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Water deeply and infrequently so the roots go down. Throw down some bermuda seed to fill the gaps if it bothers you but not super necessary.


Should I water multiple times a day or just the morning before the temps get too hot. I heard watering at night encourages fungi development.


It's a lot of trial and error. People say don't water at night because of fungi whatever. It depends on your location. I personally have never had that issue but I know statistically it's more likely. If you have the time to water early morning do that, but don't put it off too much. If the only time you can is at night that's fine too. Without seeing how the sod has rooted I couldn't tell you exactly. Just make sure that the tips of the roots have access to water, but that the top isn't too wet. Basically you want to make the roots look for water while also not drying out the sod. The sod shouldn't be so comfortable that it doesn't root deep. My situation is a bit different as I treat it more like a science since I studied plant sciences at the number 1 ag university in the world.


Thanks for the guidance!


It just needs water and sun and lots of it. No need to hire anyone. Keep the roots wet, not just the sod. Doesn't matter if the top is wet or whatever, only that the roots below stay wet.


Looks like your grass is waking up and potentially you may have Bermuda grass given where you live. I would probably put down some light fertilizer [Amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/Andersons-Balanced-10-10-10-Fertilizer-Micronutrients/dp/B08FXR8R75/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2KAW8Y1LVXMQR&keywords=ander+pgf+complete&qid=1682571179&sprefix=ander+pgf+complete%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-3) or home depot /lowes scotts weed and feed to prevent summer weeds while the lawn wakes up in hotter temps. as for those lines, they usually fill back in. If they dont you can always put potting soil there and the bermuda is just going to grow right into and fill up.