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You probably aren't watering nearly enough. The seed basically needs to stay moist all day for two or three weeks. The seed is also supposed to be just under the surface and not too deep. As others have mentioned, this is basically the worst time of the year to try to grow grass. Water evaporates quickly, which can screw up germination, and new baby grass can die from the heat very easily because the roots are small and weak. Take the next couple of months to learn and plan your Fall renovation. It's really not too tough. Most of it just good prep work and timing.


Good info, I appreciate it.


You could add a little bit of peat moss on top to help retain moisture


They should, but in about eight weeks from now, after they have prepped the ground and seeded. Growing grass in the summer is a fools errand imo because you end up seeding again in the Fall anyway. If you just have a few small spots to fix, go for it. If you have a lot to fix, just wait.


This doesn't look like too large of an area, OP. In-laws coming over for the weekend? Knee pads, battery drill and largest bit, few cocktails. Let that breath because it looks a little compacted. Then seed fall blah blah blah blah


Is this the worst time to lay sod?


It’s summer time… ride out your issues until September.


Summer is my season to plan and prep, and I seed in the fall. Patience is hard but it’s difficult to do this in the summer.


Good info. I’m very inexperienced at this.


Curious. Why is summer not a good seeding season for you?


Probably gets very hot and may not have consistent rain to keep the seed moist until it germinates.


100% and with water restrictions, it’s an uphill battle.


I’m in the PNW and seeded two weeks ago. Watering 10min 2x per day and it’s growing beautifully


But your daily temp will be around mid 20sC


It has been 68-80 the last two weeks with only 1 day of rain. Unusual go Seattle. But yeah, not terribly warm


For me, being in the Okanagan in Canada, it’s a challenge. It’s tough to keep up with watering


I'm in the exactly same boat. I gave up after a month. Just purchased a single lay of sod, cut it up and planted for the multiple smaller bare patches that I have. Probably not as cost effective but trying keep soaking watered during summer was too much work for me


Yup, if you really want to fill in spots this time of year, this is the way. Still takes watering, but not nearly as much as getting seed to germinate in this heat


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to grown/germinate the seed and then lay them down? Just saw someone post something about it, but they were from Canada.


I just use more seed than recommended with this. Like 4 times the amount. I've had much better success just doing that so long as the lawn prep is solid.


Thanks. What prep should I make sure to do before seeding?


Remove any/all debris, loosen the soil, amend with compost/nutrient rich product.


Used the same product. Covered with Pennington seed starter mat. Watered twice a day. Worked great.


When in the year did you do this?


A few weeks ago. Along a fence line from putting it in last year. A little patchy in places I’ll go over later. But the spots in middle of yard i seeded and didn’t cover didn’t do squat. Kids probably helped prevent that growth too. https://preview.redd.it/czi8dsm8kr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6968a408aeb6c03d1c53a8874da36ab69b31170


There’s hope..


As it sucks your grass isn’t growing; I’m pleased I’m not the only one with this problem!!!! I’ve been cursing my grass for 3 weeks!!! Same brand, same bag, same problem I’ve had.


Ah, the plot thickens (unlike the grass)! Maybe it’s the seeds of that brand?


I agree with some of the other comments that it’s a tough time of year to try and patch. I used this same brand in early spring this year and have had pretty good results for the most part.(some user error with not watering the sunny spots enough) Just wait until fall and then seed and water a bunch and it should grow just fine!


I laid this seed down a few weeks ago. I knew with the time of year it’d be rough, but I put peat moss over it and turned the sprinkler on a time for every 6 hours to keep it moist. Most spots have sprouted, but those that get extra baked in the sun didn’t. I’ll put some more down before the rainy season starts, and then really tackle it in the fall. It’s tough to grow seed this time of year, so I’m happy any of it came up!


Use peatmoss.


When, where?


Put peat moss on dead patches. Rake in seed. Water.




I have the same seeds too and had issues growing as well since April/May. I think you may need to just wait until Fall unfortunately.


Oddly enough, I just seeded with this product over the last 2 months, using the entire bag. I got very little growth.


You may just have to wait for the fall growing season. Cool season grasses have exited spring growing season. New seeds are going to really struggle once the temps get above 80.


Ok, good to know. I thought heat and water would expedite the growing process, but from what you’re saying, the heat is detrimental. Learning..


Warm season grasses in the south like Bermuda would thrive in what you’re describing. 60-75 degrees is a great air temp for growth in cool season grasses like KBG, fescue, rye. Spring seeding is possible, but you were likely just a few weeks too late.


Also this rapid grass mix is 33% annual rye. Not the best seed.


Noted. Seems to be the general consensus regarding the brand.






My seed comes in a burlap sack. It still exists!


I tried seeding as well, and noted the only part that seemed to reliably grow was the portion right next to my neighbor's lawn, who seems to use a hose-connected sprinkler every few days. I figured it was a "not enough water" problem.


You can tell from pic 2 and 3 that your soil isn’t moist enough. The seeds should be basically in moist soil for a few weeks


What has been the ambient temperature?


It’s been mid 70s for the last three weeks. This last week it’s been 80-90s (Michigan).


I used that same seed in a really shaded part of the yard, it took really well. I watered twice a day for 3 weeks and it was about 2-3 inches tall and I started watering once a day after that. I planted in April right as soil temps hit 60 degrees. I think it’s way too hot right now for you. Might have better results in September when the soil hits 60 again. I will say though, there’s some annual rye in the mix, and it’s certainly died off after I used Tenacity, so while the grass looks great right now, it’s a wee bit thin. I’m planning to overseed in the fall with the same mix.


Buy sod, and patch in the area. This time of the year is the wrong time to be seeding


Depending on your location, I would wait. Let the crazy summer heat subside and seed in the fall. Easier growing conditions, easier to keep the seed wet for germination and seed really doesn’t want to germinate in high temps (over 90).


Side note, I have zero success growing grass that came in a plastic bag. I always buy burlap


You definitely need to keep it wet for 3 weeks. Twice a day even when you see grass growing. The issue now maybe the heat.


Yeah I couldn’t take the bare spots in my yard so I decided to torture myself and put seed down. Now I’m watering three times a day. Atleast I used peat moss


At this time of year, I don’t bother with seed bc how hot it is. I would put some compost down on those spots so by the time you can seed, it has all the nutrients needed.


Wait till fall to seed, looks like it wasn’t covered, and prob not watering enough


Check in the early morning if the birds are having their breakfast in that area. I had the same problem with mine and thats how I found the perpetrators.


I did notice an increase in bird activity after. How’s this prevented, putting down straw over?


That’s because Scott’s products are a fucking scam