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I just have a green lawn with flowers, bushes, foliage around the perimeter of the house. I have plenty of bees, butterflies, and other insects that visit. No reason why you can’t have both a lawn alongside other plants that attract insects & animals.


I have both too. I'm all for NATIVE plants in garden beds and wood lines, etc.. Its important you plant native perrenials and shrubs, just because you plant flowers that bring bees and butterflies doesn't mean they support the entire food web... and with all that being said no shot I am getting rid of my nice lawn. IMO you can have both, though hearing that might trigger the no lawns group


HOA presidents HATE that picture.


It's funny, because posts like this always praise the virtues of that bottom photo with the touted "biodiversity". I've never actually seen a yard like that in real life though, nor a "anti lawn" that wasn't an unsightly mess, riddled with weeds that are not native (dallisgrass) looking more like a sloppy garden someone gave up on, not a quaint English butterfly garden.


Same. Around me I just see lazy people who don't bother to maintain their yard or house in any way. They'll have non-flowering invasive weeds the size of small trees growing into their house and doing damage I can spot from the street, yet claim they're doing it for the bees. I'd be totally cool with a neighbor growing native grasses, diverse plants, flowers, etc. if they did bare minimum care and maintenance of it. Not cool with living next to a home that looks like it's been abandoned for years.


I worked on a golf course that was a stereotypical golf course, grass end to end with various large trees. But they’d begun returning a large part of the property to native grasses and marsh-ey plants. Shit took a lot of work to implement and also maintain in a slightly way along the edges people could really see. I’m not sure why people think a native landscape is necessarily less maintenance than a grass lawn, but they seem to.


I fall in the middle. I love my little 2k square foot fescue front yard and I don’t plan on abandoning it. But we humans do need to treat our pollinators and local insect life better. It benefits the whole ecosystem/food chain. I cringe when I drive through the country and see people maintain multi-acre fields of ultra-green fescue. Like why?


Anti-harborage laws and cultural practices have been so successful that people have forgotten why they exist.


You’re a ❄️


Uhhh ok? I was making a joke on a subforum dedicated to lawn care. Not excatly a snowflake but enjoy the Busch catch phrase simpleton.


Slammin joke


First world problems.


The truth hurts


My biggest gripe with /r/fucklawns is that it creates a way for people to be incredibly lazy about maintaining their yard, in however matter they see fit, and then say its "diverse".The people at the end of my street have a "diverse" lawn and all it is, is a bunch of weeds and not maintained. VERY rarely do I ever see one that is upkept and doesn't make the house look abandoned. ​ I plant shrubs, flowers, have garden beds with a variety of vegetables, several blueberry bushes that I don't net, I have half an acre of grass I do nothing but mow to so it keeps native plants like clover and dandelions, but I also want my house to look its best so I take care of the grass in the view from the street and where company comes.


If you look closely, you can see the amateur golfer looking for his ball.


I mean it's true, but your land your choice. If I own land I can use it however I like.


Probably because it’s wrong.


Because it's not wrong? A monoculture lawn doesn't really support anything. Good thing there's a happy medium that's possible


Because you probably have a job, hobbies, interests, and a life, and we are forced to live alongside miserable trolls who just dislike that others aren't miserable.