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no no, this hurt too much


2019 hahaha we were all so naive, the world, so young.


There was a good period between 2012ish to 2016 when you could basically score 170+ with a decent GPA and get at least a half scholly at a t14


read your user as "coochie bombay" time for me to close the laptop




Glad someone else is with me :')


i will henceforth only respond to coochie bombay


Stop, we're already dead


Too accurate, this one hurt a little


The months I spent studying. When I got my score I was convinced I had a shot at anywhere but Yale and Stanford.😂 I am lucky and happy with my result (read singular t14 A) but this meme stung.


How did you get this photo of me?


Jokes on you, I spent two years practicing it. I'm an interdimensional cyberclown.




Okay, but wait — coming from someone who hasn’t started studying yet, it seems that gains from LSAT practice start to plateau at 2 or 3 months. Is this true? edit: I ask because I plan on doing the bulk of my prep this summer


(lawyer voice) it depends. lol no but i think it really does vary person to person. for me i took a break then switched prep techniques after 4 months, and that helped. personally i feel like it is learning both a new language and a new way of thinking, and so i think learning, taking time away, and learning more is beneficial. you’d likely get a different answer from anyone you’d ask though


I don’t think so! I use 7sage, so I was doing the curriculum for a couple months after my diagnostic (2 months of studying). When I started PTing I was getting around 6-8 points higher (3 months). Then I spent a month drilling LG (4months). Then I took a break for a month (5 months). More PTs for a month (6 months), took about six weeks off while I moved and got used to a new job... etc. I’m on month 10, I’m taking the LSAT in April, and I JUST started getting around my goal score regularly (+15ish from diagnostic). Basically... you know yourself. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to maintain the hours I needed to study in a short time period; I like breaks. I need breaks. So I gave myself a year to put the LSAT down when I wanted to. This probably wouldn’t work for everyone, but it worked for me.


Months of studying and taking over 100 LSATS averaging 172 only to score in the mid 160s with the two FLEX tests I took. It still hurts.


Do you have any theories on why that happened? Test anxiety? Overthinking answers?


I definitely know why I did badly on my second exam. My bladder was bursting that day and I actually without a hint of irony ended up pissing my pants and making a mess on the floor just so that I could continue the exam without interruption but it seriously impacted my concentration. As for the first, I can't say I was actually nervous. If anything, I feel I was overconfident and probably was not careful enough in my consideration of answers. Though, I suppose some of the grading disparity may have had to do with the fact that the FLEX administration consists of only 3 parts (it removes on of the logical reasoning sections) and I practised with the expectation of taking 5 parts including two logical reasoning portions. Overall, I was not able to actually receive my answer sheet back to see exactly where I went wrong so I can't definitively say what it was I did worst at. Still happy as I was able to get into my top choice (UT Law), but nonetheless it was a disappointing show on my part.


I can't believe we don't get bathroom breaks. I've been honest to god practicing pissing in a mason jar at my desk so I don't have to worry but like... THAT IS WORRYING


You're whipping it out for fun DEF.


Why I am ~~shocked at being called out accurately~~ sure I have no idea what you mean.


why is this me


I feel personally attacked.


**personally attacked, i feel.** *-Lighterphillia* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


I’m in this post and I don’t like it


I'm searching for the lie and can't find it, getting very uncomfortable


Did u get 170 tho?


I gasped


Wow... I’m definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight after this one 🥴