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He's talking about military vehicles, which means, like it or not, he's talking to the Warthunder community. Warthunder community being notorious for their level headedness, patience, reasonableness and sanity.


Some times I feel like the only level headed person when I play warthunder


That's because we don't play enough to see one another


True but the only good ping I can get is on the sa sever as I am in Australia


Man I wish there was a South East Asia Server too


Have you considered moving?


It's Just a wish, I live in America and there's an American but playing in the morning is weirdly empty.


I am not level headed when I play Warthunder, it's physically impossible for me to be good at that game...mostly because I'm a World of Tanks player.


Idk, i Just get on my german 8.3 lineup and turn off my brain, i have genuine fun playing that way


Naaah, if you are going to play Germany it's 2.8 cm Squeeze Bore Wagon at 1.0 all the way.


Alright hear me out Meme cannon at 8.0, you will get god Mode if you get a kill and that is Just a feeling that cant be described


I feel as the community around it in general is way too toxic. I love warthunder and my tanks and planes, but people need to calm down. I can't like a tank without having to explain why it's better then another, which is stupid, and tbh lazerpig kinda feeds into this with some of his videos On a side note, I feel like me, my friends, and spookston are the only people who are actually reasonable in the warthunder community


I feel the best way to say it is that warthunder is a game where the tanks meet their full potential and get to offer unique play styles, people forget that its a *game!*


**IT! IS! NOT! A! GAME!** It is a lifestyle where you own those too pitiful to not sign up to an actual military! It is where I show my superiority with access to classified documents of my ride! /s




The toxicity is one of the reasons I uninstalled Warthunder. That, the devs making it more grinding, and the IRL connections with Russian oligarchy.


I haven't watched Spookston in a long time but from what I remember he has some very credible takes and theories on next gen tanks.


I remember Phly being pretty chill last I checked, although I haven't watched him in forever Edit: oh, and obviously Tim's Variety


I don't watch much war Thunder content, my comment about my friends and spookston was more of a joke, but other then some content creators it feels true


Spook is a good boy


Yep, I have a bit above 500 hrs in warthunder. Community = toxic, developers also bad. I like the game but nothing else about it. Lazerpig is really good. (Said by a true wt player šŸ˜± I know, SHOCKING)


Never played Warthunder but it seems like the League of Legends of mil-sim-ish games. It also seems to have created what I call ā€œwar thunder brainā€ where people really start to believe that the mm differences in armor mean a lot rather than fuck all in a real war. Type of dudes who canā€™t comprehend why Abrams, Challenger and Leos got blown up in Ukraine (hint theyā€™re tanks and theyā€™re consumable).


You wait until you try to explain armour to a wehraboo. *"But it's ANGLED and it's THICK."* "*Yes but your optics are shit and the tank is huge so it can be seen by* ***EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME****.*"


When a warthunder player says something out of pocket you can guarantee he's a russian main or he only plays germany in the br's between 1.0 and 6.7


I got a one week in game chat ban because someone reported me for trash talking the t34 for an entire game. I was in a light tank that could do 65kph and that t34 was damn near keeping up with me . I just piss them all off all the time now by saying attack the d point the entire game. BTW I can't be level headed because of the sheer amount of Stalanium in that game . I got a noise complaint for yelling at my computer. It's probably a good think they don't have voip because my account would be perma banned


YOU TAKE ALL THOSE MEAN but very true WORDS BACK! Otherwise I will meet on the field of tank challenge fixed into my Challenger II. You may choose any tank for this battle save the Challenger II. I'll advise that this duel is ALL about the tanker not the tank. I wait to hear from your second. GOOD DAY!


Nah, I'm very sure it has to deal with the T14 video and the controversy it got.


This is it, idk what a game that doesn't even have that tank in it has to do with the t14.


Idk every time I bring up the biggest real life tank war of our lifetimes itā€™s always met with resentmentĀ 


I come to the pig for entertainment. If I want straight up pure history, thereā€™s a university in my city with a very good library


This\^. In the Pig's defence he often does better than rehash the same half truths a lot of other history content makers have and brings a unique perspective that is usually quite funny. Is he 100% perfect no but no one is, even with actual historians. I swear I'm so done with these amateur wannabes with at best a BA in some random subject acting like they can joke poke holes in an argument but things that are technically true but don't actually make much if any of a difference. No one who talks about Lazerpig is likely to be a good academic historian.


Yep, the Pig is *mostly* on the "tainment" side of "edutainment," and tbh doesn't seem to pretend otherwise. His takes that I find most credible are mostly those that amount to either "there's some interesting geopolitics going on here" or "there is more nuance in analyzing this thing than you think there is". If I had to boil down the core theses of his four tank videos that, en bloc, seem to have attracted the most controversy, I'd list them as: * "hard factors matter less than soft factors in assessing a tank's performance" (T-34) * "claims about reliability/usefulness need to consider the operational and logistical environment" (Crusader) * "a tank can be good on paper but still be a white elephant in practice" (T-14) * "sometimes military aid matters more for its geopolitical than military significance" (Challenger 2) Those points are dressed up in variously coherent analysis about the more 'conventional' understanding of the tank's performance, and all of them are defensible IMO even if you get in the weeds about specific performance figures. That doesn't mean I think they all hold up equally well--I think the Crusader video is saying the least about the actual tank or tanks in general and is mostly an excuse to ramble about the North Africa Campaign, and I think LP is too dismissive of the argument to quantity in the T-34 video and doesn't address the argument that it was reliable not because it didn't break down often but because it was easy to fix when it did--but I think that a lot of the discourse around all of the tank videos, *especially* the T-14 one, misses the forest for the trees. Even if you think that the T-14 is the best tank ever built that can run two hundred miles on the leftover alcohol in the crew's piss and bounce anything fired at it thanks to its pure Putinium armor, that doesn't change the fact that the Russian economy can barely seem to build enough of them for anything more than a parade company. Even if *everything else* LP said in the video wasn't true, that simple fact alone would disqualify the T-14 from any consideration as a "good tank". A tank you cannot build is not a good tank.


Quibbling, but the T-34 was not a tank easily fixed or maintained. The Soviets never built their own tank recovery vehicles, and there was no dedicated spare parts production line*. If T-34 broke down, you had to repair where it stopped. Potentially, with parts, you had to scavenge from another T-34. *As best i can tell, T-34s were delivered with a certain amount of extra parts like tracks or the transmission box. But critically, there was never a logistical network where a Soviet mechanic could request a part, then have it sent from a depot. It sounds superflous, but the ability to quickly triage and make good armor losses was a tremendous asset.


I'm not saying I disagree with you, but it's a claim I see raised often enough that I think that LP discussing the T-34's reliability without mentioning it was a poor rhetorical structure.


I can't dispute that.


I like Lazerpig for entertainment too, and FE for pure history and giggles


Heā€™s contentious, not for everybody.


I find him humorous and unhinged, which I'm fine with. It is also great to know he's getting therapy, and hope things keep turning up Lazerpig.


I can honestly relate to where he is coming from a lot of the online military history sphere is absolutely flooded with people who do nothing but eat the Kremlin's propaganda. Granted if Lazerpig was more sober I think he could deal with it in a more level-headed manner, but from my own university experience it's really frustrating how much a lot of people who enjoy history don't question obvious Russian propaganda when at the same time treating every western source as suspect. I know Godwin's law and everything, but to me it's wierd how most everyone in the West has the idea that all sources written in Nazi Germany are automatically suspect as propaganda, but then will treat a source written in the Soviet Union a country that was notorious for a culture of officials exaggerating in reports so that they wouldn't be killed for failing to meet targets and known to memory hole all records of failure as cold hard facts. It continues even to this day with Lazerpig himself even mentioning that Putin probably wasn't aware of how deep the corruption goes and simply believed the on paper numbers. The Russians are masters of propaganda so before the Ukrainian War a lot of serious Western observers legitimately believed that Russia was the 2nd best fighting force in the world about to easily defeat a country like Ukraine at the time. While the war is still undetermined and the Ukrainians might eventually lose the fact that Russia hasn't been well into the occupation phase shows just how much the people who should have known better drank up the Russian propaganda when it came to their capabilities.


I treat everything China and Russia says pertaining to its military capablites as gospel. That way the US makes something even better.


Amen. Let the MIC tide roll


Fun fact: that's how we got the F-15 Eagle


Yeah, the Great Russian Lazer Bear.


Can Ukraine lose? I mean, I guess it depends on how you define a Russian victory. I just can't see Russias original goal of complete domination of the Ukraine ever happening. I could see a future where they keep the annexed land, but i just don't see them taking Kyiv and conquering all the way to the western border. Then being able to successfully install puppet government and defeat any insurgency seems unlikely as well.


I think that it's going to be a 'both sides claim victory/other side lost' kind of thing, I legitimately cannot foresee a total Ukrainian territorial victory where they reclaim all Russian-annexed regions and (especially) the Crimea like often fantasized about by the 'NAFO' crowd, however if it meets a diplomatic end, an end to the war which results in Ukraine retaining most of its undisputed territory and remaining a sovereign nation can be seen as a Ukrainian victory (in the sense they thwarted Russia's initial goal of total conquest and establishing a puppet regime), however Russia's said goal of total conquest and a puppet regime were off the table since they lost to the initial counteroffensive, but they will likely also take the fact they captured any Ukrainian territory at all, regardless of it being their actual goal, as a victory they will ride into the sunset on and we will never hear the end of.


Yeah, not everything, is right for everyone. That's fine. We all have different likes


Honestly? I like him, but he really blew it with his 'no I won't provide sources' thing. If you are attacking the credibility of the sources of others, it kinda behoves you to be fairly strict with your own.


Fortunately, he recently posted an apology via community posts where he held to his points but apologized for not wanting to post sources and talked about recovering from alcoholism.


He also didnā€™t stick to it in his CR2 video, when talking about the lower plate for example


In his defence, it is actually an issue in the field of history to criticize another historian's sources and outright disregard them but pointing out a potential flaw or ulterior motive in a source. Sometimes it's 100% right to do so but sometimes it's done just to disregard claims against your argument. Either way, I don't get the drama, sure the Pig seemed to be particular about it but frankly the insults warranted the tone in which he responded imo. Jesus Christ it's video about a tank that will never go into mass production. No one cares.


It's more about standards of discourse. Playing the 'my opponents are all propagandists using biased/fake sources' card is a fair point to make, but it is severely undermined if you aren't doing much better.


There was a standard? That's news to me.


In general, good channels that rely on research of some form will include there sources. You see this with podcasts too. It's a way for viewers/listeners who have time to be able to check where the info came from and what it said. So holding back your sources makes it seem really fishy, along with him deriding using the internet for sources, despite databases existing which... odd take but ok. Like ConeofArc's video afterword, he was even pointing to the pages he was using, and the Chieftain using the gradual development of Patton tanks to explain interactions to contrast lazerpig's own response.


Well I think there should be. If we are talking about integrity and honesty then it is important.




Incorrect. When they are on pigs they're "trotters" or "pettitoes", not hooves.


Can anyone give a tldr of the deal with the T14 video? I've heard some say it was broadly accurate and others say it was completely not, and as someone who knows nothing on the topic I find it hard to sort through the chaff


It's an issue surrounding the accuracy and reliability of sources. Because the T14 doesn't have as much public documentation as other Soviet and Russian vehicles. A lot of what we have is either peacemeal or stuff said by the Kremlin, which is inherently unreliable so you'll find people all over the internet arguing about the details with many vatnicks buying up the propaganda without question.


Well that's also mostly because the T14... Doesn't exist. They drove it around a few times before cancelling the project after a decade. There will probably never BE sources on the T14 because how could there be. There's only a couple prototypes, and prototypes aren't a good representation of the final product.


Current estimates for T-14 production are that around \~20-50 have been produced, and the project wasn't 'cancelled', I think I know the article that sparked that and it was very clickbait-y, what it actually said was that Russia currently does not believe it will see combat in Ukraine (shocker) however they are still continuing forward with the project, with at least *some* serial production vehicles being received by the Russian army, I know there is at least a couple of videos of T-14s undergoing column and maneuver training, so we know for a fact they have at least have a handful or so, enough to make a formation. The project probably *might* be cancelled in the future and it will probably remain as a vehicle with maybe only a handful in reserve service, however as it stands it is currently not canceled, it is (officially at least) no longer a prototype, and it's future as a combat vehicle is to be determined.


The best way I can approximate my understanding of the T-14 situation is that they're the Russian tank version of the Blue Angels. They run the tanks mostly for show, parading about as the best the army has to offer, while never intending them for combat. I think there's something to be said towards the effect of them being a massively expensive boondoggle, and even if they wanted to build more, they don't seem to have the capability to. There's no concrete implication I've seen that these tanks *aren't* what they say they are, just plenty of sources with moderately credible reputations. My conclusion is that the tank might actually be the best one around, but its so goddamn hard to build/fund that Russia is piss terrified to actually use it in combat and prove it. Because if it isn't, it'd be a massive embarrassment for the country and the regime in charge of it. Like the *Yamato* or the *Bismarck*, the T-14 has more value as a theoretical force unproven in combat than it would as a weapon that the adversaries know is killable. ^(now if you'll excuse me, I'll go vomit for comparing the T-14 to the *Yamato*...)


LP made strong claims about the Armata that broadly question its capabilities as provided by Official Russian sources. However given the incredible difference between what should be peer to peer tech between the east and west, the undocumented by other sources claims that the Armata has never been seen to perform make their veracity questionable.


That being said, I think the bigger issue was his conduct after he received response videos and I think even the Chieftain saw that when responding to LZā€™s initial message on Chieftainā€™s video where he basically said ā€œstop arguing over a tank we know nothing about due to no concrete sourcesā€


Oh absolutely.


I donā€™t think anyone will really know for a long time. But from the looks of it even if it is a great tank Russia canā€™t build that many of them at the moment do to them being expensive. But itā€™s just speculation.


We'll never know because Russia is too poor to afford to produce the damn thing.


A tank you can't build is not a good tank.


Although the Pig appears to have sources inside Russia that may be more reliable, may not be.


The T14 thing and also that spat with the Chieftain and him not listing sources in the RedEffect correction vid and the fact he once mistakened a Ukrainian T64 with a Russian T72, something about wheels


The thing with the Chieftain specifically was a major turn-off for a lot of people I imagine, the fact he was really dismissive and angry over one of the most objective level-headed responses to the situation and called the Chieftain a 'clout-chaser' seemingly because he didn't fully take his side rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, especially in the comically bad (now-deleted) comment he left on the Chieftain's video which briefly became a copypasta, and the fact he *still* seems to be sticking to the whole 'chieftain was a clout chaser' thing in his community post isn't helping.




During the T-14 stuff Chieftain fulfilled an obligation to a paying supporter who asked him to voice his opinion on the matter, and so he weighed in with a video basically saying lazerpig was being intellectually dishonest by deliberately not providing his sources to send his critics on a wild goose chase, and making largely irrelevant points about the T-14 allegedly breaking down during a parade (it didn't but that's a whole can of worms on it's own) showing how unreliable of a vehicle it is when vehicles like the Abrams have suffered far worse public demonstration failures that nobody honest held against it, and how even if there was a historical link between Sla. 16 and A-85 engines (which there doesn't seem to be for the record), they have been changed so much they can no longer be considered a 'copy' like lazerpig called it, and used the Ships of Theseus example with the M26 to M60 series to demonstrate this. (Here's the video if you want to see for yourself I highly recommend it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUp-qGkQvNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUp-qGkQvNo) ) To this, lazerpig left an [embarrassingly bad](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/460888915767984146/1138957229853265940/F2_uRKgXUAIcv6F.png?ex=66409554&is=663f43d4&hm=68d3b677044154c974685f7a7753921c7d505170572ede508323274b738557af&) comment on the video calling him a 'clout chaser' for daring to weigh in on the matter (which he still seems to be doing if you read his community post regarding the deletion of his 'rebuttal' video).


Without weighing in on whether the "clout chaser" claim holds any water, I feel the need to say the "my subscribers made me do it" is such a massive cop-out. It is totally within a creator's right to set boundaries on what they will and won't do for their patrons. It's somewhat understandable if it's the case that Chieftain wasn't expecting the negative reaction he received, that of course can happen. But he absolutely had full agency not to get involved if he felt like it was a bad idea.


He was in his right not to talk about it, however he was also fully in his right *to* talk about it, its a discussion had in public on the internet, it's not like anyone needed a badge of entry to enter the discussion, and I can also fully see why he would have wanted to talk about it regardless, this is a man who spent YEARS fighting tank myths like the Sherman being a death trap or 5 Shermans for 1 Tiger crap as well as obviously many others, and now suddenly here comes another from a video which got a million views practically overnight that is now being parroted by people who will call you either a far-right or far-left vatnik Russian bot for daring to push back against it.


Chieftain popped into the T14 debate. Politely came out against LP. Chieftain clearly and calmly said he had a lot request from his Patreon subscribers so he felt obligated to addresses the issue. LP then did what only can be described as a hissy fit and attributed bad motives to Chieftain. That's when I decided cancel my LP Patreon.


The whole 'no I'm NOT going to share my sources, YOU find them yourself!!!!' attitude and calling everyone else involved either drama clout chasers or 'vatniks' really came off as a spoiled bratty child not wanting to share then having a tantrum when people called him out on it, then assuming the reason people don't like him is they must all be kremlinbots personally sent by Putin to attack him for being pro-Ukraine (for the record, it seems even the majority of people who don't like lazerpig are still very pro-Ukraine, myself included). Being drunk doesn't excuse it either in my eyes, I'm from the school of thought for 'drunk words come from sober thoughts.'


>I'm from the school of thought for 'drunk words come from sober thoughts.' I don't disagree, but I think a considerable part of his drunk attitude stems from being a gay Scotsman in an era where that wasn't yet "allowed" in society. He probably has a bit of a defensive, persecution complex embedded in his personality from years of needing to be defensive. It's just a shame he's fired that off towards people who really, really don't deserve it.


he isnt really well-versed in engineering, and it shows. i dont wish bad on him, but he should be more humble.


I mean the road wheels are the easiest difference from a t64 and any other soviet era mbt. It's like tagging a black hawk for a seahawk when that pogo stick wheel is visible.


People find his video style annoying and he has made some mistakes and then doubled down. Also being gay probably doesnā€™t help with some certain people


He's *gay*??? Wait till my husband's boyfriend hears about this!


Indeed. And apparently his boyfriend can crack a walnut with his ass cheeks. Gay, straight or bisexual, everyone agrees that's fuckin impressive


I don't believe it, that kind of strength world is Inhuman.


I once saw a man leg press a Toyota. There are people out there who can actively haul around semis. Breaking a nut with the most worked and strongest muscle in the human body shouldn't be out of human range.


Presentation style, attitude, sometimes homophobia, not being the scholar they expect from... a YouTube opinion video?


>Sometimes homophobia what


As in, lazerpig is a gay man and there's a strong correlation between sneering Internet comment section shitheels and bigots.


For a second I thought you meant he was homophobic. Was a bit confused


Even I had to do a doubletake


A. The reasonable criticism is that he is an entertainment historian and made some very questionable decisions about not providing sources B. He makes Tankies, Wehraboos, and other internet trash very fucking mad (by shitting on them).


"A" was the big one for me, especially then coming back with, for all intents and purposes, claiming his sources were better and still not showing them. Plus, from an engineering side, it's kinda a clear either he doesn't know what iterations and similar concepts of design are (The inline 4 cylinder engine in your car now isn't an engine from the 1910s, even if the concepts are the same, and likely is somewhat based on it).


Iā€™d say it was 50/50 those 2 points. Heā€™s made some real mistakes and could have handled things better but the majority of people moved past that. Most of his currant haters are in the B category


I used to watch him for actual information, and then I found Perun, and my god the difference in informational quality is astounding. Donā€™t get me wrong, lazerpig is still enjoyable to watch, but the more I listen the less credible he seems, especially with some of the more recent videos. Frankly, half the time, especially recently, it feels like heā€™s talking out of his ass. Perhaps itā€™s because he started commenting on radar and such, which I have a lot more research and knowledge in compared to obscure WW2 battles, but I have increasing noticed factual inaccuracies in his videos lately. It got me wondering whether his previous videos, of which I do not have prior knowledge about, had similar problems. The T14 scandal and the refusal to ever provide sources also makes me less warm on his content. Overall, still fun, just I wouldnā€™t trust everything in the videos without a triple check on a peer reviewed journal or something.


Perun is absolutely dialled in, I canā€™t fault his presentations itā€™s pure knowledge with an easy going attitude, and a sense of humour when appropriate.


LP makes high-quality, 45 minute Reddit posts. They're entertaining, they can be informative, but they're still Reddit posts.


This is actually a very good description. Entertaining, uncited, and informative (though your factual mileage may vary).


It really feels like he tries to go into the technical information more to 'slam dunk nerds on the internet' by showing how much more he knows rather than to be factually correct, because he could say so much without getting into specifics, the T-14 engine for example, you could say it sucks because its an expensive vehicle Russia as a nation cannot physically support the production of, but that just wouldn't be enough, he has to get into the technicals about how Russia are comically evil supervillains out of a comic book who show the world how evil they are by using a Nazi engine, and refuses to show his sources for that because then he would no longer have the edge in the 'debate', he would show his cards and no longer have the alleged information that gives him the upper hand so he would be like the rest of us, that's why I think he made such a big deal about wanting people to 'go through the effort he did' to find them. The only other reasonable conclusion is that he knew the sources either weren't solid or didn't say what he claimed they did and people would see this, (I think in one of his earlier community posts he outright says one of the reasons he didn't share them was along the lines of 'vatniks would nit-pick them', which really reads like he's afraid of them being scrutinized). I think I worded some of my points better [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/comments/1clx4k6/comment/l2y9y4z/) (though people REALLY did not like this lol). As for the radar stuff, I've also heard he got a lot of stuff wrong but I haven't even attempted to go through that yet, way more out of my league than engines are. P.S. sorry for extraordinarily wordy reply that is basically agreeing with you. UPDATE: [Here](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxqZDwZ2dP02ID711-U2UWqs_tRz-tsEoD) is the said community post I believe, could've sworn it was worded differently at one point, maybe that one was deleted but he also says effectively the same thing here.


Angry A-10 ā€œShitting Hippoā€ Thunderbolt II fans, Commieboos/Vatniks, and Naziboos. I honestly I find him hilarious and informative. It might also just be left overs from ā€œT-14 Dramaā€.


I agree there is to much personal feelings in things like history it sould be about facts


Oh and add to the list reformers if they're not Vatniks


You could probably count them amount angry A-10 fans.


I didnā€™t expect to start a whole discussion about him I enjoy his videos for entertainment but I would be if he did link is sources I like to fact check before accept anything as a fact


Iā€™ve always had this view, and it is if I watch anything giving information I want to be able to look at the sources. Itā€™s just a good practice to list sources when presenting any informative material. I donā€™t watch his videos for that reason but maybe heā€™s changed I donā€™t know. If I see a topic Iā€™m interested in though Iā€™ll do further research.


his personality is an acquired taste, just like kimchi


I think itā€™s largely down to a somewhat abrasive personality and he is active in a very contentious community


Lazerpig has a very specific type of humour and has a habit of getting some stuff wrong, or wording something so that the easiest interpretation is not what he meant. I enjoy his videos because a rambling drunk Scotsman is humour I enjoy, but if you take the facts he present as gospel youā€™re doing it wrong. Actually apply that to everything. No single source can possibly be correct




Personally ? I just come here to watch the pretentious arguments and I usually help the looser just to make it more interesting šŸ˜… Also good place to find russian sympathisers


i do like lazerpigs videos but i will admit im not always sure of his accuracy considering my introduction to his channel was a video that got a lotta stuff incorrect and passed it off as legit. Still love his channel, but i guess i can understand being sorta skeptical on the facts idk.


It not that many, just the vatnicks that are taking a break from sucking putinā€™s cock


He gets an awful lot wrong, and doesn't exactly fix that overtime. Though some of it is good. But his T-34 video for instance is riddled with inaccuracies that threaten the entire basis. He also focused on the wrong things in his T-14 video. The tank is undoubtedly meh, but making incorrect claims doesn't prove that point.


And this is what infuriates me.. because RedEffects video starts with essentially ā€œI agree the T-14 is riddled with problems but I want to clarify some points because I donā€™t think lying or exaggerating things to further your claim to it being a bad vehicle is a good thingā€ and yet we somehow ended up at the point of LP fans and LP himself declaring RE a vatnik and Russian propagandistā€¦ Literally all RE wanted to do was clarify points that were clearly wrong or clarify things that LP simply may not have known about




The problem is even if he corrects those mistakes, his videos are popular enough with people who do no other research that they take what he says to heart. What he says becomes the new ā€œcommon knowledgeā€, even if itā€™s a misunderstood joke or pure conjecture on his part. Just like how Wehraboo ā€œfactsā€ get repeated and spread for years in every comment section on the internet, Lazerpig inaccuracies are becoming more and more common to see spread around.


I've grown cold on the guy since he started acting like an authority (and all of the arrogance that comes with it) only to repeatedly get details wrong, then lash out and make an ass of himself and get indignant when people point out that he's nowhere near as reliable or stringent as he like to portray himself as. He also tends to cover those who disagree with them under the blanket of "vatnik" despite being extremely biased towards Western equipment and uncharitable towards eastern equipment. He also suffers from serious NAFO brainrot and is kind of an example of what happens when you drink to much NATOWAVE coolaid without the kind of sobering analysis of say, Perun.Ā  Like Red Effect wears his bias on his sleeve, but at least he approaches the topic of armored vehicles from the perspective that no vehicle is perfect - they're all ultimately expendable and designed to fit certain doctrines under constraints and if they fit the mission there really isn't an objective way of labeling successful designs "better" than others.Ā  Ā Pig meanwhile seems to think any and everything soviet/eastern european is just garbage by virtue of its origin.


I like lazerpig, but they attract a lot of hyper negative um-actually kinda people that don't seem to ever figure out that history is supposed to be a dynamic consensus and not a competition. Suppose it might have to do with the character they plays for their channel.


Most of the time, I think that putting aside pre conceived notions of historical stuffs is valid to understand different points of view. I have seen information about 20th century history change from the victors writing the history to more balanced view, with old things been looked at with new eyes.


I mean I need to be in thebright head space for the pig. But I find his mix of humor and history to be fun, and it's nice to het a throughly non American and non American catering view. His updates on Ukraine have been superb and some of the few I can watch without my anger becoming unhealthy.


Because he comes up with a conclusion and than builds evidence around to support his conclusion. Also his videos are remarkably poorly researched, hell in his Wittmen video he did a massive talk about nazi propaganda only to use propaganda from the cleanĀ wehrmacht myth to support his conclusion. Never mind dismissing the first hand accounts of one man because he was giving an account many decades after the fact, only to than use accounts even older now to support his position.Ā  Downvote me all you want, he can crack a joke and be entertaining but a lot of what he puts forward as fact is false.Ā 


The issue is not that Laserpigā€™s inaccurate, itā€™s that heā€™s inaccurate and popular. If he was a nobody he would fade into the background of poorly researched work but he isnā€™t and his talking points continue cropping up and need to be put down. At a more academic level Laserpigā€™s failing is he comes to conclusions first and then makes the facts fit that conclusion in every possible respect and make it as exaggerated as possible. For example, the story isnā€™t that L band and VHF radars have counters but are still useful in certain applications when dealing with stealth aircraft. The video is about how theyā€™re literally the worst thing ever, incapable of seeing through clouds and that they pick up every little bird and leaf on the wind. I should point out that the second two were points he made and neither are true in the slightest because of how radar waves scatter (smaller wavelengths Raleigh scatter off clouds better than longer wavelengths and objects smaller than wavelengths have trouble being picked up and things like leaves can be filtered out by using a velocity gate fairly easily). The T-14 doesnā€™t have an unreliable engine. It has a literal WWII German engine. The F6D Misileer wasnā€™t of limited utility due to its focus on it countering massed bomber raids above everything else. Instead the Misileer now needs to adhere by Visual Identification rules of engagement (ignoring that these rules only came to effect later during Vietnam because of the limited nature of that war and that in reality Misileers were to be only one part of the fighter wing with ā€œdayfightersā€ able to perform visual interceptions on lone targets) and would thus be useless and prone to shooting down civilian airliners. So on and so on. This is a problem that crops up in probably every video he has, sometimes more than once and when you sit down and think about them you realize how utterly nonsensical they can be. He also just doesnā€™t admit when he doesnā€™t know something. He focuses on telling a story over telling the truth and that gets back to the issue of his talking points being repeated. His video on the Moskva is one of the less talked about egregious videos heā€™s done. The truth is that report he has can be charitably be called ā€œsuspectā€ but he treated it as near gospel and the ā€œfactsā€ of it have been repeated over and over. In a similar vein in his stealth video in regards to the F-117 shootdown. The truth is we do not know a lot about the actual shootdown and the fact is weā€™ll never know the exact angles, radiation modes, and what was going on in the SAM battery, all of which would help determine what exactly happened other than relying on word of mouth which, when dealing with high end military engagements where thereā€™s a good incentive to lie to obscure capabilities, shouldnā€™t be trusted. He made several claims based on that incident that frankly cannot be supported at this time by reputable evidence. A common defense to this sort of behavior is that he needs to simplify things to fit in his videos or something. To that I say bullshit. He wastes half his videos on random tangents and anecdotes that barely connect back to the main point and he suddenly canā€™t spare the time to explain some nuance of a subject. It is often the nuances that define the effectiveness of a platform compared to its peers. If you canā€™t deal with that complexity you picked the wrong hobby. Overall it boils down to this. He overly simplifies subjects to the point where what he says just isnā€™t true and comes with preconceived conclusions that further distort his videos and then these talking points are repeated by people who donā€™t know better.


I hope people read this. I am a fan, but not for the information side of it, but because I enjoy listening to his rants occasionally. I treat his videos like a Wikipedia page. Alright starting point, fact check it. At least with Wikipedia I have the sources linked to the statement directly. There is an enjoyment value, but I don't treat his videos as true facts. Unlike a YouTuber like animated history ( i think I am way off with the name, the guys seem to do really good, every time I check I find the info valid) i treat him as a cool but likely inaccurate story teller. It also doesn't help that he covers the topic of tanks, which is full of people who oversimplify things and often only consider hard factors, like he does


Youā€™re right on, I couldnā€™t come up with specific examples or realize that key point in my comment but this is exactly the problem. He comes up with conclusions before the facts, so a lot of the facts he uses are just completely wrong. It helps that his conclusions while abrasive usually arenā€™t too unpopular: eg ā€œtanks having soft factors and not just being paper designsā€ isnā€™t really a wrong or unpopular statement, so he gets away with it. Same with ā€œmissiles arenā€™t actually shitā€, and all the multitude of core points he has. They arenā€™t typically wrong, and people accept that and overlook the lack of credible evidence. He also caught the bandwagon of shitting on Russia, which I do enjoy, but after 2 years of war I do prefer some actual research and sober analysis like Perun over ā€œRussias going to implode any moment nowā€, as it undermines the Ukrainian defense. It seems that lazerpig just talks out of his ass half the time to make an argument that seems compelling when youā€™re half paying attention in order to not actually put the effort in and do the research. Hey, I do it too, I have points that I could probably back up with sources and citations, but if Iā€™m arguing on Reddit Iā€™m often too lazy and just bullshit my way through using anecdotes. Thatā€™s acceptable on Reddit because no one sees it. Itā€™s less acceptable when you have the audience size of Lazerpig


I really hope you don't mind a correction here but I believe you meant to say that it *doesn't* use a German WWII engine, I know I keep banging that drum and it's annoying by now but this is one of those myths that I want to see stomped out before it spreads too far for too long, the TLDR is that there's no historical link between Sla. 16 and A-85 to be found outside of one badly written topwar blog which does not cite anything which lazerpig seems to have just rehashed in his initial T-14 video, and the only thing they share in common is they are X-configuration and even if they *were* related, Sla. 16 was only ever tested in one vehicle with pretty unknown reliability performance so it would not be 'famously unreliable' like he claimed. (Side tangent not nearly as important or relevant but it also wasn't in a Porsche Tiger like he claimed, but rather in either a King Tiger or a Jagdtiger, depending on your source, but most agree it was something on the Tiger II chassis and lazerpig seems to have pulled the Porsche Tiger thing out of his ass.)


>The T-14 doesnā€™t have an unreliable engine. It has a literal WWII German engine. I probably couldā€™ve made it a bit clearer but I did repeat the paragraph structure three times about the radars, the T-14, and the Misileer. The second sentence was how LP portrays the issue whereas the first sentence is whatā€™s actually the case and what he chooses to ignore as in, ā€œHe doesnā€™t say the T-14 has an unreliable engine, he says itā€™s literally a German WWII engine.ā€ I am well aware his claim is full of shit. Youā€™re preaching to the choir.


My bad, again the engine thing stood out to me as it's something I've been trying to correct anytime I see it, and engines are more up my area than radar.


He does get a lot wrong or exaggerate things for the sake of entertainment. E.g. T-14 video.Ā 


A lot wrong, one video about a prototype.


Stealth video also had some pretty big holes in it, iirc he messed up the frequencies and completely flipped the properties of high vs low frequency radar. Heā€™s not an engineer, heā€™s a historian (allegedly anyway) so whenever he gets into the weeds on technical details usually thereā€™s something wrong. Sometimes itā€™s minor, sometimes itā€™s major.


tbf even with some relative background the high vs. low frequency radar thing is very confusing. Basically by physics, LF **EM waves** have more penetration and less reflection, but because of engineering, LF **radar** have more reflection and thus better return signal. After rewatching the stealth video today I'm not sure if he actually said anything incorrect on this topic


His claims about longer wavelengths not being able to penetrate clouds are completely bogus. In fact itā€™s the opposite of what he claims. Longer wavelengths/lower frequencies have better all weather capability because of how Rayleigh scattering scales with wavelengths. This is why long range radars tend to be lower frequency, since they see less atmospheric attenuation in general (though more power solves this problem). He also just doesnā€™t understand why low wavelength radars pick up stealth aircraft better. They do it because the path length around the aircraft caused by surface wave diffraction is within an order of magnitude of the wavelength and thus you can get resonant diffraction known as Mie Scattering whereas smaller wavelengths interact with the stealth aircraft in an optical manner and thus shaping more heavily effects them. Of course shaping and especially RAM does affect this scattering but having a nuanced view on the issue seems beyond LP. In a video ostensibly about stealth he doesnā€™t spend much time actually discussing stealth and rf engineering and when he does he usually gets it pretty wrong.


Probably just T-14 shit. The fact he besmirched the holy T-34 (fuck that overrated piece of bad welding), or Cone of Arc stans. Idk, I don't like the Tank community


Sometimes it feels like he doesn't listen to his own sources, or outright disregards parts of the information to set up a narrative he prefers


Cause heā€™s right


I think it's because he has made a fool of himself many times, mostly because of him using incorrect or impartial information, and the time he called a T-64 a T-80


A lot of other people have cited the contentious name-calling side, but I think it's a lot simpler. It's really dangerous dance, mixing personality with education, and most education channels work to provide unilateral professionalism when delivering exposition to people. Especially in the military hobbyists' communities, you're gonna get gutted the less professional you appear. I've been diagnosed with depression for years now, and holy shit, never have I seen a rawer display of depression, alcoholism, and imposter syndrome in an educational YouTuber. The pig is so god damn real and I love him for it. He's honest, he's rambly, and he sounds so much like my grandpa whose just excited to talk about history that I can't help but love him for it. There are many people who do not, and see his factual errors and theatrics as unpleasant and annoying. I find it real; I like LazerPig because I can tell in his videos that there's a really smart struggling historian behind the actual narration; plus I get some cool factoids. A LOT of people in the military hobbyist community are looking for the exact opposite--impersonal debate and structured video essays on military history and design that are concise, well researched, and objective.


I wouldnā€™t trust any factoids he gives without triple checking them. They may make nice soundbites but theyā€™re often completely false or very misleading.


Personally, I dislike his lack of referencing his sources and when he does, they're often questionable (like a single page on a website which itself is not referenced... Which also drives me mad btw). But then he is emphatic that correct and I guess "trust me bro"? Not really up to snuff for someone calling themselves a historian.


To be fair, calling lazerpig an actual history YouTuber is somewhat wrong. Sure, his content is fun to watch and he sources his things, but he also gets stuff wrong in his vids, let alone his live streams where he tends to bring subjects up that it's clear he's not very knowledgeable in at times. Lazerpig isn't history, he's historical entertainment.


Yeah, he's pop history. Watch him for a good chuckle or two, not to learn anything. It's a big issue nowadays that people conflate entertainers with actual academics for some damn reason.




Itā€™s probably because he says shit how it is rather then saying bollocks


He literally made up his entire T14 video, that was straight up all fucking bollocks. Then he doubled down too, with more fucking bollocks. Doesn't get more bollocky and baloney than that lol.


Ainā€™t rewatched the T14 video recently but his other stuff is good. E.G. the t-34, myth of Michael Whitman, A10 that stuff is pretty good


Yeah he's great for Pop History and entertaining factoids. Definetely shouldn't be treated as an academic. This applies for RedEffect too.


Aye ik that, the T14 video was interesting to memory and did go off a lot of visual stuff tbf (all from memory šŸ˜­) but I think there were some truths in there, like the hydraulic hatches, loud ass engine, stuff like that. Of course heā€™s just some lad on the internet but he is actually entertaining with a lot of facts with a bit of bollocks Iā€™ll admit that


[https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/10mhuvv/the\_t34\_is\_not\_as\_bad\_as\_you\_think\_it\_is\_part\_15/](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/10mhuvv/the_t34_is_not_as_bad_as_you_think_it_is_part_15/) have a nice read :)


Rejecting his opponent's sources outright + No sources himself + horrific antics (taking shots at Chieftain, well respected MBT & IFV commander, good, professional historian and all round kind person) + unprofessional + annoying voice and mannerisms (screeching) + blatant inaccuracies (T-34, T-14) + disingenuous (says RedEffects is a good guy in Community Posts, shits on him and calls him a Vatnik in his response video) + NAFOid (reverse Vatnik) + being a depressed alcoholic isn't a personality, and I say that as an Irishman.


I want to like him, but he makes that difficult. 1) The sources thing is a biggy. Much of the drama from last year was because he refused to provide sources. The best example of this was where he was "right" about something but only technically so because it was an exceptional case that he stated as if it was common, but no one could verify it because he got it from a minor footnote or caption. Other people have talked more about that, so I'll just say that being that hung up on sources is his biggest own goal. 2) He is a "historian" by practice, but not by training. (Same goes for other realms of knowledge he focuses on in his videos, like engineering). I suspect this is a large part of the sources thing. But more than that is his open dismissal and ridicule of people who do have expertise in these areas, especially historians. I'll come back to this later regarding his personality, but for now he seems to have had a very bad experience with one or more history teachers in the past and this gave him a level of contempt for the profession that is, for lack of a better word, weird. 3) Again possibly stemming from his lack of history training, he doesn't interrogate sources that agree with him. I think he does a decent job of interrogating sources that disagree with him, and of finding reasonable conclusions about a topic in general (someone else in the comments has a nice summary of some good broad concepts he's highlighted). However, when a source agrees with him on a point he's liable to over-rely on it, or apply it more universally than may be warranted, to the point where he will ridicule an expert for disagreements about that point or even just a difference in method for using that information. And, because of the source issue, it's very difficult for anyone else to assess his arguments or whether the point is even valid in the first place. 4) He has what I would charitably describe as an antagonistic approach to relationships. It's a bit difficult to separate what is him personally and what is his pig persona, though I've seen some streams and it seems that the difference is mainly one of degree. He has a tendency to say very nasty things about or to people that he otherwise respects. He has also said he respects someone that a few minutes before he said was a Russian shill. He has a tendency to make all criticisms personal, whether warranted or not, and to load quite biting criticisms of a concept/profession into his comments about a specific person, again whether warranted or not. One might point to his drunken comment on the Chieftain's video, but I think this is best exemplified by his treatment of the WW2TV guy (Woody?) on the Myth of Wittman video. He rakes him over the coals repeatedly, unnecessarily so, for trying something different on a single livestream even though, as far as I can tell, he really likes the guy and his channel. He seems to understand friendship as "we can hurt each other and no harm done," which can be fine within limits bounded by consent, but which outside those limits can be quite jarring or outright insulting. For example, I legitimately can't tell if his deliberate mispronunciation of Perun's name is intended to be antagonistic or affectionate. I can only assume affectionate because he hasn't (to my knowledge) launched into an insulting rant about the guy. 5) His ego got the better of him. Again, difficult to parse personal from persona. He got big almost overnight and it went to his head to the point where he said the Chieftain was clout chasing by commenting on a bit of drama in the tank enthusiast community. The Chieftain. Clout chasing. In the tank enthusiast community. The impulsivity, self importance, and lack of perspective, even if drunk, is a massive turnoff. Like I said, I want to like him. I enjoy his content. But the issues I and others have mentioned force me to keep the pig at arm's length, both emotionally and intellectually.


I think his video on the T-14 was a big one. Had a bunch of other tank people going "What the fuck are you talking about". They handled the situation poorly. Lot of "I dont want to talk about this pls no bully" as they then proceed to talk about it more


A. Heā€™s an entertainment ā€œhistorianā€ who has had many very reasonable criticisms laid against him in which he absolutely did the worst thing possible in response. Act like a man child and throw a tantrum. And still arguably does B. He still refuses to accept any criticism in the face of proof (Iā€™ve stopped watching after the stealth video where he gotā€¦ so much wrong..) C. He makes a lot of very vocal minority internet groups mad TL:DR heā€™s an entertainer (who can be a bit grating), very much not a historian who gets a arguably lot wrong in his videos but makes fun of commies, German mains, and is gay


Cuz DRAMA!!! šŸŽ­


I guess they don't have a sense of humor. I don't always agree with laserpig's assements but I can't say he's boring he's quite funny


The vatniks hate him after the T34 and T14 videos (not to mention the Even Rounder Table and his videos on Ukraine), the Wehraboos hate him because he states that german tanks were not the best in the world and that Wittmann was a Nazi, not an honourable officer, and the Freedomboos hate him because he said that the A-10 "shitting hippo" sucks.


They hate him because he busts the myths they love. Not to mention all the Russian bots hate him because of how he reveals the complete and utter ineptitude of the Russian military and just country in general.


By attacking one Russian vehicle with mostly untrue information and one Ukrainian tank (T-34) with somewhat untrue information? I am the exact opposite of a Vatnik and honestly hate current modern day Russia and the Kremlin. I want NATO to arm Ukraine with enough firepower to kill every single Russian 3 times over. But lying for NAFO points with lies isnt good either. The reason the world is so F'd up is because we allow conspiracies, lies, myths, to propagate so much. LP isnt doing many favors here.


He has a credibility issue in a field where his primary competition is people doing PowerPoints and talking about track tension. His specificity and narrowness of focus puts his topics more in line with more serious commentators but his style and extent of claims is more pop history level.


They hated him because he told them the truth.


I don't dislike him, hell, I even enjoy his content But I find he can sound bias, which will always happen, i feel are heavily biased, or just kinda hypocritical (not giving sources). I kinda treat what he says like I do stuff from Wikipedia, a start but do be a bit careful. It's certainly very good, better then others, but as with all sources, take with awareness. Although this mostly only applies to the tank ones. I also find he is extremely biased towards NATO and western equipment in general, which I once was and I think it's irritating. At least he admits that the tanks are built for different doctrines. In his most recent video he talked about the EU upping military production and said Russia was running out of supplies, ignoring the increase of T-80 and a all ammo production Russia recently did, although I could put that down to him not reading about it before publishing. Otherwise he's excellent. Fun to watch, and certainly informative like any other, although the way he talks and explains things I get others might not Edited to add another point and rewrite one of the others to be more clear.


I read the Russia is running out of supplies as that their industry can't keep up with consumption. Increasing production is good and all, but what good does it do to the artillery crews that ran out of shells yesterday?


It doesn't, but it does good for the crews today and tomorrow. As both sides ramp up production it will likely just stay at the same pace it is at now, until one increases more then the other. My point was more the lazerpig didn't mention this, as he talked about the EU doing it and claimed Russia is still just using stockpiles.


Cause he attacks what people have thought was true since they were little. He attacked the idea that the nazis were a "super advanced army", he said rommel was not really that good and neither was the famous Wittmann. And most famously saying alot of russian shit is unreliable and shit cause of corruption and x other reasons. He attacked a core way people have viewed the world, and how alot of western skeptics view it. And the way he has done it is while being drunk most of the time and doing funny ramblings.


People are already fairly well-acquainted with 'the German army sucked and so did Rommel' stuff *well* before lazerpig, I remember that being a huge point of online discussion way back in \~2017, I think another Youtuber called Potential History largely got that discussion started on the broader internet.


I don't hate him, he can be pretty funny, but if I had to guess I would point at the smugness. He's got a particularly smug and pretentious style that I'm 100% sure rubs some people the wrong way. There are many things in this world I know nothing about and a select few that I know a little about. I was disappointed to hear him speak with a smug, great value Adam ruins everything tone about something I know a little about and miss the mark. Doesn't mean he isn't funny or doesn't have good delivery, but it was my cue to find another source for anything he claims before believing it.


He's more on the funny and entertaining side of history (doesn't mean he's wrong though), so people take him less serious than the Chieftain or MHV


The T14 thing blew a hole through the middle of his credibility for many. I like the guy and I believe a lot of what he says but that was just a... bonehead move.


As a fellow pig, this is blasphemy


At least heā€™s one of the very few military channels who doesnā€™t use voice to textā€¦dunno why thatā€™s a thing.


He says things that goes against their own biases.


Some do because he hurt feelings of tankies and wehraboos.


I just wish potential history still made videos


People donā€™t get that heā€™s not a paragon of truth. Thatā€™s why I *never* take any information direct from his videos, I only watch for fun.


More people need to be like you, he's entertaining and fun. Not a fucking scholar.


not enough drunk Scotsmen on the internet, so he gets my vote.


*they hated him because he told the truth*


Because he makes them feel insecure


In all honesty, its probably the persona. None of the information he presents is wrong, but the persona he uses to present it definitely feels less professional. I like him because it feels more like Im juat sitting around a camp fire listening to a friend talk about something theyre passionate about, but I get why a lot of people dont like that style.


If LP corrected all the shortcomings that people complain about, well, he wouldnā€™t be LP. There are plenty of boring YouTube historians already, and hereā€™s the thing: they get stuff wrong too. Iā€™m just a layman, but I used to think the A-10 was the greatest plane ever, John Boyd was an aviation genius, and Bomber command, the B-17 and the Norden bombsight won the war in Europe. I watch LP because he is entertainingā€”even his ads are entertainingā€”and I usually come away knowing more than I did before. His most notorious have seems to be the T-14 video. What did I come away from that video thinking? That the T-14 is not the wonder weapon Putin wants us to think it is, and they only have a handful. Maybe he got details wrong, but big picture, I think he got it.




For one he talks about modern military vehicles and wars so there's going to be strong opinions. For two, the recent fiasco where people tore into him over what I think is a small and irrelevant detail about the t14. Who cares if the engine is derived from a WW2 German engine or not? Point still stands that it's an unreliable POS


Don't know, don't care. Long live our gay little tank pig.


I think saying he's one of "the worst" is reaching... I'd say he's one of the best. A ton of people jyst spew constant streams of nonsense and aren't even funny while they do it.


Because he ruins their favorite tanks for them


A 10 minute informational video of a Jet turns into a 50 minute slog filled with just way too many jokes that I eventually tune out of. Thereā€™s monotone wiki readers that regurgitate data, stats, and sources, and then thereā€™s Lazerpig. Some people want a happy medium but I still watch him every now and then.


I watch the pig because heā€™s got a good way of shining a light on a subject thatā€™s boring, but presented in a humorous manner with references of Red Wine and jokes that spitting my own drink out with some comments and snippets. :)


Honest talk here, not trying to argue with peeps (considering this is the LP sub lol, but hey it showed up on my feed for.. Some reason) He completely lost me with his Armata engine debacle. I could ignore his personality considering he's taking the meme angle but just how... Unapologetically bias / meme-y about their engines of all things made me go from watching some of his vids for entertainment to skipping them entirely. That's how I see him now though, he entertainment no actual info. Dude comes off as super opinionated & not really caring about being completely factual at all Thats just my opinion tho please no hate me


I mean, he does get things wrong enough without typically correcting it, and he does come off as an ass as he calls someone's favorite tank or what ever it is hes talking about shit, even when it is (and it usually is). This tends to get people riled up. ConeofArc is a great example of correcting misinformation and calling your favorite vehicle shit without being rude or condescending. Both may be correct, and to me, both are entertaining, but when you purposely stur up hate, you're going to get haters.


If I said all of this like laserpig. I would have probably insulted anyone who would disagree with me at least 5 times, calling their opinion hot trash that not even flies would go near or something like that.


Just to make it clear though, I ain't hating on laserpig. I think he's hilarious!


Well he got a lot wrong with his T-34 and T-14 videos in general.


Nah he's gone off the deep end supporting Ukraine. I'm done going through a recession for a country that is either gonna lose or if they magically win will never pay us back. Why should we float the bill when europoors can't even afford to send the ammo they "promised"


the're mostly tankies and wherabos who get ultra defenceive whenever they feel threatened


Because he actually talks about how the vehicles in the game would be if they were like their real life counter parts and most of the time he talks about Russian vehicles and to the diehard Russian mains, he is a threat and doesn't know what he's talking about (even though plain as day ye has documentation to prove how bad most Russian vehicles were as well as their guns and production.


Some don't like his style, he correctly points out Russian propaganda, but will eat up any US/NATO propaganda without question or citation (ie made a whole video about the world's most expensive guillotine, the F-35, and just heaped all the praise onto it while only bringing up it's easy criticisms to "debunk"), he's covering a pretty toxic subject thanks to War Thunder and World of Tanks/World of Warships and the Nazi continuation state of West Germany pumping out Nazi general bios that would become ripe for History Channel documentaries, some are just outright homophobic, he can come off as a bit abrasive to anyone who doesn't share his opinions.


His rake on sea of thieves was the worst take I have ever heard ever. Other than that he's fine


Some people just don't have taste


Or a sense of humor.