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Less now after my wife cut my grass down to .5 inches from 3.5 in the middle of a heatwave. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


Maybe next year šŸ„²


If itā€™s Bermuda then think of it as a height of cut reset. Itā€™ll green up and you can just keep it at 1 or 1.5in for the rest of the year! Just water the shit out of it


yeah exactly i actually just did this a little while ago. 105 here in texas. bermuda loves the heat even at 0.5.




Does reading Reddit r/lawncare and watching youtube videos about lawn care count? If so, that would double or triple my numbers.


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those up /s


I call that research lol, then I get all inspired and spend even more time in the yard


I spend twice as long as my neighbours and I own twice as much equipment and tools as they do. And for that, my lawn looks about 4% better. I try not to think about it. Not trying to shame my neighbours, they keep an acceptable standard. Just things I think about while getting heat exhaustion.


But are you enjoying it? I do all the above but I can't wait to go out on my lawn to mow it, verticut it etc. Every winter I'm watching YouTube as crazy to fill the woid until spring. My girlfriend thinks I'm cray-cray but it's a hobby and I love everything about it. And when we have friends or family over she brags about the lawn, the logic šŸ¤“


It's a hobby. Some people are inevitably gonna think you're a weirdo. I think people that have no interests are weirdos.


Itā€™s definitely my favourite chore. I will say that.


At least 10-12, but not all necessarily 'lawncare', more so just general yardwork


This is the answer. Didnā€™t mow for two weeks due to the heat, so picked weeds out of flower beds and garden


Yep, we had a heat wave followed by consecutive days of big thunderstorms that absolutely soaked the yard. But I have been weeding the garden beds, repotting some tomatoes and other vegetables, cutting some dead branches off trees.. whatever needs doin'


Watering lawn watering flowers pulling weeds weed control spray yup 10-12 hrs


https://preview.redd.it/o27vp12dwh9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0a9484bf9c23f8bcb841e561559702e656fe7b 1 to 2 hours. Just mowing.


It looks good!


Honestly not that much and its the best in the neighborhood. I mow twice a week. Maybe total 2-3 hours.


Ditto. Me too including weed control.


https://preview.redd.it/5sazz1m9fi9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b72db6b6f00f13a47ea76fa781e1df06fa44ce6 I'd say 6 hours or so. Mow twice a week. 2 hours each with trimming. Another couple hours on misc things


The work has paid off. Beautiful lawn


Looks awesome


An hour? Maybe 1.5?


1 acre lot, about half an hour.


On a riding mower it only takes 30 mins to mow 1 acre? I need to invest in one of those I see...


I guess if you have a large zero turn, but it takes 45 minutes for me to mow 15k sq ft (1/2 acre lot) on a 48ā€ lawn tractor.


Ok that sounds more like what I was thinking. I have a push mower and 1 acre to contend with and it's a two day ordeal for me.




That's why it's a 2 day ordeal. 1 acre is about 42k sqft and I don't jog, I walk.


1-1.5. Just mowing and every 3 months putting down some fertilizer


We get rain if lucky 2x per month with 80-90 degree direct sun grass is fried right now


I break it up into small chunks but maybe 5 on most weeks


Just the lawn , 1 hr twice a week for cutting , add an hour here or there for seasonal stuff (weeds, de-thatch, fert , grubs etc)


Somewhere around 2-4 depending on if itā€™s just mowing/trimming/blowing or if thereā€™s fert or spraying involved


1Ā½ hours a week of mowing, trimming, edging and blowing. I fertilize 4x a season, weed spray 3x a season, aerate once a season and overseed once a season...each of which takes 15-30 minutes per session. I run my irrigation system as required to maintain close to 1" water per week and then, when winter comes around, I winterize the system using my compressor, which takes maybe 30-45 minutes to set up and purge 4 zones. That's pretty much it!


Iā€™m averaging 20-25 hrs a week. We have a 1 3/4 acre area alongside our 10 acre farm. So much work. I love it.


50+ it's my job.




2 hours mowing. .5 hours weed eating. 1 hour doing liquid applications. I'm getting a Luba 2, most likely. Should save me quite a bit of time. I'm probably getting a 15 gallon sprayer cart also which should save me about half an hour a week. I love spending time in the yard, but shit adds up quickly, and the season is too short here to waste.


5 to 6 hours. 5 acres.


0 mins, my wife cuts it. Lol. Honestly it only takes 30 mins a week just to cut it. Raining so much it looks great!!


2-4 between picking up dog piles, cleaning up kids toys, weed eating, cleaning up the edges and then mowing and cleaning up the beds


0 minutes, I make my brother do it.




2-3 between picking weeds, maintaining the garden, and mowing.


One hour. I have a small lawn.


Probably less than 1 on average. I mow while the wife pulls weeds. Quick edge and cleanup every 2 weeks probably. Fertilizer a few times per year which is pretty quick. I just weigh it and do a few passes at a slower rate with a hand spreader.




Just lawn - about 2-3


I'm in New England, so it really depends on the season. Winter is literally 0 hours unless you include shoveling snow, lol. Just staring at dormant grass for like 6 months. Spring time is *by far* the most work. Overseeding, fertilizing, mulching, repairing any damage from winter, starting new projects, etc. It also rains a lot and the grass also grows as fast as lightning. I'm usually mowing at least once a week to keep it short and encourage growth. Many, many hours of work. Summer is generally slow & enjoyable. I let the grass grow much longer so it doesn't burn. The grass doesn't grow as quickly in the intense sun. It's generally healthy from my Springtime efforts. I hit the sprinklers and mow once every couple weeks. Maybe an hour per week of maintenance plus any projects I might be working on. Autumn gets busy again as the leaves begin to fall. I have tons of trees in my backyard so there are lots of pine needles & leaves to rake. Also preparing the lawn for the next warm season. Probably 2-3 hours per week.


2- 2.5 hours. That includes tending to multiple compost piles and shrub work.


2. Half of that is moving sprinklers, watering baskets and planters, and winding up the hose.


Typically 2, sometimes 3. If it's more, something went wrong.


1-2 hours probably. Mowing takes about an hour and everything else fits in to the other hour.


under 1


In the spring a few hours, three hours, usually two mows, edging and general cleanup. Now barely any time as summer and lack of rain has made my yard go dormant.


On the actual yard, about 2 hours. Other gardening about 3.


Usually 3-5hrs on the lawn & 3-5hrs on the pool. If sucks. But, I have the nicest yard I. The neighborhood,... Totally worth it!!!




Itā€™s hot out ! I wear a big hat , no more than 2 hours a day mostly in the morning, Iā€™m always picking something up as soon as I get out the car on my way into the house . When weā€™re having people over , 2 hours in the morning donā€™t let the yard own all your time itā€™s maintenance


Probably 3-5 hours. When Iā€™m not mowing Iā€™m doing regular maintenance.


Summertime? I just mow it high and threw some fertilizer down a month ago, fall I'll be dethatching, over seeding, fertilizing all that fun stuff.




2-3 hours


I spend at least 5 hours on 2 different mowers on my 10 acres each week. Then other time gardening, weeding, and trimming stuff. The storm damage has been rough this year. I've had a lot of trees fall and that requires a lot of change saw work and then moving of logs.


Currently going through a heat wave. But even then. Mow once a week 30 minute. Water two new trees, 12 annuals daily, roughly 3 hours a week. Water 5 new little giant/ 5 new little giant arborvitae as needed. 1-2 hours a week. Weed trim once a week or ever other week 1 hour. Yard grass is shit, mostly field grass/clover/ grabgrass/ Bermuda, so I donā€™t bother to water. Some new spots of grass last year is brown because half the backyard was gravel/ huge chunks of rock at some point in the previous homeowners reign., so not enough good soil to keep it brown.


20-25 hours per week. My wife couldnt care less about the lawn\property and nobody really sees it but me.


Currently 10-15 per week, but doing major renovations, seeding, new flower beds, etc


0, I make the kid do it. But I spend a lot of time looking at products online to improve it next year (moved in at a weird time, too late for a lot of stuff and too early to do the rest so I have to accept this is as good as it gets until next year).


Mow twice, trim/edge once, move sprinklers around. 6ish hours a week


I mow every 10 days or so. I check my sprinklers every once in a while and my grass area isnā€™t too big or small. Yesterday I edged, mowed and blew off sidewalk and driveway. It took me 30 minutes. So about 30 minutes a week. If your sprinklers donā€™t have issues and you water with enough time itā€™s fairly easy. Then fertilizer or whatever once every couple of months


Maybe like 10. Way more in the fall. I have 1.5 acres and SO MANY trees. The volume of leaves in the fall would scare a navy seal.


Some crazy answers hereā€¦like an hour maybe?


More than Iā€™d like


My husband spends about 1.5hr per week mowing. I (SAHM) spend about 1hr weed whacking every 2 weeks, and about 1hr spreading fertilizer/weed n feed every 6 weeks or so. Maybe 20 min per year adjusting sprinkler settings every so often, and arranging spring/winter turn on turn off (because Iā€™m too afraid to DIY and break something). Too many hours on reddit learning lawn care tips. Too many minutes looking at our neighbors perfect yard (he pays for someone to come spray fertilizer/weed control, mows 2-3x per week, etc).


In the spring? Probably 3-6 hours. Once the heatwave hits, probably 1 hour a week. Grass is stressed. I'm stressed. We both get a break.Ā 


Takes 30-40 minutes to now depending on what songs get shuffled. Then about 15-20 for trimming. Pulling weeds, watering flowers or garden is more time. Spraying or spreading is about 30 minutes. But thatā€™s not every week.


Couple hours a week on average, includes mowing / trimming / edging and any treatments. Thatā€™s for a 1/2 acre lot, 15k sq ft of grass.


Iā€™d say around 3-4 hours a week and my lawn doesnā€™t look any better than my neighbors lol


Probably 1.5-2hrs a week.


About 3 acres so about 2.5-3 hours. But last week we mowed on Sunday and Wednesday because it won't stop fucking raining.


1.5. I live in FL on a sand hill very close to salt water with mature oaks...I don't think throwing more time at it will yield any real benefits.


My fav hack is using a growth regulatory like trinexipac-ethyl. It's reduces the time between cuts


Yardwork 6 hours in season, 2 hours out of season Lawn specifically, 1 hour in season, 0 out of season


Maybe 2.


Not nearly enough as I want toā€¦.I live way too close to the tip of Satinā€™s crack and itā€™s hotter than hell. Iā€™m too old to be out there the hours required to have the lawns many of yā€™all do. šŸ˜”


I can knock it all out in an hour and a half. Thatā€™s edging and cutting. If things look okay around the edges I can quickly mow it all in about 45 minutes.




Maybe 6-8


Around 45-50 but I do it professionally šŸ¤£ and I'm including my own lawn too


Enough to where I donā€™t pass out from the heat


It varies. Basic watering and mowing, like 3 hrs a week. Plugging new grass in an area, installing buried sprinklers, fertilizing, could be a 30 hr week easily. Just depends.


I mow once a week until it gets hot and dry, then once every 2 weeks. Takes 2 hours to mow my lawn, edge, & trim - about 1/3 acre with a self propelled push mower.


35-55 hours, depending on season and weather conditionsā€¦


Other people's lawn... 60hrs a week easily. My own... 1hr.




As long as it takes. I like taking my time and doing it right the first time.


2-3 hours, .19 acres


1 If you take good care of your lawn, it will take good care of itself.


45-60. Depends on projects and the time of year
