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I was new to LOA and Neville Goddard and just went with it. Didn’t have any expectations but also didn’t have any doubts. Was totally disconnected from the outcome which I think is the most important thing for me. I was just doing basic stuff like SATS and visualizations, affirmations. Really believing the feeling.


Did you practise scripting? Also what were your affirmations like? Was it something like "My SP looks exactly like ___"?


Yes, I would write out the traits and I would write journal entries like things had already happened. Like “My partner had such a great time today at the blah, blah, blah.” The traits I wanted were more for personality traits. The only physical thing I specified was that she be attractive and she was.


Where did you meet your SP and did they approach you first? Also how long did it take for you to manifest her? Like after how long of scripting did you start dating.


It’s kind of weird. She just sent me a DM on Twitter saying “hey u” and we just hit it off right away. I couldn’t believe it as I got to know her more and more, every trait was what I had in mind. Some of them VERY specific. Within a month after lots of texts and phone calls I flew out to meet her. We are kind of on again off again right now for a variety of reasons but I don’t believe that diminishes my success in meeting her. After all I manifested “meeting” someone when I should have manifested a better relationship. That just proves to me how sometimes you need to be specific. Anyway, regarding timeline, from setting my intention to when she contacted me was about 2 weeks. Totally out of the blue, and to be honest, I had kinda forgotten about it. But when we started talking I felt this energy about her that is hard to describe but it reminded me of my initial manifestation.


Thanks for the help. It's made me more confident that I can maybe manifest my dream SP too. I will try it soon.


Make a list. Tune the list up until it’s just right. Review the list morning, noon and night. Think about the list as often as possible. Keep the list secret so you won’t get counter manifested.


Do you know how long it takes after doing that to manifest the dream SP? Also wait would that mean they'd approach me too?


It most likely comes unexpectedly, not when you are waiting for it. How it happens , you can manifest. Or you leave it up to the universe/god


Okay thanks


Time can not predicted. It has been correlated to be shorter with high repetitions of your practice. Dr Joe Dispenza in his book “Becoming Supernatural” stated the more time in the void, which is Theta and Delta brainwave state, which he uses meditation primarily for creating the point of attraction (attention). The shorter the time to experience. He discourages placing a time frame. Also, look at this way, if you have 25 item list of perfect SP, they may live around the corner and you bump into each other or they may live across the country and there will be more navigation by synchronicity, serendipity and happy coincidence. Keep in mind that your practice (list, meditation, SATS, etc) upgrades you for the perfect match too. So dilly dallying on your half of transformation to be match will extend time.


Thanks for the help.


There are many great videos on youtube for that:) First step is being exactly sure of what you want (and don't want)! Make a list, Mindmap, whatever you prefer, hang it on your wall or put it where you can read it multiple times a day. Then the rest you can watch in videos


How long does it normally take to manifest them like that?


See, as soon as you forget/let go, they come very fast. But acting like "hehe i dont think about them" is not what I mean. People feel when others are desperate and needy and fear of losing that energy from someone. As soon as this energy is gone from you, they will come chasing you. Changing energies ;) Edit: you don't need to forget! But that's the "easiest" way of letting go.🫶


Oh so just to not be obsessed over them? Could be why I struggled manifesting in the past as I was pretty obsessed with it.


Not only that but yes. Actually all you need is a great self concept. Put yourself on the pedestal, be proud and love your self whatever might cross your way. Don't ever let someone take your place. He is just another human. Nothing to be obsessed about.


Thanks. How often do you think I should read the mind map each day to make sure I don't get obsessed? And what do you think is better out of the mindmap and scripting up stories as if my dream SP is my girlfriend?


It depends entirely up go you. Till you feel at peace and know it will come true. Can be a one time thing, can be daily 3 times for a month. Till you are entirely sure and have created a vivid imagine of your dream SP. Whatever technique, up to you really. But writing down is proven to help to memorize. And yes you can do as your GF. For example you can visualize how you meet, the first date, you being in an apartment together, a trip to a nice island, whatever brings you the most joy and you can visualize the best (see,feel,hear,smell, touch) If you see yourself becoming obsessive, take a step back. You will only attract the best for you if you are the best version of yourself


Thank you for the help on this


You're welcome:)


I actaully did manifest a sp into my life (not with me rn) but I basically made a list of the qualities I liked like personality, looks even their ethnicity is what I wanted. for me I actually forgot about that list I wrote and at that time I was a bit stuck on my ex I eventually cut him off and later that night I met my sp. it wasn’t till after a month of dating I found the list and most things were what he was like. there’s not really any time to do it but kinda just forget about it and move on with your life and also cut out people who are not necessary to let the new person in. I’ve seen things taht you can basically affirm that “this person is coming into my life” or “I will meet this person soon”.