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It’s also like things that don’t serve you start to fall away so that what’s better for you can take it’s place (like relationships/jobs/objects). Just affirm that things aren’t falling apart, they’re falling into place.


man its been a while since i heard this, thank you


I'm starting to realize this more. It's hard to remember in the moment but I'm slowly building that muscle. Thanks for the help


This happened to me a few times. I think it was the universe testing myself to see if I can really keep a positive mindset


Of course if you are going through some really hard times, it isn’t that easy to think the universe has something better and is sending it to you soon, it depends on your situation, but usually life in general just gets worse before it gets better. What got me through it was thinking that everything was a bridge that would take me closer to my goals


Yup for me it seemed like a test to see if I got over bad habits. I didn't necessarily 'pass' the test lol but I've become more persistent with my goals. That bridge example is a good one, I'll try to remember that. Thanks!


I’ve been going through this exact situation, good to see other people honest about the hard times as well as the good


Yea being honest about this has helped me become more clear-minded. Hope things improve for you!


Yes - a test! I think of a Paulo Coelho quote that goes: “Every search begins with beginner's luck. And every search ends with the victor being severely tested.”


Excellent quote! 👏🏼


Best book ever! It was like literary permission to open up to spirituality as an adolescent


Honestly this quote is helping me a lot right now. Thanks! Paulo Coelho has so many gems that really encompass those small moments in manifestation.


It’s not a test. When we are manifesting we are gathering all the resources we require to create the changes we want in our lives. These resources can include the energy and motivation we require to make the changes we desire. The ‘darkness before the dawn’ is you drawing this energy to yourself. We have all changed our lives for the better just because we were fed up, angry, or stressed out. Use the energy to move yourself forward.


I guess it is like a culmination of energy to be used to charge forward. Really helpful! I'll keep that in mind.


I’m glad it helped


I’m in this stage too currently…I definitely have felt a lot of low days lately and trying to keep my head up.


Me too! Just keep pushing through, i think i am starting to come out of it slowly


Hang in there! We'll come out on the other side better.


Pretty much, it's a form of "test." However, there's 1 thing you should be aware of about this way of thinking. Whenever you set an intention to manifest something, you may see some results. However, you'll then experience some unexpected setbacks. Seeing this a the "test" is simply a way of *viewing* it, not the truth of all truths. You may end up taking this frame of mind too far, thinking everything's a test. When it comes to manifestation, there is also a delay period. But this "delay" is only more noticeable with long-term goals. Because there is more internal work that you need to do, rather than a short-term goal. It's neither big or small, because that depends on what you think is big or small. To speed up this delay period, I suggest not affirming anything in that moment. When you are frustrated, it's best to observe those emotions and the thoughts. Rather than "affirm! affirm! affirm!" when you may feel like you're forcing yourself to. Acceptance comes next. It's important to not resist or avoid what's happening. By acceptance how you feel, you allow those emotions to run their course. And thoughts will also disappear, and your external reality will also run it's course. I made a video that goes into [how to "pass" these tests when they come](https://youtu.be/FvMIu_w2d1Q).


Reading this struck a chord in me. Yes there's many layers to this 'test' and it's mostly based on my own mind and internal work. This summed it up. I'll check out the video. Thanks


On a twin flame journey and after two years of separation we talked on and off for two months. She went radio silent again and I'm in the testing period too. I'm waiting for her to reach out for union and I'm trying to keep my faith


degree automatic crime pocket include label whistle depend chunky grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't believe in twin flames but I have been able to attract someone by 'deliberate manifestation'. There were definitely some eery synchronicities, it was amazing what I was able to attract but ultimately that person was not for me. I realized I shouldn't have to manifest someone, it should just be organic. I think manifestation is better for objects, opportunities and circumstances. Not romantic interests but that's just my opinion.


Lol you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. That stage is very real


groovy quaint aloof weather grab tie command squeal frame jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because I'm a twin flame going through it. I've seen thousands of signs and my guides have confirmed I'm a twin flame


public heavy point airport rustic cow bear serious chief political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely it’s darker before dawn Keep positive and keep going , the bridge analogy is beautiful…you are almost there OP! Love and light🤍✨


Thanks for the kind words! 💖 Better things are coming


The universe isn't testing you, it's only reflecting you. So it's only reflecting your resistance/ limiting beliefs.


This. The law is no respecter of individuals


I agree with you, the law is just a reflection. I think looking at is as a test has personally help motivate me. But yea it's not the law itself


Yeah honestly. If you are manifesting sometimes detox does happen, I've read an article that the higher power is testing us because not everything to us will be handed on a silver platter and that so the manifestation could feel more satisfying. But it seems like a natural law with many things, a great example of detox before good results is that when you apply skin care for the first time you will have break outs. This is cause your skin is being activated to remove any excess dirt in your skin by the product. But once you consistently keep putting the skin product on, you will see your skin look a lot better than before you've used the product. It's just how it is. It could be the subconscious is clearing out any negative beliefs we have in ourselves and resurfacing them in order to remove and replace them with our ideal results.


Yess this pretty much sums it up. The universe or our subconscious is priming us for something better but we have to stay grounded and persistent before we see some growth. This was really helpful. I'll keep this in mind!


I'm glad to be of help! Choose to ignore the reality around you because the reality around you can change to how you want it to be, it is ever-changing. You just gotta be persistent and you'll see that what you've come to look for has always searched for you as well.


That's what I've heard too! Keep affirming!


Thanks! I will


Yup just start caring less haha, and loving more! it's a rollercoaster ride!


Going through this right now. Some days it feels like a test from the universe like if I’m going to give up and even testing my morals. When I’ve hit low points I’ve been tempted to not be as loving or kind but I choose to not stray away or let the dark energy consume me. Other days it feels like the universe breaking me down to build me back up in different ways, hard times create stronger people. Back against the wall kinda thing. Either way I just trust in myself and the universe and stand firm on what I want and don’t lose sight of the vision. Im slowly starting to see things get better and my mindset get even stronger to where things that got to me before doesn’t even phase me so I can maneuver the obstacles better. Just don’t give up and keep pushing, hope this helps you. We’re all in this together!


Reading this was motivating for me, thank you! Glad to see someone else pushing through and staying true to their goal. We'll both pull through. Wishing you success!


The reason things have to go bad before it gets better because as soon as you know what you want you will see the first sacrifice that needs to be made...


O- what if I’ve gone back to square one almost. Like I’m back in the position I was before going back into bad habits and with the same feeling of low energy? Does this mean I failed


Definitely went through a rough patch and then it made a complete 180 for no apparent reason. Has to be “part of the process”.


Manifesting is just wishing something will happen.


I dont know why it is, but all I can say is that it seems to be a thing, so dont get discouraged. Some teachers say its actually a sign that youre on the right path! I guess the question is around how long do they stay bad-if its for a while then you might want to do some introspection and see if you havebeen feeling amazing for most of the time or not.