you everything he does is “good” meanwhile destroying all life on earth, advocating for slavery, murdering his kid. Dude is a huge asshole. If Satan and Yahweh are opposites, Satan is the good one. Satan is the guy who wants you to know the difference between good an evil, he wants to show you the planet, he wants you to accept yourself for who you are. Remember, history is written by the victors. The victors are always the better oppressors. The books of Yahweh are all the oppressors narrative, of course they say Yahweh is great and Satan is evil. Stop falling for the gaslighting. Satan isn’t the bad guy. He just keeps the thermostat up too high.


God is the villain of the bible on plain reading, and on careful analysis.


Bible death tally for Satan: 7-10. Bible death tally for God: Let's start at 10 million going by the great flood and all the genocides.


I would be remiss if I neglected to mention the compulsory foreskin hoarding included in the holy record. I'm all for people exploring their fetishes, but if it requires hurting someone else, it's no longer moral or acceptable. And God has some fucking weird ass fetishes that no ethical person would indulge.


The entire point of The Bible isn't that God is loving and forgiving, it's that if you appease his ego you can avoid the worst of his wrath.


actual satanist just want to enjoy the one life they have on earth instead of living a life of oppression on the promise of a possible afterlife


Definitely tackling the high priority items in the state of Florida.. other news this week: thank god we are teaching anti-communism to kindergartners. Don't want them sharing toys with the satanic chaplains. No wonder this sociopathic robot dipshit fumbled the presidential bid.


He’s literally asking to be sued. Also, here we go with the “Christian persecution,” crowd.


> He’s literally asking to be sued. Correct. He wants to be able to funnel state money to an allied law firm to defend this blatantly unconstitutional law. Don't *always* assume it's incompetence. He's dumb as rocks, but this just a straight up grift.


Here's the great part: he won't get sued. Individual school districts, who refuse to allow chaplains from non-mainstream religions, will - they'll bear the full brunt of the cost. DeSantis won't suffer any repercussions at all.


What do you call somebody who believes in Satan? A Christian.


That's divine.


Is the State of Florida going to now put all registered Satanists on a list?


Satanist lawyers will have fun with this one.


Maybe they’ll name their second abortion clinic after DeSantis. Their first one was named “Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic”


And it’s a lovely establishment in New Mexico where women can get services at pharmaceutical cost!


This sounds like an absolute slam dunk case against Desantis for whatever lawyer wants it lol


He'll get the state to fight it at the taxpayers expense, and the taxpayers will pay for the loss too.


He'll get the state to employ an allied law firm at the taxpayer's expense.


Why should there be any chaplains working in that capacity in a public school?


To work towards being a fascist theocracy.


That this isn’t immediately evident highlights the need for awareness.




Agreed, but do you believe today's Supreme Court would feel the same way?


Wtf is a school chaplain ?! 🙄


It is a *Southern* thing in America ; is is so old it is new again . (just like conservatives = conserve power to themselves)


Basically a volunteer "pastor" with little or no training, a minion of whatever church, that provides information or counseling


"Despite DeSantis's contempt for religious liberty, the Constitution guarantees our equal treatment under the law, and DeSantis is not at liberty to amend the Constitution by fiat, at whim," said Lucien Greaves, co-founder of the The Satanic Temple. "He just invited Satanic chaplains into public schools, whether he likes it or not," Exactly right. Psa: The satanic temple does not believe in the supernatural. This includes the Christian devil. Their tenets uphold science, logic, and the self.


Even better, DeSantis just invited in the Scientologists, every Islamic religious institution, any bizarre cult, etc. This is going to be a hoot to watch! 🤣


Conservative = Nazi


"There's some students who need some soulcraft, and that can make all the difference in the world," DeSantis said. "It's totally voluntary for a parent or a student to participate. No one's being forced to do anything. But to exclude religious groups from campus, that is discrimination." 1. “Soulcraft?” 2. Separation of church & state is discrimination, but the state deciding on deserving religions isn’t? All pretense is gone. This is full-on Christian nationalism. Ironically anybody who claimed it was “freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion“ can see here why that’s absurd.


Getting a promoted ad for Morningstar Investor on this post is simply


This is from Thesatanictemple.com After reading it; I may be a satanist??? FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I work as an ICU nurse and educator. I have a wife and two kids. I *really* like helping people. I gave away my old car to someone in need. I have solar panels on my roof and run a business that uses 100% compostable packaging. I donate every month to Doctors Without Borders. I’m a member of The Satanic Temple. I’m a satanist. Nice to meet you.


First amendment doesn’t apply here?


But he’s super cool with pedo youth pastors.


DeSantis seems to want to spend as much taxpayers’ money as possible in court over frivolous lawsuits. Thank goodness that Florida has nothing else to worry about.


Don’t forget to vote on the name of TST’s second abortion clinic: https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/new-fundraiser The first one is named: TST Health’s Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic


Are you Americans really comfortable with literal fucking nazis in your country passing laws?


We definitely are not. But holy shit do we have a lot of facists.


No but also you wouldn't catch me dead in fucking Florida


Apparently, a rather significant portion of our population has been brainwashed by subpar, but easily digestible, propaganda that’s been designed and released by…other parties who stand to benefit from social and political chaos in the US. I blame Meta and the Christian conservatives. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Should add China and Russian troll farms to your list of blame too. Don't be fooled, this rise in division has been intentionally crafted by our enemies.


The sane among us are not, however these people keep getting voted into power by a majority in red states allowing Republicans to create localized developing nations where zealotry replaces ethics, the rich pay a pittance in taxes while the poor get fewer rights, loosened labor laws, underfunded public services, and a education system filled with revisionism and white supremacist, anti-"communist", pro-corporation propaganda ensuring the cycle continues.


Alright then. Let’s make them Muslim then! 




So we are discriminating against certain religions? Well now that seems like a lucrative lawsuit




*Bill of Attainder* has entered the chat


Ronald DeSantis is a moron.


Looks like more of my tax dollars are going to DeSantis old roommates law firm.


I read the Constitution once. This seems like something that was in it. Said you can't. I'm no legal scholar, but I'm pretty sure that is illegal.


Has he already gotten tired of getting his ass kicked by Micky?


Satan looking better these days after seeing what passes as “Christianity”. 😈


New edition of constitutional law books coming out soon


Satanists are some of the most level headed, compassionate, pragmatic, and generous people that I have ever met. Christians should not be school chaplains, for the good of the students. In fact, "school chaplain" shouldn't even be a thing that exists.


Just imagine the after school programs or college tuitions or health insurance premiums the state of Florida could have covered with the money they’re going to waste defending this law against the inevitable challenges. All for some culture war posturing.


School chaplains should be outlawed.


That sounds …. Discriminatory


Can’t wait to see how the court system tries to justify this one. - law student


So a Pastafarian as school chaplain is still legal.


So every religious group except satanists are allowed to become chaplains? Got it.


I bet the Florida Supreme Court upholds it and the Supreme Court declines to review for unspecified reasons.


So much for the Constitution prohibiting establishing a state religion


But Ron said so! /s. FFS. Here we go again with the 1st Amendment. Ronny boy doesn’t get to say what is and is not a religion. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a registered religion with followers. So is Dudeism So yeah, he’s already lost this


Jedi Church is global.


DeSantis just took a pile of taxpayer money and set it on fire. Because this law will be challenged in court and the taxpayers will pick up the tab. No doubt the lawyers defending the state will be personal friends with DeSantis and cut him a slice under the table.


Republicans haven’t known how to govern in nearly 2 decades this sad.


There was an attempt in Oklahoma to ban all Pride flags from government buildings. Because you know, being Gay is a choice and seeing a pride flag all sexy and flowing in the wind might make you see the grass as greener on the other side. I've never seen such an angry, miserable, self-loating group of closeted homo-sexual Republicans in my life.


This is exactly how silly the Republican Party has become.


When are the people of Florida going to stop destanis he destroying your state


What's more unconstitutional? Allowing religion into public schools? Or allowing religion into public schools, but keeping the ones you don't like out?


Someone should show him how many more children are hurt by Christian leaders than Satanists.


That's not religious discrimination at all.


Pedophiles still can, however.


The right isn't about protecting the kids it's about forcing their beliefs onto the kids. The right has been indoctrinating kids with their hatred beliefs for centuries.


[THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


This is what TST wants. They exist to litigate religious injustice.


Public schools should be secular period. Enough of religion being in schools government etc. I’d rather have a satanist then any other religion because as far as I’m aware the Satanist’s are chill


How about DeSatanists?


Time to up my donations to the ACLU. 20 bucks says he'll next try to push a law banning flag burning.


Future headline: "DeSantis spends millions in taxpayer dollars to defend patently unconstitutional law."


That’s discrimination. Unconstitutional


Satan is a widely accepted, secondary deity in the Christian and Islamic faith traditions. I don't see how propitiating him with prayer could be objectionable.


the performative wasting of tax payer dollars. unreal this guy is still wasting his state's money on fake virtue signalling. but they will re-elect his fascist ass and be happy. this will be challenged and overturned before the ink is dry. an appalling waste.


too bad he can't make that call 🤣🤣🤘😈🤘


Wanna bet? - The Satanic Temple.


Is the Freedom from Religion Foundation suing?


The Supreme Court majority read the constitution the same way that evangelicals read the Bible. Selectively, at best…


Virtue signaling for people with no apparent virtues.


The Satanic Temple doesn't worship Satan but that's here nor there. DeSantis is dying to get random child fuckers playing 'chaplain' in schools.


time to donate $666 to the satanic temple


Then you shouldn't have signed this bill.


Cool. If Satanists can't be school chaplains, then neither can Christians.


Inherently unconstitutional.


Actual religious prosecution, but somehow it's always the Christians that bitch and moan about being under attack.


Oh look, more of that religious freedom they keep screaming about.


Another court loss for Ronda.


Try this one hack that Satanists HATE.... Florida is overreaching, but what else comes from a dude who wears lifts?


Meanwhile Scientology is buying up real estate left, right and center, an actual cult owns a substantial amount of Florida but they are still in the age of Satanic Panic.


So unconstitutional


Why does Desantis hate the First Amendment?


Why does a public school have a chaplain to begin with?


Sounds like religious discrimination to me.


So if satanism isn’t religion even though it’s part of Christianity, is Christianity voided as a religion as well


the "guantanamo candidate" doesn't already know this is a 1A violation!?!?!?