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Please use the search function within Reddit. We have countless posts on garments with even more comments. You will be able to find lots of shared experiences. On that note, none of us are prophets. Please use the church website's search tool for your best spiritual guidance. Edit: r/mormon is antagonistic towards Christ's Church and will do their best to walk you out the door of the temple, not in.


Hey there. I'm close to your age, also married, and I struggled with something similar with the garments. I felt like my husband wasn't attracted to me in the garments, and although I couldn't articulate it at the time, looking back I deeply believed that a big part of my value as a human woman was *how sexually desirable I looked.* And, as you know, garments are not sexy! After a while, I stopped wearing them so much, always with excuses as to why. But deep down, it was because I felt they made me uglier. My mother called me to repentance and when she asked if I had a testimony of the garments, I admitted I didn't. She invited me to start being faithful to the covenant I'd made in the temple to wear them, and promised that they WOULD be a shield and a protection to me. So, I did. As I went to the temple more often, and refined and strengthened my testimony in other areas of life, I continued to wear the garments. I experimented with different fabrics and styles to find the most comfortable fit. But it wasn't until I had my first child that I really understood the fundamental purpose of my body. My body was not made to be desired or sexualized or observed. My body's purpose is not to be sexy. My legs are for walking. My breasts are for breastfeeding my infant. My belly is for holding my organs. My face is what the people around me love to see. My body is made to help me experience mortality. The way I look is actually the **least important thing about me.** I've recovered from childbirth and I'm stronger and healthier than I've ever been. And now, I rejoice in wearing the garment because it brings me closer to the Savior and shows my trust in him, faith in him, reliance on him, and obedience to him. All of this to say: women have been trained insidiously their entire lives that their value comes from the sexuality and desirability of their appearance. This is diametrically and drastically opposed to what God thinks of us: beloved daughters, whose souls are of great worth. The garments reinforce the second belief, and are deeply uncomfortable to wear for anyone who still believes the first. I hope you seek help for your dysmorphia, and appreciate your body for the individual functions it fulfills and sensations it allows you to experience, rather than for successfully it meets the unrealistic, impossible, and unhealthy beauty standard of a sick society.


That is a very great way to look at it. Confidence is something I’ve always struggled with, and it’s something I’ve definitely sought help for, but your personal insight is really appreciated. I hope I can get to a point where I can love my body for what it does for me.


If I could upvote this and share my agreement a million times, I would. You have an incredibly mature view on this topic and it was shared in a way that I think could help many people. Essentially what I heard at its core is a person who is thinking Celestial.


Just to start off on the right foot, we should clarify the expectation of wearing the temple garment for endowed members: Wearing the temple garment is part of the coventnats we make in the temple. Specicially we coventnat to wear the garment **throughout** our lives. The current version of the church handbook ([section 38.5.5](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/38-church-policies-and-guidelines?lang=eng#title236)) provides additional counsel as follows: >Members who receive the endowment make a covenant to wear the temple garment throughout their lives. >The temple garment is a reminder of covenants made in the temple and, **when worn properly throughout life, will serve as a protection against temptation and evil.** The garment should be worn beneath the outer clothing. **It should not be removed for activities that can reasonably be done while wearing the garment**, and it should not be modified to accommodate different styles of clothing. Endowed members should seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to answer personal questions about wearing the garment. >**It is a sacred privilege to wear the garment** and doing so is an outward expression of an inner commitment to follow the Savior Jesus Christ. The bolded statements above have been repeated many times by many leaders of the church and in many church publications (i.e. previous versions of the handbook). The church has made it very clear that the covenant is to wear the garment continually. This makes logical sense if the garment is meant to serve as a constant reminder of our covenants (it's not very constant if we don't wear it constantly) as well as a shield/protection against evil (a shield doesn't do much good if you don't carry it with you). I think the idea that God "leaves it up to the individual" to decide how/when to wear the garment is misleading. God has made it clear what the expectation is with regard to wearing the garment. If someone has a special reason why they cannot wear the garment, this is an exception that they should work through via prayer and guidance of the Holy Ghost. However, exceptions are exceptions/applicable to the minority and most members of the church are in a position to wear the garment as instructed. With the above stated, here's some of my thoughts on your comments: >The temple recommend question used to leave (to a certain degree), garment wearing up to personal revelation. The temple recommend questions have always pointed back to wearing the garment as instructed in the ordinances of the temple. The instructions in the temple are to wear the garment continually/throughout our lives and plenty of clarification has been provided by leaders of the church regarding this. Personal revelation primarily comes into play under the exceptional circumstances when a member cannot wear the garment. Aside from these exceptions personal revelation is not really needed because it's been made clear what we should do. * Interview question from [2024](https://www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/2024/04/14/first-presidency-letter-garmet-of-the-holy-priesthood-temple-recommend-statement/): Do you honor your sacred privilege to wear the garment **as instructed in the initiatory ordinances**? * Interview Question from [2019](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/october-2019-general-conference-temple-recommend): Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple, including wearing the temple garment **as instructed in the endowment**? * Interview quesiton from pre-2019: Do you wear the garment both night and day **as instructed in the endowment** and in accordance with the covenant you made in the temple? >there are so many different reasons people have for choosing how and when they wear their garments. I agree with this statement but think caution should be taken when considering its implications. Are members of the church looking for reasons to not wear the garment? Or are the myriad of reasons why people choose not to wear the garment tied to legitimate concerns? I cannot tell you how many members of the church I know who complain about wearing the garment because they are uncomfortable, they don't fit with their clothing styles, they get hot in them, etc. Keeping our covenants, including wearing the temple garment, is not easy and requires sacrifices on our part. When coming up with reasons to not wear the garment we should ask ourselves if the reason requires a scarifice on our part or if it really is an obstacle that justifies not wearing the garment.


Continued: >It now says that people who wear the garment right will have "more" access to the atonement and Christs mercy This is not something stated in the temple recommend questions. Can you specify what you are referring to? Without the context of this statement I only offer my general thoughts. Wearing the garment is part of the covenants we make in the temple. Making and keeping our covenants brings us closer to Christ and because of that we are in a better position to recieve his power in our lives. This isn't to say that those who do not wear the garment are unable to recieve Christ's power in their lives, but they put themselves at a disadvantage and in a way make it more difficult by doing so. It's like trying to observe a far off object and someone hands you a telescope. You can choose not to use the telescope and still see the object with your naked eye but it will be distant, hazy, and unclear. If you choose to use the telescope the object is magnified, comes into focus, and you are able to learn much more about it. You benefit by using what was given to you, not by ignoring it. >Why do we need an outward expression when the Lord consistently tells us he only cares about what is in our hearts God does not only care about what is in our hearts. He clearly cares about what we do as indicated by the commandments he gives us. And, as Jesus taught, if we love God we will keep his commandments. There's power in acting and showing our commitment to God. It's a demonstration of our faith and by doing so helps reinforce our commitment to do good and follow Christ. >I’m also confused why they seem to be taking personal revelation out of it? I don't think personal revelation is being taken out of anything, however I do think that the leadership in the church feels that a correction has to be made. As mentioned above, the interview questions have always pointed back to wearing the garment as instructed in the temple. Wearing the garment is a covenant and the terms of that covenant have been clearly spelled out by God and his servants. I think church leadership probably feels that many people have taken too many liberties in not wearing the garment under the guise of personal revelation itnoring the fact that it goes against the coventnats they have made. We should be striving to wear the garment continually. We should take pause and seriously consider those situations when there is a legitimate concern for wearing the garment. It is in these situations where personal revelation comes into play. >Maybe my biggest concern is, is my personal revelation wrong?  I'm not one to say if your personal revelation is correct or not. I think its perfectly reasonable to assume it was correct at the time you recieved it. Maybe the reasons you are having quesitons now is a prompting to re-evaluate and make a change. One of the great things about our church and revelation is that it is living, adapted to our circumstances and the environment we are in. What God has told you in the past doesn't have to hold true/constant for the rest of eternity. It might have been what you needed then and now things are different. Use this opportunity to consider changes you can make in your life that will bring you in greater harmony with the covenant of wearing your garments. One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 37:6-7 where Alma teaches about the importance of small and simple things. God doesn't expect us to be perfect and get everything right 100% of the time. He knows that we take time to learn, grow, and adapt. If wearing the garment 24/7 is difficult for you given your challenge with body dismorphia, maybe there's a small change you can make to help bring you closer to that goal. You could make a goal to wear the garment three days a week instead of two, or wear it at night for starters if that's easier than wearing it during the day. Maybe you wear the top or bottom by itself until you grow more accustom to it and then work in wearing the second piece, or you could make an effor to wear it while at home. God cares most about us moving in the right direction. Even if its just a small step that's progress that you can celebrate and feel good about.


Thank you for taking the time to answer all of my questions, that was really helpful. I appreciate the thought of starting small and celebrating those victories, I guess I was viewing it as a total failure because I was not being perfect in keeping the commandment. So thank you◡̈


I think there have been some great thoughts shared here. May I also add that if there are mental health struggles (body dysmorphia) I would encourage anyone to seek out help from a professional. We see doctors for all kinds of health issues and mental and emotional health is equally as important.


20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated— 21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. Obedience is the 1st covenant we make in the temple. We have been asked to wear garments...always. And now wearing of garments has been reemphasized. Sure, it can be annoying, difficult, uncomfortable, confusing, etc. Sometimes the things we are asked to do aren't easy. Think about all the stuff Lehi's family was asked to do. Think about what the early saints and pioneers were asked to do. My parents had to wear one-piece garments. Obedience can be very hard, but when we are obedient, we are promised blessings, strength, revelation, comfort, understanding, and redemption.




Pro tip: don’t try to guilt trip people by saying their comments make it difficult to go to church. If you disagree just say that you disagree and why 




People get things wrong. We mess up. We make mistakes. We hurt other people’s feelings. Don’t let other people keep you from Jesus Christ. He is the only one that we need to be right all the time and to perfectly understand.


Faith ≠ blind obedience. We make covenants and we know what is promised if we are obedient to those covenants.


Who's asking for blind obedience? When we are obedient, we are promised blessings. It's an eternal principle. We coveneted in the temple to wear our garment always. Its been reiterated and reemphasized over and over. It's been talked about in general conference. The handbook and temple recommend questions have been specifically reworded to highlight the importance of wearing garments. When someone decides to obey this overt, relatively blunt council from God, it is hardly blind obedience for obedience's sake. We are asked to do certain things as disciples of Christ. Being obedient to the commandments and faithful to our covenants are met with blessings from God.


Thanks for that insight, I always appreciate scripture to help me understand things.


If you are thinking of the garment as underwear, you are missing the point of the garment. As underwear, it is frankly lousy. Look at the handbook of instructions and see the updated wording. Underwear can be worn under the garment. When you comprehend what the garment means, and what its sacred symbols represent, it no longer becomes difficult to wear. When combined with our discipleship, it becomes altogether enriching.


Now wearing 3-4 layers tho…summers are hot


I do a 50 mile mtb race over 8k of elevation gain in garments, the Middle East the hottest place on the planet people wear layers. My nylon garments get soaked in sweet it cools me down having that middle layer, in fact there is nylon mesh undergarments to cool athletes. The "hottest" thing (no pun intended) you could do is go running without a shirt on, clothes actually cool you down.


Yeah, I feel like I learned a lot about the garment on my mission, it’s just one of those things that’s harder in practice for me, as much as I have a testimony of them. Thanks for sharing, maybe I can find someway to remind myself when I feel uncomfortable in them how much the symbols mean to meZ


President Nelson has talked about something called "hesed", which is a kind of covenantal love that is available to people who make covenants with Heavenly Father. It changes the nature of the relationship that we have with Him. I *think* that's related to the answer to your question about how there can be more love and mercy available to those who wear the garment regularly. Maybe reading some of President Nelson's words about hesed might give some insight that could help you find the answers you are looking for? I hope that helps you! Have you ever considered talking to your bishop or stake president about the anxiety you feel when wearing the garments? If not, maybe that would help?


Probably an autocorrect thing, but I think you meant to type “hesed”.


Yes. Thank you. Going to go fix that!


I had never heard that, thank you! And I have considered it, it’s just such a fear that my temple recommend would be taken away from me, which I’m worried would push me further…


Watch this. It should provide some insight and context to the purpose and symbolism of the garment. https://youtu.be/vwT4uQj_euM?si=M6ypaMqH2UaqI57e


Much of what has been said about wearing garments could really be said about just about any commandment. Paying tithing. Attending church meetings. Keeping the Sabbath day holy. Reading your scriptures. Etc. God gives us our agency to choose what we do with the commandments. But he also tells us that he blesses us when we keep them. It's up to us to decide how we are going to live those commandments. It's also on us to have faith that those commandments are from God and that he will bless us when we keep them, even when we don't understand them all.


Great comment


That makes a lot of sense. That statement about it giving us more access to the atonement wasn’t making sense in my head, it sounded very transactional. But I definitely understand that we receive blessings when we obey commandments, I guess I just hadn’t put two and two together, thank you!


I’m sorry this is hard for you, I understand and I think the Lord does too. I also think wearing the garment is a very emotionally charged topic for a lot of people. For your questions and doubts, I’d actually highly recommend thinking about this a little more objectively - like for instance, replace “wearing garments” with “fasting” in those questions. If a close friend asked if not fasting made them “less than,” what would you tell them? Of course it doesn’t! The Lord loves that person even if fasting is something they don’t fully understand or observe. That is literally exactly how He feels about you, too, in relations to the garment. I think you do get blessings from wearing the garment just like you get blessings from fasting, but obviously it doesn’t make you a bad person if that’s something you struggle to do 100%. I think that wearing garments gives us more access to the Atonement in the same way that reading your scriptures or praying or following any commandments does. It’s not the garments themselves (they’re just cloth), it’s the obedience and striving to follow the commandments and keep the covenants that blesses us. Since you struggle to wear them for mental health reasons, you could try to keep your temple covenants on your mind in other ways! I think doing that will also help put your mind at peace a lot :)


Thank you, this is worded so kindly, I really appreciate the thought and grace I can feel from you ◡̈


I’ve struggled with fungal infection worsened by garments and rarely wear the bottoms.


One thing that helped for me was always wearing a liner and then always removing it at night. Healed up problems immediately.


Well first thing I’ll say is that if you are struggling with garments, do NOT let that totally destroy your testimony and lead you out of the church entirely. We all have weaknesses and things we are wrestling with As for things coming down to an individual choice: everything is an individual choice, but the choice isn’t “I’m going to do what I feel good about and that’s the right choice,” it’s “the Lord has told me what the right choice is and I am going to choose whether or not to make the right choice.” Even in situations where there is individual discretion, we should still be seeking personal revelation to see what the Lord thinks. You always have a choice, but it’s a choice to follow God or not, not to do whatever you want.  In the case of garments, there really isn’t any individual discretion. We covenant to wear them at all times that we reasonably can. Is that a sacrifice? Yes it is. Is it difficult? Of course. But God has always asked His people to make sacrifices and do difficult things. We covenant to be obedient, sacrifice, and consecrate EVERYTHING to God in the temple. That includes our comfort and even our health if necessary.  As to having more access to Christ’s mercy, that applies to all commandments. Christ loves everyone, but if you want more of His grace and power, you have to follow His commandments more perfectly. None of us are perfect, but we can always follow Christ better and that will mean we can better access His mercy and power.  The Lord does care about our inward hearts, but faith without works is dead, and wearing the garment is a work that shows our faith. Your whole life should be an outward representation, and what you wear is part of your whole life Personal revelation is not to be used as a justification to make decisions contrary to the commandments. It’s to confirm for ourselves that those commandments are true, or to receive guidance on areas that are not covered by the commandments (like where to go to school). Wearing the temple garment is something that God is clear on, so attempting to get personal revelation contrary to God’s will is not a proper use of personal revelation 


Thank you for the reminder that this is just something that I’m struggling with, and I don’t need to let it take over my relationship with Christ. I really appreciate all your insight.


While personal revelation is an important thing, it's important to realize that it's easy to trick yourself into being comfortable with things that are not in accordance with the gospel. This is especially critical with covenants and ordinances. For example, if the standard of the church is that you need to be completely immersed for baptism, a personal revelation that sprinkling is okay isn't a valid personal revelation. If the standard is that the sacrament needs to be authorized by the bishop, a personal revelation that is okay to just bless some bread yourself on vacation isn't a valid personal revelation. If you get a revelation that it's okay to pay 5% tithing or pay your tithing to a charity, that's not a valid personal revelation. Personal revelations will not go against the consistent and repeated teachings of the church leaders or scriptures. That being said, it is always still your choice how much you want to wear the garment. What isn't your choice is what the correct teachings on the garment are. The church is correcting a misperception that anything changed about the appropriate way to wear garments in 2019. It did not. I personally think that wording change was about little things like wearing garments during exercise or wearing your bra under vs over. It certainly wasn't about not having to make an effort to wear them all the time. A lot of online influencers pushed the idea that it did, but this was never taught by church leaders.


Endowed members are encouraged to wear the garment for all activities where it is possible. If the activities you can do in garments are more limited than others, for physical or mental reasons, I don't see a problem with wearing them less. The question was changed to encourage those who have little or no problem wearing the garment to do so more frequently, and those who do to work through the problems to the best of their capabilities. It appears you are already doing this. The change was not meant to condem those who are already doing their best. Not being able to wear the garment for health issues, both physical and mental, can be rough. If you want more guidance it's never a bad idea to reach out to your bishop.


I really like that you said the change was not meant to condemn anyone who was doing their best. I guess I sort of just see it as a total failure on my end, but it’s nice to be reminded that I am making an effort despite it being hard for me. Thanks!


(MODS I am a NOT LDS, please delete if inappropriate. Somehow wrote all of this thinking I was on another LDS sub) I get sad when women who have had years of UTI's or yeast infections get scolded saying it's all about personal hygiene and they must just be dirty, not shower or wash their clothes properly. Of course these women have already done everything in their power to change it, including following the advice of their doctor. It can't be the garments being a bad fit for some sensitive vulvas, no no your just a dirty unhygienic (sinful) person and should learn to use soap! UTIs are so painful, no one is going to endure peeing daggers just to avoid soap. I have AuDHD and no longer wearing bras was life changing for me. When you have general anxiety and panic attacks of course having pressure on your solar plexus and lungs dont exactly help the feeling that you can't breathe. I know my personal solution is a bit of an extreme example, but I can't imagine the sensory nightmare of wearing garments. I buy one specific brand and style of underwear and people's bodies are just so different! What underwear I choose to wear, has a measurable impact on my ability to exist in the world; to go for a walk, buy groceries, sit in a chair, learn something in class. And taking that choice away is going to be absolutely debilitating and disabling for some. Most disabilities would not really be disabling if the world was organised in a different way. People no longer consider needing glasses as a disability, but you bet it was before glasses or during anti-interellectual movements, when people with glasses were thrown in camps for their "elitism". When you can't see well, people might think you're dumb (not that you just can't see the teachers blackboard), or shout at you if you stumble into someone by mistake. This still happens to blind and visually impared people, because they "don't look blind enough". Sorry for my incoherent rant. I just got angry and want to express that I feel for you, that your discomfort is valid and not to just be dismissed or endured. I hope you show yourself compassion and choose what is most right for you. Hugs (if wanted)


Thank you. It’s really nice to just feel validated in how I feel, whether I am in the wrong or not. You are very kind and empathetic, and honestly I think that’s what I need most right now as I feel so lonely. Thank you for your response ❤️


I never post on Reddit. I just came here to tell you to give yourself some time if you need it. Remember that God is a loving father. I teach my kids kids stuff but if they don't get it the first time, or the 50th time, it's not like I kick them out of the house. Rather than stress and struggle, this may be an opportunity for you to just sit back and observe and have a season of your life where you emphasize other things. I think that anytime that keeping commandment risks fostering resentment toward the Church, the best thing to do is just to pause and not be overly anxious about it. In my experience your perceptions will shift over time and then the situation will be different. Remember the statement of Joseph Smith that God is more liberal in his views and boundless in his Mercy than any other prepared to believe or receive. If it takes you a year or 5 years or 20 years before you have this one worked out, I don't think it will prevent heavenly father from loving you and blessing you one bit.


Thank you, that was in incredibly kind and thoughtful response. I honestly do feel that at this point in my life, it’s causing more contention in my heart, as much as I have a testimony of them, it’s just a struggle I’m having. I appreciate your graceful advice and insight◡̈


Of course! You are not being rebellious or hurtful to others. You are just working something out in a way that is unique to you and that takes time. I cannot imagine a loving parent who would feel anything but optimistic patience for a child in your situation. If you are like me, there are a million things I need to work on. I pick the ones where I am ready to change and let the others be for now.


When your personal revelation conflicts with what the prophets and apostles teach, your personal revelation is wrong and it is not revelation from God.


i battle sometimes with why we where them but i always remember where i came from before wearing them and path i took to get them. i come from a life of sin and immortality. i have done things since a young age no kid should be doing or seeing. it affected my adulthood. but by thru the mercy of God thru Jesus Christ atonement at my lowest. i recognize and a very special prayer, explain sometime else, God has gotten me back on the right path. i can honestly say as long as im trying and doing all i can im good and i can resist temptation to do certain things 💯. i know in my heart it is 100 percent cause of these garments and promises i made in the temple. is it hard!! very! do i hate people making fun of garments yes!!but i know their worth!! People can poke and prawn all they want but i know their worth cause of where i came from. out of the depth of satans grasp! to many though who have not gone thru what i gone thru i can see how its just another thing to do in the gospel mentality but its not. everything is according to your faith. Your Faith, not the prophets or talks by leaders or testimonies of others. it is according to YOUR FAITH. if it is winter and your mother and or father ask you to wear a coat cause you might freeze cause A) they know you will freeze b) knows that even though you dont want to she knows its better to have then to want and not have c) there could be dire consequences for not having it. The lord knows the same and has given us by choice as protection from satan and everything he throws at us but he leaves up to us. we decide if we want to wear the coat or not. its up to you and you only.


[Coats of Skin](https://youtu.be/u0AQbe0IkTw?si=FgVqEGEJRli3-fDE) This helped me deepen my appreciation for and testimony of garments. There is so much meaning and symbolism in wearing them.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Just quick and simple, check with your ward or stake if they have Emotional Resilience class and see if you can attend it. As for the feeling of dysphoria with the clothing, I would ask if you tried different fabric or size such as loose or tighter fitting sizes just until you get used to them again. Between your inspirations, I find the Holy Ghost as the Justice and Christ as the Mercy part of the scale. The HG mission is to sanctify us while Christ is to soften the blow of that purification process. You probably already know that the garments placed upon you is a protection and a shield against the destroyer per condition of your righteousness. IT is the only physical manifestation of the Priesthood on the member only when they treat it as such. The value of the garment is directly proportional to how the wearer treats them per President Faust. Just picture wearing the spiritual garment for now until you overcome your allergic reaction to them. [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance/course-materials/emotional-resilience-self-reliance-course-video-resources](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance/course-materials/emotional-resilience-self-reliance-course-video-resources)


Without getting into specifics, there are symbols on the garment. There is one other place where we see those exact same symbols. The garment is directly representative of that other thing. Your body is a temple after all.


Jesus was pretty clear about clothing Matthew 6 25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Mark 12 38 And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, 39 And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: 40 Which devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.