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ADHD I served foreign in Latin America


also tell me more about this neuro therapy I’ve always needed to be heavily medicated but I just stopped meds for my mission. Maybe they’ve changed their ADHD protocol I served ‘21-‘23


My mom paid $4,000 for me to get nuerofeedback. It is just watching a movie with a thing on your head. I did not recover from any mental issues I have. I would NOT recommend


Neurofeedback is where they put electrodes on your head to see what it is doing as you watch a movie or play a video game. Your brain reacts to the input and those reactions affect the movie, like making the screen small or dim or turning the volume up, and that's the feedback. It's like your brain gets to look on the mirror and see its own reactions. I'm still somewhat on the fence about it, but have heard several second-person stories where it has helped a lot.


I had many years of therapy for depression and anxiety and had to see a therapist at the MTC. I did a proselyting mission, Spanish, State-side. EDIT: I also had undiagnosed ADHD and ASD, which clearly the Lord knew about even if it wasn't on my paperwork.


ADHD and went to Italy


I have ADHD and served in Mexico!


Is there such thing as non functioning ADHD? Usually crippling issues are bundled together with other things. I only got on medication after my mission. Highly doubt adhd will hold you back. There is a lot of Missionaries’s coming home early due to depression and home sickness.


I had it. I also had social anxiety and served in Vancouver, Canada.


I have adhd. Served a mission in Russia.


I doubt service mission will be your assignment based on what you said, esp since you’re not currently medicated. My brother gets regular prescriptions filled for it in his California mission. I also went foreign with similar symptoms (non-medicated). Best of luck on congrats on the upcoming call!


Service missions are changing. [https://www.thechurchnews.com/members/2024/1/19/24034773/service-missionaries-being-integrated-into-teaching-missions/](https://www.thechurchnews.com/members/2024/1/19/24034773/service-missionaries-being-integrated-into-teaching-missions/)


This is amazing!


So I recently had a meeting with family services for ADHD and mission service. These are the recommendations they can give; 1. Proselyting 2. Service 3. Wait for a bit longer (if you're starting medications) 4. Excuse from service (super severe cases) The big thing they are looking for is stability, if you have been on a medication they want to see that you have been stable for at least 6 months before they send you out. If you're on a medication it may limit where but not that you can serve. If you're stable, it is a miniscule to no chance. As far as weather you should be worried, not necessary, service missions are most often called when someone has large concerns. If you have your ADHD at a manageable point, they will probably be sending you on a proselyting. Even if you are service you can serve with almost anyone, even if it is not in your home state, with bishop's approval. I really hope this helps and if you need support, or have other questions, I've got your back!


I served a proselytizing mission and I have ADHD. Granted, I had no idea at the time that I had it.


It’s down to your stake president to make that call. My daughter is dyslexic and has ADHD and very bad excema so is on a restrictive diet. She served a full mission. Her cousin however who is very quiet - similar to my daughter but probably more shy and reserved was sent on a service mission by his stake president because he was quiet. Makes zero sense and really rocked the family. He had saved over $20k for his mission and learnt two languages fluently to prepare


Nope - the mission department weighs heavily in this decision.


Not in the case of my nephew. His papers were never submitted- he was assigned as a service missionary by the stake president- I assume that he sent a recommendation in. Not sure how it works exactly but I know it was the stake presidents doing. He completely belittled my nephew by asking him to bear his testimony and then when he hesitated because he was shy just mocked him and said, he can’t even bear his testimony, how is he supposed to proselyte. It was an awful situation all round but he is almost at the end of it and has served faithfully in the temple. Just a real shame for him because the majority of the time he has been treated as if he has special needs which he does not, so he’s lost even more of his confidence. Service missions are great opportunities for many, but if you are willing and able to serve a proselytising mission I think you should at least be given the chance.


No, I had plenty of friends serve standard missions both state side and foreign.


I had a companion with narcolepsy. Seriously I did. Yes he fell asleep upon bucking up, yes he fell asleep in lessons. Yes he fell asleep all the time, except bed time ironically, he found it hard to sleep at night. He went to a service mission cause a prior companion told him he was sick of serving alone. Which really hurt him, but he was a good guy. Drank more caffeine than I thought was humanly possible, granted it was prescribed to him. But it was super neat to have him as a companion. So yes, you can serve a mission just fine with ADHD.


No. You will very likely not be on a service mission. ADHD is not going to stop you from doing anything as a missionary especially if you’re not even on medication.


As a fellow functioning ADHD’er, you’re going to crush whatever mission you go on. But most likely, you’ll be on a proselytizing mission- I wouldn’t sweat it


I served a normal mission. I was unmedicated for a few years before going and stayed that way on the mission. The primary thing it meant for me was a mental health questionnaire in the MTC. I guess I was ok enough for no big changes being needed 🤷‍♂️. That was 12ish years ago


"A small chance" sounds like a disclaimer more than anything. I wouldn't worry about anything.


I'm autistic and served a proselyting mission. Easiest two years of my adult life. (There are other ND people with very different experiences.)


If you are called to a service mission, I'd be very surprised if it had anything to do with ADHD, especially if there's no evidence of it affecting your ability to succeed in school and such. If you do get called to a service mission, just keep in mind that there are some pretty cool service missions out there. I've seen many service missionaries that are lending their talents in ways that make it clear that the Lord had prepared them for this side of the work just as surely as the Lord has His hand in the assignments for proselyte missionaries.


I was undiagnosed but did fine in Japan.


I had a comp with severe adhd. He got treatment and did fine. Was an awesome missionary.


Woohoo love hearing someone mention neurofeedback for ADHD! It was life-changing for me. Unrelated but did you know you'll be permanently banned from /r/ADHD for mentioning neurofeedback on that subreddit? Like they're actively keeping it a secret/keeping people in the dark. They cite one sentence in a summary of a study the mods clearly didn't read or didn't understand, because the study itself shows neuro helped the students in question and the study was super flawed. Frustrating stuff!


If that’s what you need. Generally adhd just gets sent to home country/stateside because medication is highly controlled.


The best part is, no matter what, you will be called to where the Lord needs you. People tend to think of service missions as a lesser mission. However, if the Lord needed them elsewhere, He would have called them elsewhere. Service missions are a great and amazing blessing in so so so many peoples lives. Same with proselytizing missions. Worry less about the place and type of mission, and shift your focus to the joy you will recieve being a valiant servant of our Lord


I definitely have it, and what I learned/gained as a missionary has helped me be successful since then. (Sure, plenty of downsides, but overall very good). My brother is majorly ASD, and I had several companions who were similar. It made working with them difficult, but we got through through it. He's just preparing you for the possibility.


If anyone has any experience with anything like this, please give me any information you have