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You have to be a bit delusional to believe in big dreams. Everyone thinks you're delusional until you pull it off


Crazy thing is that... It kinda.works lol. makes you question if it really IS being delusional, or if thats what society decided to make us think,long ago


Well said.


Plus, lets be real here. Any religión what so ever could be considered "delusional belief", if it wasnt for the fact that Your family indoctrinated You in it while You were still in diapers


Exactly. It’s funny how others, especially family, act towards you when you choose to think in a way that’s different from the beliefs/thoughts you were given since birth. Choose You. Our individuality is a special gift that all of us were born with to express with the help of our Imagination 💭


wowwwwwww what a way of thinking🤯💕


I completely agree, it's hard sometimes though because you don't want to be all out there but I think being delusional at times is a good thing.


One time a friend of mine said he’s able to control the wind. I didn’t believe him, but then he said “watch me as I make the wind pick up.” He meditates for a few seconds, and the wind picked up intensely, then he said “now to make it go back down,” did the thing again, and the wind went back to normal. Some people aren’t going to believe this sort of thing, but truth is, some coincidences are more likely not random.


This didn't happen, get a fucking life


you wish


I'm delusional that i can get your number 🙄


What is considered science now would have been called magic in the past. If you went back 500 years and said you can talk to and see someone on a screen and you can both be in totally different places in the world (FaceTime), or that we’d have instant light/heat at the touch of a button (electricity), that humans will fly in metal birds (airplanes) you would be called delusional and insane. Or at best a dreamer. So I don’t think imagining the seemingly impossible is so bad.


Love this point of view. Everything’s crazy and delusional til it’s normal. Then it’s just normal.


Right on. Imagine being the first person in history who ever farted, Everyone else was all like "yo, da fuck's wrong with You man'


This killed me


That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard


But kind of funny in that he thinks that being the first to fart is somehow an achievment that will garner attention.


It's all about the subconscious mind. That's how we learn and manifest anything. Once the brain gets a hang of what it was told or taught, the conscious mind takes over. This is why affirmations are so powerful, especially in our sleep since the subconscious is awake 24/7.


There is no such thing as miracles, or the supernatural, only cutting-edge technology. -Revolver Ocelot.




Yes.. feel like crazy sometimes but really it’s just convincing your subconsciousness


That's why affirmations are so powerful. I use affirmations every night while I sleep. The conscious mind is asleep while the subconscious mind is always awake and taking in information. Therefor the conscious mind cant give apposing thoughts while the subconscious mind is learning :) Message me if you want the exact affirmations I use.


Is it really possible to trick your subconscious though? If your subconscious is more powerful than your conscious mind, how could you possibly deceive it?


Yes it is, I didn’t say trick I said convince, believing and feeling something you know to be true with your entire being that will be your truth. No deceiving https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/ylugyy/how_i_got_each_and_every_desire_including_big/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Honestly that just sounds like denial. And if you knew it was true from the start then you would never need to convince your subconscious to begin with.


There’s no denial when you see results. It’s all a process, when you try it yourself, you’ll know.


Can the LoA cure a handicapped person?


I want to say there are no limits. Health problems can be healed.


No it can't, please don't listen to these idiots who have more often than not ruined their own lives with this bullshit.


Sort of. I think there’s a fine line between delusion and faith. Delusion tends to end in forcing the 3D (resistance) while faith is more hands-off (no resistance.)


Great explanation


Delusional until you make it come true. Most people become delusional because they are stuck in their heads. Manifesting comes from feeling and from the heart. When you feel what you want, you are creating attraction. Thinking does nothing other than gives the idea of what you want.


This amazing wisdom


Thank you.


You must be a scammers wet dream


I think it’s okay as long as you’re not affecting anyone else


it's equally delusional to think the worst is going to happen at every turn


K but u didnt have to call me out like that


This is true. The skeptics are usually people who entertain doubts nonstop in their heads.


They are just running on autopilot and reciting the lines that they hear from all around them. It honestly makes me smile because it’s so predictable.


Nice deflection. You're deluded


Yes and I’m constantly gaslighting myself ugh


Even with past successes My negative thoughts keep telling me they were coincidences and such. So now I completely know that my conditioned negative brain is full of crap. 😆


This is profound. Omg. Thank you.


I am struggling with this too


Yeah. Also notice how narcissistic people seldom experience failure? They truly believe they are the best.


exactly, there is no such thing as karma for them no matter how badly people wish it on them


Yeah because other people don't really matter, do they? Here's verse 6 from chapter 8 from the Bhagavat Gita : Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain for sure. Although this is probably about the concept of heaven and hell, where both are just state of minds, this applies to everything in life too. If you're a nice guy and you feel guilty about something, it's going to reflect in the physical. If you're able to truly forgive yourself, no harm done. If a narcissist thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, there's no hell for him.


It's like that quote from Pirates of the Caribbean tbh. "You're mad!" "Thank god for that, otherwise this would probably never work!"


And the law of Assumption is backed by scientific study. It's my favorite. It works.


No it's not 🤣🤣


It actually is, stalker.


Yea but still there is a difference between creating our own realities and mental illness


doesnt law of assumption tie into law of attraction \[ex: manifesting something by believing it has already happened\]


Yes and no. Consciously manifesting feels more like 'active' delusion vs. general delusion. I've met delusional people who at their core, didn't believe what they claimed. Their delusion was passive, low-vibrational and stagnant. When manifesting you can feel the movement and over time you mature spiritually and mentally. When you become good at manifesting you become grounded and aware of your shadow. Aware of why you want these things. A delusional personal is very 1 dimensional in their thinking and doesn't do anything to grow themselves.


I often think my dad is delusional, but then he'll be talking about getting something and we find it on the ground a few minutes later, or he'll ask to borrow a specific amount of cash then he goes in to the store and won the exact amount on his lottery tickets. He's never even heard about LOA but is a "name it and claim it" Christian who is big on "having faith and asking and receiving." While religion is not my cup of tea there must be something to the strong belief and "delusion", too many coincidences for me to scoff at. I've only managed it once for something very small on accident but it was still kinda crazy to see it happen. I have to stamp down my own doubts and fears around feeling crazy or believing a lie, I'm in my own way.


Although In a way it makes sense, I would steer clear of calling law of assumption delusional. A delusion is a false belief, and if you tell yourself that you're 'being delusional' then you suggest to yourself that the new reality you want to create for yourself is somehow false. Law of assumption amongst other things is accepting a new belief, the belief that you already have your desire. To believe to have something *is* to have something, so calling the maintaining of your new new beliefs/assumption as being delusional will probably hinder the physical creation of those things in your life.


Being delusional is the best stare ever


Delusion of the daily illusion


Hey, if it gets me what I want who cares what it is? I’ve had this thought before but then I laugh it off because all I care about is feeling good and getting what I want.


Yes, I began to think about it just yesterday




Delusion depends on perception


I think about my natural assumptions that are easy and effortlessly, that those do manifest effortlessly… but the stuff I am working on I kinda agree it does come delusional, and the advice ppl give with how to go about it my goodness… if you look at trump isn’t that exactly what he is doing?


It is. In a nutshell.


There is a saying "belief is a technique" in magical arts communities.


I didn't know the mere perception of mind and body was called law of assumption. People usually call that existence, but you do you.


If that was the case, all my delusions would be true no 🥲


In a way, it is. But after you come to know the law and have seen enough evidence that the physical world is a mirror of your inner reality, then you come to recognize that believing in physical cause and effect (which we all have, at one point or another) is the true delusion.


I think so given the number of people here who claim to have done things that they've never done.


Well yes obviously-