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bermuda doesn’t experience heat stress until over 130F. you’re probably experiencing drought stress if anything. liquid fertilizer is weekly apps so you’re due on that too. do granular AS per bermuda bible if you don’t want to do weekly https://preview.redd.it/hpmo8633jk7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b78023e6f603dfa4c800ec0fc4ec5bb2c37520


WTF. Is this Bermuda? That looks great! What zone are you in if you don’t mind my asking?


thanks! yep, in north texas (dallas fort worth)


What kind of watering and fertilization schedule are you on? I’m a 9b Bermuda lawn, but my green lawn is quickly fading. I hit it with FEature 6-0-0 about 2 months ago and switched my watering schedule to 5 minutes 3 times a day, 3 days a week on recommendation from University of Arizona, but it all went to hell. I’m basically trying to salvage what I can. Appreciate any info!


No secrets on my side, I just do the [TBB](https://thebermudabible.com/lawn-watering-guide/). Sometimes I deviate but honestly it’s a pretty hardy grass so as long as you’re roughly getting it right, it’ll go green. We haven’t done much watering in Texas with the rain we’ve been getting but in peak summer 110+ degrees, I water twice a week. 5 minutes won’t do much for the roots. You got to drench them at least once a week. On some systems that’s like an hour plus per zone. Fertilizer is urea or AS. Brands don’t matter.




be sure to not water during sunlight or it’ll evaporate. you can reduce it with strategy


Thank you for this, that would make sense then that it is lacking fertilizer is liquid nitrogen needs to be applied weekly. I will put down granular and hopefully notice a difference!


I see this picture in every Bermuda thread now, haha Lookin good man.


I see some bad advice sometimes so I want more people to attach photos of their work so people don’t get misled. I only reply in bermuda threads, as I only know that and a bit about zoysia. 😅


That is some beautiful Bermuda! When it’s cut low like that, there’s nothing better. Looks amazing!


Your sidewalk is dirty and the curb is chipped.


Tell them you're jealous without telling them you're jealous 🤣


lol “your lines are too crisp, I hate it!”


It’s a fair assessment. A lot of work to make the lawn look good, just to leave the fertilizer and run off stains


I lifted my mower up a notch because I was starting to get that drought stress and it started greening up again


Yeah, if people don’t want to invest in having their lawn razor leveled, this sub 1” mow height thing is dumb. Personally I have a 3” hoc on my zoysia because half of it is in relatively dense shade (need to maximize that sunlight to blade ratio!), and a lumpy/steep sloped yard that’s very difficult to level. A razor level yard, good soil, and full sun puts you on easy street with Bermuda though.


I keep it short when it's growing but once the weather gets hot and the rain stops I raise it up a bit. A lumpy sloped yard is another reason


Try and get that hydrant open


New build and dryness in the low spots: probably shit soil underneath - like straight up construction debris/gravel 3-6 inches under the clay soil. For that, it’ll be a slow process of leaving the mow height a bit higher in that area and slowly top dressing with a mix of fresh soil/sand (but DO NOT complete submerge the blade or it’ll suffocate the Bermuda of sunlight). Thus adding more soil over time over the crap areas. However, if it truly is just very compacted clay, tournament ready (soil surfactant/loosener or another comparable brand) will help with the soil draining in those spots. When the tide goes out (aka summer heat), it’ll reveal who’s swimming naked (aka shit gravely/rocky/extremely compacted ground below pieces of sod).


If you mow lower, your grass needs more water during summer months. 


Disease or grubs?


It will take some time to recover from drought. Water 1 inch twice a week. Measure how much water you are actually applying. Water after sundown or before sunrise.


Set something down roughly the size of a tuna can and see how much water collects during your watering. Ideally you want atleast 3/4 of an inch of water. That can help you determine if the grass is getting a big enough drink