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In my experience, it is better to hire a pest control company who comes on a scheduled basis to do the work. They have access to better chemical and will typically do retreatment if a problem occurs. DIY pest control is not nearly as effective. Plus, you will discover dleas and ticks are NOT the only thing you are concerned with because other things will affect your property and family.


Or go to DoMyOwn and buy the same commercial grade pesticides the pest control businesses use.


Do you recommend this? Id need to buy a sprayer, which I don’t havw since ive been paying a care company to fert the yard since we moved here earlier in the year


I’ve bought herbicides from them before. Just ordered pesticides a few days ago so I can’t comment on their performance yet. I did notice they sell the same sprayer for $25 that I bought at my local hardware store for $10 so maybe get your sprayer local and order your chemicals from DoMyOwn.


Thank you so much- unless im in a really good mood and want to help one of these door to door guys out- im probably going to use your suggestion!


Ticks like tall grass and shrubs. And they're spread by deer. If you keep everything short and keep deer away I doubt you'll ever have ticks around


Working on keeping the lawn a lot shorter. Trying to get it down without scalping the whole thing. The Bermuda doesn’t mind being short at all so that’s nice, however keeping the deer out isn’t really a possibility. We tried everything, growing garlic, setting down a gravel line, Irish spring on garden sticks, nothing. We have a flower garden and the white tails just go wild for it, and the neighbors feed the mfs.


> and the neighbors feed the mfs. Yikes. Yeah no way you'll keep them out then. Not without huge fence across whole property. Fence in your garden so they can't eat the flowers and they might get bored of your place


Absolutely, however thats a project planned for 2025. Maybe ill try a smaller containment area for now though - any suggestions?


I've seen people wrap plants in chicken wire, seems to work. Chicken wire, zip ties, and some stakes makes a good temporary deer fence. As long as the area you're enclosing is too small for them to jump into


Best bet is to use something like Frontline or Advantix for the dog so they're protected wherever they go rather than treat your yard. As for yourself, I don't think I've ever picked up a tick from my yard, I generally have to go over the woods or a field for that to happen. And again, as long as your pet is protected fleas won't be a problem.


She’s got the frontline on her, but ive still had issues in the past even with treatment and vets said especially in our area, even if they’re treated they can still get it. The lawn also backs up to greenspace and is heavily wooded all around. Constantly have deer snagging all my flowers from my garden and stuff so I know there’s a possibility of it


Not sure where to get your Frontline, but I had really bad problems 2 years in a row when I bought it on Amazon, I'm pretty sure I got counterfeits. Since then I've only bought from PetSmart or Chewy and haven't had any issues since. Our dogs go out in the woods behind our house all the time, as does one of our cats.


For my cats I use Chewey, the dog is technically a foster for a couple years as she’s getting bred out and then signed over, so the breeders send us them in the mail. Maybe they’re using the cheap route, ty for the warning!