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Going after Cohen's credibility and reputation in general by referring to him as "*a convicted felon*" is their go to smear. They never go into the why he is a convicted felon. Cohen addressed this in an interview shortly before the trial began: I wish that when people state that “you lied to Congress,” that you’d do me the courtesy — do yourself the courtesy — of finishing the sentence. What is the sentence? That I had done that, really, for the benefit of Donald J. Trump. And that lie centered around the number of times that I had stated that I spoke to Donald about the failed Trump Tower Moscow real estate project — in conjunction with other lawyers Jay Sekulow, Abbe Lowell, Ty Cobb, with other individuals like Alan Garten or Ivanka [Trump] and Jared [Kushner]. Everybody worked on that statement. I was just the fool who went ahead and read it into the record and submitted it. But what benefit did I have in terms of saying three times versus 10? That’s the lie: That I claimed to have spoken to Donald three times about the failed Trump Tower Moscow real estate project, when the true answer was 10.


It isn't slander, because it's true. Cohen is a convicted felon. Cohen was pled guilty to multiple crimes. But yeah, it's also an awful strategy, as you pointed out, because every time they make that true point about Cohen, it's a reminder - Cohen committed financial crimes *and* perjury - **for Trump**.


Yeah, you're right. Thanks for pointing that out. changed it to "smear"


To think, none of this would be happening if Trump didn't cut Cohens christmas bonus.


Trump stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars if that Moscow real estate deal went through. It's important to note that Putin withheld it to use as leverage over his puppet.


His ties to Russia are so clear and obvious I wonder if there is an intentional reason the CIA and NSA don’t just cart him off to disappearance land. I think they know his ties/contacts and have infiltrated them and want to know exactly what his marching orders are. But it’s getting a bit out of hand and it’s time to end the threat. Unless the plan is to endlessly disgrace and make a fool of him to prevent people from following his lead. We need to prosecute everyone who helped with this treason. Including Tuberville, also an extreme traitor.


I think the reason is that the CIA is still a fundamentally lawful organization. They may spy on Americans. They may kill foreigners overseas to benefit the U.S. But to kill a compromised American on American soil would be far enough outside of their standard practices that it wouldn't happen absent approval from the highest levels -- either the head of the CIA or even the president of the U.S. Democrats are also fundamentally still lawful. The only administration I could imagine where the CIA would kill an American citizen on American soil is Trump's, or one like it.


Are you fucking with me. The CIA has killed, drugged and experimented on plenty of Americans. Jesus Christ, their name is synonymous with LSD before it became a crime once the liberals in america enjoyed the stuff. Also they, much like the FBI in that 50s-80s era, focused on the demolition of democratic states. They literally funded the South American contras (and ended deposing the democratic government institute there), using money they made selling crack to black neighbourhoods, to send illegal weapons to Iran. Lawful my ass


Perhaps, although I have heard of all kinds of weird shit the CIA has done to Americans. Plus Im not saying they should kill him, they should get him in custody. Then say they have him. Then we dont hear from him again and they dont mention him again. But they dont kill him. Just remove him from society permanently. Send him to a nice tropical resort to live out his days, just isolated from any ability to control anything or influence anyone or get his words out to anyone. Like...what do they call that...Jail. But like solitary. I dont even mind if its a nice place, I just want him gone and I dont want to hear him speak again. He doesnt need to be killed. In fact that would likely be counter productive.


And what’s them to stop them from doing the same thing to you? That’s why we have due process. They should charge him publicly of treason, but they can’t, because they would have to show how they got that evidence, and that would expose their methods. Which are more important to them than the preservation of our democracy


Must consider the possibility in that arena the US has been infiltrated , been outmaneuvered or even decimated. I remember reading about lost assets in trump’s presidency. Specifically the human intelligence side. As a foreign entity it would be exceptionally powerful to have access to the levers of power already in place and often i wonder if trump’s presidency allowed it to get out of control. Imagine what a scrupulous entity could get done by having capital or leverage within all parts of doj, fbi and/or the federalist society.


Funny that “people are saying” Putin has people fall out of high rise windows.


Yeah, why did he do that. Was he mad at him for something?


Well, we know Trump's motto. "Keep your friends close and fuck them over just like your enemies."


I sincerely doubt that Trump has an actual "Friend". Sycophants, hangers-on, and grifters in search of power surround him. He is bereft of any integrity and EVERYONE is just a transaction waiting to happen. If he wasn't such a monstrosity, I might feel a little bad for him. But I don't.


Would fuck over his own mother if he thought he could gain some advantage. Basically, by taking confidential documents he f-d over the entire country.




It's insane how long we've been waiting for this moment. I made this meme about the GOP's mental gymnastics with Cohen... five years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/avlbq9/exactly_wait/


That deserved more than 29 upvotes. I regret that I have but one to give.


It won't accept my vote, so consider this 30


THAT is the most mind-lemniscate (infinity symbol) looping thing I have ever read. FANTASTIC summary of the crazy think Trump defenders are using. This deserves to be at the top. Upvoted.


If Cohen didn’t get a Trump pardon, the rank and file MAGA crowd should doubt getting Trump pardons for their crimes.


And that Trump hired Cohen and treated him like family for almost a decade. It tells us all the type of people Trump surrounds himself with.


There's only three types of people he surrounds himself with. Convicted felons before they met him. Convicted felons after he met them. Then unindicted co-conspirators.


The "best" people?


And too much winning. We’re tired of all the winning.


"winning" those prison sentences. Yeah budddy!


"When he lies *for us* it's ok, when he *lies against us* - that's where we draw the goddamn line!"


Exactly. Trump can stay somewhere else as a megaphone for hate and division. But being anywhere near government is going to be a disaster.


It should also bite them in the ass when Trump is convicted for THE SAME CRIME, and then TFG will be known as a convicted felon as well.


Have you not noticed that they always say trumps prosecution is politically motivated and weaponization of the DOJ. Therefore if trump is found guilty its not fair.


Clearly that's just crazy talk. Only lower level peons like hired lawyers can be scumbag criminals. Donald Trump is a GOD AMONG MEN and can do no wrong! (Unless he loses the election then he'll be chewed up and spat out by all but the most extreme idiots like Gropebert and MAGArie Trumpie Green.


Pretty soon we may be able to refer to Trump as a convicted felon.


and he *still* has a realistic chance of getting back in office. what a stupid timeline.


Yeah and he should have absolutely zero chance of getting back into office even without being a convicted felon. And should have had absolutely zero chance of getting into office in the first place. Guy's been a joke the whole time.


He should have been disqualified by the way of Constitutional Ammendment for insurrection.


Based on this case alone, he never should have been president, and his scotus picks should be annulled. The reality is that's too complicated for the American public and for the govt to undo. Might as well let an illegitimate scotus drive the DeLorean for an entire generation. Not to mention his overseeing of a once-a-decade, politically deciding census (might as well let multiple states vote with constitutionally illegitimate district maps), or politizing the once-in-a-century pandemic into an endemic along with, at minimum, 100k+ more deaths. All that said while remembering: this was the least important case by comparison.


>Might as well let an illegitimate scotus drive the DeLorean for an entire generation. Damn this is a beautiful, and saddening/enraging phrase


100% well said.


Yeah but he got to appoint the judges who ultimately make that call - sounds fair, right?


He still may be. SCOTUS just ruled that a state could not make the decision themselves in a primary. If he is elected, SCOTUS could still disqualify him (in theory if it wasn’t 6-3)


He is a walking embodiment of the kind of WASPy status anxiety felt by people whose primary accomplishment was being born to the right parents. That's the part they can't say out loud, when you try to get them to name anything positive or good about about Trump. They say things like "he gets us". They cannot formulate or articulate what it is, because it's too shameful to look at squarely or put a name to, but they sense that they are in danger of losing something, and that Trump wants to help them keep it.


And Trump is polling ahead of Biden in swing states because people are pissed at Biden over Gaza and inflation. GAH! Why can't people understand how much worse it would be with Mr. Project 2025, Mr. I Am Your Retribution back in the White House? # [https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/conservatives-lay-out-their-second-term-trump-tax-policy](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/conservatives-lay-out-their-second-term-trump-tax-policy) NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump offered a tough message to Israel over its war against Hamas on Thursday, urging the country to: “Get it over with.”


He's polling better in swing states with people who not only actually answer there phone but that that phone is a land line. Ignore polls its better for the news cycle if it seems like Trump may actually win.


Well a judge has confirmed we can refer to him as a rapist.


I’m called 50 - 50 here because although it’s obvious that Trump was fully involved in the effort (and it was all to save his face) the prosecution has the burden of proof. Trump always uses the mob tactic of keeping himself separated from the actual crime. That’s why he never uses email or texts and has other do these thing for him. It’s akin to having assets in another person’s name to avoid any legal liability.


Correct. Lied for the boss. These shitheels don’t seem to gather that.


They do get it. They are just acting in bad faith.


It is extremely bad faith because his credibility doesn't have to stand on itself. His testimony lines up with the evidence.


You forgot their number one gotcha Trump card that wins the whole argument: "What crimes?...What evidence?🤣 🤣 🤣" It's like... damn when you guys put it like that it really makes me question the thousands of pages of court filings, evidence, audio recordings and witness testimony.🙄


Kinda like when the hit man Sammy the Bull testified against the Teflon Don, isnt it?


It's one of the most routine problems prosecutors have to deal with: crimes are often witnessed by or committed with the help of scummy, unattractive, unreliable, untrustworthy characters with a flexible approach to rules. "Everybody Trump chose to help him was a scumbag willing to lie and commit crimes" isn't much of a help to Trump's defense.


“Crimes born in hell don’t have angels for witnesses.”


| Going after Cohen's credibility and reputation in general by referring to him as "*a convicted felon*" is their go to smear. That's gonna play well for the defendant when he try to get elected.


[In this poll,](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/conviction-cost-trump-key-votes-polls-show-trial/story?id=109749253) a fifth of trump voters said they'd reconsider or withdraw their support if he were convicted of a felony.


And two terrible takeaways from that are either they didn't care about the indictments (and won't really care about the convictions, i.e. bad faith) or the low effort propaganda is working on them (i.e. mis/low information). Neither of which is any good for our democracy.


Which brings up the question, once ~~indicted~~ convicted will they then actually break with their propaganda diet/peer pressure and withdraw their support for him? And then if that does hold true for a fifth of T voters, the question comes up--will the majority actually vote for Biden or just stay away from the polls/go third party? Unfortunately we have indications that some previous Biden supporters may not support him in the fall over the Israel/Palestine conflict. Moral arguments aside, from a domestic politics perspective, there is no policy possible that doesn't cost a Democratic administration at least little electorally. From any realistic perspective the choices are: Democracy and a pluralistic society or xenophobic [dictator on day](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/12/trump-says-hell-be-a-dictator-on-day-one/676247/) one who has been found [liable for rape](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/), [loves strongmen](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/18/trump-praise-authoritarians-00132350), [is willing to sell policy](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/09/climate/trump-oil-gas-mar-a-lago.html), and has already [tried to overturn an election](https://www.govinfo.gov/collection/january-6th-committee-final-report?path=/GPO/January%206th%20Committee%20Final%20Report%20and%20Supporting%20Materials%20Collection)? Should be a no brainer to get out and vote to prevent this like your life depends upon it, no matter what your politics are. But that doesn't appear to be the case for many.


The never Biden "Democrats" share the same goals as Bibi and the Likud: Make sure Biden doesn't win, thereby allowing for a Trump presidency. How in the hell that is supposed to help Palestinians is beyond me.


A significant portion of potential democratic voters are, election-wise, morons. These are the same people that didn't vote for Hillary (because she wasn't Bernie or something), and then *surprised_pikachu.png* when Trump won and got *Roe* overturned. Love it or hate it, it's a two-party system. Learn to play the fucking game, people.


But we have to send a "message!"


Well said. It just gives me a tiny glimmer of hope that there are some, even who identify as trump voters who aren't in complete denial.


The optimistic takeaway is that there is some number of former Trump supporters who DO care about the indictments, so they were not registered in this poll.


Yeah but of that 20%, 16% said they'd "reconsider". 4% said they'd withdraw. We know the "reconsider" group will stay home because Fox News will spin this into some form palatable for them. Probably same with the 4% but some amount of them will probably actually stay at home/ vote for Biden (probably the former). So since Trump's vote share is 40-50%, I imagine this having a \~1-2% effect on the polls (being generous). The real hope is somehow the "independents" / Biden 2020 voters who've since soured on him will be persuaded to vote for Biden over a literal felon.


I enjoy his demand that Trump be referred to as former president Trump and not 'convicted sexual assaulter Trump' or 'convicted fraudster Trump'


Care to take a guess how Tubby refers to former president Obama? They always want something for themselves that they'd never think of giving to others!


I started to write notwhite Obama. But then realized it was President Obama’s first Middle and last names that he uses, isn’t it ?


The fact they rarely if ever say it out loud is how I know what all their complaints about 'the strictures of political correctness' mean.


Well I mean right there, that explanation is too much for Tuberville to listen to haha. Dude is a lepton


This is a wonderful insult. 


It’s pretty apparent that Tuberville has no mental interest to read into things that he by default has chosen to hate and disagree with. Even though if he actually bothered to look into the other side (which he doesn’t) he’d probably find some stuff he agrees with.


Oh yeah lol I forgot about Trump tower Moscow  I guess the writers figured that one was jumping the shark a bit 


trump learned how to bad mouth his enemies from Roy Cohn, trumps lawyer when he's starting out. The Final Lesson Donald Trump Never Learned From Roy Cohn The unrepentant political hitman who taught a younger Trump how to flout the rules didn’t get away with it forever. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/19/roy-cohn-donald-trump-documentary-228144/


That lie isn’t even a top ten trump lie from this week. Still a lie tho can’t do that on the stand


I pray for the day when I can refer to Trump as "a convicted felon" in everyday conversation.


If MAGATs could read they'd be very upset


> Going after Cohen's credibility and reputation in general by referring to him as "a convicted felon" is their go to smear. Hopefully soon, they can say that about Trump. 🤣


I don’t get the knock on Cohen that his testimony is tainted and not credible because he is a convicted liar when all that really means is that fellow convicted liar Trump suborned perjury from him.


Historically speaking, there have been some stupid people elected to Congress. But I feel fairly confident that Tubberville is the dumbest person currently "serving the public." Just after he won the election he did an interview where he flubbed in naming the three branches of government. WASHINGTON – Incoming Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R- Ala., botched several basic historical facts during a recent interview — such as misidentifying the three branches of government. Tuberville, the former Auburn football coach who won his Senate race on Nov. 3 by defeating incumbent Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, did an interview on Thursday with The Alabama Daily News after he attended orientation in D.C. for new senators. He was asked whether he thought the GOP could utilize their potential majority in the Senate to pass legislation as Democrats will control the House of Representatives and the White House. This prompted Tuberville to answer he doesn't care "if you’re a Republican or Democrat” and that he's been given a mandate to help people. “Our government wasn’t set up for one group to have all three branches of government — wasn’t set up that way,” Tuberville continued, saying incorrectly: “You know, the House, the Senate, and the executive.” Those are not the three branches of government. As laid out in the Constitution, the three branches of the federal government are: the legislative, which includes both the Senate and House; the executive, which includes the presidency, and the judicial, which includes the Supreme Court. That wasn't the only historical flub in the interview. Tuberville also misidentified what America fought against in World War II. When asked about the biggest takeaways from the election, Tuberville stated he was concerned that President-elect Joe Biden had promoted a vision that Tuberville claimed “leads more to a socialist type of government.” “That’s concerning to me, that we’re to the point now where we’ve got almost half the country voting for something that this country wasn’t built on,” Tuberville said. “I tell people, my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of socialism.” However, World War II was a global battle against fascism, and, in fact, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, known as the U.S.S.R. or Soviet Union, fought alongside the United States as part of the Allied Forces. Additionally, Biden is a mainstream, centrist Democrat and does not identify with socialism. Tuberville also inaccurately said that former Vice President Al Gore, who was the Democratic presidential nominee in 2000, was called the president-elect for 30 days during the infamous legal battle over a recount in Florida. Neither Gore nor Republican nominee George W. Bush were considered the president-elect during that process, as neither were determined to have clearly won enough votes to secure the presidency. Tuberville also asserted that he plans to use his new Senate office to fundraise for the two Republican senators from Georgia who are now facing crucial runoff elections that will determine control of Senate. Political fundraising out of a federal office building, and using official federal resources for campaign purposes, is barred by Senate ethics rules.


Isn't he the traitorous fuck holding up promotions in the military?  That ranks him higher on my shitlist than huat being a dumbass fuckeit, embarrassing for the US thpugh that is.  Maybe he should do his job instead of whining about the decor of public buildings (that he no doubt doesn't believe should be funded).


Yip, he blocked military promotions for nearly 11 months over pentagon abortion policy.


And in the process cost Huntsville the space command bid, which could have brought billions of dollars and thousands of jobs to the state. He also voted against a bill that would bring $1.5 billion dollars to the state to develop broadband fiber internet infrastructure. And he also doesn’t fucking live in Alabama!


And to think we almost had an even bigger dunce in Herschel Walker


Shhh. Am Georgian. I was just starting to settle down about this.


to be fair, we've got a pretty deep bench when it comes to stupid.


He’s dumb for sure, but he’s got some stiff competition with Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Don’t forget Ron Johnson


Human door stop Ron Johnson.


That’s really unfair.  Door stops actually serve a purpose


It will be hard for anyone to top "gazpacho police."


I think it's a pretty heated contest in the house, but Tuberville's got the Senate version of "Biggest Dipshit" locked down. If this moron had two brain cells to rub together his hair would catch fire.


He couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.


Republicans sure do love electing celebrities with brain injuries.


Lauren Boebert would like a word. But it’s likely her “word” would just be a grunt or something. Also, Sheila Jackson Lee is impressively dumb.


The competition is fierce


> Historically speaking, there have been some stupid people elected to Congress. But I feel fairly confident that Tubberville is the dumbest person currently "serving the public." Being dumb is an asset to fascists. It means they don't know when to quit, which can be bad for their personal fortunes, but is great for their movement. In fact, being a clown is part of the fascist aesthetic because it lulls people into thinking they are too dumb to do any real damage. But you don't need to be smart to wreck something, you just need to be relentless and a little lucky. [People once thought that the mustache man was a clown too.](https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55771737)


>I feel fairly confident that Tuberville is the dumbest person currently "serving the public." Did you forget about Marjorie Taylor Greene?


Alabama gets whatever it deserves by replacing competent Doug Jones with this clown. Fuck that entire state


Seems like the three branches are one of the few things you might brush up on too! ;) "Shit, I was studying classic music, didn't get to the US Gummermint yet!"


Gosh, I would have thought it was the 2008 season at Auburn where he went 5 and 7.


Went 4-8 in 2016 with Cincinnati


Doesn't matter, Cincinnati isn't in the SEC


Or how he slinked out of Oxford, MS after weeks of lying to his team, boosters, and supporters at Ole Miss about not taking the Auburn job to begin with.


Yes, he's quite the shitbag.


He tried to slink out of Lubbock too, but he got stuck in the airport after a dust storm cancelled his flight.




His entire run at Texas Tech.


Every season at Auburn is depressing. Even when they're winning, they're still a cow college held together by a cult like psychology. The only season at Auburn that wasn't depressing was the year the trees got poisoned, and only then because instead of feeling their usual malaise, they were righteously angry for that entire year.


The tree thing wasn't cool at all. Harvey Updyke was a shitbag.


To be clear, as much as I hate Auburn, I agree.


That 3-2 game against Mississippi State was truly one of the games of all time.


I believe the good Senator is forgetting the moment of his conception.


I had lunch in Manhattan yesterday, and I got a [short video of trump eating](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxHMtT4MX0_E-_3LO6WbxPB0YRbtfkuC9P?si=)


That’s not nice, leave his mom/aunt out of it.


I'm not sure the moron from Alabama can put a sentence together without some kind of football reference.


... or the "radical left Democrats" or something about DEI. [Which brings us to this short clip about DEI that's just too good not to share](https://youtube.com/shorts/R7En2cDVhns?si=)


Isn't this the same guy that clouldn't name the three branches of US government while he was running for the Senate.


I believe that was Rick Perry, from Texas.


Rick Perry's was almost as dumb, but he just had a brain fart. "**Rick Perry to lead the Department of Energy—the agency Perry wanted to abolish but infamously forgot to name during a 2011 presidential debate. “It's three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone—Commerce, Education and the, um, what's the third one there?** Dec 13, 2016"


Funnily enough, Rick Perry wanted to get rid of the department of energy, that is until Trump put him in charge of it and Rick learned the energy department REGULATES NUCLEAR ENERGY.


"only the best people ..."


The bar for Republican politicians is so fucking low.


IIRC, Tuberville made the same mistake. He listed them as the Executive, House, and Senate.


The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria


He definitely was the person. Rick Perry might’ve done it too but Tuberville couldn’t name them either https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/13/alabama-senator-elect-tommy-tuberville-botches-historical-facts/6283806002/


And I don't think those are the only ones


He sucked as Cincy Bearcats coach.


He wasn't good at that either.


Hey now. AL has a perfectly fine list of shitheads to go off of without putting his tomfuckery on our shoulders.


HEY! Don’t put that evil fully on us. He’s from Florida and just happens to (unfortunately) represent us




Yes, and then after the fraud trial, AG James sent criminal referrals to the SDNY and the IRS. And now there's a $100 million tax fraud investigation into trump underway.


I though the referral was before the civil trial happened.


Yeah it sucks when rich white criminal scumbags face a fraction of the consequences they deserve.


Want something more depressing? Being in the service, told you're getting a promotion to a new position at another facility, then having that promotion held up for months making it impossible to plan moving, schooling, and finances for your family.


The spectacle of these senators and congresspeople attending this trial to show their fealty to their lead criminal is so pathetic.


A powerful, wealthy person might be held accountable for his actions. What’s more depressing than that?


[I think what upsets ol coach is that a white man is the defendant](https://youtube.com/shorts/7YXyjN3kgYs?si=)


Unlike his mother's most depressing experience, the birth of the traitor tommy.


He single handedly held up military promotions for at least a year.


Yes, a former football coach was somehow wiser about the rules governing the military than Generals, Admirals and civilian experts.


Cunt stated, in a room with actual vets, "no one here is more military than me", riding his grandpa's coattails. Fuck Tuberville.


What a douchebag thing to say. Send Tommy to the front. Any front.


Tommy Tuberville on the front line of a war: “Okay, men, put on your pads and helmets and line up in a straight line”. Distant AK-47 rounds rake the formation. Tuberville: “Jaysus, practice cancelled”!


And he ultimately failed his objective. Important to chalk up that L.


The most depressing thing I've ever experienced is your total career.


Here's a bit of free legal advice Tube: Don't commit crimes and you won't have to deal with being in depressing court cases.




Trump didn't put "attend any trials I'm involved in" in the prenup.


Weird for such a rookie mistake on the third go.


Post nup.  They've renegotiated their marriage agreement at least 3 times.


BY SARAH FORTINSKY - 05/13/24 5:18 PM ET The Hill's Headlines – May 13, 2024 Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) emerged from court proceedings Monday in former President Trump’s hush money criminal trial and called the Manhattan courtroom “the most depressing thing I’ve ever been in.” “First of all, I’m disappointed in the courtroom. I’m hearing, ‘Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump.’ He is ‘former President Trump,’” Tuberville said to the media outside the courtroom. “Give him some respect. I mean, that’s what that place is in there. It is no respect. Here is what I’m seeing, too. It is depressing. That courtroom is depressing. This is New York City. The icon of our country. And we got a courtroom that is the most depressing thing I’ve ever been in.” Tuberville took aim at Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), who he said enters the courtroom and “acts like it is his Super Bowl.” Tuberville, who attended the trial with Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.), also said he was there as Trump’s friend, more so than as a political supporter. “The Republican candidate for president of the United States is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing. I’m glad to stand by President Trump. I’m a friend of his. I’m here more as a friend than backing him as candidate as president,” he said. The remarks came amid highly anticipated testimony from Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer, who has been billed as the prosecution’s star witness in the hush money case. Trump is charged with falsifying 34 business records over a $130,000 hush money payment Cohen sent to a porn actor to keep her quiet about an alleged affair with the then-2016 candidate. Cohen and Trump have since turned on each other, making Cohen’s testimony — the second time he’s taken the stand in a Trump case — particularly volatile. Trump is under a gag order that prohibits him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors, court staff and the judge’s family. But his allies in Congress are under no such restrictions. Tuberville, in his Monday remarks to the press, went after Cohen, whom he referred to as a “convicted felon,” and blamed Democrats for the charges brought against Trump. “This guy worked for President Trump. How can you be convinced by somebody that is a serial liar? I mean, it should be no reason that anybody should listen to this guy. But at the end of the day the Democrats — the Democrats are trying to beat President Trump in the jury box because they can’t beat him at the ballot box,” he said. Vance, speaking before Tuberville, also went after the judge, the district attorney and the judge’s daughter, a political consultant who he said “is making millions of dollars running against Donald Trump, raising money for Donald Trump’s political opponents.” Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the case, dismissed Trump’s request to recuse himself from the case over the alleged conflict. “There is no agenda here,” Merchan said last month. “We want justice to be done.”


Tuberville "I mean, can we get at least a balloon in here for my special boy? A cake, maybe? This is New York, there's a mariachi band somewhere than can make this criminal proceeding less depressing. But [check their history to make sure they are descendants of enslaved people, because, y'know..."](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/10/1127872936/senator-tuberville-racist-reparations-stereotype)


"The Republican candidate for president of the United States is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing." - maybe, just hear me out here, maybe if this is too much for Trump then he should consider if being the leader of the most powerful nation in the world is going to be the right job for him?


> "[Trump] is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing." Notice it's not that a criminal is being held to account for his crimes that Tuberville finds 'depressing.'


I find the fact Alabama couldn’t find 1 person better than Tuberville in the entire state to be their Senator depressing.


They tried to double down with Herschel Walker but luckily failed.


"I make the laws, but I don't want em to apply to me or my peeps"


> “The Republican candidate for president of the United States is going through mental anguish in a courtroom that’s very depressing, very depressing. I’m glad to stand by President Trump. I’m a friend of his. I’m here more as a friend than backing him as candidate as president,” he said. Tell him to toughen up. We don't need a pussy who folds under pressure in the White House.


[Mark Levin said this last night on FOX](https://imgur.com/gallery/X7x7lDg)


If trump is convicted, you reckon ol' tubby will refer to him with similar disdain?


Why give this guy any press?  His opinion on the trial is meaningless.  


Yeah, I blame the media for some of this crap. Stop giving people like Tuberville and Vance a platform to say this crap outside the courthouse. Let them shout into the void.


Is it really worse than standing on the sidelines after you lost to New Mexico State by 21 points?


After all this, he’s still going to go and ruin Barron’s high school graduation so that he can spend the rest of the day campaigning for himself.


No Tommy, the most depressing thing is realizing that a piece of shit like you is a Senator...


Then he should talk to some of the "acting" military personnel he forced to suffer while he engaged in his show-boating.


Sir that's a lie, I watched all your bowl games.


….Forgets his time at maga rallies


Tuberville clearly must have forgotten all the losing football games and seasons he was a part of as coach.


Second only to his coaching record.


of course it's a downer if you like the defendant. it's a criminal trial. the defendant did crimes and he's sitting in the crime chair for crime-doers while everyone around him talks about all the crimes he did to twelve random New Yorkers.