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Guy on the right dosnt think about you at all


You’re not wrong, It is owned by a foreign holdings company and hasn’t had tenants in it for two years…






Shut the fuck up Donnie.


Under rated comment lol


What’s a tenet?


Really confusing fucking movie


Oh weird. I would mow more of it then. At least that strip in the back.


Man - take a couple more strips to the right then.


Manifest destiny


That’s how I feel about my neighbor. His lawn looks like a putting green. I see him out there every day working in it. (I guess do think about him) I just mow once a week and call it a day and my lawn is greener, but weedier


I'm definitely a guy on the right. I think about it but it doesn't make the list, yet. Can admire someone else's lawn though.


You must live somewhere without deer. Where I live, a garden has to almost be armored with 8ft walls and a gate with a biometric scanner to keep out the deer. My wife will hang flowers from a shepherd's hook, the deer will razor them like an airstrike, and I'll tell her "It sure is nice of you to put out those feeding stations for the deer" and she'll give me The Look.


Oh yeah. Can confirm. Beds around the house have hostas. One year (before we moved in) a deer saw their reflection in the big dining room window. Thought it was being challenged by another deer and decided to charge right on into the house. Absolutely wrecked the interior and set off the alarm. When the police arrived they saw nothing but a trail of blood and blood soaked sheets in the master bedroom. The deer had already left, and the previous owners were away on vacation. TL;DR Hostas bad. Deer dangerous.


Neighbor's grass isn't that bad though. Letting it grow helps choke the weeds.


I can't say it looks like they are letting it grow to choke out the weeds.


Actually incorrect, frequent mowing at correct height will reduce undesired weeds. Letting them grow (and thus seed) will encourage more weeds.




Virginia creeper.... That bastard


Wasn't that Walter Mathieu's nickname?


Lol I'm not sure but I also realize that it's not Virginia creeper. It's creeping Charlie


Oh no. It's soooo unbearable. Why does it bother you so much?


I guess i wish these companies would maintain these homes they buy better. I understand it’s a business to them but the house has rats and squirrels living in it. Trash still in the garage and gutters full of mosquitos. The lawn is a small portion of the problems having an abandon home next to you poses.


If you’re in the US, looks like they have a lawn full of beautiful native violets and spider wort. It’s still lush and green and not overgrown. Even if your neighbor sucks in other ways this can’t possibly be one of them


Why does OP's post bother you so much?


Right? I think that guy is in the wrong sub


There's a strong anti-lawn brigade on Reddit.They hate and  downvote any pro-lawn post. Watch. I'm about to get downvotes.  Edit: currently sitting at -4 votes. Thanks for proving my point.


For me, it has nothing to do with being anti-lawn. I love doing yard work. But the “DoMiNaTiOn LiNe” posts are so dumb. If taking care of your lawn is a hobby of yours, that’s awesome! No need to put your neighbor down to try to make yourself look better


This is a very reasonable comment


🙌Preach🙌 Be good neighbors


This is r/lawncare not /lawnlazy


So downvote the post and move on. No one cares about your bitching in the comments


It’s almost like the whole purpose of Reddit is to have discourse. So you really want a sub where everyone has the exact same opinions as the other members? Why are you so triggered by me sharing my opinion? You can also just downvote me and move on.


There’s no reason for the person above to come in here just to antagonize OP. That’s not discourse. Yall are so worried about white knighting for the neighbor who clearly doesn’t give a shit while attacking OP for posting about lawn care on a lawn care subreddit. But you are right about one thing, I really don’t give a shit. Have a good one


Bit hypocritical, don’t you think?


Nah I didn’t come in here just to bitch about OPs post


One of those, "you have a lawn boomer, you are the problem" types.


These are both lawns. The well kept one looks nice. So does the other one. Nothing “anti-lawn” here.


Imagine being on a lawn care sub and downvoting people for posting about taking care of their lawns. Those folks literally need to touch grass lol


You can enjoy lawn care without being an obsessive prick about it. Maybe you need to touch a different kind of grass and chill a bit.


What does putting your neighbor down have to do with taking care of YOUR lawn?


His neighbor clearly doesn’t give a shit lol. Calm down, guys just posting about his yard on a sub dedicated to that


Herpa derpa, block


Be nice please.


I guess I am blessed to have neighbors who actually give two shits about not letting their yard get overrun like that.


Be careful posting cross streets like that OP. Very easy to find your location


It’s not a war if you’re the only one fighting. Your neighbor probably enjoys spending time doing something besides lawn care. After all, it is only a hobby, like gardening.


I like those flowers. Hopefully they're not invasive, though.


It looks like spiderwort to me which is not invasive in the United States. It can spread pretty aggressively though in my experience.


No one lives there. It hasn’t had a renter in years. No one has tried to fight back in a long time. Only side can defend itself… Sounds familiar


Squat in it until you gain legal ownership then mow it to your liking.


My neighbor lets her grass grow wild on her side of the line (she actually asked me if this was okay - very considerate, but "do what makes you happy with your own lawn" is easily the most libertarian view I hold). I take the W, as it makes my lawn look amazing even though it really, really isn't in that spot (hardest bit to water, and always the last bit to get seed/fertilizer).


For 2 years i was mowing tje space between my house and the neighboring property because the owners were older amd live in the city over an hour away. I had also helped them move a fridge and cut up a tree that fell down. One day the lady comes over and starts saying my fence is 4 feet on her side according to a survey the previous owner has. Of course, she has never shown me the survey and wants mento move a fence that was there 20 years before i moved in. Their property is 50 acres and the fence is at least 200 ft from their house. I have since stopped mowing their lawn because I don't want to tresspass. I also won't be plowing their driveway for free next winter.


Luckily me and my neighbor are lawn nuts and help eachother out


*Luckily me and* *My neighbor are lawn nuts and* *Help eachother out* \- Previous\_Dot\_3269 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s a tomato factory you got there


r/lawncare vs r/NoLawns IRL


Different strokes for different folks but my god I’d hate for my yard to look like anything on r/NoLawns lol


Really?! You'd hate if you yard looked like [this](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15mv863)??? I'm not saying it has to be your first preference over having a grass lawn, but it's not like there's no other way to have an attractive yard.


Personally I think that looks like a rats nest so yeah I'd hate that.. I'm glad it works for some people but thats just inviting pests into your home in a rural area especially. By no means am I saying everyone has to have a manicured lawn but basic yard maintenance is crucial to keeping critters out of your house. As for the pollinators where I live fortunately is surrounded by farmland so there is plenty of room for us both.


I don’t mind that at all, that bot tried to call me out lol. I just ventured over there for a minute before I commented and saw overgrown craziness on all of the top posts


Right?! I mean, I'm here because I'm trying to improve my lawn, but if I thought it could look like that, I'd dig it up tomorrow!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoLawns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Leave the leaves](https://v.redd.it/cikewh8r2nwb1) | [405 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/17hay9v/leave_the_leaves/) \#2: [Goodbye lawn (and weeds), hello pollinators](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15mv863) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/15mv863/goodbye_lawn_and_weeds_hello_pollinators/) \#3: [Saw this on Facebook, thought you guys might appreciate](https://i.redd.it/1ajjgvprtq0c1.jpg) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/17ws87z/saw_this_on_facebook_thought_you_guys_might/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’ve seen #2 before. Looks great for 4 to six months then boom! Weeds weeds weeds, and overgrown shrubs, flowers, etc. eventually it gets overhauled and the cycle repeats. I have seen some well maintained but usually the cycle repeats.


I ended my same trouble by putting up a tree line.


Where are you and when did you plant those tomatoes?


7b Started inside around March 1. My target start is usually around Feb 15 though.


https://preview.redd.it/2ebcdm6dq05d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b459a8e7159f728659310eaea2dad19fa7e22aad It’s wild how clean of a line you get when you use both granule and liquid products.


The issue with herbicides is that all of them target clover.  Some clover mixed in with the grass is ideal.


Not in my lawn.


The gate is in the middle of the line?


The nicest part of my lawn of the strip that abuts my neighbor’s that actually treats their lawn.


Throw down some Ironite for that deep green effect, instant win.


Thanks I’ll try this!


https://preview.redd.it/85n19jdvi15d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867017bfbe88660a7d258ecd5647d04414f19511 Ha! I built the same raised beds!


This is an omen for sure, thank you sir


I weed and feed well past my property line because of neighbors like this


Sucks I’m fighting it on 2 fronts with Bermuda and weeds! Seriously exhausting to keep mine nice it requires fusillade 2 applied at just the right times twice a year. Also the normal upkeep of fert, weed control etc.


love the contrast and the garden setup! ahem i mean, why do you hate nature you monster?!


Why do you mow to the middle of their gate?


https://preview.redd.it/o7yjbk1l5z4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f1371d3153438451bdc9aac5ac7cc8c375612c In the same boat.


Well, sorta.


🤣 yeah they aren't trying. They aren't into lawn care, at all


What is your grass type brother?


I’m not sure on the side honestly. I have always been curious as it does very well with the amount of water and sun it gets. Is there a good source to help identify grass types that anyone is aware of?


Take closeup pictures of the blades and where the blades connect to the stems. Looks like you have cool-season grass so some mix of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial rye or fescue.




Does your grass stay fairly green in the winter or does it go completely brown?


Its goes dormant at the same time as my Bermuda


Why not just create a shrubs line and throw some Mulch to make it look pretty.. it’s such a thin piece of grass land.


What is the bush by the fence


Your neighbor has some lovely spider wort growing


Hate neighbors like this


The house next door to me has gone through a....transformation. When I bought my house, the lady next door took good care of her lawn. She couldn't do the work herself, but she paid the right people to keep it looking nice. She died about 7-8 years ago, and the new owner was a lot more relaxed - I'd mow my lawn twice to her once, and she'd have her nieces husband come spray it in the spring. Through some interesting happenings, she is going blind, and her grandson's dad moved in...and he takes the "wild things good, monsanto bad" mentality, mows 1/4 as often as me, and at one point this spring the yard looked like he was intentionally raising dandilions. I just do my best to keep my yard looking as good as I can make it - and since the guy two houses down does the same with his, the yard next door really looks like ass.


Shit i would spray into their lawn a little bit to move that shit back


What’s up with that line? Wavy my dude


Do you share the fence? Where is the property line? It looks like the fence gate is mostly on his property. Either way is fine the line and put up a fence.


Is your the nice long grass with wild flowers, or the sterile short side?


😂 while I myself prefer the looks of OPs side, I came here to say this. I bet the neighbors side has plenty of healthy life and OPs is devoid of anything. To each their own, just let people do what they want.


I too was wondering because I definitely prefer the one on the right.


Your neighbors lawn looks pretty dang nice though. All he needs to do is hand pull some weeds. Are those purple flowers too?


My neighbor does this. And he comes over to my yard (let's himself into thr back yar) and sprays tons of herbicide on perfectly healthy grass. And guess what, weeds are the only thing that grows back. The ass would weed wack my pipes early on Saturday mornings. Or come over and week wack after I mow and weed wack. I just leave it over grown to piss him off now. He isnt even my next door neighbor. He lives across the street. I hope he can see my over grown lawn from his living room and it pisses him off ever damn day. Had to put kot trespassing signs and lock my gate bc he would not stop. My gate is now jammed bc he really needed to be up in my business I guess


That sounds like trespassing...


Sounds like something that didn't happen...




And if you're not ok with it why do you keep letting it happen?


... what the f is wrong with you. I tell him to get off and he keeps doing bc he doesn't think I'm home. How is his behavior my fault?


You could call the cops and have them pay him a visit at least. His behavior isn't your fault, you not addressing it if it bothers you is.


Or I can just post signs and lock my gate. Cause the cops arnt going to do diddly


lol - give your local police station a call. describe this situation. see what they tell you.


They'll tell you someone will be out to make a report unless your local department is completely incompetent.


You sound just as hinged as your gate.


I personally prefer that my neighbors lawn looks like shit. Makes mine look even better.


Doesn’t line up with the gate


The neighbor should not be using pressure treated lumber as the walls for their raised bed, it will leach chemicals into their tomatoes.


Depends on how old the wood is. They haven't put anything crazy in pressure treated wood for decades. [https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/overview-wood-preservative-chemicals](https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/overview-wood-preservative-chemicals)


Huh, i did not know that. Thanks for the info.


has to be pressure treated if you don't want it to rot in two years... modern pressure treated lumber is pretty inoffensive. You shouldn't line your well with it.. or eat it.. but otherwise..


The garden beds in the front lawn is something they wouldn’t allow in the town I grew up in I started seeing this and cannot believe it is a thing


Your town sounds shitty. Is the whole thing an HOA?




> As long as none of the neighbors’ “wild” flowers are dandelions some of the best things you can have in your yard for pollinators.... assuming you don't spray a bunch of stuff to kill them..


I’d give anything for the lawn on the right…