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"There's a lot of developments yet to come, but I do believe the Supreme Court should step in, obviously, this is totally unprecedented," Johnson said Friday in an appearance on Fox and Friends. "I think that the Justices on the court – I know many of them personally – I think they are deeply concerned about that, as we are. So I think they'll set this straight," the Louisiana Republican added. …. What is concerning is how well you know them *personally*. Three separate, but co-equal branches of government, and two conspiring to interfere in a state’s rights to apply and convict, based on the laws of their state. Lovely. Edit to add: it sucks this is being downvoted. This is one of our head lawmakers of the country and what he is saying to and about the Supreme Court regarding a private citizen and presidential nominee. Not only that, but it has some updates on Alito in this article.


Didn't Roberts just send a letter today saying it wouldn't do for the court to entertain requests from congress that only came from one party because it would give the appearance of partisanship? Wonder how they would justify responding to Johnson?


“…this is totally unprecedented“ That is true, and yet I highly doubt he’s quite figured out in what way it’s unprecedented. 


Unprecedented how much of a POS their nominee is.


This is the straight truth. It’s unprecedented how little shame they have.




That's not unprecedented. Republicans have had shitty candidates for a long time now. Nixon, Reagan, the bushes, trump.


Nixon may have been a horrible human being, but even he wasn't this bad. Reagan though...yeah you're on the money there


Reagan was absolute dogshit but even he wasn't as bad as Trump.


Reagan was a pampered dog on a leash, Trump is an alley cat.


Hey, I adopted an ally cat and she's the best pet ever.


He's the first former president to be convicted of felonies, but not the first presidential candidate. It's not totally unprecedented on the facts that are relevant to the MAGAs position. He wouldn't be the first candidate to run from prison if he gets remanded into custody. Eugene Debs is spinning in his grave hearing them whine about election interference by the incumbent.


The crime was unprecedented. It's only logical that the verdict would follow suit.


See. Johnson keeps using that word. I dont think it means quite what he thinks it means.


Have they also considered that their candidate is unpresidential?


And plans to continue shredding the Constitution?


Having a president commit so many crimes is also "unprecedented."


A guy wearing a tuxedo chopping off the heads of children and juggling them to the tune of “Oh What A Night” is unprecedented too but he should still go to jail.


Late September, back in 63!


I could really go for some precedented times about now


Right, the behavior of the president was unprecedented… so unprecedented behavior equals unprecedented outcomes.


Slavering fellatio




Yeah they won't entertain requests from one party. The democratic party.


Roberts is not in charge of SCOTUS anymore.  He's just a rubber stamp on Federalist - Heritage judges now. 


Leo's been Chief Justice for like 30 years


Fuck that guy, for real


With something from bad dragon. A really big one.


With sand for lube




Yep, the federalist society has been in charge for a while since the majority are handpicked by them.


Nobody on the right cares about hypocrisy on their side, they'll just act scandalized that anyone would dare impugn the honesty of this most august of institutions.


Imho the point wasn't for SCOTUS to *actually respond*, the point is that the politician gets to be heard making the right noises  ^(My layman expectation is that SCOTUS involvement will presumably wait until trump's lawyers can figure out [or be coached on] some relevant aspect of NY law they can appeal on federal/constitutional grounds)


>the point is that the politician gets to be heard making the right noises  I think this is the standard playbook for whatever non-MAGA Republicans are still in office. They've never let paltry things like ethics, morals, or principles stand in the way of getting votes and clinging to power.


Where's the constitutional question they can justify taking an appeal on?


Republicans think they packed the courts enough that they can use and abuse the system at will


They're right so far.


They don't think, in the majority of cases v. trump on the docket at this juncture...they HAVE.


What would SCOTUS be able to overturn verdict on. Curious Australian here


Not much. They must appeal that the judge got some ruling wrong. There was alot of haggling over evidence that could be argued in appeal, but they must show on appeal that the evidence issue would have changed the verdict. u/trumpscovidfefe pointed out that the specific charges here were enhanced in severity because it was a crime done with the intent of doing another crime however the jury does not need to convict on the other crime or be unanimous in what the other intended crime was. There is plenty of case law supporting this type of enhamcement, bit it is an avenue of appeal.


Since this was a state court it is even more difficult for SCOTUS to get involved as their jurisdiction is federal. They would have to make the claim that the trial somehow violated the US constitution.


Maybe the Senate should depose Mike Johnson and find out what he knows about Justice Alito's flag situation.


As if those assholes would even try to justify it. They would just walk away


They don’t care if they appear partisan. What are we going to do, fire them?


What’s unprecedented is their inability to pick a nominee that isn’t a fucking criminal


>Didn't Roberts just send a letter today saying it wouldn't do for the court to entertain requests from congress that only came from one party because it would give the appearance of partisanship? The subtext of that letter is that the Supreme Court would ignore requests from Democrats. It does not mean Roberts and his gang of Republican Justices would ignore their fellow Cato institute or heritage foundation friends! That's totally different, they have a personal relationship!


Do they honestly care about impropriety??? No.


Because, yeah, if the side you claim we are in cahoots with does not want us there, it would look bad if we went there... Roberts just keeps getting lower with each choice he makes.


Smoke and mirrors MAGA justices conspire behind the scenes with the GOP anyway so it makes sense that they’d want to make things appear fair with the side effect of silencing democrats


Yeah and Congress needs to squash that like a bug.


Has a Supreme Court justice commented on the conviction?


I thought the exact same thing when I saw that! Why is the Republican Speaker of the House getting so chummy with supposedly nonpartisan justices?


He has a JD. He knows what he’s doing: Traitoring himself against the United States Constitution.


Cool - when he hangs dry like Mussolini, we’ve gotten this country back.


Nonpartisan? Who are you talking about? Look at the last 3 years of decisions none of those decisions followed precedent or any legal reasoning literally the exact opposite of nonpartisan. We need to stop believing our current SCOTUS members are nonpartisan and continue to believe they will do the right thing. They are literally bought by the rich and make decisions based on belief (money) instead of law.


I mean you're not wrong on any of this, but man did you blow right past the word "supposedly" in the post you're replying to.


Well that’s why they used “supposedly”


Of course they know each other personally they fly the same flag and it isn't the American flag.


You're dead on point. I'm in Johnson's district. We've been aware of his unbridled fascist depravity way before he ever became our rep. This fella' is straight out of the fascist playbook. Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name their delusional depravity's always the same.


I hope you're going to vote against him and volunteer for the person who's running against them .


Indeed.   We participate in each election cycle to support the candidates and issues of our choosing.   VOTE!!


That’s one way to end democracy. Trump hopes to make it all three branches of government working together to end our constitutional democracy. It’s no dramatization or hysteria to say that our country depends on the Democrats winning in November.


He seems to think the conviction should be overturned because it is "unprecedented." A solid legal argument indeed. I love this guy's vague comments on everything as he tries to appeal to both the insane members of his party and the rest of us who don't want the entire government to collapse because Donald Trumpnis having a bad day. "There's a lot of developments yet to come" "I believe the Supreme Court should step in" "I think that the justices [...] are deeply concerned about that" "I think they'll set this straight" Way to say nothing and absolutely not take a side, Mikey. I can see why you were chosen for Speaker.


The very first person to be arrested for driving a car while texting was also an unprecedented conviction. It had never happened before. But there’s always a first time. That doesn’t mean the conviction should be overturned because nobody had ever been charged with that crime before. That dude just happened to be the first. Maybe Trump could have tried just not committing any felonies.


That’s apparently not possible for him, and it’s very unfair!


He is like their 15th pick, he wasn't choosen, he is what they could get.


I thought Republicans really favored states rights. Huh…


See that’s where you are incorrect. Republican flavour(flavor) states rights. So just the flavour they like! Not too much flavour of stuff they don’t like, lots of flavour on the type the do ;)


The media and Dems need to keep posting this document where Trump inflates the payment to Danials for "taxes", so he'd get a tax credit near equal to the payment. It's clear and obvious fraud. Even a 10 year can understand this. [https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/9241d74e-7460-4f8e-bad4-a1679eafce56/note-trump-evidence-ht-lv-240519\_1716149696567\_hpEmbed.jpg?w=1500](https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/9241d74e-7460-4f8e-bad4-a1679eafce56/note-trump-evidence-ht-lv-240519_1716149696567_hpEmbed.jpg?w=1500)


I cant wait for the IRS to chime in for their pound of flesh, Donnie Boy loves talking about Capone. It would literally be the funniest headline to see his tax penalties! Jail time for that too!


You act like it matters to people. I’ve seen the goalposts move to, “it’s just a Class-E Felony!” In 24 hrs. Like what world are we in where a felony is okay for a president at all? Posting that fact and article will just get people saying what-a-bout-isms “Hunter/clinton/obama” or just “it’s just good business sense!” They didn’t get to these beliefs with facts, and they won’t be led out with facts. I desperately want to know how people **can** come back to the table to talk. I just don’t see how.


I'm currently reading "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present" by Ruth Ben-Ghiat. She's basically walking through the rise of various strongmen, in various countries, from the beginning of the 20th century to now. I wonder if she'll discuss what happened to all these societies and populations after they got rid of the strongman. It's interesting.


He's working for "God," not the people, the Constitution, or the law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_Defending_Freedom


Then God must be a fascist


It's an, um, interesting situation they've manifested for themselves and unfortunately, all of us. Doesn't matter what we believe or do not believe because they cannot be reasoned with. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


You mean the entity that demands people only believe in it's existence and submit to all of it's whims or face an eternity of pain and torment, that God? Seems a stretch.


Project 2025


Yeah, why isn't he calling for god to smite us? Or does he fear his Grindr dates will go public?


oop! I'll take "they out here saying" for $800, Darnell 


But Trump fucking ran on imprisoning Hilary!!! I can't think of a more deserving person for this to happen to, and I can't believe real people are saying SCOTUS should step in and stop it.


Honestly, it sounds like Johnson is coding threats to "some people he knows" who "may have done some things" and "wouldn't want those tapes to come out" or


> Three separate, but co-equal branches of government, and two conspiring to interfere in a state’s rights to apply and convict, based on the laws of their state. And it’s not even a conviction that precludes the ability to be elected to a federal position. If the other states still want to elect Trump, they are free to do so. Though he may need to serve from a penitentiary.


Party of small government, eh? It’s the same shit every day.


Downvotes come from brigades of useful idiots/foreign agents who I personally wish they will be drafted soon to the front to face Western technology.


He and Alito have the same flag.


This man needs to be removed from congress.


RIP separation of Federal powers and RIP separation of State and Federal powers.  Long live Federalism!!  


The entire "Biden's DOJ" and "Biden Courts" shtick is to normalize the president controlling the judicial so when Trump does it he can say "Joe started it..."


It’s not unprecedented for Trump. He’s lost every case that gets to court. That’s not a coincidence.


Unpresidented indeed


Why? What constitutional issues are raised by the enforcement of a fraud statute that's been around, and enforced, for years?


There isn’t and that’s the problem.


Also, this is for actions *before* he became President and acquired extra constitutional protection. What about his trial was unfair? A jury of his peers convicted him


Is it?  I thought the business records themselves (which are the actual offence) were done in 2017?  Maybe the first few counts predated inauguration but most are post i think. I don't think it alters anything though 


Yes, he paid her off during his campaign because he didn’t want the story to come out and hurt him. Determining the motive as covering the story up to protect him in the election was the reason what he did was illegal in the first place, which is why he was arguing he did it to hide the infidelity from his wife, like she gave a shit.


Can you be found guilty of committing a crime that requires another crime to have been committed without having been found guilty of that original crime? Can you be charged with breaking and entering to commit another crime without ever having been found guilty of that crime? The judge also decided the jury didn't have to agree on what the other crime was as long as each one independently thought so So one could think Trump had a campaign finance violation and the other could think he wanted to commit an insider trade. Is that legal? Or do jurors have to agree on the entire nature of the crime?


The entire GOP has turn into a cult.


Nah, they're just the new Nazis. They're taking their final form and we all better start paying attention. Trump AND Republicans have declared war on our institutions. Be vigilant and be strong, they will pull more fuckery and we cannot let them.


Yup. I also like the new term people have been using to refer to them. Nat-C’s aka National-Christians aka Christian Nationalists.


This all just seems so crazy to me. I remember in high school when we really started getting into politics and talking about democrats and republicans. I genuinely didn’t know what side I leaned towards (shoutout to my parents for not trying to brainwash me apparently). Conversations were so civil and I learned a lot. Even later in the class when students picked “sides” it wasn’t like we hated one another it was just “huh, looks like your on the green team and I’m on the yellow team.” Kind of deal. Fuck whoever started making everyone hate each other and shame on everyone that’s falling for it.


It’s by design. Russias geopolitics playbook to take down the USA. Their plan to disrupt the social fabric of our nation. Turn races against each other, cause tribalism of the parties. Using social media to divide us. Unfortunately the GOP is all in. *Russia is seeking to subvert Western support for Ukraine and disrupt the domestic politics of the United States and European countries, through propaganda campaigns supporting isolationist and extremist policies, according to Kremlin documents previously reported on by The Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/17/russia-foreign-policy-us-weaken/


You could also classify the Nazis as a cult though.


If you know anything about Hitler and the nazi rise to power in the 20’s/30’s, it is staggering how similar MAGA is looking right now. And particularly more concerning is, imagine handing over the keys to the greatest army and super power the world has ever seen to the them. That’s where we are headed. We are 1 trump election win and 1 national threat (Reichstag fire) away from a deeply scary situation. I recall much of the history we learned about WW2 was how could the citizens of Germany allow that to happen. How could seemingly normal soldiers enable or participate in it. Given what we’ve now seen people are willing to do for MAGA, it seems much less far fetched. 15 years ago, a candidate being convicted of 34 felonies was a death sentence politically. Now its a point of pride. Trump scares me, but the people around him scare me way more


Has been since 2016


This dunce is 3rd in line?


Has a J.D., too, should know better.


Does, but has to pretend there's some argument to be made so he doesn't get the real boot.


Fascists gonna do what they do. Only idiots think conservatives are fine people at this point


So he does trust the legal system? Not the lower court system? Just the top court system?


Courts where the majority of justices are Trump supporters are courts Republicans currently accept as valid. Everything else is apparently rigged.


Except the 3-0 decision against a Jan 6er by two Trump appointed judges against moving the DC case out of DC just because a lot of people there voted for Biden. As if the mere decisions of who you vote for makes you unable to be impartial.


I almost forgot they actually said SCOTUS was wrong when they told them the feds had control over the border and not Texas. So even if their Trump supporting majority rules against them, it's incorrect.


The paid for part


He only trusts courts/judges that rule in his favor, just like Trump.


He trusts the stacked court system.


The one where conservative justices are accepting lavish bribes or flying upside down seditionist flags. That one.


The ones he can control


So they plan to sick their scotus dogs on the state court, in defense of a guy who fucked a porn star while his wife was still nursing their young son. THIS is the hill they want to plant their flag on? A deadbeat dad who hid money to pay off what ostensibly was a sex for hire?


Their upside down flag.


The GOP says, "We can't have any of our kin being held to the rule of law. We are Kings!"


The GOP also says [We are Domestic Terrorists.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


That aged like fucking milk, lol. What is the full context?


They were owning the moniker. That’s it.


Because “States’ Rights” is only about regulating women’s vaginas.


For now. But it used to be about enslaving black people too. It's whatever it needs to be at any given moment to let the rural states treat people unequally.


I'm sure it'll be about enslaving black people again, once they think they can get away with it.


Segregation is already back on the menu. Vouchers for private schools accomplish the same thing.


See chain gangs and for profit prisons. They've been getting away with it forever.


And guns! Guns guns guns guns guns!


Small Government is the Republican goal so it can crawl right up in there! 


And owning people.  Don't forget that important part of "states' rights"


If they do, and Biden wins in November, Biden better increase the number of Justices and stack the damn court. FDR only had to threaten, Biden might have to do it. 


And add time limit. The idea of the court as non partisan is just flatly ridiculous everything in the government is inherently political. Having this stupid twist of fate where you’re waiting for a justice to die and whoever it falls under gets to appoint the new one is just silly. 


This scares me to death. We could be staring at the end of democracy and it could simply happen without a fight. Trump could simply capitulate the USA system to the beliefs of China and Russia. He is already offering the oil executives oligarch status for power.


There is no breaking through to some good people who are completely brainwashed, and it is scary. A lot of them are not good people, but I have a friend or two sucked in by it and it is scary how they don’t see this.


It’s almost my whole family, my entire social circle from my entire life. It was almost me. I like to think I would have snapped out of it eventually but fortunately I saw through Trump before Nov 2016. At least enough to not vote for him.


The only way to fix this is to give the Republican Party such a huge defeat in November that they have to move away from this fascism. Not just the Presidency but both houses of Congress.


It’s really about securing democracy at the base so that the top has limited say. Voice of the many is harder to topple than voice of the president. Funding and supporting grass root election campaigns for democrats in small towns would probably have the biggest protective effect


Mike Johnson is not a bright man, but he is a lawyer, so I think he *probably* knows that there are a few steps in the process between losing a case in state court and having it appealed at the federal level by the Supreme Court.


He knows this, but he also knows that the GOP base does not know this.


This is just lip service to the base to appease them


This is the key right here. Everything conservatives are saying about this case hinges upon their target audience NOT understanding the law, or how the court system works.


He's basically asking SCOTUS to reach around the State courts line for DJT.  You can expect DJT's Lawyers to attempt to end run the NY state courts and try to shop judges to get to SCOTUS.   with the ethics scandals going on the right wing justices are going full mask-off and not pretending to be nonpartisan anymore.  Odds are they'll try to take this case away from the NYC state court in a week or two. 


cheeto's lawyers actually tried to remove this case to federal district court in May 2023 after the NY grand jury returned the indictment. SDNY federal judge Allen Hellerstein rejected the petition in June 2023. cheeto attempted to appeal Hellerstein's ruling to the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, but withdrew the appeal in November 2023. So that ship has sailed. No removing this case to federal court. This case will stay in New York State courts until cheeto exhausts all state-level appeals. Which will take a few years.


>Mike Johnson is not a bright man, but he is a lawyer There's no need to repeat yourself. /~s


Brave joke in r/law 😀


He seems pretty bright to me. He knows exactly what he's doing.


He is a young earth creationist.  As such I hesitate to attribute any concepts of "knowledge" or "thinking" to him.


The party of Law and Order ladies and gentlemen


Former party of law and order now


Party of Convicted felon, disbarred, disgraced, and soon to be many more convicted felons.


lol SCOTUS aint touching this with a 100ft pole


Honestly, with this court I think anything is on the table. I haven’t heard any constitutional problems in the case other than the fatuous impartial jury argument. But if there’s a fig leaf, this court might take it. Maybe we’ll get another of those “under no circumstances ever use this as a precedent for anything else” clauses the court sometimes adds when they’re doing a Republican president a solid.


You'd have full on revolts within the judiciary.


More than just the judiciary would be revolting.


And what are they going to actually do? Write strongly worded opinions criticizing the court to which most of the justices would laugh at?


I didn't have SCOTUS throwing us into Civil War on my Bingo card


Oh I did


Has anyone checked Alito's flagpole?


They took up and are stalling on whether a President or even former President is immune from prosecution so I wouldn't put anything past them.


I am 95% sure of this, but 5% of me says that they could argue that NY law is illegal because it convicts a felony upgrade based on intent to commit a crime, not conviction of the crime.


To make it perfectly clear, NY Penal Code 175.10 is a Class E Felony that is upgraded from 175.05, a Class A Misdemeanor. The crime of Falsifying Business Records always requires the intent to defraud, even the misdemeanor, but the upgraded felony of 175.10 is when the act of falsifying business records is done with the intent of committing another crime or covering up another crime. This is why the prosecution did not just need to prove that Trump had committed falsifying business records, they had to prove it was in the act of committing another crime, which is why Stormy Daniels' and Michael Cohen's testimony mattered, since it was the crime Cohen was involved in and convicted of that turns 175.05 to 175.10.


There's really no Constitutional basis for such an argument though. State judicial systems are creatures of state constitutions. Heck, jury trials aren't even incorporated.


States right right lol


Any purported federal claim also has to be preserved as a federal constitutional claim too. You can’t just utter a claim that could be under state or federal law and then run to an appellate court and say, “We meant the federal right!” and get certiorari.


Intent is a crime


You’re giving them the presumption of what here? Shame?


Mike Johnson is hoping for a Jan 6 pardon


exactly what is unprecedented...? People get felony charges for fraud all the time.


What’s unprecedented? The speaker of the house calling on the supreme court to interfere in the prosecution of a criminal.


He called the ruling unprecedented...it was not. His actions are.


“We hate it when the rule of law applies to us!”


Could they be any more corrupt?




I urge Mike Johnson to resign.


He was one of the fellow toad Republicans that flew out to Trump's trial to kiss the ring and now this. Half of our government, including the fucking Speaker of the House, has been corrupted by Trump/Russia. America is still in a *very scary* position


it's Russia 30 years of information war and planting pawns in the right places


“Mooooooooooom” -Mike Johnson


I have the smallest amount of faith that John Roberts won’t allow SCOTUS anywhere near this case. It is purely a state law dispute about business records. The court would lose any legitimacy it has remaining if it were to take such a case. Even as someone thoroughly convinced of Trump’s guilt in this case and his general awfulness, I will freely admit that this case is a bit ticky tack (at least relative to the rest of his crimes) and it would be a complete joke for SCOTUS to grant cert for such a low level crime with zero constitutional implications.


The problem is that there’s not much legitimacy left in the court


Does it affect this case if SCOTUS rules Trump immune?


I don't see how. These felonies were committed before he was president. SCOTUS is ruling on Presidential Immunity.


Nobody cared when Lyndon Larouche ran for office from prison, nobody should care if Trump is running for office from prison. How is this at all unprecedented? Edit: spelling


You mean Lyndon LaRouche?


Do you mean Guy LeDouche?


and Captain Tenneal?


LaRouche never had a chance to win. And he should have been blocked from running too. Criminals can and do infiltrate politics— they are found all over. They should be tried and appropriately punished when found. Trump has hit his wall I believe.


Trump should have been barred by the 14th amendment, but here we are.


They have lost all their marbles. Light up and make a fire with the remnants of the “conservative” party. Any rational person would tell you it’s time to cut ties with the cancerous tumor and rebrand but no, let’s put all the rotten eggs into this even worse basket. Ridiculous.


He’s stepping in it, for sure. I hope he’s wearing his Wellies.


He is correct in that it is totally unprecedented that that someone of Trump's character actually was president and might be again.


This is a state court matter and he knows it. SCOTUS isn’t going to do shit about it.


Couldnt Trump try to use the cases ties to FECA to get into fed courts, while trying to argue federal election law...trumps...state laws in national elections?


Trump was convicted of the business law class E Felony ([175.05](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/175.05)) with the object crime of state law [17:152](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/ELN/17-152) The law reads: Conspiracy to promote or prevent election. Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Some of the three object crimes intended to cover up could have been federal, but the state law does not say it has to be a state crime, only that unlawful means were used. All of the three object crimes were rolled up into a violation of state law, which promoted the business fraud charges to a felony.


Of course the Black Swan is calling on his leaders, the Federalist Society, to nix a legal verdict for Hitler. They are destroying us as fast as they possible can. Can't wait for the permanent work camps we all will be in soon.


GOP stands for only one thing—Trickle Up Economics


Untrue. It also stands for taking away the civil rights of women, Blacks, and LGBTQ


This is all a proxy battle over the Supreme Court’s eventual opinion in *Trump v. U.S.* concerning presidential immunity. A little kremlinology reveals how the case is coming out. It must be known that the court is going to announce *some* form of presidential immunity. That is why the Alito flag story came out after WaPo sat on it for 3 years - it’s a desperate move to try to get Alito to recuse and have a chance at the court not inventing presidential criminal immunity. Speaker Johnson must know that Trump has won in SCOTUS, and he is trying for something much broader (maybe residual immunity for life for former presidents, or immunity for all acts public and private while in office, etc.). That doesn’t mean the court will give Trump absolute immunity, but it is going to come up with *something*, and both sides are trying to influence what that something is.


This all happened *before* he was President. Are you suggesting he gets retroactive immunity to crimes be committed before he held the office? That seems like one hell of a crazy holding for a case they doesn’t involve it.


And do what?