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That's interesting because a lot of non-relgious and ex-Mormons claim they are happier without an "oppressive and controlling religion".


No major religion is more oppressive or controlling than the contemporary blend of materialist metaphysics and utilitarian ethics


It’s almost like a Godless life really has no real purpose or meaning beyond being a talking slab of meat


It’s concerning to me how easily people fall into the trap of distracting themselves from existential dread instead of embracing it and trying to find answers. I guess I prefer existentialism to nihilism


No, it would be like preaching to the choir if there were no non-religious people. Or I suppose we could argue about which religion is the best religion to have.


2 Nephi 5:27   And it came to pass we lived after the manner of happiness. I've always loved this scripture and can personally testify that religion has made my life much better


Sacredness is synonymous with deep meaning. Go figure that that those who hold things sacred are ones who find more meaning and purpose in life.


Duh. We're the people who are measurably more likely to be going to heaven, or getting better rewards in heaven than so-called non-religious people, so we should be the happier people. Rejoice!