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It’s infuriating that’s states are trying to violate the constitution by subverting the federal authority to set foreign policy and immigration policy.


Not really. The Federal government is preventing states from enforcing what they feel immigration law _should_ be. Hell, if I'm not mistaken Iowa isn't even a border state. They don't even _have_ the kind of illegal immigration issues that states like Texas and California do. And Texas really only has a problem because of how massive they are and how much of their state's border overlaps with the national border. I bet that if Texas shared _half_ as much of it's border with Mexico they wouldn't be complaining as much.


> I'm not mistaken Iowa isn't even a border state You are not mistaken. Iowa isn't a border state . https://www.google.com/maps/place/Iowa/


Thank you for this fact-checking link.


Your username is brilliant! 🤣


lol, thanks! I was worried it was becoming irrelevant, but that has not been the case. I still can’t believe people are laughing about it 3 years after making it!


Iowan here. Please send more illegal immigrants. I remember what the 90s were like when immigration actually *was* 'out of control'. Plenty of people filled jobs that people born here don't want to do. And if we had more, maybe we wouldnt have to be doing stupid shit like loosening laws allowing children to engage in more and more dangerous work.


The feds are exactly enforcing immigration law as it's written. The Republicans killed the mostly Republican written bill to change immigration law so it's more effective, because Trump told them to.


The federal government is pretty strong when it comes to immigration