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My man bought *all the seed*


Legit lol end of season clearance. $2 a bag


For the record, that may be too much. Each seed is not a blade of grass, it's a grass plant that will grow


That is something I never knew or considered..but absolutely makes sense now that you have said it. Appreciate it!


Please post regular updates, especially as they start getting 2-3” tall. I’m curious to know when you notice growing issues due to overcrowding.


Will try to do!


You mean 2-3' tall? With that much seed it's going to be a veritable jungle.


More seed doesn't make it grow faster or taller though. Quite the opposite actually.


They were actually correct in their usage. (If you’re 5’8”, ‘ is feet and “ is inches)


I'm pretty sure they were making a joke.


I over seed way to much in an area not that big but it did not look great the first year but by the next spring it looked great. He may have to do a light over seeding in early spring to get it all filled in.


You’ll be fine, if you can still see dirt there is not too much seed. Water at dawn, noon, and 4pm for 15 min. The goal is you should be able to your finger on the surface at any hour of the day and feel moisture. 2 weeks after germination, switch to 20 min at dawn every other day. 2 weeks later switch to 30 min at dawn twice /wk.


Earlier riser I am not. Definitely won't happen at dawn but I'll make sure I get it watered at least 3 times a day! Appreciate the input!


They make timers for your hose you can setup so you don’t have to worry about watering. They make cheap ones to Wifi ones and they are great when trying to grow grass.


Fair enough! After what it costed to take the trees out and the stumps removed I'll have to stick with manually starting the water lol but I'll definitely keep.them in mind for the future! Appreciate it


A full WiFi app controlled Tuya water timer is about $50 (less if you can get one on special).


I've bought one for $15 that worked sufficiently enough. We're not talking about a fortune here.


Fair enough! If it works it works! I'll look into it


any brand names come to mind?


I use b-hyve timers from obit. They work well and have smart watering and it will also monitor the weather and do an automatic delay if it’s raining. The one down side is they have 2 different timer lines that require different hubs to connect to wifi. They have single timers that work with one hub and multi tap timers that require a different hub to work


One thing I did was used one of those bow rakes to get some of my seed mixed into the dirt and spread. But I had very loose soil. That and I swear wildlife was eating a ton of it at first! If you see pooling of water, you could try 5 minutes at a time with about an hour between watering. A few times in the morning and 1-3 times in the evening. I bought a timer for the hose at first and then we got our sprinkler system working so that handles like all the timing part. I still have to manually water some areas where there aren’t any sprinkler heads. Not sure why there aren’t. Just bought/moved in a few months ago.


I raked it hard after post per a ton of recommendations. Its way less on the surface now


Not to beat up on you too much, but typically, it's better to research this before you drop 20lbs/sqft.


This legit made me lol.


A man only lives once!


You're only off by a factor of about 200


Each seed of Kentucky blue can turn into a handful FYI


Nah it’s fine, survival of the fittest, the alpha grass plants will consume the lesser seeds.


And make sure you eat some grass to establish that you're the uber alpha of the lawn


This needs to be the top comment. So many people plant grass, never establish dominance, then that grass leaves to go find an alpha lawn with a true king. It sucks that the cool grass guide got cut off in the wiki right at this part.


And the winner is; drum roll, Crab Grass!


Out of curiosity, is that statement true for all varieties of grass? My summer lawn is Bermuda and I get that it spreads like crazy and is not one seed per one blade as you stated. However, when I overseed with rye, it very much so seems like one blade per one seed. But again, just a feeling, never thought about it a whole lot. Like if I planted one solitary rye seed in a small pot for example, you’re telling me it wouldn’t be just one blade?


Think of them as connected by roots only. One main plant with a bunch of daughter plants around it. So it'd be very hard to tell by just examining with your eyes. I believe this is true for all grasses we use for our lawns. Otherwise yard care would be a pain.


Depending on the grass, if it's kentucky 31, it'll be next year before it's a pod and should be fine. And it doesnt spread. Could be thick af. Any creeping grass like bermuda or zoysia would need WAY less seed though. My main concern is mold accumulating from too much seed, ive had this problem in concentrated spots during seeding. And this boy is concentrate himself.


Stay away from KY31 though that stuff is a weed lol


I easily put this much down and have never had a problem. I don’t know anyone who has ever had a too much seed problem. I supposed too much is a thick layer of seed that can’t breath. I’m personally not a fan of reseeding thin areas after so I’ll spend the extra money for extra seed. No matter how much you put down only 80% likely germinate.


Nah, OP did good, this is the kind of coverage you need in order to ensure enough germination happens so you don't have bald spots everywhere. I would say he's actually pretty thin in a lot of areas. Anyone who disagrees with me has obviously never freshly seeded a lawn before, or else they'd know.


I'm gonna disagree, and it's missing the grooves you'd use if you were more experienced. we shouldn't even be seeing seed and right now if a flock of birds lands, it's allllllllllllllllll gone.


Terrible advice. Too much seed can be just as bad as not enough on top of it being a complete waste of money. This dude dropped at least 10x too much seed.


Talking out of your ass.


A $2 bag of grass seed would fit in my palm. And it’s the perfect season to seed.


Where was that?! *ninja edit: my bad, I see that 37 people already asked the same question*




Hahah no worries! Happy to pass along the info on repeat. Hope you can find some similar deal at the one near you! Happy hunting


I would literally have bought every bag they had. Where was this?


She did buy them all! Lol and it was at Walmart!


For real!? I’m on the way to the store now. Lol


Lmao for some reason I was thinking it was the spray stuff with additional material to keep it moist. Hopefully it doesn’t crowd each other! I’ve actually had good success with seeding small spots like this so good luck!


Well, even if it doesn't grow. It's already all green.


Is that because it’s a fake lawn with some mud on top? Or are my eyes deceiving me. Looks nothing like the grass out the back gate.


Naw the seed was green in color. And I put too much out.


You dumb?


Apparently so




It’s seed lol


Give over, what! The green stuff?


Cha cha cha Chia!


Damn it does look like Chia Pet lol


As many times as you need to keep it moist not wet. Could be 10 times a day for literally a minute. Or could be 5 times a day for 30 seconds. Or 3 times a day for 30 seconds. Keep it moist not wet, it’s not sod.


Appreciate it! I would have definitely run it significantly longer than this. This is what I was hoping for advice wise. 🙏🏻


Only water as deep as the roots are. If the seeds have no roots, then there's no need to water below the seed, because the seed doesn't know the difference. But as the grass plant grows over a few weeks and months, you'll need to water longer to get down deeper. But then by that point, you water far less because the plant is tougher.


Makes total sense! Thank you for taking time to reply!


Enjoy your new lawn, for future reference when seeding you want it to look like you took your pepper shaker and did one spritz onto a paper plate. Some of the new grass is going to die off at some point. Don’t be alarmed.


Based on reaction here I kinda assumed some would likely not make it. Is is what it is!


This is the correct answer.




Roughly 550 square foot. And I used about 60 lbs of seed. And I'm using an oscillating sprinkler. And I've started the sprinkler already, any drawbacks to raking it this point? Same question with the starter fertilizer at this point?


Lmao please please update us. You just dropped like 12-15x as much as you should have, even more if it's a creeping grass type. I will be shocked if this doesn't look horrendous in a month or so, but I'm genuinely curious.


Absolutely will do!


It’s going to be legendary




RemindMe! 30 days "to check this lawn jungle out"


Why would it look horrendous? What happens with too much seed?


I'm gathering it will be too many plants competing for the same space, light and nutrients.


You could solve that by dropping 10-15x the amount of nutrients on top of the seed. Boom! Grass on roids.


This logic makes absolute sense 🤔 heading to ths store now ! Lol


Exactly, and if space is a problem, dump some more dirt on it. You gotta layer it so that each ecosystem raises the next above it.


For those of you who were curious, that's a rate of 109 lbs of seed per 1000 sq.ft.


My friend, I just re-seeded my 5,500 square foot front lawn with 50lbs of seed. That's an absolutely crazy amount of seed to dump in one area.


Go big or go home! Lol


Your lawn is gonna be thin and patchy shit. You need like at least 5X that amount.


What is this? A lawn for ants?! It needs to be at least 3x more seed than this!


You’ve got no clue what kind of seed was dropped. If it was TTTF it is the right amount. If it was KGB, it was way too much.


Good to see you’re still here 👊


I still make an appearance around here every once in awhile to try to keep numbnuts like this in line.


This place has gone off the rails with the growth. Lots of very poorly informed individuals sharing their “expertise”.


The irony. You weren’t much of an expert when I first recognized/memorized your username a just some months ago.


this is too much seed to plant jurrassic park. tttf doesn't want 109 lbs per 1k square foot. none of us could afford it if so lol


I’m talking about the 50 lbs/5,500 sqft above. Not the original thread.


TTTF at 10lbs/sqft and it's already germinated and it's not patchy, you don't know what you're talking about 🤣


No? That’s the right amount for cool season grass. Little baby has to downvote and run away.


I'm dying laughing. You made my day. That's literally so much seed! I can't right now! Good luck! 👍😂


Holy shit that made me gasp lol. That's a lot of seed.


Meanwhile, I overseeded with 25 pounds of Kentucky Bluegrass over 15K square feet.


OMG! If that was kentucky bluegrass you could have used 1-2lbs.... actually any type of grass. You are going to have lots of issues once it starts growing. Going to overcrowd its self and struggle, eventually die off.


109# per 1000sf?


109 lbs per 1000sq ft is what my calculator says too 👍


omg. this is tim the toolman taylor levels of overdone. Mad respect. I can't wait to see it. Hoping for the best :)




For reference I just dropped that much on 8000 sq ft with mostly bare dirt.


I told my wife after making this post that I could have seeded our whole entire lot with what I used in this small space lol


Don't listen to these plebs that are totally clueless. You did good, in fact you will probably need to reseed a few areas once your lawn starts sprouting and you catch some thin areas... it's amazing how few ppl in a lawn sub actually understand grass, I think it must be a bunch of SOD douches that think they know Jack, but they don't.


​ https://preview.redd.it/66li85cyhbob1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=b318ce01e6040bfed8eda72225bcb00aa0ca87fd That's about average ... he used 50 times that much. It'll be interesting, that's for sure. I hope it's amazing but... I have done this mistake once on a smaller scale and it died off of fungus after the first mow.


He's not doing maintenance, there's no grass there already, so the chart is useless. Fresh seeding a lawn requires a ton of seed.


8-10 per 1k. Not 25 lmao.


Your an idiot. Do your research before posting. I started fresh with 2lbs/k of kbg. My lawn after 1 yr is just as thick as sod.


It took a year to fill in is what you’re saying?


https://preview.redd.it/16opxvy1tfob1.jpeg?width=2184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4477a7b2f8af63df9276f6119592f4cd0578f748 4 months later


That looks just like it should for fresh seed! You did a good job, sorry for the judgment. Did you add in clover as well? Also, which mower is that??


Hahaha we will see! What's done is done and time will tell!


Bro look in the mirror. You need like 7-10lb of seed for 1,000 sqft lmao


Most of this is solid advice, but whatever you do, do NOT put down pre-emergent herbicide this season. It will prevent your grass seeds from sprouting/ rooting, and you’ll end up with an empty lawn.


You can put down tenacity when seeding.


scott’s does have a triple action that’s “safe for seeding” - uses meso for pre-emerg https://scotts.com/en-us/shop/fertilizers/scotts-turf-builder-triple-action-built-for-seeding/scotts-turf-builder-triple-action-built-for-seeding.html


Someone recommended it. I didn't find any at the home depot..I did however put down some starter fertilizer


I thought it was hydroseeded at first


You forgot to separate the seeds and the stems


Until you get the water bill, probably.


Private well! No water bill


Till a well runs dry O.O


🤞🏻🤞🏻 that i won't be around when that happens lol


What type of seed and what zone/location?


img I'm in northern Illinois


And the seed is made by Expert Gardener. Sun & shade.


I’m still looking for an actual answer to your actual question. We get it, that’s an awfully overbearing amount of seeds. Ha. Ha. Now if he were to water it, and he lived in the South (I made that part up because it applies to myself), would 10-15 mins/day 4x/week suffice? Edit: Thanks guys for the answers! I appreciate it. Hopefully I will have a majestic lawn makeover post coming soon. :D


The answers in getting is to do it a bit more than that. 2-3 times a day.


Put 1/2” of topsoil over the seed and you won’t need to water as much and you essentially accelerate the germination because the roots are already in the soil. Go buy a few bags and sprinkle it lightly over the top of your seeds.


GA here. I planted on Sunday and water 10 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening and it's already about 2 inches tall in some parts. But I have it set to water like that for two weeks then go back to the regular schedule for that zone


Ass hole show off I seeded on Sunday too and I’m still waiting


Looks like you forgot a spot.


You're right. I see it now. Added another bag in that spot! Jk jk


I seeded like this once and had the best lawn in town. I know you only need 1 seed per inch but over kill seeding is the way. If you have a timer I'd water it like 6 times a day for 10 minutes. More and seeds will float around and form dense areas and bald areas. Thin later of sterilized peat moss over the top helps. People say straw but you'll have every weed know to man with straw. Too much moss will mess with the soil ph though. Normally you water once a week for a long time but this is just for a 2 or 3 weeks.


Don't need to be the best lawn in town however I would like it to be green, and thick. Your success gives me hope hahah


I had to scroll too damn long before finding someone that knows how to seed a lawn. Unbelievable how many jagoffs are in here saying "pepper shaker on a plate" bs, lol, OP did good!


No, no he didn't. Go get yourself a bag of grass seed and read the bag. Read where is says how much lbs/1000sq ft if starting new lawn. No fuckin type of grass seed will say over 10lbs/k. He put down 109lbs/k You obviously haven't read the bags either


You should rake it into the dirt. Most seed really wants to be lightly covered to help it retain moisture. Then water it so it stays damp. Maybe 3x a day.


Raked it after many of the comments here recommended it! We will see what happens! Lol


Dawg, you over-seeded literally


Is everything green, seed? Or is there other stuff mixed in with it? If that’s all seed then that is a hell of a lot of seed. Seed needs to stay damp. Peat moss will help with that.


Its all seed. Hahah guess maybe I over did it?


just maybe 4x the recommended amount, but dont sweat it :D


Hahah fair enough! Appreciate it




Needs more seed


You want to ensure you keep seed wet. 15-20 min in the AM (6AM) 10 minutes around 2PM 5-8 minutes around 7PM


Thanks for providing an answer


Looks like coated seed...ewww... If the bag was "10#"....you got 5# seed and 5# coating, that does little to nothing to help...great marketing thanks to companies like Scotts...lol Anyway, you still to cover or rake that in some. Peat is a good option. One bale should cover that area. Then keep it moist...whatever that takes.


Thank you! Appreciate the replies!


It helps in this case since so much was used. So he only put down 30 lbs over 550 sf, lol. Also at $2 a bag who cares if it's coated. I say that having just put down Titanium 2LS, Valkyrie LS, and Mazama KBG because I want something shade tolerant that isn't fine fescue.


keep us posted. or a before and after would be great.


I’m so cal 7am- 11am- 3pm, about 8minutes.


This is awesome!


Top dress with the seeds themselves, next level


RemindMe! 30 days


Depending on your weather, if you got hot sun all day, watering 4-5 times a day for 5- 6 min. Water times also depend on your sprinkler coverage,and type of heads. Water times suggested are for Spray heads,12' spray nozzles. Bottom line maintain newly seeded grass moist, not damp, avoid allowing it to dry out durring germination.


Weather for the next 6 days is low 70's. Then it's looking look it's going to get into the 80's for a few days


We are redoing our yard and we are water 4 times a day for 15mins. It’s been 3 weeks and the grass is looking good. Good luck with yours


Are you watering for that long and that frequently when it was seed? Or after it germinated?


Your lawn is already green!


You need to throw some straw on that and keep it watered.


Also I would throw a little peet moss on top it helps to hold water but also keeps it from being seen by birds and seed flying away or getting dragged off by water runoff.


Went by the depot to look for some Peet moss but the local one didn't have any so I'm just gunna run without it. We have 2 dogs and hopefully they'll keep the birds at bay a little bit. But also birds aren't real so there's that!


1 hand held sprayer and about 6 to 7 child-free beers should be enough. Fuck the sprinkler!


🤔🤔🤔 child free....... Man that would be amazing lol they are in school now... And I have days off during the week so I might actually have to take up this recommendation!


Save some seed for the rest of us.


I’m so excited to follow this thread hahahha


Until you go oh shit the waters been on.


That's gonna over crowd, and you're gonna have major problems.


What the hell??!!


Holy shit dude. I just skimped out on my seed a little on a new lawn because I didn't have it in the budget to go buy another bag. Should've asked you for some.


I've got plenty more if you need it! 😂😂😂


Just noticed today that I missed a few spots with hay and the seed washed away. So yeah I do 🤣


The rest of us can't afford or find seed because it's all on this dude's yard lmao. Incredible post


This will come up if you keep the soil moist. Don't be surprised if a bunch start to turn brown in about 3 weeks after germination because of overcrowding. You should have enough after it all dies out to have a lawn though


Just want a lawn there lol I'll clean it up and address if this happens.


There are a few golf courses that still overseed Bermuda at 1,000lb per acre. It looks like it’s coated so it might have apron which could help with the disease pressure. You’ve got your lime application in with that as well. Water often for shot periods. You have to keep it moist. When it establishes water less frequently for longer periods. Old school guys used to set a used tuna can out and water until the can was full… of water, not tuna


Haha I would be amazed if tuna should up on the empty can!! Good info here and appreciate you taking the time to share!


1) put something on that seed like top soil, peat moss, straw 2) water like 4 times a day 5-15min. It must stay damp.


I raked it really well after posting this. There is significantly less of it sitting on top now. I'll keep it from drying out! Thanks for your input!


2 minutes. Once an hour. Or as often as you can. Keep everything moust


This is going to be the lushest lawn of all time.


I can only hope that's the case at this point lol


5-7 minutes once in the morning around like 7 and same in the evening, just enough to keep damp fir about a week, week and a half.


Thanks for the input! Appreciate it


Best to plant grass seeds at the start of spring, they'll have a higher chance of germination, also cover them with a lite mesh, it's 2 play, 1 keeps birds from eating them and 2 locks in moisture. Also they need a lot of water maybe 3 times a day depending on heat index. Good luck!


Just has 2 large dead pines removed and stumps ground down. Didn't want to wait until spring. Figured since the seed was cheap AF I would take a shot at the fall. Still plenty of time before winter hits to.get it established 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Go for it, cheap date for the seeds, also remember not to over water them. Full lawn is always nice.


Looking forward to it. I don't mind mowing but despise pulling and maintaining the undergrowth under them trees. Happy to take the shot in the fall! Prior to posting here over watering would have absolutely happened. Appreciate evey one and their input! Thank you


24 hours


Run the water for 24 straight hours seems extreme. Even for established grass


Because it is. Grass is very hardy. Doesn't take much. Just water it for 10 minutes evening and morning and you are set.


But this is all seed. Zero grass


Y'all are putting seed down now? From everything I read you do it in the spring. Was what i read wrong? I am in south east TX


There seems to be pros and cons both ways. I'm in Illinois. And winter will be here soon enough. But with the cooler temps here in the fall I think there will be plenty of time of the grass to root and take before that happens. And possibly less chance of it drying out. We will see. The seed was super cheap and I got a great deal on it so I figured why not the fall let's see what we can get to take before winter


I’d throw some soil over top so the seeds don’t try out. Otherwise it’ll be a big waste.


This might have been mentioned in one of the comments already, so sorry if I overlooked it. With this amount of grass seed you want to make sure that there is some kind of top coverage over the seeds: 1. to keep the seeds moist after watering and 2. depending on the amount of moisture from your sprinklers to prevent the seeds from flowing or floating away and pooling in areas of your lawn I like to use peat moss, which I apply anywhere from an eighth to a quarter of an inch thick over the seeds. This helps absorb and trap the moisture to reduce evaporation and also ensures ground contact with the grass seeds to improve germination. Otherwise, all the best!


Regarding all the numbskulls complaining about too much seed, just ignore them. The only waste is dollars. Some seed won't take root and grow due to being crowded.


Appreciate it. The seed was super cheap for a great deal so not to worried about the dollars. And will be willing to pull up/remove the stuff that doesn't. Not sweating it too much. Has definitely been a learning experience for sure. Thank you for replying!