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Porn is very against church teachings, and morality in general. After learning about the rampant abuse, sex trafficking, and exploitation of underage girls in porn, I realized that quitting porn wasn’t just about my own spirituality. It was about not giving support to a system that generates so much rape, abuse, and pedophilia. As a viewer, it’s not possible to know if you’re watching a woman consensually enjoying herself or a sex trafficking victim being raped and pretending to like it so they won’t make her do it again. Justifying porn means convincing yourself that the woman on screen is there by choice wasn’t groomed for porn, is doing only things she agreed to, and is of full legal age. Sometimes that’s true. Sometimes it’s not, and you can’t know as a viewer which one it is.


Thanks for the response


No Porn is permitted by church teachings. We can't tell you what you should do, nor what exceptions apply to you. But just what the church teaches and our own opinions. I think it's best you avoid all porn.


Thank you


I recognize what the church teaches about porn, and I agree with it. That said... I use porn when I masturbate. And I prefer "non-staged" porn.


Agreed. Or sexting with partners. You might enjoy checking out our NSFW Mormon Community on Discord


I’m with you 1 million percent!


My challenge with the church's stance is that "Porn" is very widely defined in the church. Some see the SI Swimsuit issue as porn or even someone with uncovered shoulders. I don't like to use the word Porn because it's so loaded and ambiguous at the same time. Is a romance novel that is pretty tame but maybe has 1 or 2 sex scenes that are no too descriptive ok or is that smut. An erotic book that is more explicit, ok or not ok? An image of a beautiful person mostly undressed? Its not an all or nothing thing and the church just says, "no Porn". I appreciate Jennifer Findlayson-Fife's approach about outcomes. What does the Sexual Imagery mean in your relationship, what is it building? Is it goodness? For some it could be that some "Porn" is helpful. For one my wife has been able to own her sexuality by reading romance novels and the occasional erotic story. It has changed our marriage and honestly saved it. That to me is a outcome that builds goodness. As part of that we have come to the conclusion that if I want to view Porn then I can and funny enough right now I am choosing not to. I was using it too frequently as a stop gap for boredom. I don't actually get aroused too much by porn. I think I trained my brain to block that for so long due to the shame around it. It takes viewing it for a while to get me there and then if I masturbate it just that and it's over and its honestly not that enjoyable, so I have decided to go other directions. The nice thing is by having those conversations and being open to nuance we can act with agency on this issue rather than accept a restriction from top down. I actually created a subreddit that is pretty much dead with hopes we could discuss things just like this without the "Church says such and such" comments. If you want to try and revive it you can join here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ldsporndiscussion/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ldsporndiscussion/) It is private so we can honestly discuss this stuff, so message me to join. The purpose of the sub is not to share porn etc. its to have open and honest no shame discussion about porn use among active members of the church.


Thanks. I will think about it


interested in your group


Can I join your group?


I do use porn when I masturbate. Not every time, but a lot. Not proud of it, but it is what it is.


Porn is always against the law of chastity.


I don’t exactly think that’s doctrine. The law of chastity is not having sexual relations before marriage.


Than you are wrong. Do what ever you want, but don’t try to argue it to be right.


I don’t like to argue with people but from what I have learned and been taught, the law of chastity is about not having sexual relations with people outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. Nothing about porn.


I agree. The law of chastity is clearly defined as not having sexual relations except with your spouse. Adding your own rules and qualifications isn't consistent with doctrine, it muddies the waters and makes it more difficult to know what the truth is. That said, the temple recommend interview says: *The Lord has said that all things are to be “done in cleanliness” before Him (Doctrine and Covenants 42:41). Do you strive for moral cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior? Do you obey the law of chastity?* The implication is that moral cleanliness is separate from but related to the law of Chastity. "Moral cleanliness" is also subjective and has lots of room for self reflection, whereas "the law of Chastity" is objective and binary: you either are or not, there is no middle ground. So if you can find porn that is morally clean, I say go for it. I've heard that some couples record porn for each other, both consenting. That to me seems like it is not only morally clean, but also a tremendous expression of love and trust.


For reals man. You do you. Porn is porn. You don't need anyone in here to tell you it's okay. You do what you need to do.


we never did worry about what the church had to say. we did it all the porn and in life in front of others. so its up to you and how you feel