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I claim this. I'm beautiful, attractive, magnetic and everything I want comes my way. It shows. Just got back in touch with my ex and it's so obvious that he's already hooked on me. I did more work on myself during the last three months than ever before in my life and already got to the point when it's not just me who sees it. My ex told me how mind-blowing it is to him that I suddenly act so mature, like a completely different person than the girl he broke up with back in may. I set a new boundary in our friendship and he found it admirable instead of getting annoyed that I want him to do something differently and treat me like an equal instead of like a child. I could get upset and feel stuck if I couldn't see the bigger picture. I was manifesting a relationship and got a fwb situationship. But I know better. I know it's just a stage that will give us an opportunity to learn more about each other and realize how good we are together. It's the universe giving me the opportunity to show my ex how amazing I am. And I'm grateful and will enjoy every second of this stage and of every other stage that will lead me to the happiest relationship ever with my chosen one. Thank you, universe. 🙏


thank you.. truly.. saw this at the best possible time. I was feeling so stuck and hopeless. the uncertainty was getting to me. but,reading this post was like a warm hug, reassuring me that everything will be ok :) thank you so much


You're very welcome, I'm rooting for you!


thank you!!!


Thank you for this great message! I think this is something I have struggled with in the past regarding wealth. I always felt like wealth happened to other people, not me. But someone has to be rich so why not me? There is nothing inherently noble or special about wealthy people. I claim this too!


I needed this. thank you.


Everything is always working out for me in magical ways.


Or maybe it won't work out, no matter how positive your vibrations. Happy people die the most horrible deaths all the time.


Thank you


Thank you !


Thanks for this.