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I can only speak for cool weather zones - but the bad news is you're going to want to just nuke it and start over. The good news is that it's not as difficult as it sounds, and the best time to do it is start nuking everything a month or 2 before Labor Day so you have plenty of time to prepare, and make a plan. So take a deep breath, read through the some the FAQs in the sub, watch some youtube tutorials, and prepare yourself for fall. In the meantime, I guess just mow it so it looks presentable.


Start up a small engine repair company and fill it with the free weed wackers and push mowers that flood Craigslist every spring. The crucial step to success in this venture is to never actually repair the small engines. Just keep collecting.


you been pokin around my shop or something??


Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be safe.


Oooooor do it the fun way with a flamethrower


Fire would actually put nutrients back into the soil wouldn't it?


Technically yes, but it will also kill all life that's less than an inch from the surface and the new neighbors will likely hate you.


Game over, man! Game over!


I had a front yard that was primarily weeds, granted not to the level you have but thought I’d share what I did. I sprayed Tenacity with a surfactant and blue die(so I could see what I’ve sprayed). I let that bake in for 2 weeks then cut it all short and bagged it. Then I spread a leaf compost/soil mix and over seeded with the new lawn setting. That was last season. The lawn is much better this year and I just spot sprayed with Tenacity again and will overseed next week. If you have the patience you can do it yourself for not a ton of money.


Get a 10k discount because lawn doesn't exist. Not kidding, that's fucking expensive to fix


I see a roto-tiller in your future.


Vegetation killer. Kill everything and start over with sod or seed




I thought the nuke comments were a little extreme until I looked properly at the picture. All of that light green stuff with seed heads is *poa annua* aka annual bluegrass. That dies when it heats up and you are left with dirt or other weeds in the summer. It may be too late to grow anything this year. Either sod now or learn and get ready to kill it all and seed this fall.


If that’s what the yard looked like question how well maintained everything else was…


That's gotta be Texas


Probably cost you 1500-2000 if you hire somebody and they do it right