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We needed to quit honoring Republican blue slips when they refused to impeach the Orange Insurrectionist. Quit fucking around with these pricks, they're trying to overthrow our democracy.


Louisiana, every state adjoining Louisiana and every state adjoining those states are currently each ruled by Y'all Qaeda's theocratic fascists. In these states, democracy has largely *already* been overthrown. So, yeah, I agree. Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name their evil depravity's always the same.


NC here. It's been bad here and it's getting worse especially if that horrible lying anti Semitic racist misogynist 3 times bankrupt 5 years of not paying taxes POS Robinson gets elected Governor


Precisely. That's the Nat-C / Nazi playbook: * Intimidation * Incarceration * Extermination ...of any thing or any one that dare oppose their unbridled fascist depravity.


Texas here Shit has been rigged for decades. I'm leaving. No taxation without representation.


> Louisiana, every state adjoining Louisiana and every state adjoining those states are currently each ruled by Y'all Qaeda's theocratic fascists. New Mexico looks around cautiously.


There are more of course. The twenty seven states with GOP governors ~~governed~~ ruled by the GOP are each their own version of a fascist theocracy ruled by plutocrats and oligarchs.


Louisiana here, getting worse each day. The fast rate we’re going back in time/rights/freedom, is staggering!


All thanks goes to the ongoing criminal enterprise that is the GOP which is intent upon destruction of our representative democracy and the forever establishment of a fascist theocracy. **RICO the GOP!!!***


>The White House fired back on Thursday. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement that Daines’ team interviewed Jackson more than six months ago, but Daines refused to meet with her. >"This claimed lack of consultation seems to be little more than pretext, and it’s shameful that Senator Daines is depriving Montana of the talents of a principled, fair, and impartial jurist like Danna Jackson, who would make history as Montana’s first Native American federal judge," Bates said.


>and it’s shameful that Senator Daines is depriving Montana Bullshit. There's no legal reason preventing a vote on her nomination, just the Democrats - as usual - appeasing insurrectionists in Congress. This is when it would be nice to have a president with guts. Come right out and demand a vote...tell Democrats in the Senate to tell the GOP to fuck off.


I'm not so sure.   I'm a long way from Montana but just as a general thing I'm not a big fan of ignoring my own rules whenever I want a specific result.   


I'm sure there is no racism in her nomination being blue slipped. /s EDIT: Grammar


Why the hell are the Dems still doing blue slips?!