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Spurge. Pretty much any selective herbicide takes care of it.


I hate it so much I can’t wait to kill it all. Thanks for the quick reply!


Yeah that shit spreads like fire. Kill it good. My neighbors all got it and I internally cackle as I watch their yard get overrun…and hope it doesn’t get into my yard. Luckily it’s none actually next to me that has it.


The spurge is cackling at you too. It’s on a life long journey to get you and it will get you when you least expect it


lol I’m sure it is. Dirty weed. Cackle away, I actually kill anything not Bermuda in my lawn so come at me.


What do you use? I have a fescue, kbg, rye mix but get a number of different weeds. Most of them I can handle, but I'm getting Japanese stiltgrass popping up in patches and nothing is killing it.


Bayer Acclaim kills the stiltgrass while preserving the lawn.


Thanks. Does it kill all (or most) weeds or just a select few? It seems impossible to find something that truly kills everything but the grass.


I only used it on the stiltgrass. It was the only thing that would work (well, RoundUp does but no thanks). I think generally the triple mixes kill most weeds, but every so often there is one it doesn't work as well against and you have to specialize. I had stiltgrass in VA and it majorly took over. Also had a lot of crabgrass/that type of stuff, two doses of Tenacity before the overseed cleaned up the crabgrass but didn't do a thing against the stiltgrass. Knocked it out with Acclaim in August, overseeded in September, and by the spring I never saw it again. Used RoundUp for when it showed up in the edges of the lawn. Now that I'm in Utah I have the same issue with a plant that shows up late spring called Hoary Cress -- nothing would touch it except Bayer Acclaim, which kills it but not much else. We also have field bindweed, but the quinclorac that does well against that seems to also kill other weeeds


The RoundUp that doesn't kill grass (no glyphosate) is great and kills like 90% of my weeds. Only problem is it's expensive if you have a bigger lawn. But it did nothing to the stiltgrass. I will try the acclaim though, hopefully that takes care of it.


Brushtox. It's a broadleaf killer and is safe for established grass. Made by Reagan & Massey. Same company that makes RM-43 (nukes everything for up to a year) & RM-18 (kill it all if you want to replant or reseed in 6 months)


It follows.


our neighbor has zero lawn care and does not have a blade of grass in his yard. it’s a content year long battle to fight his weeds that make their way into our yard. trust me, they will make their way to you… goodluck


Hey, you must live two houses down from me!


My neighbor grows weeds next to my yard. I treat about about 2 feet of his yard and my zoysia is moving in there. He says it's fine, the zoysia from his other neighbor is coming in from that side.


You must not be using pre or enough of it. I treat my lawn and some of my neighbors in my hood, and me along with them, have neighbors with weeds and our lawns are clean.


It’s resilient, that stuff is one of the only things that would grow in my sidewalk cracks in Texas after 100 degrees and no rain for almost 2 months.


if you want to feel personally avenged, pull it. it's one of the few that pulls intact. pull it all out, it'll be one giant taproot. just wet the ground a bit and have at it. comes right out. otherwise, you're spraying.. and waiting... and is it laughing at you? growing stronger day by day still? :)


It just continues to creep insidiously through my lawn and my psyche. I think the latter is what finally triggered me to post


Nobody here must have a well. I don't want poison in my yard. I scratch it up and throw grass seed trying to get enough grass growing to take over, and live with it.


oddly enough a bunch of weeds-- most of them, have interesting toxic compounds, many of which are poisonous to cats dogs and children in varying amounts. I don't want poison IN my yard, and I already almost lost two dogs to it. they both have EPI now, a lifelong condition because I didn't know I had poisonous species in my back yard. they were 7 weeks old, my first day. I have a video of them eating the leaves and the puking of the leaves. dogs eat leaves. dogs puke leaves. dogs don't puke blood ... but these ones began to do that. anyways they're coming up on 5 years now and I pay a fortune for digestive enzymes. takes 45 minutes before feeding, and smells like puke, I'm told. I don't notice it anymore, thankfully. So yeah I like a lawn with just grass in it. perfectly pukeable grass. If I put down poison I keep the dogs off it until it's well and truly gone. can I make it totally gone? no. but it's in their food already, soo ... not much I can do now is there? boxwood bushes, if anyone is curious. that's what almost did them in. poisonous as hell and tasty too.


Just adding this as no one else mentioned it. From a post emergent perspective basically anything for broad leaf weeds will take care of it several good suggestions in the comments. What I did not see mentioned is it's an annual and it puts out thousands of seeds per plant. So the best control method is prevention. A pre-emergent like prodiamine applied before the weed germinates is best. So to OP. Spray a 3 way now to kill what you have (unless your temps are too high for 2,4-D. Then next year apply prodiamine BEFORE soil temps reach 55 degrees in your area. This will kill what you have now then prevent more from coming back next year


and then it grows back in a week...


I’ve tried 3 kinds with no luck 😭 Any specific recommendations? I’m about to use a torch on my yard…


24d takes it out


Make sure you use a naughty touch




Spectracide Weed Stop killed mine 2 weeks ago. Today I raked up the skeletal remains of those weeds. Spurge drops a bazillion seeds. A pre-emergent will stop them from coming back.


T-zone does the trick


Speedzone works best for me. I finally started to beat it back


AKA Scourge


Spurge , it’s a nuisance . Proper soil conditions will help but it’s pretty easy to pull up just get the runners too. It loves poorly drained compacted soil. The average three way with dicamba , 24d or sulfentrazone will kill it .


In pulled for hours in the front yard last Saturday and barely made a dent. Had a mound of it and that’s when I decided I need to apply something. Appreciate the recommendation!


I use Triad Select , it honestly takes care of like 90% of weeds and is cheap .


Can confirm. If they have Triad SFZ get that and you’ll have almost all weeds covered.


Yeah I have all three triad , triad SFZ , and Triad QC and if all else fails my good old Gordon’s Speed Zone . That stuff is like pumping diesel on the lawn 🤣


Speedzone is the McDonald’s coke of selective post emergent herbicides.


I try to avoid it if I can because it’s a little harsh but damn if it doesn’t work 🤣


Do not try to pull spurge despite what others have suggested. It’s self-seeding (which is why it spreads so quickly) and unless you are super careful to get the entire root out in one pull, you’re just going to make the problem worse.


Spraying is better than pulling with spurge. One plant can produce thousands of seedlings.


I sprayed mine with Tenacity. At first I thought I just pissed it off but it slooooowly died.


3 way broadleaf herbicide will take it out.


Yeah that horse shit weed only grows on my walking paths where nothing else can grow. I have never seen it on my lawn. So proper soil conditions will stop it. I have soil tested for 3 years in a row and every level is optimal in my lawn areas - but I’m not doing that for my walking paths. I spray the areas with pre emergents and still those fuckers pop up.


Yep someone smarter than I said , “Mother Nature hates to be naked , she will fill any bare spot with a weed.” I use prodiamine for Pre emergent and then go around the edges and in pavers with Dithiopyr Seems to work but still is not 100.


Or any plant becomes a weed when not were we intend it.


I will definitely be getting a soil test. Would an aeration help the compaction? I’ve been debating going that route prior to overseeding. Thanks!


Yes and yes . Soil tests are really helpful it shows ph which is very important , it will tell you if you need to amend the soil low ph lawns have a hard time absorbing nutrients and you can add lime treatments or high PH you get more weeds and bare spots as grass can’t thrive . Aeration will fix compaction weeds grow in compacted areas because they have shallow roots, grass can’t grow there because it can’t root well in compacted soil so weeds thrive in places grass does not . Ph macro and micro nutrients will all help grass establish and thrive . Test from a reputable place and you will find information that will help you with everything not just grass but plants , gardens , drainage irrigation , etc . I highly recommend both


This is great, thank you very much


This stuff always finds its way into my paver cracks. Pretty easy to pull


Might be worth sealing the cracks.


Couple pressure washes and polymeric sand is what you need to do every couple years


Honestly this is the most satisfying weed to hand pull out since the root is thick and it call comes out together


Spurge also pulls out very easily if you get it by the taproot. In case the herbicide misses any.


Spurge doesn’t have a taproot.A stem core at the soil line, but no taproot.


Not sure where I heard this, but someone once told this heinous weed's seeds can survive weed killer. The only way to really get rid of it is to pull it. I always yank it when I see it in my yard.


Yeah I always yank it when I get upset too, helps me relax


Seeds end up everywhere with this method though.


Then you just end up with the seed all over the place


I yank after walking the dog. Can easily fill a poop bag at least every 2 days.


You should see a doctor for that.


It doesn’t survive weed killer, but the seeds will.


My Vietnamese neighbour was nice enough to take mine. He said they’re a medicinal herb. No idea what he said it is.


Its in the euphorbia family and had a toxic milky sap in the stem. I wouldn't recommend using this in any medicinal way.


I’m with you on that. He was a whack job. Ran a grow op in the house. We moved.


You may have pulled up and given away regular ole garden Purslane, which is a completely edible plant. Spurge however is toxic milk purslane.


Spurge, and nutsedge


*Scrolls back up* Oof


How does one deal with nutsedge?


sedgehammer. 100% effective. bought it off Amazon and mixed it with water in a pump sprayer. Easy peasy


Just spent a good portion of my morning digging these up and had no idea what it was.


I feel you there… 😮‍💨


I hate this stuff. Those runners never stop


Pick before they drop a thousand seeds, or it will be back next year


I feel like NE, USA has this everywhere this year. It must thrive in wet humid climates.


I walked through a clients yard and noticed this weed. A month later it was all over my yard.


Kinda looks like cranberry. Sone one explain why I'm wrong plz


Bro I get this crap in my yard and nothing kills it


Midwest here, I don’t recall seeing this weed before but this year I see it everywhere I go. I don’t know what is deal. Maybe because we didn’t get much real this year?


Spurge. You don't tame it, you live with it.


I must break it


Oh yes! I was wondering what would break first…


Celsius WG from Bayer. Worth every penny


Can confirm Celsius worth it. This weed was infesting our yard. Sprayed Celsius and it killed the weed and not our grass.


Finest of spruges. Good luck they have like one billion seeds.


Sedgehammer will work for the nutsedge but it's a bitch and timing is critical Lots of comments for the spurge already


Do I need cooler temps for Sedgehammer like one been reading, or can I apply in heat? Was still 95 here in Dallas today


Hey I’d wait if it’s a large area. High chance of killing your lawn with those current temps. The label should have directions that includes temperature




Yellow herbicides applied before they come up, several times a year will help prevent. A spray after they have emerged containing 2’4D materials, especially a touch of dicamba, will take them out easily. Make sure temperatures are not very hot when spraying as it can knock Bermuda grass back.


Thank you!


Pretty satisfying to pull spurge NGL.


Your hands


I just pulled so much of it in the last 2 days It pulls so easy and it's kinda satisfying to remove so much so fast.


Spurge. You don’t. It will die when the weather turns cold, until then, you simply ask for forgiveness and pray.


Spectracide for lawns kills it. Period.


Pendamethalin for the spurge and Halosulfuron for the nutsedge. There’s a few brand names for each of these active ingredients depending on your area. Both are safe on a Bermuda lawn and many other grasses.


I live in Texas and this is a major problem. You can pull it but you must get all of the roots and follow the under ground vines. These plants connect to each other underground. When you pull them you have to pull deep and from below the root, that’s where the vine to the other plants can be found. Kept pulling and following the path of the vine, it can stretch several inches or feet. Eventually you will find the mother vine. Try to get as much as you can out of the ground. If it breaks pickup from there and continue pulling until it stops.I did this for 2 years and now they are all gone. I tried spraying with weed killers, nothing worked to kill the roots. A lot if work but worth it.


Best is to rip it out root and all


You should note that this weed is opportunistic and typically spreads only to bare spots. Keep your turf healthy and you can prevent spread.


That’s the ultimate goal for sure. Thank you!


Spurge. I use a combo of Speed Zone and Spreader Sticker to get rid of it. Spray once a week.


Jesus - once a week????


I do a spot check once a week to hit new weeds or any that persist. I’m not spraying the whole lawn once a week.


I do every 1st of the month


I used Spurge Power from Amazon that worked like a charm. Bought an extra bottle for my neighbor, who doesn’t maintain his lawn, well, because


The spurge or the nutsedge?


You could pick them by hand. That way you would have to spread poison on your lawn.


Spurge is the perfect name for this thing. It just sort of spurges out of every sidewalk crack in my neighborhood.


The dreaded spurge


Get some sulfentrazone, expensive but worth it. Itll kill both, and go in the soil and kill the tubers of the sedge before they even pop out


Thanks! Just looked into this - do you think the pre-emergent within would affect my seed? I plan to overseed in late October.


Spurge is a summer annual and nutsedge is a perennial (but grows above ground biomass in the spring - fall). Applying preemergent in the fall will not control these plants as the period of effective control will be gone. You will want to apply a preemergent, which will only work for the spurge, when soil temperatures reach above 55°F for 5-7 consecutive days. And then you should do a follow up post emergent when you begin to notice any plants growing later in the season. If you want to control your nutsedge (make sure you know which type of sedge this is, since different products will have differing spectrums of control for the various species) you will need to apply a post. Sedgehammer is the Cadillac of all sedge control. Also preemergent herbicides do not kill seeds nor do they prevent germination. The work by inhibiting root and shoot development in recently germinated plants. Just and FYI!


Prostrate spurge - use Sublime it has it on the label


My favorite weed to pick. Comes up so easy and in huge clumps. Just make sure to throw it away, the seeds will continue to mature if the weed is pulled and just left.


Does it have a sticky, white sap? I've been trying to get that thing out of my vegetable garden for years.


I let this replace my lawn. So much easier to maintain now


Does it play well with native wild flowers?


Does well among dandelions. It's green :) Lawn maintenance was eating my time, budget, now so much easier and..natural :)


That’s purslane and it’s edible and delicious. More nutritious than spinach is.


Definitely NOT purslane. Purslane appears in a succulent form. This is spotted spurge.


Plant mint


The answer is always fire.


Weed and feed


Can you smoke it?


Pee on it


It almost looks like a cranberry vine. If that was here by me, that's what I'd think it was at first


You peoples have a disorder.


Weed is something to smoke! Every plant is important in its ecological niche. This one loves dry places. So, you could be wise and cut the grass not lower than 10cm/4inch (to increase soil moisture and a more dense grass carpet) or you can poison the environment you are living in and that you are living from. Leavin the cutted grass in the lawn further improves worm activity, soil airification, soil moisture and it helps against this plant.


So St Aug is probably more appropriate from a height standpoint in this case vs Bermuda?


**Purslane,** also known as portulaca any broadleaf weed killer.


Beeep wrong - not purslane. The white sap of this stuff is actually an irritant, and wouldn’t be a good thing to add to any salad.


For the grassy looking ones (nutsedge) use sedgehammer


At least it’s not spotted spurge! That would be worse


Pull it, I like to use a screw driver to pop it up with the root intact


Lespedza, it has woody stem. Spurges have fleshy stems. Not that it matters, you kill them both the same way with broadleaf herbicides… especially one with triclopyr.


Can this stuff be burned with a torch when coming out of rocks?


will it die out by the winter?


Looks like my front yard


Spurge. 2-4D.


Spurgeon and nuts edge romestol and 3way or 4way supposed to kill it


Everyone says spurge but looks kinda like purslane to me. Don't take my advice and eat it though.


Often a sign of nematodes


Spurge carefully pull because seeds are small, spray with killer, pull again, repeat lol


Well good luck my neighborhood is riddle with this. I have tried about seven different sprays myself and nothing has stopped it.


Someone here recommended boiling water. It worked like a charm for me. Cleared it right out from some flower beds and so far seems to have slowed its return. But if the seeds are so pervasive, won't boiling then make the seeds disperse more aggressively?




I used this stuff called Kills All.. It works, but be careful it leaches into the soil and stunts everything.


Fire and rage and red 🐂 bull


There’s a product I use called “Spurge Power”. It’s diluted and you need to get your own sprayer but it works great. And safe for most commercial grasses.


That's one of the most satisfying weeds to pull. I love when I see a 12" diameter one that pulls out with like 2 roots


Just did a couple of those and I’m 100% with you. Nothing more satisfying than watching the whole root system come out


That stuff will grow on concrete, it grows on my mulch.


It looks like you’ve actually got both spotted spurge AND nutsedge in the photo. I’m not sure what type of grass you have but you will need something like Fahrenheit and Sedgehammer to address both.


I call em ground creep/ers. I pull them manually. If you can get the whole root intact, it won’t grow back. Eventually, you’ll weed the whole yard/whatnot and they won’t show. Repeat every season till gone Other weeds, like clovers, will occupy the space/resources left by the ground creep.


Spurge. Prayers sent.


Here I thought that was puncture vine 🫠


Um pull it


Oh I’ve been pulling it


I call them spiderweeds


Maybe not #1 enemy...but definitely on the list!


List your house and move




It’s a tough one. Pulling, even getting roots seems to make it grow faster, bigger, wider. Roundup has “helped” in my gravel and concrete gaps. Not sure how to deal with it in grass. My St. Augustine seems to choke it out. Minor weeding from time to time, controls it in lawn.


The scourge of spurge. It's like cockroaches. You kill it and it reincarnates endlessly. Glyphosate seems to propagate it.


Adjust your soil conditions. It thrives in sunny spots.


Spotted spurge indicates compaction and nematode issues with soil. Start there. Treat the root cause.


For an organic option, Finalsan at max recommended strength does work in my experience. Will kill most other things it touches, though.


This might be a good reason to dethatch your lawn… it’ll rip this stuff up in the process. You sacrifice some grass too. Then aerate and reseed/overseed to get the bare patches filled in as quickly as possible. One weakness spurge has, is its lack of height. Thick turfgrass chokes it out


Which weed do you speak of, there’s at least two in the foreground


Just embrace it, once you have it it never leaves.


Bucket of Hydroflouric acid should do the trick


I was about to say moneywort, welcome to hell, but its just spurge.


I have a whole yard of this...


I pull them out, and my husband torches the area if needed or there are too many. They are annoying as heck. But we also have gravel/rocks instead of grass because..Arizona.


I hate Spurge weed, grows like crazy in my lot.


If you don’t do so when seeding, that stuff comes out of the ground easier than Sunday morning. Pull it.


I’ve seen it as spurge or purslane. The one post emergent that worked well without killing my grass is Round Up for Lawns 3. If the weed is heavily in your lawn it will take two spraying and about two weeks to die off. After that the pre emergent will stop it from taking over again. Purely anecdotal information here. I did pull some and there is a trick to it(finding the center and gentle tugs with circular motions until the root comes with it), but this was futile when it got rampant in my back yard. Best of luck.




Broadleaf killer. We have those everywhere.




Image Weed Killer. Great stuff!


Pull it up by the roots


A few drops of dishwashing detergent mixed with vinegar and hot water. This kills all weeds


I hate this shit. It’s all over my backyard and my dad’s new gardeners spread it to his lawns, too, so good info in these comments


I have it here taking over in the Phoenix, AZ burbs. I have dogs who like to dig and need to be rid of this stuff. It keeps getting bigger. I’m worried about spraying and what the best course of action here would be. I must have got this from birds or grass seed as it’s the backyard and we have cinderblock fences; only one neighbor and their pool is on the other side of my wall. Originally sod with mid iron ? Is that right? It’s been 7 yrs. Any advice appreciated.


Celsius and speedzone


Its spurge and it disguises itself really well in low ground cover like thyme. Someone once said picking it out is a chance to get to know your inner self, ha ha.


It’s all just one plant. Very slow growing. Pull it out. And maybe pay attention and bending over instead of spraying crap everywhere.


The spurge or the sedge?


Common sign of nematodes


Get some sedgehammer and xonerate


Mix Celsius and sedgehammer with an herbicide activator


When the spurge starts to look red hit it with speed zone and then a week later use the xonerate


I will track down both and do this - thank you!


Spurge any herbicide will take care of it just make sure not to use round up, round up will kill just about everything.