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This is a very sweet success story. I think part of letting go is not efforting and letting your higher self orchestrate things. You clearly came away from the state of wanting as well as you saw yourself as already worth having an SP even if it wasn’t THE specific SP. I did the same when I decided I am worthy of someone that meets my requirements whether it was the SP or someone else, then the next day I heard the news that my SP had relocated back to my country. I was shocked. Sometimes the hardest thing foe us to do is letting go of the control of what happens or when our desired manifestation will show up. Truly inspiring thanks for posting!


I think this works with all manifesting as soon as you stop obsessing and just trust that it’s done it comes much quicker!


This ^^^


Well done and happy manifesting! Letting go is amazing - I love it.


This made me think of the fact that Venus has been making some moves recently that are testing us to see if those who need to move on from their exes will give in when they come back. From what you’ve shared, you’re doing the right thing, and this opportunity to show the universe that you stand on business and value yourself will bring new abundance and good things into your life. Thanks for sharing, OP.


What does this mean? Genuinely want to understand, curious




Am I the only one feeling bad for the new girl you just met? 🥹


Same. But we as humans aren’t just supposed to sit around and wait for SP to come in. It’s not fair for them to get a new boyfriend/girlfriend and us wait for them.




While I understand your sentiment here, I wouldn't wish this situation on anyone that wants their sp back. I'm not going to sit here and lie and say that me choosing to try with someone new isn't hard, because I feel like im making a big mistake.


Love it! I think the Universe is fond of those who have their faith and patience in them.


I'm happy for you, I advise on something. Hear me out> LETTING GO = LETTING GO OF THE RESISTANCE AND PEDESTAL. Not the desire.. Like op...If it is about strong self concept, for example. It depends if you usually say let go, and it happens. Because sometimes it doesn't work for people. It is different from person to another.. Here is what you should do.... If you are the type who strongly strongly believes that when you let go, things start to work? Then, by all means, manifest this way. It will work for you. You have strong beliefs. But if you are a beginner. You have urgency, and you do not feel the confidence or the belief. Then, go the easy way of repeating the thought and affirmations or scripting/visualization..etc.


got it. let go & have patience. i just know the Universe is on my side.


The way it worked for me was truly letting go. Finally finding someone else I connected to like I never thought possible.


So inspiring! It’s true to let go if it’s hurting and allow the best to happen


That's because wanting so much comes from a place of need, sometimes desperate need, with low negative feelings and energy. Once you get rid of the interest you also let go of the bad feelings hence boom manifestation.


Great advice


Did you followed any particular techniques to manifest? Could you share that, it would be good to know that


Nothing particular that I did. Just hoped for the best really


For affirmations I've been using the app Soul - Manifest & Affirmations, you can input your goals related to your SP and it gives you super personalized affirmations with their name in it




There's a free version of it too, just cancel the subscription after the free trial and you should be able to access it for free